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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:25 am

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Mod Soul Profile

I. Basic Information

⚋ Name: Khaana Sar
⚋ Alias': Khasa
⚋ Age: 664
⚋ Birthday: July 17th
⚋ Gender: -
⚋ Race: Modified Soul

⚋ Affiliation: None

⚋ Marital Status: Single
⚋Nationality: Japanese-Mongolian
⚋ Religious Standing: -
⚋ Sexual Orientation: -

⚋ Height: 5'3"
⚋ Weight: 118 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Red
⚋ Eye Colour: Ice-Blue

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar SIDEAV_sample_08da2066940bb2c5d49fb4d97a1dbd24

» Physical Appearance Description:

Her physical form of choice is a slim young woman: The etching of her original body and psyche into her subconscious such that regardless of the body that she finds herself in she will always naturally take on this form. Eyes will be a piercing bright blue, though at times not both of the eyes will entirely form, resulting in the need for an eyepatch or other covering. This form has pale pink skin and a fair complexion save for the sections of her form which do not fully resonate with her original form, as such there is often some impurities: A missing eye, a mismatched pair of color in the irises, and other physical traits that remain residual from the form being transitioned from.

Ideally, she takes on the form of a young woman around 18 or 19 in appearance. She generally is very short and even when shifting from an incredibly tall appearance it is rare for her to settle on a height taller than 5'8". While she originally had jet-black hair, she turned her hair red as a result of a tier 3 donation on her stream. She has since grown fond of the color and decided to keep it.

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Khaana is what many would call: quirky. Basing much of her personality around data that was stored in her captor's laboratory computers, she has based her entire personality around various anime tropes as this was the primary media that she was able to access with her level of clearance. Particularly she took a lot of inspiration romance anime in which the female protagonists have strong independent personalities which attract soft, quietspoken males to help bring them down to earth.

Because of this, Khaana is very loud and outspoken, as well as having a tsundere streak which she believes to be an attractive trait based on the anime she's seen. Because of this it is usually a tossup as to whether she is openly declaring her feelings or doggedly guarding them if she deems the subject to be embarrassing at the time which seems to be determined on a whim.

Interestingly, despite her attempts to be a grumpy tsundere romance protagonist, she is actually an incredible optimist after having survived her own grueling backstory and believes that by the logic of anime the only way her life can progress is onwards and upwards. This is only encouraged by her budding career as a streamer, which has produced a surprising amount of revenue.

» Likes: Anime, Romance, Protagonist types, Being Complimented.

» Dislikes: Protagonist types, Being Complimented, Scientists.

I. Character History

» History

Khaana Sar was born in eastern Russia around the 1700s. She was born of Mongolian and Japanese parents and raised in Russia, her Father being a Japanese physician and her mother being a poor Farmer whom had fallen ill during a visit to japan. Because of the harsh isolationism at the time, her mother Khudlaa was greatly detested by the locals and even struggled to find a doctor who would see her. Her father, Ichiyan Awakakyo, took pity on the foreigner and against the wishes of his peers, saw her in secret to help treat her illness.

The two rapidly fell in love and ran away to Russia in order to escape the close-mindedness of their families. They were young, and incredibly stupid, as is the way with young people in love. For several years they lived a tough, simple, but happy life together up until the year 1805. Several years after the eradication of the Quincy, soul society was ramping down after it's genocide of the Quincy race, but not all members were ready to quietly return to peaceful lives. One Shinigami by the name Koitsuya: a shinigami scientist at the time, abandoned his post and ran away to the world of the living.

Determined that the quincy threat would not only return, but spell the end of Soul Society: Koitsuya decided to continue his research into creating a weapon for Soul Society that would be capable of eradicating the quincy and stomping out any future rebellions they might pose. His primary concern being with the Quincy's ability to obliterate souls and thus sought a way to create a weapon which would be able to avoid having it's soul obliterated even if mortally wounded by a quincy. As such he began to perform experiments on human souls in order to determine just how much of a soul could be shorn away without the mind and purpose of that soul losing it's integrity. And it so happened that Khaana's family crossed the path of Koitsuya during these experiments.

