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Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon]

2/14/2022, 8:00 pm

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

Three seconds to make a play.

Yeah Solhammond could do that.

Regardless of the rage which might follow, or the external damage which would be inflicted upon him by the effluvia, Sol was by no means meek when it came to the damage he could physically absorb. When it came down to it perhaps a more intellectually inclined fighter or pure caster might’ve been able to come up with another solution. But the truth of the matter was Sol was a low down, dirty, disgusting pit fighter who would break himself if he could spite his opponent.

And he definitely didn’t like this bitch of a hollow.

Callous hands gripped the electrical rope tightly, his arm shaking as the current ran through the kido with violent abandonment. It wasn’t nearly refined enough to prevent himself from being harmed but that backlash added to the intensity of the effect. As the man hung dangling from the sky of the rapidly falling dragon, he’d grit his teeth was a wave of acidic substance slapped against his form. His legs kicking outward with enough force to generate a wind current, this causing him to swing clockwise with the energy rope in his hand.

This full rotation would wrap the remainder of the rope around the dragon however once Sol reached the apex, or twelve o’clock of this arc, he’d release, sending him flying upwards. For a brief moment free-floating in the air above the acid. A moment of serenity passing over him as if he was not currently fighting for his life. But that moment would pass as he slapped his hands together, interlacing his finger into a hammer fist, as he forced his body downward utilizing gravity and whatever massive force he could generate.

This would be accented with a small ‘boom’ from his location as he sped straight for the binded dragon’s head. His body colliding into her with the precision of a drone strike, his two hands smashing straight into her head seeking the drive her binded form into the earth beneath them. As he did so, he unleashed a physical assault while his body resisted the acid.

A flurry of blows each carrying with it a tremendous amount of raw physical power would seek to smash against the top of her head, each one having enough force to start to level city blocks causing the ground to shatter by proximity. He could feel the bones his hands beginning to crack, and inevitably shatter, while skin on his body began to dissolve into red mist. It was an all out assault and battle of attrition while he hoped and prayed Laskt might be able to summon some measure of tenacity and strength to pull them out of this.

And if not, well, at least the casket might be closed.


Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 JfH75kA
Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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2/21/2022, 11:25 pm
Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 K31E28s


"I will do whatever it takes to defeat you Hollow. I don't recall agreeing to limit myself for your amusement."

Laskt's voice, normally steady and montone, came out hard and harsh from behind clenched teeth. While this wasn't the Vizard's first time drawing upon the Hollow energy in his system, it was the first time he had attempted to combine it with the powers of Junkyomaru. The psychological and physical strain of combining the two powers wasn't something he could sustain for much longer without risking an outbreak: the Vizard reckoned he had only one more big attack before he would be forced to drop the Mask for his own safety.

Nevertheless, the risk seemed to be worth it. Laskt wore a savage grin behind the mask as the Agonyflame contacted the Dragon's body, causing the beast real damage for the first time since it had loosed that first Cero barrage. Perhaps Laskt would never be the strongest among the Gotei, but feeling as though his power mattered? Feeling like he could match threats that weren't some common rabble? Those feelings were the first among Laskt's psyche to be amplified by his Hollow's corrupting influence. Now, it was simply a matter of capitalizing on it. Thankfully the first step had already succeeded: the chains produced by Laskt's Hollow powers were no mere backup weapon.

The instant Laskt's chains breached the Dragon's skin, the Hollow would notice its vision begin to darken as, despite the fact that Laskt's blade had missed her eyes. The Curse of Debilitation wasn't true blindness in any sense: the Dragon could still make out objects with reasonable clarity and even reduce the effects if enough focus was dedicated to the task, but it was clear that its eyesight was no longer as sharp as before. At the same time, the Dragon would also feel something a lot more concerning: a significant drainage of its total energy reserves.

The Hollowfied Reiatsu surged up the links of the chain with lightning speed, merging with Laskt's own Spiritual Energy. A total of 10% of the Dragon's total energy reserves would be drained before the acidic Effluvia the dragon released reduced the chains to naught but iron slag, but it was more than enough to educate the Shinigami of the folly of trying to draw on too much Hollow energy too quickly.

