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Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:26 pm
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Quincy Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Giselle Gewelle
» Titles: Sternritter
» Age: 1850
» Gender: Female-presenting

» Affiliation/Rank: Vandenreich

» Physical Appearance Description:

Giselle Gewelle is a woman of average height standing at a rather demure 5’8”. She has dark red eyes and long eyelashes, often taking it upon herself to apply eyeliner and making little Egyptian-style wings to the sides of her eyes, though this varies depending on the occasion. Her hair is long and black, extending several inches down past her mid back and down into her lower black. Her hair is smooth, glossy, and thick with her style generally involving styling two locks of hair into thin antennae off the top of her head, though as of late her hair has gotten a bit more wild than how she usually kept it perfectly straight and doll-like.

Giselle is on the thin side, but still has noticeable curves, having abandoned her slim doll-like frame in order to allow herself to fill herself out, though as a result she is aggressively less androgynous. Her skin is slightly pale and it isn’t surprising that one might not consider her an outdoorsy kind of girl. All the same, her skin is soft, flawless and without a single scar despite how long she has been alive.

Giselle can often be seen with a sort of bright, smiling joyous glow about her. She often draws a lot of attention to herself between her bright mannerism and quirky looks. She has grown to wear more open outfits as of late and even her uniform tends not to be as conservative as she once wore it.

Giselle Gewelle [2-5] PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:

In general Giselle is a bright and almost giddy woman. Seeming to take very few things seriously she is often smiling even when nervous or caught off guard, maintaining a visage of calm enjoyment regardless of her situation. Often enough, she acts like a bit of a smartass, making it a point to insult and even outright bully her allies though she has a tendency to bully those she likes more often than others.

Contrary to her fighting style, Giselle does not consider herself to be a sadist and more often than not considers herself a pacifist. Outside of supporting her allies, she rarely makes an attempt to initiate combat and will allow others to injure her, mainly to allow her to activate her ability. Because of how her ability works, she considers herself a non-aggressor as those who take the initiative to attack her have earned the fate they seal. This however was tested considerably during World War 3 and 4, causing her to have to deviate from this dogma as she found that her leaning into this fighting style caused a stunt in her growth, causing these tendencies to dull slightly.

While she is entirely capable of operating as a loner, Giselle actually thrives the most when she operates in groups and even as she came to see herself as completely separate from other Quincy, she found herself missing those days when she worked alongside her fellow Sternritters.

III. Character History

» History

Giselle was born as a Quincy, one of the very few that inherited their powers through bloodline. Originally, Giselle had been stillborn, a child who was too weak to exist on it’s own. Her parents were distraught and thus, she was taken to the Miracle Child, the child they called god: Yhwach. When her pitiful corpse was brought to him, her parents begging, she was brought back to life by Yhwach’s abnormal qualities.

Almost immediately, she was pampered and beloved. Adored by her parents that had lost her and gained their child once again. However, as Giselle began to grow up, the strangeness and fear began to settle in. With seemingly no fear of pain, Giselle would often act recklessly, and seemed to be incredibly accident prone. Hurting herself in her reckless childlike acts, but never once did these injuries persist. Her parents were overjoyed, believing that their child was given a blessing from god. But others felt differently. Fear and disgust began to fester and ultimately, Giselle’s parents were forced to move to a new village and hide her abilities.

Giselle found herself perplexed, unaware of why it was that the use of her powers always seemed to draw such fears. She herself reveled in them, often intentionally injuring herself so that she could carefully shape and mold herself back together in new ways, altering her own appearance along the way. She even began to learn how she could manipulate flesh and blood of others, looking around the surrounding wilderness for corpses. She found that by introducing her blood to these corpses, she could control them. And this was the final straw. When the Village leader’s son discovered her collection of enthralled animals, he was thrown into a panic.

Before long, the Village was on a hunt, and Giselle’s family was on the run. But they could not run forever, and before she knew it, they had been run down and killed. Her parents lay dying. On the spot, she instinctively used her blood. Before the village’s very eyes, she brought her Parents back, and they tore through the village, as Giselle’s fury overcame her.

And when it was finally over, she felt…empty. Her Parents had been turned into zombies…. and though they seemed to still be themselves something was…. off. For hours she tried to fix them, but it wasn’t the same. Even though they smiled, and held her, and told her that they loved her, they still weren’t themselves and for the first time in her life, she cursed her powers, drowning in misery and finding herself wishing that her parents had simply died. She led her parents to a well in the deepest parts of the wilderness and told them to stay there. Unable to defy her, they simply smiled and sat quietly as Giselle turned her back on them, leaving them behind as she set off on her own.

