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Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:51 am

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I. Basic Information

⚋ Name: Astafosa Xylo
⚋ Alias': Fosa
⚋ Age: 34
⚋ Birthday: November 5th
⚋ Gender: -
⚋ Race: Fullbringer

⚋ Affiliation: None

⚋ Marital Status: Single
⚋Nationality: Greek-Greenlandic
⚋ Religious Standing: -
⚋ Sexual Orientation: -

⚋ Height: 6'6"
⚋ Weight: 198 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Sky Blue
⚋ Eye Colour: Yellow

Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] SIDE2___eula_genshin_impact_drawn_by_lmwnl__dce2c306450c5963c865f8a5f77992a4

» Physical Appearance Description:

Astafosa, or Fosa as she prefers to be called, tends to tower over most who cross her path. At first glance one could hardly note she is anything but a giant of a woman with soft gentle features with no lack of elegance about her. With bright yellowed eyes and a sharpness to her gaze it isn't uncommon for those who encounter her to feel some considerable level of intimidation in meeting her. All the same, she often holds a calm, thoughtful, or relaxing expression on her face, which offsets her other more unnerving features. For as large and dignified as she seems she also bleeds a notion of being approachable and often seems humble without so much as a word or a gesture.

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Fosa is a very tactile woman in how she presents herself, often using gestures and touching or manipulating things as she speaks. It is not very often one can find her without a pen and other times she simply will play around with her hair or some portion of her clothing when something more free isn't available. She has a very sharp, cunning mind and makes a good effort to obscure this with calm gentleness about her in what she believes to be very charming.

It is, however, her penchant for growing suddenly happy and excitable at times that exudes the more considerable manifestation of her charisma, especially coming from a woman of such size. This plays into her tactile nature as she can often be seen with some charm or even one of her Cats when she isn't working.

» Likes: Sweet Foods/Drinks, Small things, Flowers, History, The Written Word.

» Dislikes: Military Types, Wanton Destruction, Fire.

I. Character History

» History

Those that knew her would say it was the very flame that guided every step of her life. Her parents met on an expedition, her Mother (A greek woman by the name Dimitra) was on an expedition team run by a small company named Astra Istoria, a Greek organization which started as a Historical Society interested in gathering data and information scattered throughout the world by the World Wars and the attack from Ender.

One particular group of individuals originally descended from Norway purportedly had traveled up to the Arctic Circle to escape the conflict. During the Third and Fourth World Wars, every now and then groups of people from Norway and even Greenland would travel up to the north pole following this pipe dream of some sort of Northern Haven from all of the destruction in a place no sane person would look, leading to a number of rather famous shipwrecks and other such stories of lost travelers up to the region, making it a potential site for recovering items of cultural significance.

It was during a supply run to Greenland that she met Fosa's father: Iko. The two rapidly grew fond of eachother and before long Fosa was born.

As she was growing up Fosa watched as her parents risked their lives and built everything on their love of knowledge and history. She loved it, and had no shortage of fascination for the things that her Mother would bring back from her trips. When she was 12 her family decided to move to Greece where her Father had been born to be with Family. Once she was old enough to work she promptly applied to work for Astra Istoria, which had grown considerably. Over the years the company's pursuit in collecting and preserving information from the destroyed past began to gain popularity. As their work often involved entering territory controlled or left in ruin by demons, hollows and demonic folk were often obstacles and so the company had a penchant for using it's grant money to hire security detail for these trips, however it was her mother that had put forth the policy for Astra Istoria personnel to be trained in basic self defense and weapons training.

By the time Fosa had reached the age of 5 the Company had, thanks to a number of veterans from World War 3 joining the organization, developed into something of a paramilitary force that outgrew the need to hire outside help for security and the company continued to garner financial and public support. While the company originally struggled financially as a result of having to delve into areas either uninhabitable or not deemed profitable to secure from demons or hollows, the act of securing these zones often would involve setting up base camps and areas of operation within what generally were abandoned or blown out structures from the past while they conducted their expeditions.

Refugees, nomads, and even those who normally would venture into inhospitable areas would soon congregate and settle these areas. As a result, a number of NEW habitable settlements would form in the wake of their expeditions. A politician from Norway eventually took interest with the company and joined the company as a publicist. By the time Fosa was seventeen the company had a considerable revenue as the company would seek out ruins of significant cultural interest, scrub it for historical objects of significance, and then work on restoring the ruins to some semblance of their former glory. This was generally accomplished with the help of an affiliate called Grans Tomorrow, a construction company from Greenland.