Laskt gritted his teeth as the twin-pronged attack commenced: acidic effuvia melting away at his skin from the outside and malignant Hollow energy burning him up from within. His barrier of Agonyflame had been overwhelmed by the torrent of effluvia, forcing him to resist the acid with naught but his body's own durability similar to Sol. Thankfully he was durable enough to withstand the initial torrent, but it was obvious he couldn't sustain this kind of damage forever. A few more minutes and he would be dead from the Dragon's attacks, or Hollowfied from the excess energy. Or both.


With a quick Shunpo, Laskt attempted to reposition himself above the Dragon, facing downwards towards the bound beast's huge back. Desprately, Laskt thrust his right arm forward, dark armor manifesting even as the red sphere of Reiatsu sparked itself into existence. The Vizard threw every scrap of Hollow energy he had into the Cero, overcharging the attack with everything he had acquired from the Dragon and a good chunk of his remaining energy. The crimson blast roared forward from his palm, slamming into the beast's broad back if not avoided and likely sending the beast spinning off-balance. It was a blast that would have reduced a small town to ashes, yet Laskt wasn't sure how much it would damage his foe.

Breathing hard, Laskt's mask shattered into pieces, the Vizard dropping to one knee even as his armor slowly returned to normal. If that attack didn't significantly wound the beast, he wasn't sure what would. With the injuries from the effulvia and the amount of energy he expended, victory was growing increasingly uncertain.


The Cat
The Cat
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Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon]

2/22/2022, 9:12 am
Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

What was happening to her vision? And her powers, too?! The beast roared once more as she felt the indirect damage be dealt to her. She couldn't see as well as before, and her rage was so overflowing that she couldn't make out any attacks that were coming her way. The kido rope was still binding her somewhat, too, lasting surprisingly long against the constant effluvia degradation. The lack of proper eyesight and the binding of her body kept her paralyzed long enough for something to crash into her, and once again The Dragon cursed her ignorance of this lesser Shinigami.

Despite his weaker overall powers he had just enough physical and mental prowess to capitalize on the fact she was hyperfocusing on his comrade. That infuriated her to no end, especially as she crashed into the earth and was forced to endure blow after blow to her skull. Her brain rattled in her skull, but the damage was insufficient in comparison to her robust body.

The rope Sol had bound her with finally rotted away from her effluvia, leaving her to thrash and toss Sol to the side without so much as a second thought. Claws furiously raked the ground as she pulled herself upright, and The Dragon roared to the heavens at the top of her lungs, letting both men hear her pure fury,

"I will not be made a mockery of by some scaleless meat!!"

Sight was not necessary. Laskt was pulling upon the powers of a Hollow which The Dragon knew the smell of far too well. Her wings flared outwards, some of the gaps in her flesh starting to glow as she tilted her head straight in Laskt's direction and began charging up several Cero, including one in her mouth. He might have shot first, but that was fine. There was just enough distance for her to finish building up her rotten reiryoku. A second later, she fired a barrage of Effluvial Cero just like she had done to start this encounter.

The only one aimed straight for Laskt was the Cero from her mouth. Laskt's beam connected with hers, and even if he might have immediately beat her out in power, her Effluvial energies immediately started to rot away at the mixed energies it was clashing with. The immediate battle was nearly lost, and his almost reached her, but then it was rotted down to a more manageable level, and then even further until hers was starting to quickly overcome his. It would keep pushing, rotting away at it until there was nothing left and her cero was sent flying at him even if it was only at one-fourth of its original power.

The rest were fired outwards, one close enough to threaten Sol, though she wasn't consciously aiming at him. It was like a lightshow of matter digesting energy being shot in every direction, and one of those directions was towards Sol. The immediate vicinity was ravaged by the cero first, and then the effluvia that was left behind by her destructive beams. Just standing in the environment would be dangerous, as every Cero left a thick mist of Effluvia as well as a layer of Effluvial Grime wherever it didn't immediately destroy. Just being in a mile wide radius from her now equated to willingly getting digested, and after the damage he had already sustained, it was better off for him to simply leave and fight from afar. That is, if he didn't get hit.

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Morph OTY
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Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon]

2/24/2022, 9:45 am

Solhammond Palliser | GROWTH

There was only so far true mortal grit could take you.

But for what it was worth, Solhammond Palliser had taken this fight as far as it could go. Every ounce of what made him the man he is, was placed within this fight. As he rained blows down on the skull of the Hollow, with acid eating away at his flesh, he truly put up an impressive showing. Every bit of his power seemed to seep into his blows, his eyes alight with the mortal desire to destroy maim and kill. But the words of Laskt was just enough, just clear enough, to register as he threw his sundered body to the side.