Luckily for Khaana and her family, Koitsuya was a considerable stride into his experimentation and was well past the point of simply ripping souls off by bits until they could no longer retain their ego and form. At this stage Koitsuya had begun to delve into work with hollowfied souls, since hollows become souls that can best be described as a conglomerate, he felt that these souls would be more readily separated into pieces without compromising the integrity of the pieces too severely. Ichiyan was the first to be taken in for experimentation. Khaana's father was forcibly separated from his human body and allowed to hollowfy, whereupon he was fed the souls of humans and other hollows for several months until his soul was pulled into three separate portions. One of the portions simply withered away into nothing and the two other halves survived for three weeks before finally simply dying off on their own.

Khaana's mother Khudlaa met a similar fate though in this instance she was fed the dead remnants of her husband's preserved soul as well, and once she was separated into three pieces her soul fragments were modified slightly into capsule form in such a way similar to soul candy in an attempt to stabilize them. This experiment was significantly more successful, however ultimately the shards of Khudlaa's soul were warped and incapable of properly retaining a stable consciousness and simply began to go rampant when placed inside of Gigai.

Finally it came to be Khaana's turn. Koitsuya had learned through his experimentation that while Hollow souls were more liable to survive the separation process that they still needed to be molded into a proper form in order to keep them from simply falling apart after separation. Secondly, he determined that simply separating the soul and the consciousness all at once would not be an adequate means of maintaining the cognizance of the separated pieces.

Thus for the final experiment, prior to anything being done to Khaana's soul itself, Koitsuya decided to analyze Khaana's soul and personality, generating Artificial programming which more or less covered most aspects of her personality and soul composition using a template that was originally intended for soul candy. This template was then used to produce Eight copies of Khaana. Once preparations were complete his final experiment was to take place.

Khaana was introduced in a holding cell adjacent to the rampant remnants that were her hollowfied mother and she was separated from her own body and her chain of fate severed. Reduced to sobbing and edging to the very opposite side of her enclosure to put as much distance between herself and the savage copies of her mother, desperately trying to reach through the bars to devour her daughter, this emotional duress rapidly sped up her hollowfication process and before long Khaana's soul underwent hollowfication. It was at this point that Koitsuya separated the two from one another long enough for him to tranquilize the shattered egos of Khudlaa before finally introducing Khaana into the enclosure. Too sedated to fight back, Khaana ravenously devoured the fragments of her mother as well as several other humans and hollows that were introduced into her cage.

Mindless as any newborn hollow, Khaana grew rapidly from the number of souls being used to fuel her development, until finally she reached the first stage of hollow evolution. Evolving into a Menos, the newborn Gillian almost destroyed Koitsuya's lab before her growth was slowed to almost a complete halt. This was the final piece to the puzzle. As a gillian, Koitsuya determined that this was then Khaana's soul would be MOST unconsolidated more a hodgepodge of souls and conglomerate consciousnesses than a true proper singular being.

It was then that her massive body was ripped apart and her soul separated into Nine even pieces molded into spherical soul candy capsules to keep them from falling to pieces. And then, finally: The original personality scan as well as the Eight copies were then etched into each capsule, intent to override the countless souls and minds within Khaana's separated bodies in order to form a unified gestalt.

The experiment seemed to be a success. Each piece accepted this personality readily whose remnants dwelled within the separated fragments and the capsulification of the souls kept them from degrading or breaking down after separation. However, Koitsuya had surmised that perhaps using normal Gigai had been the folly in his original experiment. As such, Koitsuya prepared beforehand by taking genetic material from Khaana and cloning her. Not only providing Nine comatose bodies for her souls to inhabit, but also using one of the clones as source material for the capsule programming. This, he hoped, would imprint not only the mind of Khaana to the separated fragments, but would also supply each fragment with an inscribed set of instructions to modify any body that they would inhabit to match Khaana's original form and avoid the possibility that her shattered psyche would reject a body that did not match what the programmed personality properly 'remembered'. A special suit was even developed with the intention of allowing all 9 Khaana to synchronize their consciousness and sensory input, as well as other combat functions to assist in operating as Quincy Killers.