This is the company that Fosa would find herself working for straight out of graduating from Highschool. She fell in love with the line of work almost instantly and before long she was rising up the ranks. Around her mid 20s she was moved up into an administrative position in the company, replacing Mr. Isak Hur, the politician from Norway, as the chief publicist for the company. Her years of working out on the field made her a formidable woman and the military-level training she'd garnered meant that she was more than comfortable getting her hands dirty. As such, she often oversaw operations personally in addition to oversight and general management of the company's public image.

By the time she was 25, Astra Istoria had begun to garner a bit of recognition throughout Europe as their organization began to accumulate a number of spiritually gifted individuals as their reputation as a paramilitary grew. In order to further lock down funding for expeditions and the academic pursuit of preservation and restoring historical sites the company began to selectively accept contracts to lend it's security force out to outside entities. Soon enough, Fosa found that her job shifted from mere public relations as a result of her own exemplary work in the field to the Director of Astra Istoria Security Forces.

In her thirties, with the outbreak of World War Four, what had originated as simply a company formed in the pursuit of maintaining and restoring the culture and history from the previous calamities on earth soon found itself dealing with a whole new calamity. Despite having existed under the general occupation of Shadowfall up until the events of the Tournament which saw Greece fall into the hands of Desmond Hayden, it was no stranger to sudden upsets. With the Queen more or less arbitrarily deciding their new leader, the actual hold the Greek government held became somewhat shaky and tenuous.

It was, in fact, those few groups, organizations, and companies of all things that had the most direct influence over the country that gave some semblance of stability up until that point. And then of all things, the tournament was won by an active Greecian. At that time, Fosa more or less despite still only holding position as the Security Force Director, at that point was in charge of the entire company by nature of the Paramilitary becoming it's primary function, even if it still retained the core values of protection and preservation of culture and information.

And at the head of this entity, Fosa watched as Greece was then The winner announced that Greece would be allowed to be it's own sovereign nation. When World War Four loomed, they received support as conflict broke out, and Fosa even dispatched some of her security force outside of contract to engage in some of the battles happening around their country.

And with the end of World War Four, Greece found a lul. Seemingly having had it's fill of conflict for the time being, Greece still stood. Independent of all things after so long. The government shakily established a form of comfort and control. Fosa simply continues with her business, too jaded from the events she witnessed to believe that Greece would simply enjoy it's freedom and sovereign status forever.

And of course, the world has so much in need of restoration.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Astra Istoria:

A company revolving around the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural items of significance from the days before Ender, but soon branched into Paramilitary. This group has hunted for and collected numerous artifacts from the Before Ender, which naturally Astafosa has access to in addition to the monetary force afforded by the organization.

Astra Istoria Security Force:

The Paramilitary of the Asta Istoria Organization. Self trained, self funded, and self armed. In addition to serving as a paramilitary force that can be called upon by the Greek government in times of need, this Security Force also secures and provides oversight for the restoration and preservation of Historically-Relevent ruins throughout Europe. As such, Fosa has access to weapons and personnel for the purposes of acting in the interests of Asta Istoria.

Mast of the Argo Shard:

A splinter from the Mast of the Argo, the legendary ship used by Jason in Greek Legend with the name of the ship written across it, though only part of the carved name is on this shard. Though as it barely falls under the umbrella of her fullbring, its ability is limited and has no more room for growth or expansion.

>Safe Passage: Blessed by the gods for a long voyage, this shard is capable of passing on that blessing to any vehicle or structure Fosa is either IN or near (Within 5 meters). This passes the durability boost this item has onto the vehicle or structure and is a key tactic for minimizing collateral damage. The durability increase scales off Fosa's Mediumship Skill. Cannot be used on people. Lasts for 10 posts, the Shard itself loses all durability while ability is active on a target, if the shard is broken then the ability is interrupted and goes on a 5 post cooldown.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Paramilitary Veteran Having served in the Astra Istoria Security Force even before it had become it's own separate branch, Fosa boasts an above-average skillset in terms of combat even above normal mercenaries or fighters. This is due to the nature of the Security Force's interest in engaging targets with limited damage to the surrounding structures and any precious items that might normally become collateral damage. Focused on hard, fast strikes to take objectives without ruckus and fortifying locations to endure attacks, Fosa's expertise is far more tactical than physical.

