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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:34 pm
Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] WQGwgiD


Basic Information

○ Name: Emilia Grey
○ Other Names: Emi
○ Age: 27
○ Birthday: February 15th
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Quincy
○ Affiliation: The Vandenreich - Todgestalten
○ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: English
○ Sexual Orientation: Whoever's The Most Interesting

○ Height: 6'0
○ Weight: 135lbs
○ Hair Colour: White
○ Eye Colour: Red

Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] X8Ifs5c

Psychological Analysis

Her behavior around others is consciously and carefully adjusted depending on circumstances, treating interaction with others much like a game to win. Within more casual company, Emi is a rather charming, positive figure, being awfully bubbly and social with others. She shifts on a dime to others, appearing more airheaded and friendly to some, while being more nurturing and gentle to others, her actions and words purposefully shifting around to create the most advantageous situation to her.

However, when dealing with work or more serious contexts, Emilia’s personality shifts from that bright persona into a far different person. Her gaze darkens, her voice lowers, and she becomes a far more focused, cold, and intelligent individual. Most indicative in her work, she is willing to go to far lengths to achieve what she sets out for, even if others may be stepped on in the process. If this shift wasn’t indicative enough, Emilia is a rather manipulative and analytical person, organizing circumstances or conditions to further her own success, though is often rather subtle.

At the heart of it, she considers all of these aspects to be her true self, regardless of their purpose. She is to be what she must to survive and thrive, and above all, amuse herself. She finds other people interesting to toy with, desiring to enjoy herself as much as possible. As a result, people who bore her, as difficult as a status it is to achieve, are functionally worthless.


Emilia Grey, firstborn of Evelyn Grey, destined to further carry the name and talents of her ancestors through the attrition of time.

From the beginnings of her life, the young Quincy’s mother made the intent and expectation behind her existence clear, and no less would be accepted. The two lived together in a small English settlement, no apparent father or family to them past her mother. Out and about, Emilia was an upstanding child, bright and proper as her kind-faced mother had raised her, but behind closed doors did her mother’s truer features shine. Be it her meddling or simply being too young, her memories of those darker moments were surrounded in haze, one that she has no interest in lifting.

As new girls were born, Emilia’s place in their household became more and more vivid; she was to be better, stronger, and smarter than her growing siblings, a clear hierarchy being established, a sense of rivalry being stoked between the growing children, in their mundane studies, or their Quincy training. Such experiences molded Emilia into one who would not allow others to step on her, and held herself in higher esteem and perfectionism. She understood even back then that her mother’s love was nothing but a reward, a prize to be won, and would overall cease to value with the lengths her younger sisters were willing to go to earn her favor.

Instead, her prize was in the development of her skills, each and every success being her motivator as she aged. Little desire existed in much else but to succeed, even if she had to resort to manipulation or otherwise inflicting harm.

At the young age of 6, her mother would properly expose her to their family’s specialty: The gift of song. But the instrument in question was her own voice, modified and magnified with spellcraft and skill indicative of years of practice. The young girl, unprepared for the song’s effects, almost faded into a daze before she was stopped from nodding off by her mother’s hand.

For years in secrecy, Emilia was set to practice for tiring hour after tiring hour, song after song created by and passed down through generations, each spell more difficult to utilize than the last. The girl practiced until she was well past hoarse and sore-throated, but even though the process was painful, she oddly enjoyed learning the tongue her mother forced upon her. They would serve as tools for her own enjoyment, and development.

This training would continue, until she was the age of 16, her mother considering her proficient enough in her present skills, and the spellcraft she had finished her part in handing down. She was charged with a simple mission; much like those before her, she was to find and kill a hollow to mark the finality in what her mother could teach her, told to either do so, or never come back.

Weeks later, she had completed her task, and thus returned home, only to be met with dead silence and an envelope on the table, ‘Congratulations’ written on the body. However, once she lifted the envelope, the familiar bangs and bursts of vibrations and following flames would engulf the home she had lived in for so many years.

All she could do was flee, and arrive at the address listed within the envelope. She never saw her mother, or sisters again, sent to live with her previously unknown grand uncle, who resided in their family’s dwelling in Germany. No longer was her mother needed in her life, it seemed.

The old man was very much unlike her mother; he smiled a little too widely, his spirit far more bright and lively than what she lived with. He knew very well the traditions and conventions of their family, unbothered by Emilia’s circumstances and happy to have her stay with him in the country, and in turn she grew a sense of fondness for him. A wealthy musician, his works caught the girl’s eye, later acting as a jumping off point for her own career in music, though she maintained her practice and study of her Quincy skills. She often played smaller, live streamed showings or singing for her grand uncle’s newer works as she started out, her fame growing as years went on. Even as the world’s troubles progressed, she acted as a soothing voice for her audience, a source of alluring comfort as tensions in the world rose.

