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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7010
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle

Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:28 pm
[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  6mj8pwW


Basic Information

○ Name: Dorian Demoiselle
○ Alias: N/A

○ Age: 35
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Quincy

○ Affiliation:
-Vandenreich, Albedochiffren Admin
-L’Arc Qui ne Faut, Owner and Head Chef

○ Alignment: Neutral Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: N/A
○ Sexual Orientation: Metrosexual

○ Height: 5’10”
○ Weight: Healthy
○ Hair Colour: Blonde/Purple
○ Eye Colour: Purple

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  O1Qjx81

Psychological Analysis
Confident, but not to the point of arrogance. Collected, but not so much that he becomes cold. Dorian is, at least at a glance, a man that seems to cultivate an air of being “too cool” for the average person, as if he were something well above the typical rabble. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Dorian is a man of exceptionally humble origins, and despite the extremely refined way that he carries himself, he remembers those origins very well. He cannot stand wasteful living or needless expenditure, and has nothing but disdain for the kind of people who even consider the idea of “worthwhile sacrifices.” He, after all, has lived at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, among those who are always the first to suffer and the last to be considered.

It is because of his difficult upbringing, on the streets of Paris, that Dorian expects the absolute best possible results from himself and his work, because anything less would be a failure to demonstrate how far he has come. However, this does not mean that he will see any failure as something to simply be lamented. He relishes every opportunity to perfect his craft, to raise his own mastery of the culinary arts ever higher, and he treats every failing and every possible challenge as merely a reason to become better than before.

But, even with that said, his focus is not only on his craft for merely the sake of it. Food, after all, is not simply some exercise to be admired in the abstract, but to be enjoyed by others, and he wants every meal, every dish, every bite to be something that is remembered fondly. In his eyes, everyone deserves to enjoy what they eat, to not simply survive, but to live.

Love for food, love for luxury, and above all, love for others. These are the principles upon which the culinary arts are built, and the principles by which Dorian lives.


○ Bambietta Basterbine: A childish first love, and one that, in hindsight, he finds more genuinely hilarious than anything else. What self-respecting, sane man would ever fall for a girl like that?

○ Claudia Duvalier: He’s never trusted her, but she was hardly much of a problem.

○ Liltotto Lamperd: Both nemesis and muse, Liltotto’s unceasing hunger has created both headache and inspiration for Dorian, roughly in equal measure. He is tired of having to factor her needs into the budget, but beneath that professional concern, he sympathizes rather strongly with the feeling of starvation.


Unlike many raised in the Court of Miracles, Dorian remembers his family relatively well. Poor, certainly, of a background which could not even be called working-class, for that would imply there was ever any work done by his caretakers. What little money they had always seemed to simply fall into his father’s lap, whether by chance or by a remarkably lucky bet, and it was in those scant few times, when they did not want, that Dorian saw what life could be like. But one day, at the age of 10, his father gave him a bit of money for himself. He told him to go into Paris, to be fitted for a fine suit, to have a good sandwich and a cup of coffee, and to come home. For a young boy, it was a truly harrowing task, but he made the trip nonetheless. He was overjoyed, so proud of himself and how he looked.

But when he returned home, there was no one to be found. Perhaps his parents left out of shame, or perhaps they simply no longer wished to care for him. Dorian doesn’t know the answer, and in all frankness, he doesn’t care, either. But, at the time, he was alone. He was afraid. And, were it not for the intervention of a girl not much older than himself, speaking in remarkably crass French, he could very well have starved to death.

“Hey, kid. Quit your crying, come on. You can make money in that suit, right?”

He couldn’t, really. In fact, Dorian wasn’t a boy who knew how to do much of anything. But he was too afraid to say otherwise, too bold to admit that he had no idea what it was he was doing. So, with all the confidence in the world, born out of nothing but fear, the young man spoke out a simple reply;


He may not have known what he could do, but he had already committed to this now. If he had said he would make money, then he would make money. So the girl brought him to her home, to the orphanage she lived in, and he was taken in as just another young man without parents. Hardly uncommon in Paris. But the life in that orphanage was one which, even compared to his poorest days, seemed inadequate. He missed those brief luxuries, those fantastic meals and moments where life was infinitely brighter. If he could not afford them, he would make them for himself. So he went to the kitchen, made his best efforts to replicate the greatest memories–

Abysmal. But he would not be dissuaded so easily. He was young, certainly, but he could work even so. He wore his fine suit, still cared for with all the best attention, and went to the restaurants at which he had once eaten with his parents. He knocked on their kitchen doors, asked if they would accept apprentices. He was told no, sent away, but he continued on regardless, until finally he was allowed to apprentice. He was worked mercilessly, with pay so little that he could never have supported anyone. But that was acceptable, for when he returned to the orphanage, he was able to create things that could spark joy in the lives of his fellows, and in himself.

Perhaps he might have stayed there, had it not been for the slow departure of those he’d grown up around. The orphanage slowly seemed to be less of a home, and he spent more time in the kitchens, as an apprentice. He honed his craft, left the orphanage, and lived among his fellows in the restaurant. He grew all the more skilled, obsessed more over the perfection of his craft, his art. In time, he took over the kitchen, moved into restaurants of higher and higher prestige. All through it, he grew more adept in his mastery of the craft, displayed a singleminded devotion to it that bordered on obsession. Had Europe not come under the rule of Shadow Fall, maybe he would have pursued that into an early grave.

