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Urufu Azathoth Empty Urufu Azathoth

Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:57 pm
Human Template

General Information

Name: Urufu Azathoth
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Overall Appearance

Personality: Urufu is an intelligent, playful being. He loves to have fun, but he knows when to be serious, and not take everything for granted. During battle, he usually uses a Slice-First, Think-about-the-consequences-later attitude, though that doesn't mean he doesn't know how. He is very resourceful, and loves Nature.
If he can't protect those he loves, he feels completely useless, and will train harder every chance he gets to find a way to protect them. Because of his Cannabilistic/Vampiric ways, however, he doesn't have many people whom are close to him, as he gives off a slightly Horrifying Aura. He is your classic White Knight. Hell-bent on protecting everything and all, he will let nothing stand in his way. Incredibly selfless, it is his major downfall. If one knows him, even through reputation, it would be incredibly easy to exploit this.

Not a lot of people make the requirements to becoming his friends, however. Urufu is slightly demented in the fact that he hates nearly everyone. He has been shown that people are selfish, ignorant, obnoxious, etc, and views them as food more then anything else. Due to his ability, the only thing he can consume for sustenance is blood. Don't let that fool you though, he hates being called a Vampire. It generates an anger within him that cannot be tamed.

Rejecting the Vatican life, he chose the path of the Wiccan. The nature witch, as some may call them. Just because he hates people, doesn't mean he hates everything. He has a vast love for nature and all of it's inhabitants. He is at peace the most when he is in the forest, or something woodsy, surrounded by his beasty brotherin. His Zodiac Sign is Dog, his Astrology sign is Aries, and his favorite color is white. He holds it in high regards, because it resembles both a purity, something unscathed by anything else. Also, it can show a white hot, inner rage, something he himself holds.

One other thing about Urufu... He is slowly going insane. Due to his ability, he has several minds within himself at once. Though they are not active consciously, they still affect him incredibly slowly, though very deeply on a neurotic level. Urufu hears a voice within his head, and has ever since he first achieved his abilities. This voice is a split within his own mind. It is similar to a split personality. It never takes control, or wishes to. It merely wants Urufu to drink as much blood as possible.

Appearance: Urufu Azathoth Anime281

Urufu usually wears a white cloak with two blood red crosses on either side of his body. He has blond hair, is roughly 5'7, and weighs 160 pounds. He has a long scar running up from his left elbow to his shoulder. His fingernails are longer then average, and resemble claws, as well do his toenails, which are clearly visible because he wears no shoes. The tips and outlines of both are stained with blood permanently. The bottom of his black cargo pants are frayed, as well as the cuffs of his sleeves. He wears a pure silver cross on a necklace, from his days with the Vatican. Old habits die hard.

His muscles, though not very large, are incredibly dense, giving him a lean appearance. Those not used to seeing someone like that would instantly deem him weak, right before a powerful punch from the "weak" arms of the "weak" boy broke their face. His clearly Caucasian skin makes him stand out in Japan, though not by much. What truly makes him stand out is his Cloak, as stated earlier. His blond hair is slightly long, but stands in chaotic, lazy spikes that seem to fall where they please, slightly resembling Cloud Strife, minus the large forespike. He has violet eyes, a trait slightly odd. When he was born, they were a soft blue, but over time, as his eating habits changed, so did his eye color. After all, red and blue make purple. Also, a silver pentacle necklace is wrapped around his right arm, hidden underneath his cloak.

Strapped to each hip is a silver sword, which he carries with him at all times. Hidden under his cloak, one would be taxed to tell if they were even on Urufu if he didn't tell them. These swords, titled 'Phobos' and 'Deimos', were crafted from melted down silver that Urufu had stolen with the assistance of an arrancar from the Karakura Museum. They are kept hidden in his long cloak's hips, a ribbon sewn into the fabric to allow them to hang casually without getting in his way. Each blade is roughly two feet long with a three inch width. The hilt is simple for one hand without a proper hand guard, wrapped tightly in leather.