This, however, would result in a catastrophic failure. Rather than synchronizing with one another, each fragment of Khaana reacted to the others with nothing but sheer disgust and hatred and immediately set upon one another after breaching containment. In the mad scrabble that occurred afterward, Koitsuya was fatally injured and the Khaana devoured eachother, leaving only one behind in the ruins of what had once been the shinigami's lab, seemingly trapped for all eternity thanks to the Lab locking itself down. For several hundred years, Khaana roamed the lab, hunting and eating the other subjects that had been released and propagated within its confines. Her only comfort was browsing the files stored within Koitsuya's computers.

It would not be until the very end of World War Four that the lab would be discovered by Ainsler Geshtlut, an arrancar shadowfall remnant. He, and several other shadowfall remnants had unearthed the lab in hopes of finding something useful for their ends. However, a disagreement broke out amongst the group while they were exploring the destroyed Laboratory and in the confusion, Khaana attacked and devoured Ainsler before escaping the lab.

Seeing the light of day for the first time in centuries, Khaana decided to try and live a normal life, the kind of life that her parents had so desperately attempted to gather for her. With her ...stinted knowledge of the modern world, Khaana set out with determination to find some semblance of a simple life in the new post-apocalyptic realm of the living. Interestingly enough, she was quickly able to start making a living as a Streamer. Her childish, anime-focused personality and willingness to do any number of tasks at the behest of her viewers resulted in a skyrocket of popularity over the past year, resulting in a considerable amount of wealth and a positive hope for her future.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Monkhunter PlugArmor:

An Experimental armored plugsuit developed by Koitsuya in order to synch a small squad of subjects for the purpose of slaying quincy. While the synchronization function remains redundant thanks to the failure of the experiment, the suit still retains functional combat capabilities.

>Reishi Scattering: Developed after researching Senrei Gloves used by quincy themselves, this suit forcibly scatteres reishi in a 10 meter radius around it, significantly altering one's ability to manipulate it in such a way that attempting to form objects or manipulate reishi within this zone weakens whatever is constructed within it's space. Reishi constructs generated whie within this space are weaker and more frail as if the one generating it's relevant skill was 1 level lower.

>Reishi Vents: A fan-operated vent along the spine of the suit sucks in reishi from the surrounding air and converts it into Reiryoku. This function was intended to serve as a means of supplying energy to the wearer continuously throughout battle, but was never really able to do so in any significant capacity. It DID however succeed in charging an on-board battery which could then fire concentrated beams of Reishi from the wrist ports. These beams of Reishi are the equivalent of an arrow fired by a Quincy with Adept Spirit Weapon skills.

Gamergirl Money and Influence:

While she is by no means rich, Khaana has procured a considerable amount of capital as an online streamer and gamer. As such, she is has amassed enough wealth and influence that she is capable of procuring just about any material or item that doesn't qualify as an ACTUAL high luxury item, placing her squarely just below being actually rich. This is the equivalent of having access to around 3 million yen in her pocket at any given time.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Mod Root The basis for all Mod Soul abilities and how Mod Souls Function. Designed originally to be placed into human corpses as expendable shock troopers, these roots are designed to be injected into a physical medium, at which point the mod soul will inject it's soul into the surrounding material and then possess and modify it into a proper body. This function was originally intended to allow the mod soul to occupy and utliize a corpse which on it's own would have no actual means of locomotion, let alone combat ability.

However, as an unintended byproduct, this ability allows Mod Souls not only to occupy physical bodies of living creatures, but also occupy physical vessels which have no actual means of motion or other function, and there are numerous examples of Mod Souls being placed into inanimate objects even as simple as a stuffed toy (primarily just cotton fibers) and being able to modify them into a fully functioning body, though these examples do often suffer inferior physical performance to human bodies. However, this is mainly due to most Mod Souls only being limited to their pre-programmed execution of this function, and with growth, practice, and learning about how this ability functions: a mod soul will be able to make any vessel perform well beyond it's normal limitations.