It wasn’t long before the wandering Zombie’s abilities came to draw the attention of Ywach once he began to gather his army to attack the Soul Society. A crusade against the soul reapers, who many considered to be cruel and uncaring for their plights. With nothing else to live for, she simply found herself joining the Ranks to find purpose. But when she did, she swore to herself that she wouldn’t allow herself to be victimized again, and as she joined the ranks as a Soldat and began to rapidly rise thanks to her immortality, or rather her ability to keep herself undead, she was soon added to the ranks of the Sternritter. And those fellow Soldat that fought beside her did not look upon her with fear and confusion, but with ENVY and amazement. Battles were won and prisoners could be taken even of the dead.

And yet, as she reveled in her new popularity, she could still see the traces of fear and stigmata. The unwillingness of some to let her use her blood to heal them. The way that many avoided touching her even despite playing nice. It was in this way that Giselle slowly began to realize that she was not human to them. She wasn’t quincy. She was a monster so far as they were concerned.

And so, little by little, she began to see those around her as less and less like people. They were not fellows or peers, or even the same species. She considered herself above them. And yet….she couldn’t help but seek their approval. She began to work in earnest at looking cute and presentable. She worked hard at trying to sharpen her wit and make something that people could adore.

But alas, when at long last the war began, it was not the blaze of Glory that she had imagined. Even as she rose her comrades up from the dead, the Shinigami never relented. And ultimately, when Radioactive and the Kenpachi were deployed, she found herself powerless. Every battle she was involved in, even as she managed to survive their horrible slaughter, those by her side were more of ten than not, the zombies whose bodies she could salvage, though even with her ability it was difficult to do so unless she caught them while they were still alive. And she found herself having to save her blood to keep herself alive, and one by one even her zombies began to fall as she wasn’t able to muster the resources to maintain them. Until at long last, she thought she had breathed her last. After a desperate fight, she was cut down by the Kenpachi, and seemingly her body went still for the last time.

Months passed and Giselle’s corpse simply mingled with the others. Her mind searched for a corpse to reform within, but the process itself took...longer than usual. All of the corpses she'd had with her in battle were gone, and so she found herself reforming not among her fellow vandenreich, but crawling out of the remnants of her zombified father, still stuck down that infernal well she'd left so long ago. Emerging from that well after having to claw her way out of it, as the structure itself had been outright buried over the years, it took her several more years to find her way back to civilization. And once she finally did: She was alone.

She found herself wandering the world, until finally she found what little remnants remained of her Race. With the attack from Ender, and World War Three, she laid witness to the world being tumultuously handed around and ransacked. Hollows, Demons, all manner of creature were set loose, and in the shadows she slowly did her work. Snatching up corpses, and the occasional combatant that decided to target her were doomed to become Zombies. Zombies that she would run into the ground. She couldn’t afford to keep too many zombies around, to keep under the radar for years. Waiting for an opportunity.

And ultimately….she did find one. A poor one….but an opportunity all the same. With the conclusion of World War Four, as she watched the Gotei drive Demons from lands they had held for so long, she was surprised to see the Quincy taking a stage for the first time in ages. In America, liberating it from Shadowfall rule. Almost instantly she realized that the Vandenreich she’d been brought up in was ….radically changed. For one the open conquest, and no less to call it liberation? Yhwach had always been somewhat romantic with how he phrased things, but it was very clearly a benevolent move by the Vandenreich. How much HAD changed?

But it was just about the only shot she had. Even as she went from place to place on her own, it was …..dull…meaningless. She had her moments of levity, of mania, of lording over those poor souls she’d snared, of even giving herself a semblance of the past by trying to replace the others. And yet…. annoyingly….it wasn’t the same. A notion that resonated…uncomfortably with those oldest of memories. Of her parents. Something she would not abide.

And so she made her way to America and hunted down the Vandenreich and found herself before Cyrus himself! But she wasn’t so stupid as to think that it was ANYTHING short of precaution, not recognition of any positive reputation. Despite her fervent hopes, Cyrus knew very well who she was, and of course the reputation she’d had. But she was patient. Working with Yhwach had taught her one thing: People were so very permissive so long as you found their comfort zones. And so Giselle leveled with the man. He knew her reputation and she knew that the Vandenreich wasn’t what she remembered. She asked him who she was allowed to use her powers on, and he obliged. No innocents. No allies. Nobody who didn’t earn or deserve the fate. Nobody she wasn’t pointed at, or was defending herself or her allies from.

She should have been annoyed. But in truth, she almost enjoyed the challenge ahead of her. Unlike simply ravaging her way through the countryside, this was a structure. It was a system she could work her way into. And in some ways she saw that very same megalomania that she’d seen in Yhwach all those years ago. Cyrus was not the kind of man, from where she stood, like any Quincy, he would find his goals were likely much more paved in blood than he probably would prefer. And that would only exacerbate as time went on.