Sharp as a Tack Raised to love history, culture, and the written word, as well as working for a company set to it's preservation and restoration: Fosa has a fair wisdom and intellect about her grown and cultivated by her admiration for academics. She has absorbed quite a lot of content, and VALUES that content considerably.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:

Fullbring Specialist:Artifice

It is perhaps destiny that Fosa is capable of reaching the souls of objects when she values them so highly above other things has resulted in a particular capability with her Fullbring abilities.
While she is CAPABLE of rudimentary Fullbring abilities with her general surroundings, she has a special connection with Artifacts and Physical Documents (Books, Scrolls, ect) ancient or otherwise. Her connection specifically is with any item that existed prior to the Invasion of Ender. When activating her fullbring with items within this category her capabilities are expressly higher and fully explore the upper limits of what one would expect from someone of her skill level.

» Abilities:

Bringer Light:

Fosa is capable of executing sudden high-speed moves similar to Shunpo or Sonido accompanied by a crackle of green light either before or after (Advanced or higher) the move. This ability scales off of her Power Control skill.

Fullbring: Whispers of the World:
Because of her job in hunting down artifacts and such, Fosa has developed an ability designed for seeking information from an object. By making physical contact with a building or object, she can gain a brief history (within the last week or so) of anything that the subject has interacted with or been near. For containers and large structures, this also provides information for it's contents, living or otherwise (Information garnered in this way is limited by ooc consent).

I. Fullbring

Fullbring Name: Vault of Ink

Fullbring Object: A book from ages long past discovered within the remnants of what was once a Library. One of her favorite books ever saved and recovered and one she reads rather often. Cyrano De Bergerac, Hardcover.
This item can be transformed into a thin Rapier about 1.7 meters from hilt to tip. The very weapon of choice for Cyrano, the main character within the book. In addition to being wielded, the blade itself seems to bend and seek about according to Fosa's will, though it's dimensions do not change, making it very unpredictable.

Fullbring Abilities:

From Shadow to Balcony:

Derived from the famous scene in which Cyrano feeds romantic lines to Christian. This ability allows Fosa to augment not herself: but others. So long as she is instructing a willing target within earshot to perform an action, that target can replace one of their Physical or Mental skills with her Mediumship skill for a single post for the purpose of carrying out these instructions. This ability can either be applied to a single instruction to a group (Up to 8 people, 16 at Tier 1) , or up to 3 instructions to a single target. Once instructions have been received, the boost must be used within 5 posts to gain the bonus. A target cannot have more than 1 instruction set unless they are the only target of this ability, then the limit is 3.

At Poem's End, Touché:
Derived from Cyrano's penchant for wit as sharp as his sword, specifically the scene in which he fights a man while composing a poem. This ability enhances Fosa's ability to destroy a target through insult as well as injury. By performing a ritual in which Fosa composes an insulting poem about her target over the course of 3 consecutive posts, Fosa can make any injuries inflicted on the target dire. Wounds will bleed profusely, refuse to heal, and debilitate the target twice as much as normal (A cut across the wrist would make it twice as difficult to use that wrist than the injury normally would). This ability lasts for 3 posts before it will need to be reapplied (this countdown only begins once a post has transpired from Fosa in which she has ceased to Flame her target).
This ability relies on the target's ability to hear Fosa flame them, targets who are deaf or otherwise unable to hear Fosa are unaffected.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Adept

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation: Beginner
  • Mediumship: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:58 am
Mast of the Argo Shard:

The durability increase scales off Fosa's Mediumship Skill.

What does this mean?

From Shadow to Balcony:

This ability can either be applied to a single instruction to a group

How many people can be in this group?

At Poem's End, Touché

Is there any counterplay to this ability? Any restriction on Fosa whilst it is being used?

The Vault of Ink

A Mightier Sword

As It Is Written

I don't quite know what these abilities imply, but any and all upgrades to Foas's equipment or abilities will still need to pass approval before they can be utilised if this was intended to bypass such.

Fullbring Abilities: It's fine as justification for acquiring equipment and "activating/restoring" them but any additional individual equipment not mentioned should be apped appropriately in the equipment board/section.

Clarify Argo Shard: Her mediumship skill is used to buff the shard, and the shard is able to pass its durability off to the target structure? Does the shard then lose its durability buff from passing on? For how long does this last?


Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Sumera-character-list
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:51 pm
Mast of the Argo:
The intention is to make structures or vehicles invulnerable to harm unless an attack that scales beyond her Mediumship skill hits it, as this ability is designed to preserve things in the midst of spiritual fights and such.

From Shadow to Balcony:
Added a Max Group Size (8, 16 at Tier 1)

At Poem's End, Touche:
Clarified that a target need to be able to hear Fosa to be affected.
So counterplay would be deafening, making a lot of noise, or just putting enough pressure on her that she doesn't have time to compose a poem in her head.