This hell would reach her whilst traveling with her grand uncle, having been residing in Paris at the time of the terrorist attacks. An explosion took out the hotel they were staying in, her Blut activating in response to the danger and thus saving her life, but her grand uncle unfortunately had no such skill. Days later, she emerged from the rubble, long after the violence had died down.

Her affairs, both legal and public, were settled after several months, being the sole inheritor of his assets with no contest. She lived alone during this time, earnestly missing his company and hurt by the way he passed, but maintained her career as it was the one thing that brought her joy and inspiration in such a dark time. Though, her monotonous routine was interrupted by the appearance of a letter with familiar handwriting, informing her of a resurgence of the Vandenreich, and for her to do what she wished with that knowledge.

A break from the haze of normalcy sounded pleasing to the woman, knowing full well who led her attention to them. She would make herself known to them, soon after serving as a Soldat amidst the fourth world war, though eventually she would move up to work in Todgestalten after the war’s conclusion due to her particular skillset.


Career Revenue
From her years as a successful musician, and into her work for the Vandenreich, Emilia has amassed a considerable amount of money, to the point she can live more than comfortable and reasonably get whatever she may desire.

Inherited Wealth & Familial Heirlooms
On top of what she currently earns, after her grand uncle passed she had inherited everything he owned, not only his wealth from decades of performing, but also much of her family’s property passed down through the ages, such things including her family home in Germany, weapons, books, relics, and more pertaining to her Quincy heritage, and perhaps more from the older world.


Tactful And Perceptive
Emilia has notable skill in influencing others, capable of reading others in order to manipulate relationships and turn things to her favor. She shows great temperance and control in a situation, never swaying or panicking even if things go unfavorably. She has an aura to her that is attractive to many, and in turn she takes full advantage of it.

Emilia is known to be fluent in multiple European languages, such as French, German, Spanish (Castilian), and Russian.

Skill in Barehanded Combat
From a young age, Emilia has practiced in fighting barehanded, with the strength to back it up. While she is no master in one particular skillset, she can handle herself in a physical altercation with competence and skill.


The Grey family’s women have been taught over centuries the means to twist their voices to allure and influence the hearts of those around them through their spellcraft, and Emilia is no different. By altering sound, vibration, and perception, Emilia is able to manipulate how she and her voice is perceived by others, even in the most subtle of ways.

Schreien Atem
Focusing her voice, Emilia can release a deafening screech to attack those within earshot. The longer she screams, the more potent the shockwaves, ranging from being able to easily shatter glass to actively blowing away and damaging people or items that are close to her.

Sei Ruhig
Cast similarly to Schreien Atem, Emilia can use this spell to render anything around her devoid of sound. Talking, screaming, no matter what, will be completely deafened by this technique, nothing but pure silence left behind.

A rather simple ability, Emilia is capable of perfectly mimicking any sound she has heard before, notably other people’s voices. She will sound exactly like whoever or whatever she is mimicking, but that’s the fullest extent of it.

[The following techniques’ effectiveness on another character are scaled off of Emilia’s spellcraft vs the opposition’s mental deduction OR willpower skill (Does not effect Master or Grandmaster). If they have the same level or higher, they will not be affected. A one level difference will influence the other character, but not to any meaningful extent if they’re actively fighting it, even with Emilia putting the fullest extent of her ability into it. A two level difference is far more effective in falling under her thrall, but any more of a difference will affect them with certainty, regardless of how much effort she is putting into using a given spell.]

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel a range of ease to a sense of calm that could put one to sleep depending on how it is applied. Being relatively easy to perform, it can be used to put even the most riled or panicked into a state of calm.

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel happier and invigorated, capable of lifting the spirits of even the tired or depressed. Another easy to perform spell, it can be used to motivate others or lighten the room.

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel a sense of disorientation and illness. It causes a range of effects from dizziness to an inability to properly understand what is happening around them depending on how it is applied. Requiring a modest amount of focus to use, it can be used to instill confusion and miscommunication in a given setting.

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel the coldness of fear itself. It can act as a means to terrify and intimidate others depending on how it is applied. Requiring a modest amount of focus to use, it can be used to make others flee or freeze in terror.

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel a sense of excitement and recklessness. It provokes a sense of euphoria and hyperactivity that may not have been apparent previously, the intensity of such a state depending on how it’s applied. Requiring a modest amount of focus to use, it can be used to whip people up into an irrational state to sow chaos.