The Swords:

Height: 5'7
Weight: 160 lbs

Natural Abilities


Power Development Stage 1 Appearance: Nothing about Urufu physically changes while he uses these abilities, unless he so wishes it (further explained in the actual abilities).
Power Development Stage 1 Abilities: Retribution is the ability to rip apart DNA sequences (as well as the reishi that makes up a spiritual being. For the sake of simplicity, it shall be henceforth referred to as DNA) through oral blood consumption. After ripping apart these sequences, one can "manually" insert them into their own DNA patterns for a temporary change in their genetic structure.

In the beginning stages, one would only be able to manipulate Physical aspects of their victim into their genetic coding. This can change not only things such as appearance, but also fix organs and such that are permanently damaged, simply by reducing the old one to pure atoms and rebuilding it, ejecting the damaged tissue through the pores of the skin in a form that resembles a black mist.

(The harder things, such as Recreating organs and the like, take A) A lot of power with it, and B) A lot of blood.)

The middle stages involve stripping the DNA of their powers. delving further into the Patterns, the user can sort out the coding that gives each individual their unique abilities. This has it's limits, though. The level of control they have over the Power or ability is the exact same as that of the one they took it from. Take Pyromancy for example. If one has complete control of fire, and a Retribution user takes that ability, they also have complete control. If they can barely create sparks, and are in the beginning stages, then they are at that level as well. (only works if he is a tier above them)

(The more powerful someone opposing a user of Retribution is, the harder [and consequently, the more blood is needed] it is to gain the abilities. A handful of blood -as in his hand is covered in their blood- will be sufficient for beginning stages. A liter and a half is sufficient for second stage. 4 liters is needed for the rest)

The third stages of this power involves total recreation of themselves through Retribution.The user can delve so far into the DNA that they can find memories and behavioral quirks. They can completely recreate their own body (and if they wish it, their mindset) into that person, be it their powers and all. Of course, one can always revert back to their original form, and then back into their victim.


Urufu's abilities originally stemmed from him being tainted with a Hollow's blood. Because of this, he has hollow blood in his body at all times. This blood acts as a catalyst for Urufu, and will allow for several things upon his death. The first is instant hollowfication, instead of waiting a year. The second is Urufu will retain all memories and abilities upon becoming a hollow. The final Rapid Evolution ability is very passive. It allows Urufu to rise the ranks of Hollow at a much faster rate then normal (becoming Adjuchas from Gillian would only take a portion of the time, etc). Urufu would also be capable of ripping off his own mask to become an arrancar naturally.

Power Development Stage 2 Appearance:
Primordial Blood:
Within those of a certain breed exists The Primordial Blood. It is the missing link between Apes and Man, as well as the future link between Man and Shinigami or Hollow. In essence, The Primodial Blood is the DNA sequence that controls everything once the body STOPS functioning it. To those that can manipulate their DNA, especially users of Retribution, they can activate this dna sequence and undergo a specific transformation entitled Sliding. Once he Slides, he undertakes a very intense form that allows him to fight naturally on par with many supernatural foes. As cliche as it is, The Primordial Blood can only be accessed in times of absolute need, 99% of this being life-or-death situations. This is, however, able to be overcome by two conditions. The first is intense emotion on such a scale that it completely bypasses the life-or-death situation (such as a loved one dying, etc). The second is pure skill with Retribution, and training to master it.

Once the genetic key is activated, the owner of the Primordial Blood grows slightly, an intense gain in muscle mass requiring the body to stand at nine feet tall (on average). From the spinal chord extends a tail, which is quickly covered in fur (as is the rest of the body). This fur is actually similar in compositon to steel wool, and is very tough. It provides great defense. The skin naturally toughens as well, increasing the defense gained from the steel wool-like fur (Purely cosmetic, does not change stats). The hands and feet of the user become too big for whatever shoes or gloves they may have been wearing, and will most likely have ripped through them. After their knees reverse, the heels raise up. The user is most likely standing on the balls of their feet now, as comfortably as ever.