The Vault of Ink

A Mightier Sword

As It Is Written

Yea, this is just like.....HOW she generates this kind of equipment. I would still app anything that she uses these abilities to create useful stuff with. It's just here as an explanation and source of power for that sort of stuff in the future.

Mast of the Argo:
Added a duration, transfer of durabiltiy losing durability on the shard, and a cooldown if the ability is interrupted by damaging the shard.
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:25 pm

Mask of the Argo

The intention is to make structures or vehicles invulnerable to harm unless an attack that scales beyond her Mediumship skill hits it, as this ability is designed to preserve things in the midst of spiritual fights and such.

I think invulnerable is the wrong term to use here. It can share some form of durability to other objects, but this is not equivalent to invulnerability and will function in the same way as durability normally would.

Also, as an aside, if the shard is broken then how is it repaired? Just wait a period of time? Can it be destroyed? This part of the ability is generally unclear.

Fosa's fullbring is not a singular item but specifically articles of the written word from before the Invasion of Ender.

This is directly contrary to how a Fullbring works, as they focus on a singular bond to a specific item that is close to the person. This item can take different forms but is, at its core, the same object.

This power, as it's written, is not a Fullbring and could simply be reclassified as generic High-Spec Human powers by removing all references to Fullbring. If you really wanted to keep it as a Fullbring then it would need to be drastically rewritten.

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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:51 pm
>Mast of the Argo

understandable, thus why the word invulnerable isn't put in the ability. But yea, I can understand that, its just a protection thats extended to valuable things. I do understand that attacks that don't meet the skill requirement can still scuff the objects, but this is supposed to be a proper protective effect pmuch.

And she doesn't really have any direct ability to repair general items other than trying to use fullbring on it. IN a proper fight? The shard would probably just be unusable for the rest of the fight. I mostly put it there for like....long term ish threads where she could reasonably have taken the time to actively repair it. But I can snip that if necessary.


I have made my argument against this as Riruka Dokugamine's fullbring is also categorical.
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:30 pm
Mast of the Argo

You want to remove the downside from the ability? Or am I misunderstanding you?

Whether or not this shard is genuine or not has done nothing to diminish it's significance to Fosa.

Also, does this mean that it doesn't actually matter if the item is real or not? Only whether Fosa wants to believe it is? This throws all of her powersets into a whole new light and is far too powerful and confusing. This should be removed, and fake items should not be able to be powered by her Fullbring.


Alright, it can remain a Fullbring given the scale of Riruka's Fullbring.

However, on reviewing the actual scope of the powers that Fosa's Fullbring has, they are far broader than Riruka's and also have no measure of scale involved in the abilities as described.

Immortal words:

For further clarification, Fosa has to be able to identify these objects first so that they can be restored, right? Does this just improve the quality of the text and preserve it for the future?

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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:53 pm
>Mast of the Argo

No, I'm saying that instead of just being down for 5 posts it would be unable to be used for the rest of the thread.

Section removed

Its made for scope. As the previous grader pointed out: These things that her fullbring generates aren't any different from just equipment. They are objects she has affinity with and that affinity can produce abilities. Her fullbring just lets those abilities be thematic to the story behind the object and lets her make them out of books and stuff. Any ability she would make would go through grading and the extent to which that equipment would be able to grow and have power is just based on her mediumship skill.

tldr: her fullbring just lets her have thematic powersets from equipment. IF you like I can limit the number of items this can be applied to. But really its just a vehicle for her to create equipment out of literature. That equipment will have its abilities attached to her mediumship, but really wouldn't ANY High Spec human have the ability to do that? This just gives some leeway in terms of what those abilities can be. As Slay said: any and all items produced by her fullbring still have to pass grading. And I'm more than happy to add a restriction to how many she can have at once.

>Immortal Words:
I mean, she would use Whispers of the World on the item to see what it was. If it is a book or scroll or w/e and falls under her jurisdiction she would then be able to restore it using this ability.
If she tries to use the ability on something that doesn't fall on her domain it just wouldn't work. It's not a "well if she THINKS its a work of literature" kinda deal. Its a literary restoration/copying ability. Added in a clause that copies of items that have powers (Example: Her special copy of Cyrano De Bergerac) would not have the abilities of the original.
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:37 pm
Vault of Ink is archived as she does not currently have the Mediumship to utilize it.

Cyrano Book is changed to her main fullbring, under the name Vault of Ink. For now this is her primary fullrbing.

Immortal Words added clause that she needs to be able to identify the item.
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Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Astafosa Xylo [4-4, Hazard Rank D]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:31 pm

Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: D
Resources: C

Comments/Notes: Now you can Asta your Fosas.

Tier: 4-4
Hazard Rating: D

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