His body crashing against the ground with a thud, his arms coming up to protect his exposed wounds. As whatever transpired with the dragon happened, Sol took the time to gain a once over of himself. It wasn’t good, he could see bone exposed on his ribs. His body was a mess of blood and dripping flesh, not entirely useless but close. If he wasn’t hopped up on raw survival instinct and adrenaline, he had a feeling he’d already be out.

However, things where becoming untenable. Unless Laskt was prepared to die, or Sol, then only one option remained: withdrawal. Using the moment of Lask’t last attack, and the dragon’s own rage, he’d sloppily get up grasping the arm of the Vizard. With wheezing pained breaths, he’d lean most of his weight on him. A hand coming up to remove the device used to shinigami to travel worlds.

“We.. gotta.. Fuckin’- go!”

Sol hissed through his teeth nearly collapsing onto the man, as the device opened presumably with their quick exit to the Seireitei. Yeah, he was out of the fight. He hoped Laskt could get them through the gate quickly opening in front of them. Sol needed immediate medical attention.


Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 JfH75kA
Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon]

2/25/2022, 12:06 am
Test the Limits [Laskt/Sol/Dragon] - Page 2 K31E28s


Pain was his every sensation, his every thought and feeling.

It had only been mere minutes since the desperate duel had begun, but Laskt's wounds had already begun to reach a staggering total. Tozat's straining at his mental leash as the Hollow energy chewed at his bonds. The sheer energy expenditure that it had taken to provide both he and Sol protection from the strange white mist. The creeping acidic digestion of his exposed skin and the burning as the acid sunk into his open wounds, still bloody and fresh from where the Dragon's talons had raked him. It was only through sheer willpower and the might of his Shikai that Laskt remained standing, but he wasn't sure how long Junkyomaru's powers could continue to protect him. Bits of flesh and muscle were already falling off his body: if he didn't find a way to win soon he doubted he would survive this contest.

So when the Vizard Knight saw that his full power strike, his everything had not even reached the Dragon's body, he almost laughed. Even drawing upon Tozat's considerable powers hadn't been enough to overwhelm this foe: at most prolonging the inevitable. Despite his bravado, despite his newfound confidence. He was right back where he started. Weak. Helpless. Forced to run or hide against foes that those centuries younger than him could slay in an instant. Well if there was one thing Laskt Matiche was experienced in, it was disappointment and battles against impossible odds. With a cry of agony, Laskt rose to his feet, his bloodied face vanishing behind an ornate faceplate as his Shikai approached its full power.

So when Sol crashed to the earth beside him and grasped for the key to open the Senkaimon, Laskt felt a curious kind of peace. This was what he was meant to do. Solhammond, a young Shinigami with so much potential and lust for life, would escape as Laskt, the old Shinigami that had produced nothing but chaos and death, perished in the act of protecting him. It was what he was meant to do, what he should do, what he had to do. And for the first time in centuries, the Vizard felt a faint echo of approval from his Zanpaktou: the resigned nod of an old teacher as the student they had attempted to tech for so long finally accepted that first lesson.

As the burning mass of Cero roared towards them, Laskt would attempt to shove his junior through the portal, then grasp his massive blade in a two-handed grip, shoving it towards the sky. With a smile on his face, Laskt drew upon the deepest wells of his power, drew upon his very soul to summon a blinding pillar of Purity Flame, emanating like white banner from his blade. Roaring in a final challenge, Laskt loosed the blast, clashing directly with he oncoming Cero. Corruption met Purification. Decay met Progress. Hollow energy met that of a Shinigami and Vizard with nothing left to lose. Slowly, gradually, the two energies cancelled each other out, the Spiritual energy fading to nothing even as Laskt's form flashed blue, his Shikai finally dispersing.

Falling to his knees, Laskt would watch as the rest of the Dragon's attacks approached, his flames weakly resisting against the acidic gas. He closed his eyes.

"Not yet you stupid bastard! I still have to free myself from this wretched prison and claim my kingdom! You will not be allowed to die before I can extract my vengeance!"

Even with his power restrained by the remnants of Hvit's influence and the combined bindings of Junkyomaru and Laskt himself, Tozat still was able to wrench himself free by the tiniest sliver. With a burst of energy, Laskt's critically wounded body, assuming it wasn't interfered with, would be launched backwards through the portal before it closed, vanishing from the now destroyed battlefield.


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