Sharp, strong claws grow from fingers and toes, as well as equally dangrous fangs grow from an elonged jaw. The nose shifts from that of a human (or humanoid) into that of a canines, as do the ears. The eyes occasionally change colors (depending on the user) into a red or gold. Gold usually indicates an Alpha, and Red usually indicates a Beta. No color change indicates a pack member, though this isn't always the case. Every sense exempt taste and touch increases exponentially, though this can be as dangerous to the user as to their victims.
Power Development Stage 2 Abilities: The most obvious ability gained during the use of Primordial Blood is that which allows for the user to turn their body into a blade. Their reiatsu is able to be channeled through the steel wool-esque fur that adorns their flesh, strengthening it and sharpening it to the point that it can rival an actual sword. This reiatsu is also able to be expelled violently in bursts from such actions as punching or kicking. The bursts average a size of a foot squared, depending on the amount of reiatsu put into it. This technique can also be used as a sort of flash step, by activating the burst under the user's feet, they are capable of rocketing towards their location. This can also be used to create a very brief stable platform from which to support ones self on or use it to increase their propulsion or change trajectory slightly.

All healing abilities of Retribution are still intact, and no longer requires blood. Instead, the user's reiatsu physically stitches flesh back together or replaces it with a 'patch' made of fur that slowly transmutates into actual flesh. This, however, is purely the cosmetics. All actual regeneration that must be done is physically sped up to the point that it merely becomes High speed regeneration. Bones and whatnot are still regrown, and could be healed improperly if not set right. While regeneration particularly nasty wounds, the user must remain as still as possible, for much concentration is needed. Transforming into Primordial Blood form heals all wounds that had been previously undergone as a Human. Ending the transformation, however, returns the wounds and adds the wounds inflicted from battle.

These, however, are not the true abilities of Primordial Blood. These are merely enhancements of Retribution that can be found by using this much more evolved form. The true ability of the Primordial Blood is to use Retribution towards it's full potential. By tapping into their deeply subrooted DNA, the user is capable of finding past skills and techniques they had previously copied. They are then capable of reconstituting those techniques or abilities into their form, and use them once more. This ability is called "Divine Retribution", and requires no blood to activate. However, if one used blood (doesn't matter whom the blood belongs to, as long as it is blood), it is far easier to activate the ability. This is due to the body using Blood as a catalyst to activate the technique, and having familiarity with it. Divine Retribution is very taxing on the body, and has been known to occasionally burn through that ability's use in the body, never allowing that person to use it again.

Background/Roleplay Sample

Background: Urufu was born in Rome, Italy, during a fitful thunderstorm. His powers were left dormant inside of him for 7 years. They were created when Urufu was baptized in a tub of holy water, tainted with Dark Energy. Raised as a catholic boy, he lived in the Vatican and was an apprentice of a very high powered member in a scholarly position. He hated it. He didn't believe in their god, and he didn't care enough to pretend. He was like that.
Escaping one night, he ran. He had no money, no food, and no skills to gain it. The Vatican didn't teach those things, especially to an unruly boy.

It was around this time Urufu discovered that if he ate human food, or drank even water, he would become violently sick. He couldn't keep anything down. During his travels, he witnessed a terrible commotion. Two rivaling gangs got into a gun fight. As the survivors left, he noticed what littered the concrete. There was dead everywhere. Blood oozed from open wounds, ripped open like a can of tuna from gun spray. And it smelled delicious. He couldn't resist the urge. It was way too powerful. Drink it. Drink it all. A voice in his head snapped to existence, backhanding him. Deciding to heed it's orders, he dropped to his knees, wrapped his lips around a wound, and began to suck on the blood. It poured down his throat, a little warm still. Thank the Goddess. As he got his fill, he could feel changes in his body. Strength returning. Speed increasing. Wounds healing. Grinning, he wiped the excess blood from his lips with the back of his hand, and stood swiftly. Leaping into the air, he was surprised at his own reflexes, catching a ledge nearly 2 meters higher than his head and hauling himself onto the fire escape. Scaling the ladder, he quickly made it to the roof, where he desperately tried to sleep, happy that he kept down his food.