Because of this injection of spiritual energy, a Mod soul’s vessel is considered a halfway point between living and dead as it is comprised of both Physical and Spiritual material. Because of this, organs and other normally vital areas are mostly superfluous, a Mod Soul’s only vital point is their Pill.

Khaana is capable of freely manipulating her Physiology, but is incapable of significantly altering her physical appearance.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:

The Seraphim

Khaana's programmed Mod Soul Power designed for the purpose of extermination. This ability allows Khaana to inject variations of her own mod soul Coding into the environment allowing her to warp materials around her into enormous monstrosities with makeshift artificial souls.

» Abilities:

Seraph Creation:
Khaana's ability to produce Seraphim by injecting coding into her environment and molding it into a living creature. The ability itself sends a wave of darkness over a targeted area before the Seraphim emerges. These darkness zones vary in size based on Khaana's tier and deal corrosive damage to living things that make contact with them. While these zones can be very wide, they are not especially deep, generally just a meter or so deep and bend to physical force being exerted on them (Being blown/pushed away). Seraphim created by this ability last for 5 posts (Increased to 10 posts at Tier 1) before dissolving. Only 1 Seraphim can be active at a time.

These creatures have varying available size and intelligence options based on Khaana's Tier:
•5th Tier: Seraphim can be up to the height of a large human and have the intellect of wild animals outside of direct orders from Khaana.
•4th Tier: Seraphim can be up to 10 meters in height and have the intellect of small children. They require a decent amount of energy to create.
•3rd Tier: Seraphim can be up to 20 meters in height and have the intellect of a teenager. They require a sizeable amount of energy to create.
•2nd Tier: Seraphim can be up to 40 meters in height and have the intellect of a young adult. They require a large amount of energy to create.
•1st Tier: Seraphim can be up to 100 meters in height and have the intellect of a Doctor, but like a Dermatologist.

The stats of these Seraphs are equal to Khaana's Power Control skill -2, -1 once she reaches Elite. Starting at 3rd Tier, Strength will be equal to the Skill level and Speed will be -2 (-3 if below Elite).

Angelic Spears:

In addition to creating her monsters, Khaana is also capable of creating living weapons for them and herself to wield. These spears match the height and intellect of the one it was created for, thus allowing them to adjust their own trajectory when thrown and even attack those who might attempt to pick them up by protruding sharp spikes from their surface. These winged spears are also capable of firing bolts of reiryoku at the wielder's behest similar to bala equal to Khaana's Power Control in speed and strength. Each spear has the energy to fire 10 of these bolts before depleting their energy reserves and being reduced to ash (Normal attacks do not expend this energy). Up to 5 angelic spears can be produced per thread.

I. Origin Root

Origin Root Appearance: Activating Origin Root causes numerous changes in Khaana's body. First and foremost the extremities of whatever form she has taken promptly sharpen and the end points curve into claws. Additionally a large number of large white wings burst from her body, generally along the back though this can also just occur from random places in her body:giving her an incredibly unsettling appearance. Finally, her sclera blacken and her pupils take on a sharp, thin cross-shape. Additionally she grows in size and becomes more monstrous, her face transforming into a fleshy toothy maw with an elongation of all limbs . Lastly, her neck thickens and lengthens considerably. The resulting form follows Height restrictions outlined in Seraphim Creation based on her Tier.

Origin Root Abilities:

Release State
Origin root is a release state similar to an Arrancar's resurrection in which a portion of her soul is sealed away in the space where her eye once was. By releasing this state, Khaana undergoes this transformation and gains a significant 400% increase in power.

Seraphim Projection Field:
Khaana's reiryoku output is increased dramatically in Origin Root form to the point where her Reiryoku solidifies and creates an active field around her. This SP field allows her to harden the aura around her defensively in order to inhibit incoming attacks. The durability of this field scales with her Power control skill.

Not only can this powerful barrier stop incoming attacks, but can also expand explosively, pushing objects with such speed and force that it can crush the user's surroundings. The initial field can be projected up to 20 meters away from the user's body.