If nothing else: Giselle was patient.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Medical Specialist - Thanks to her unique ability to study anatomy and the body over her many years as well as experimentation with healing and restoring it, Giselle has considerable knowledge of how the body works as well as how to mend as little as possible while still maintaining the target’s ability to function, even when that target is herself. As a result, she has surgical knowledge of the human body and it’s functions. However, in terms of pathology and actual illnesses she is utterly helpless as her ability precludes the necessity or even the ability to study such illnesses as they are generally overpowered or purged. The only exception to this is hollow Reiryoku.

Close Combat Specialist - Her preferred method of combat when her powers aren’t being utilized often in the form of sharp chops to vital points of the body. While she is CAPABLE of using her bow, the necessity for distance that most Quincy have when dealing with their primary targets is lost on Giselle as she is easily able to deal with damage from being injured in close combat exchanges, and while she is not immune, she is heavily resistant to hollow poisoning.

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Quincy Skills:

The Zombie:

A gift from Ywach when she had been born. This ability grants Giselle a powerful form of Blood-based necromancy, tying her continued existence on the presence of her own blood rather than the physiological condition of her body. As such, Giselle is not, in fact, the body that she walks around in, but the blood inhabiting her body to which her soul has been tethered. This ability allowed her to infect her own body and manipulate it, healing it as she wished and then using that body to produce more blood in order to restore herself. Because of this, Giselle and Zombies produced by her, have much more blood than usual and produce it in obscene amounts such that even small wounds will spray and spurt blood without stop.

Using this ability, Giselle can recover from any wound by converting herself (Blood) into flesh and other bodily materials, repairing the body to the extent that it can begin repairing itself. At Base this process instantly heals minor wounds and heals serious wounds over the course of a post, or deadly wounds over the course of three posts. Using a nearby corpse to speed up this process by having it donate flesh reduces these processes by 1 post, while having a zombie nearby reduces this duration by 2 posts by having the Zombie donate blood, rendering it Intert for 2 posts.

She can also infect the bodies of others by getting her blood on a target and then seeping into them. While this may seem like a sort of hypnosis or mind control, she is in fact invading their body and manipulating their body against their will as she causes damage and then restores the damaged tissue by tissue produced by her own blood, allowing her to take over their body.

For Significant NPCS, for Player Characters (Who consent to being controled), her blood actively begins killing the tissue where it lands and begins converting it into her own by regenerating where it causes damage. This process works in layers by killing layers of cells and then replacing them. Each post, her blood works its way through their body taking control of them. For Fodder tier NPCs, this happens instantly.

Skin->->Flesh->Muscle->Bone->Nervous System.

This however is isolated to portions of the body that have made contact with her blood as she spreads like an infection through the target’s body and thus amputation of the area will save the target. If a Character does not consent, then this process simply melts them down layer by layer rather than taking over.

Quincy, even NPCS, cannot be converted wile they are still alive. Hollows and Arrancar will regain control of their body after 3 posts of being a Zombie. This duration is reduced by 1 each concurrent time that they are converted to a zombie, with a minimum of 1 post.

Targets with Durability superior to her Reishi Absorption skill will cause the acid to take 1 post longer per level above her Absorption. Master/Grandmaster are immune to the effect unless Giselle matches their Skill.

When Giselle’s primary body is destroyed, she is able to persist by congealing her blood that she has stored in her zombies to either bring herself back to life, or to simply slowly take over whichever Zombie has more of her blood in them, until eventually they are remodeled into a new version of her or she forms inside them and emerges from their body (This process takes 10 posts). Because of this, she has arguably attained immortality so long as her zombies still exist.

Z - The Zombie: Death Without Fear

In addition to allowing Giselle to reform herself from blood or Zombies after being erased, Giselle similarly has the power to reform those that have been Zombified or killed while in contact with her blood as their existence becomes tethered to her blood just as her own is. By collecting a significant amount of blood, or by using the blood inside an existing zombie: Giselle can reform one of her Zombies over the course of 10 posts, resulting in them being completely restored. This process, however, can be sped up at the cost of quality. She can bring back a Zombie with all skills reduced by 1 rank and Tier reduced by 2 levels (1-3 becomes 1-5) over the course of 6 posts. She can bring back a Zombie with skills reduced by 2 ranks and Tier reduced by 5 levels (1-3 becomes 2-3) over the course of 3 post. This can be performed 2 times per thread (3 at tier 1).