The blood from the humans was not what sparked his abilities truly into existence, however. While it was the key that unlocked the door, something had to open the gate that was Retribution. That something appeared not long after. A Hollow with varying luck had broken through to earth on the same night, near the same area. It smelled the souls of the dead (and Urufu's meal) and immediately charged towards it. As soon as it appeared, Urufu saw the faint glimmer of the ghosts, and heard them screaming to help them. It was what in fact kept him awake. Sliding down the building, he stared at the Hollow. It was big. Urufu wasn't. He had always been small for his age, and at 7-8 years old, his size was truly a factor. Even though he was faster because of the blood, he wasn't fast enough. The hollow simply through him away when he tried to save the souls (ironically). Smashing into the wall, he simply continued trying to kill the hollow, every step he took closer to it bringing the souls and said hollow more clearly into focus.

Finally, a lucky break. A shinigami arrived on the scene, and did away with the hollow quickly. This someone, Forbade Juusatsu, traveled with him for a long time. The two became incredibly close. It was hard not to. He decided to accompany Urufu when he saw that the boy had no one. Juusatsu was an Orphan, like Urufu. He knew what it was like to be alone. The two sympathized very well together. They truly became Father and Son. Even though they were close, they still had a lot to learn about each other. Urufu didn't even know Juusatsu's age (which was 34). Juusatsu taught Urufu many things. He introduced him to the world of magic, and revealed that he himself was an exiled death god. He also explained that there were many humans with strange abilities such as his, and he wasn't as unique as he thought. They traveled for 4 years, touring the country side. They made money by joining circuses, etc. Urufu made a decent living healing the sick with Reverse Retribution.

He then revealed he was sick. Sick and Dying. At First, Urufu thought this was a joke. Who ever heard of a death god getting a disease? Then Juusatsu revealed it. It was brutal.
The sickness took the form of a black underlining underneath the skin, like bruises but much darker, much larger, and much more painful. It didn't bother him much on good nights. On bad nights.. he could barely move. The sickness was eventually going to find its way to Juusatsu's heart and stop it, like a heavy chain. It took a few years, but finally, one night.. it struck.

Urufu didn't know what to do. He sat with Juustatsu for a long time, as he lay sick in his bed, coughing, wheezing. Then, the pitiful light in his eyes extinguished. Juustatsu was gone forever. Crying, Urufu laid on his chest and beat unmercifully, willing his heart to beat. It didn't. As his tears dried, he continued to lie on Juusatsu's chest, staring at his neck. A voice inside of his head told him something, something that he will never forget. To rip open his throat with his teeth and drink. That was crazy. Why would he do that? Why would he feed on his Father? The temptation became too strong for him to resist. He finally closed his eyes and did it. Instantly, he grew in strength, he could feel it. He continued to drink, until he drained the man dry. It was then that he began to see things. Shinigami, Vizards, Arrancar, Hollow's, etc. He saw it all. Clearer then ever before. He saw them daily now, instead of merely the most powerful. He saw the weakest spirits. He saw. And the voice continued in his head, continued to tell him what to do. Go to japan.

Ripping the pentacle necklace from Juusatsu's cold chest as he lay on the bed, he kept it safe as he doused the building in gasoline. It was merely a cheap hotel, nothing interesting, really. Besides, everyone was gone to see a play. This was Italy. Tossing a match, he watched from a safe distance as his Father (and a hotel) lit up in flames. Clutching the necklace in his hand, he vowed to take on the Wicca religion, in honor of his dead father. After a bit of studying it, he found that it matched his own beliefs quite clearly. One year of studying later, Urufu could be found sitting a top a cliff, staring down into the ocean below. Japan was only a week of walking away! The wind blew through his hair and cloak, and a single tear slid down his cheek as he smiled into the ocean, the Pentacle necklace clutched tightly in his hands.

Juusatsu's final gift. A religion he could follow honestly.