Alternatively Khaana can forcibly expand the barrier outward in a 15 meter radius or a 30 degree 25 meter arc centered on the user, violently shoving objects away with terrifying force. The offensive portion of this ability has a brief delay before expanding in which the field strengthens noticeably. Additionally, the offensive utilization of this technique can be used at most 4 times per thread.

Seraphim Wings:
The wings generated by this transformation are fully Functional and very powerful. Not only are they incredibly strong and durable similar to a spiritual weapon, but their razor sharp feathers can slice through objects like blades. When flying with these wings, Khaana can move at full speed as if she were moving along the ground when flying about, and can even perform powerful bursting flaps of her wings which allow her to move around at speeds similar to a Shunpo/sonido at her Power Control level in short bursts without the need of a solid surface to brace herself off. These wings are incredibly hard similar to a spiritual weapon scaling off Power Control and can be used as both weapons and protection.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Adept

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Power Control: Elite
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept
  • Mediumship: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Fri May 26, 2023 8:43 pm; edited 12 times in total
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:31 am
[mod]Before I can really get into the meat and potatoes of grading this, these custom skills she has are part of your proposed Mod Soul race that is still unfinished. That will need to be finalised and approved before this app can progress if that's the route you want to take, or you can convert to the full high-spec human sheet.[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:03 pm

Mod Root

At higher levels of expertise, a Mod Soul does not even need an actual physical vessel, and can simply make one by overriding the base function and treating it's immediate surroundings as a 'vessel' and simply remodel it into a working functioning vessel.

What defines a 'higher level of expertise'?

Seraph Creation:

Why do the limitations increase as her tier increases? This seems counterintuitive and should be reversed.

Also, do these constructs ever expire? Are they intended to be permanent?

The ability itself sends a wave of darkness over a targeted area into which all physical material sinks into and is consumed before the Seraphim emerges. These darkness zones vary in size based on Khaana's tier and deal corrosive damage to living things that are pulled into them.

So it consumes all physical material in an area? What is the counterplay to this ability? How can characters interact with this in a fair way, especially if it were to become a 1km wide radius?

Consider reworking entirely.

Angelic Spears

How do they attack those that attempt to pick them up? Please clarify.

How do they fire bolts of their own Reiryoku? Do they even have their own Reiryoku at all? Do they fire at random? Does this have a negative impact on the weapon? How strong / fast are these bolts? Do they have a range of any kind?

Does this ability have any cooldowns/restrictions/limitations?

Seraphim Corruption:

This whole ability is crazy strong, and I'm still a little unclear on exactly how easy it is to infect another character with it.

Rather than having a blanket scale regardless of Khaana and her opponent's skills, they should probably be taken into account when dealing with an ability like this.

This effect, while debilitating and capable of causing permanent damage, is generally not lethal outside of Quincy, whose nervous systems generally shut down entirely.

At what point does permanent damage take place? If this effect triggers even one time does it permanently reduce a character's mental scores? If so, no just remove that entirely.

Others can simply vent their spiritual energy and purge it by brute force, damaging themselves in the process but still purging it from their system.

Why would this hurt them? Especially if they are not getting rid of the Corruption only delaying it?

Is the only real way to escape this skill to have latent healing or cleansing abilities? This should be considered when trying to balance an ability.

That said, it is impossible to develop complete natural immunity to the toxin, and such resistances will slow the progression (by 2 posts per stage) rather than halting it completely.

Yeah just cut this section entirely.

I. Origin Root

Does activating her Origin Root come at any cost to Khaana? Are there limitations of any kind on the usage of this ability/released state? How long can she remain in the Origin Root state? Please expand and clarify.

Seraphim Projection Field:

First off, remove the master/gm scaling. We can deal with that when you get there.

Secondly, all the cooldowns are incredibly short for the number of times that they can be used. Increases across the board would be ideal if this is intended to be a powerful shielding ability.