But, instead, his world was suddenly changed, if not in the way he would have expected. Had he simply been forced to quit, to struggle, he would have found a way. But instead he faced what was, in a way, a far more damning revelation, a slow one over the course of years as he realized that those of Shadow Fall still had every bit the same wishes as those he’d served before. They wanted the most exquisite meals, the most elegant, all of his greatest effort for something that could be elevated beyond typical food. He was still able to grow, to serve, to master himself and his art to a level that, in a sense, he might never have been able to do without that change in the world.

But why had he begun to cook in the first place? For this? For people who did not need him, for those who simply wished to elevate themselves ever further? No, no. That was not what he’d ever intended to do. He had sought to better people’s lives. What was the good of all this? The thought nearly consumed him, and had he allowed it to last any longer, it may well have destroyed both him and his career. But, instead, Dorian found his answer.

So he fled.

Off to America, away from France and from everything he knew. He needed to find something, anything, to simply change himself. If you ask him, he was simply a very lucky man, then, for he came to America not long before it was embroiled in World War 4. He did not fight, did not lose much of anything, really. But there were countless refugees, the battered, the beaten down. Those who had lost everything. They reminded him of himself. Reminded him of what he had once been. And with all the mastery he had built in the kitchens, that now seemed like nothing more than worthless ivory towers, Dorian cooked. He brought food to the hungry, to those who required it. If they required further resources, he forced the hand of even the most harrowing lines of supply. He organized parties to hunt, to raid, to acquire what was necessary by any means. In a way, it was brutal, an effort that edged closer to guerilla warfare than mere humanitarian effort.

It was those very efforts that caught the eye of the Vandenreich, and of the Grandmaster’s personal secretary. Had the people not been guaranteed security, a future to ensure they could eat, Dorian would not have considered accepting her offer for even the briefest moment. But the Vandenreich promised that his efforts would be continued, and that he could continue his very same efforts from the City of Lights. Could he? Well, he would gladly accept, then.


○ Notebook: A small notebook filled with notes so incomprehensible that only Dorian could ever realistically decode them, written in an unholy combination of French and English that barely resembles either language. People often ask if he carries knives with him, but why on Earth would he have those outside the kitchen? Is he a maniac?


○ Master Culinarian: Dorian has spent nearly 25 years in the pursuit of the culinary arts, and for many of them, he cared about nothing but the further growth of his craft. Given nothing but the barest scraps, he will still make something that can be enjoyed, that can nourish those around him. Yes, he understands haute cuisine, the highest form of the art, but he is every bit as capable of making a humble stew, a pie for the children. Beyond even cooking, however, is his exceptional organizational ability, his command over a kitchen and capacity to organize. He has been asked before if he would consider positions in both the Sternritter and Todgestalten, for his display of operational ability, but he always declines.

○ Survivalism: Both living and fighting in the wilds, Dorian had no choice but to develop this skill when he came to America and served the people who needed him there. It built upon his upbringing, of course, and he certainly felt at home in many ways. He still does, really, and his ability to live among the trees, cooking over nothing but a fire, seems every bit as natural as his moving about a kitchen.


○ Prodigious Learner: While strictly still in the midst of training to become a Quincy, by all accounts Dorian has understood the principles so quickly that he is decidedly a Quincy through and through. His abilities are far from mastered, of course, and there is still much work to be done, but his own obsessive nature, and his desire to serve the people around him, have brought him to a degree of ability that would likely be abnormal for having only trained a few years.

○ Hirenkyaku: Perhaps simply as a consequence of his tendency to work as expediently as possible, Dorian displays a remarkable aptitude for Hirenkyaku that by and away surpasses his grasp of any other Quincy arts. Of course, he can hardly say that he uses it casually, but he does tend to utilize it whenever the opportunity presents itself if he can cut a bit of time from his travel.


○ Name: Imperator

○ Appearance: As Dorian has not significantly developed his Spirit Weapon to any noteworthy degree, Imperator’s appearance is a straightforward, unremarkable bow, lacking in any unique coloration or features.

○ Abilities: At this time, Imperator displays no unique abilities.


○ Vollstandig Name: N/A

○ Vollstandig Appearance: N/A

○ Vollstandig Abilities: While Dorian is presumably capable of developing a Vollstandig, he simply has not put forward the effort to do so yet.


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

Quincy Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Reishi Absorption: Adept
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Advanced
  • Spirit Weapon: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


2022 Spookyburst
-Blut from Beginner to Adept: 10 Points
-Reishi Absorption from Beginner to Adept: 10 Points
-Quincy Spellcraft from Adept to Advanced: 30 Points

Last edited by Rawk on Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-05
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle

Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:24 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]

Hazard Rankings
    Overall: E
  • Power: E
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: E

Tier: 5-3
Comments: BBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbbbbbbb

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-05
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle

Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:47 am
[mod]Corecting Hazard Ranking, I didn't see the Affiliation part, my mistake.

Hazard Rankings
    Overall: C
  • Power: E
  • Influence: C
  • Resources:C


[Spirit Class 9 | Hazard C] Dorian Demoiselle  8Bvy1N8


casual post:
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