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Mawtael

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: When Giselle isn't using a simple Spirit bow, her unique weapoin takes the form of two Katars, though rather than these weapons being formed consisting of normal Reishi, these weapons are formed from a brilliant red spirit energy infused with her schrift.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities:

Blut Schinden (Blood Flay)

When utilizing these weapons, stray sprays of liquid reishi are constantly produced when slashing or stabbing, causing spurts of reishi that can travel up to 20 meters beyond the attack itself. Reishi produced from these weapons has a unique property similar to Seele Schneider in that as the fluid makes contact with spiritual constructs, it slowly begins to loosen and convert that spiritual material into blood, causing it to chew through spiritual defenses over time. Materials of inferior Skill level (Whatever relevant spiritual skill is associated with the ability) to her Reishi Absorbtion are eaten through rapidly at a rate of 20 meters per post. Materials of Equal Skill are corroded and converted at a rate of 5 meters per post. And Materials of superior Skill are only converted at a rate of 1 meter per post.

VIII. Quincy: Vollständig

» Vollständig Name: Dumael ( Silence of God)

» Vollständig Appearance: In Volstanding, Giselle grows large Wings made from bones from her shoulderblades as well as a thin ring halo above her head ,though the Halo itself is somewhat jagged and even seemingly broken while Giselle's pupils split into pairs.

» Vollständig Abilities:

The Zombie - Frenzy
While in Vollstanding, Giselle’s blood works at twice it’s normal rate in both healing and offensive capabilities.

The Zombie - Blood Path
While in Vollstandig, Giselle's blood can serve as an alternative to Reishi when moving around, allowing her to use the fluid to execute hirenkyaku along any path her blood has been spilled with a GREATLY increased speed, though of course destinations using this method are more limited and require her to be within 1 meter of the blood trail to utilize.

The Zombie - Command Over Flesh
While in this released state, Giselle's control over her zombies increases dramatically. Giselle gains the ability to freely manipulate the flesh of her zombies, even capable of breaking them down and using their bodies to repair herself or allies without the direct use of her own blood.

Vollstandig - Dunkler Himmel (Complete Form - Dark Heaven)

This ability converts the reishi of Giselle's vollstandig into blood concentrated to such a degree that it turns black. In addition to her normal vollstandig appearance, blood collects along her body like a dark cloak. This dark veil is entirely separate from her normal Red Blood in that it is unable to carry the Zombification properties that her normal blood has.

Dunkler Himmel - Abgrund (Dark Heaven - Abyss)

The black blood dripping from Giselle's wings in this state promptly swells as it hits the ground on command, expanding rapidly into a flowing pool on the ground. This pool of blood expands at a rate of up to 10 meters from the origin point every post, and rises up to 3 meters in depth at the very center, tapering toward the edges as it expands and deepens. This growth relies on dragging in reishi from the surrounding area and converting it into massive amounts of condensed blood and as such this expansion rate is doubled in spiritually dense realms/areas. Giselle has control over this pool and can shape it into any manner of weapons or limbs as needed as an extension of herself. Black Blood, and the weapons created from it cannot Zombify Targets by itself.

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Advanced
  • Reishi Absorption: Elite
  • Spirit Weapon: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

IX. Roleplay Sample

» Roleplay Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:55 pm; edited 10 times in total
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

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Platinum Points:
Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:49 pm
You keep spelling Yhwach wrong. There is definetly an "h" after that "y".

She could not have been exposed to Hollow reiryaku multiple times, it would have killed her the first time. Being naturally hollow resistant as a Quincy isn't physically possible.

History contradicts powers.

Spirit weapon: If it isn't Reishi, it isn't a spirit weapon.

-Blut: Beginner. It really isn't mentioned at all in the app, and considering other skills you're asking for this is going to be Beginner.
-Durability: Hard time beleiving a walking corpse would have advanced durability.
-Quincy Spellcraft: Adpet, maybe even Beginner. You do know that Volstandig scales off of Spellcraft right? You barely have an ability under Vollstandig.
-Reishi Absorption: Why is this elite. Nothing in this app warrants an Elite. I'll give it Advanced for the sake of the Blood but besides that, no.

Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Sumera-character-list
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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:22 pm
Spelling Fixed.

Hollow Resistance removed.

History Fixed

Spirit weapon made spirit-y

Skills shifted as requested!
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:33 pm

Deducting 1k for Slot. You were warned.

Tier: 3-5

Power: D
Resource: E
Influence: E
Overall: D

Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Sumera-character-list
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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:38 pm
Spookyburst 2021

Reishi Absorption: Advanced->Elite
Quincy Spellcraft: Adept-> Advanced
Blut: Beginner-> Adept
Tier: 3-5->3-1
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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:23 pm

Age: 850-> 1850

Z - The Zombie: Death Without Fear Added

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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:27 am

Tier: 3-1 -> 2-5

New Vollstandig
New Vol Abilities: Blood Path, Command Over Flesh, Dunkler Himmel, Dunkler Himmel - Abgrund
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Giselle Gewelle [2-5] Empty Re: Giselle Gewelle [2-5]

Mon May 02, 2022 3:04 pm
FC Adjustment and appearance update
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Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:56 pm

Character Power update
Death Without Fear changed
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