After arriving in Karakura town, Urufu made quite a reputation, and fast. He was the thing that went bump at night. The people feared the one that stalked the street with purple hair and an innocent jangle. As a sanguirian, Urufu was the terror of the people. It was not long before he was contacted by an arrancar. The two were of similar composition; The two fed on sentient creatures in order to remain alive. Finding themselves getting along better and better each day, the two decided to perform a daring heist. Rob the karakura museum of everything they could lay their bloody hands on. With Urufu acting as the distraction, the arrancar pulled off the grand theft, unseen to human eyes. Sadly, that was the last day they saw each other. The arrancar left Urufu with half the loot and all the excitement of the world. Nonetheless, he used part of his stores in order to create twin shortswords, which he now keeps on his person at all times. A tribute to the friendly arrancar. The remaining silver and whatnot stolen is kept underneath the roots of a great tree in the forest, where Urufu currently calls home.

Roleplay Sample: A foolish Shinigami had requested a battle with Urufu Azathoth, as he tried to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach."A spar you say?" He asked grinning. "Sounds good." Bringing his claws to his lips, he was pleased to note that some of the blood from the hollow didn't wash away in the ocean. Several moments ago, Urufu had stolen the Shinigami's kill, and slayed a Flying Hollow with quite a bit power. Licking it off, he swallowed it. His purple eyes flashed black for a second, before he yawned. "This may hurt.." He whispered to himself, as gigantic wings sprung from his back, ripping the skin and his cloak. Blood dripped from his back slightly, but he was fine. Wiping away one tear threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes, he grinned. Launching himself into the air, he flapped his enormous bat-like wings, and held aloft in the salty ocean. Looking down on the shinigami, he began to charge a cero from his hand..

The Shinigami had thrown up some sand in the first little bit in hopes to blind him. It worked.. slightly. As the sand blinded him, he smirked. He was the wolf of retribution, for The goddess' sakes. Urufu didn't need to see to defend. "I can still hear the whistle of the wind as your blade approaches." He said, as he twirled with his left wing extended, smacking Rokiro (The Shini) and knocking his blade away from his wind. "And I can still hear your blood pumping through your veins." He said, as he began to slash and hack at the boy with his claws, both from his hands and shoe-less feet.

He wore no shoes, and never trimmed his nails, until they became a hassle. They were sharp as daggers, and incredibly sharp and thick. See, Urufu needed blood to survive. Until he got it, he had barely any abilities. He needed a way to penetrate some skin and get to the delicious red nectar inside of someone. If he ate regular human food, he would throw it up. And that wasn't pretty.

As the sun shone down on the two, Urufu finally cleared out his eyes. Still slashing towards Rokiro, his vision was fuzzy, but soon cleared. The ocean was like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket. It sparkled and shone with an intense blue that made Urufu smile, and nearly forget he was fighting. Nearly.

The sand was white hot and glowing, shining off of everybody's near-naked body as they shone with sweat and ocean spray, many of them soaked. Some people were working their tans, and many had children that were making sand castles and the such. Focusing back to the task at hand, Urufu increased the reiatsu in his arms. This helped force oxygen into his muscles, and made him go faster.

Pushing, he practically forced the wind to separate away from him to increase his speed. He didn't technically do that, but it seemed like it as sweat poured from his body in his attempt to harm his sparring partner. Sharpening his claws with reiatsu even still, he continued his barrage of nail, adding tooth occasionally, snapping at Rokiro's form to get some blood. He was moving so fast, he wasn't sure if he even hit the boy once.

Eat him.. eat him.. That voice was still in his head. Sometimes he could ignore it.. but usually he couldn't. And he usually listened. As the Shinigami was torn to pieces by his deadly claws, He listened...
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Urufu Azathoth Empty Re: Urufu Azathoth

Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:15 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Welcome back
Tier: 2-1

Urufu Azathoth WVMWLOu
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Urufu Azathoth Empty Re: Urufu Azathoth

Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:47 pm
General Skills

  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Urufu Azathoth Empty Re: Urufu Azathoth

Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:47 pm
moved to artives

Urufu Azathoth XmGUKMS
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