The tones of this technique will cause those who observe to feel a sense of fury and hostility. It can provoke blind anger and violence depending on how it’s applied. Requiring a high amount of focus to use, it can be used to encourage extreme actions that the emotion of anger can rouse.

[i][w/ OOC Permission/NPCs Only]

This spell is perhaps the most difficult one for Emilia to perform of all, requiring delicate prerequisites to ensure it’s effectiveness. In order for this spell to work at it’s best, the target must be in a state of complete relaxation, lacking any distractions around them that may pull them away from focusing on Emilia. They cannot feel any fear or hesitation towards her, any sort of disturbance being enough to completely mess up the process. If these conditions are met, Emilia can induce the hypnotic state of the ability, putting the other person in a state of suggestion.

With careful words and direction, Emilia can use this state to get information that a person otherwise would not disclose, put a specific idea in their mind, or otherwise meddle with their mental state. Any introduction of a distracting element is enough to suddenly snap the person out of this state, though they won’t remember what occurred while under it.


Name: Seraph

Appearance: Looks similar to a harp in appearance, arrows forming from the string-like formations.

Hallen Schlagen
Emilia’s typical arrows, being capable of transferring vibrations to a target depending on how far they are from her. Close range shots are the least effective, only giving typical piercing damage one would expect from a typical arrow, but farther away targets can sustain damage similar to being struck by a blunt object in the localized area of the arrow’s destination.

Erschüttern Schlagen
These short-ranged arrows create a concussive shockwave to deal damage to whatever they may strike, it’s force upon striking an object or person being akin to a small explosive.

Widerlich Zittern
Similar to Hallen Schlagen, these arrows’ effectiveness depend on how far they fly, however instead of inflicting blunt damage, they embed themselves into an opponent, and send vibrations flying throughout their body. Short distanced arrows (100 meters and below) will cause effects such as disorientation and difficulty using whatever part of their body that is receiving the vibrations, while long distanced arrows (Exceeding 100 meters) can inflict heavier damage such as severe organ or tissue damage.

Upon impact with an object or person, it creates a violent, prolonged screeching noise, potent enough to break glass. The disorientating sound lasts for several seconds upon activating.


Sinfonie der Hölle (Symphony of Hell)

Appearance: Her bow transforms into a long, black baton that she holds, black reishi gloves overlay her hands, and a long dark cloak that doubles as wings forms from her shoulders and drapes down to the floor. A black, flowing, three bar halo forms over her head.

Wörter des Seraph
Waving her baton, she can create an array of arrows that she can focus on and release upon her targets at will, capable of barraging them with any type of aforementioned arrow of her choosing by locking onto their spiritual pressure. This amplifies their speed and potency as long as her Volstandig is active.


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Advanced
  • Reishi Absorption: Adept
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by Lillian on Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue0/0Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:53 am

Emilia is known to be fluent in multiple European languages.

Which languages? All of them?


[However, willpower can also be used to resist her technique’s effects in the case of one’s mental deduction being lower than it, however it would require at least an advanced level to equate to a two-level difference.]

I don't quite get what you mean. But it would be easier to just have these abilities scale as Spellcraft vs Mental Deduction or Willpower.

Spirit Weapon

Widerlich Zittern
Similar to Hallen Schlagen, these arrows’ effectiveness depend on how far they fly, however instead of inflicting blunt damage, they embed themselves into an opponent, and send vibrations flying throughout their body. Depending on the distance, it can cause effects ranging from losing balance or focus in a given limb, to severe organ or tissue damage.

Whilst I think I get it, are these arrows more potent at closer or longer ranges? Also, how do we determine where the cutoff point is between focus loss and severe tissue damage? As that's quite a leap.


All in all, the Racial Skills are too high across the board for the character. I would recommend bumping everything but Spirit Weapon down one level or expanding on those areas of the application to add more detail.

All Will Skills at advanced is also a little high for what is displayed in the app. Consider dropping Willpower or Mental Deduction to Adept.

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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:34 pm
Requested changes have been made!
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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:37 pm


scaled off of Emilia’s spellcraft vs the opposition’s mental deduction OR willpower skill (Excepting Master or Grandmaster

What does excepting master or grandmaster mean?

Widerlich Zittern

How do we determine where the cutoff point is between long range and short range?

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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:00 pm
Added clarification on what I meant (intended to communicate it wouldn't work on them woops)

And added measurements to Widerlich Zittern
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Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Emilia Grey [3-5, Hazard Rank D]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 4:02 am

Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: D
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: Opera-goers beware

Tier: 3-5
Hazard Rating: D

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