At Elite, this ability truly comes into its own. Not only can this powerful barrier stop incoming attacks, but can also expand explosively, pushing objects with such speed and force that it can obliterate the user's surroundings.

So, if I'm reading this correctly, at Elite Power Control, Khaana can with no build-up or charge time, obliterate an area roughly 80 metres in radius from herself. And she can do this six times before imposing any restrictions on herself?

As is, I cannot approve this part of the ability in any capacity. Tone down the destruction significantly, and - as mentioned before - address usage restrictions.

Seraphim Wings:

Step Tech speed in short bursts

What is 'Step Tech speed'?

These wings are incredibly hard

How hard? As appropriate for her Durability level?

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:31 pm
Mod Root:

remnant of old Mod soul stuff I overlooked and didn't snip from the description. The whole mention of making a body is snipped. my b

Seraph Creation: Adjusted how the dark zones work and adjusted numbers for Limitations?

Angelic Spears:
Added clarification as requested and limitations on energy fire.

Forgot Seraphim corruption was in there, nixing that along with antibodies.

Added Information on Origin Root limitations and energy changes.

Adjusted numbers on uses/cooldowns. Toned down Elite's offensive uses and made it clear that the expansion is not instantaneous

Seraphim wings: Added clarifications on speed. Added clarifications on hardness.
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:53 pm

Alright, we're getting there. Few more questions / fixes.

Angelic Spears:

What do these attacks scale with, if they are equivalent to a bala then of what level?

Also just say ten rather than 'about ten'.

Does attack with the spear itself also expend one of these ten attacks?

Seraphim Projection Field:

Given the change to Origin Root, adding a duration, it would be more practical to just allow a certain number of uses per Origin Root activation that scales upwards with Power Control skill

Seraphim Wings

These wings are incredibly hard similar to spiritual steel

What is spiritual steel?

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:07 pm
Angelic Spears: given scaling. Verified other questions.

Adjusted to limited uses per Origin Activation.

Seraphim Wings:
Meant like the steel in zanpakuto. Specified that it just is as hard as a spirtual weapon scaling off power control.
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:17 pm

Seraphim Projection Field:

Why can this now be used more at lower Power Control skills? Just go for 1/2/3/4 times per Origin Root, Beginner -> Elite.

Also, can we get a reduction in damage on Elite from 'Obliterate' to something more reasonable?

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:26 pm
Done and done.
Changed descriptor.
Changed to 2-5 from beginner to elite as negotiated in staffchat.
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:25 pm

I'd love to say that we're out of the woods, but we're not. Let's run it back on things that still need to be addressed.

Seraph Creation:

With the benefit of hindsight, just cut out being able to have multiple of these out at any point. The energy required to create these constructs would be pretty demanding, creating multiple is simply beyond the scope.

Also, bring down the sizes across the board. 5 tier should be around person-sized, 1 tier around 100m.

Just drop the 0-tier class in general, we'll deal with that if she gets there.

•5th Tier: Seraphim can be up to 5 meters in height and have the intellect of wild animals outside of direct orders from Khaana. They require almost no energy and can be made freely and quickly.

Remove that last sentence.

The stats of these Seraphs are equal to Khaana's Power Control skill -2, -1 once she reaches Elite.

Are these gigantic constructs equal in strength and durability against speed and martial skills etc.?

Origin Root Appearance:

20 and 25 meters in height

Rather than a fixed value, have this scale with tier at a level similar to Seraph Creation. So she can't just transform into a 20+ metre titan at 5 tier etc.

Skill Sheet

I do not think anything in this app warrants advanced power control or physical augmentation at this point, adept is more suitable for a character that has done little outside of the laboratory in which she was made.

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard E] Khaana Sar

Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:43 pm
Seraph Creation:

Changes made, no dupes. begrudgingly >:C
Sizes toned down. no 0 tier.
Buffed Tier 1 seraphs to Dermatologist inteligence because I like that joke.

Changes to 5th tier done.

Adjusted Skill setting as per the conversation in staffhelp.

Origin Root Height now matches the Scaling of her Angelic Creation ability.

Power Control and PhysAug are now Adept.
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