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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:51 am


There were two people that were allowed to take up residence in the Manor atop the hill in Minatumi, and one of those people was now dead. Or at least so far gone from the world nobody could get the slightest wisp of where she was. So Hvit did occasionally drop in by Garganta to make sure that nobody else tried to take this septer. And also to keep the place looking nice.

What she would do if she found someone in this place was...a question. Shadin would be mad if she ate someone, or killed them. Probably, she'd just scare them off. She was a terribly powerful Hollow after all, her spiritual pollution was great for making people go weak at the knees. And not in the way Hvit's fingers did.


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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:30 pm
Coheed and Cambria Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Is it right to call this place home? The title's not incorrect, but some titles only matter when those present actually believe in them. It's fair that this particular individual would find themselves somewhat unworthy of stepping anywhere near this place, but this is the only way that she'll ever find closure. Ulv's not going to magically appear. Despite that oaf's persistent nature, this isn't a situation that's easy to simply take back. Elyss can accept that much. However, isn't it comical that someone so loud decided to move on without a sound? If Ulv was still around, Elyss would have laughed at her for losing her macho personality at the very end. Maybe she can still laugh about it, but there's no point when any emotion would just end up a bitter version of itself.

Moving past any reservations though, the redhead did find herself right at the front doors of Ulv's mansion. Well, technically, it's her mansion now, huh? There's a lot of red tape involved, but Elyss knows that anyone else inheriting this place would just prove weird. What's weirder is the fact that the yard is still being kept orderly. Elyss hasn't been around here for a while, so everything seeming unchanged filled her with an uncommon dread. Maybe she'll meet Ulv's ghost inside or something. Maybe some losers decided to crash here, but, if that's the case, why would they care about the lawn? There's only one way of knowing, so those doors would creak open, letting the lone woman in.

Imagination took hold of her then, the redhead envisioning herself coming home, haori in tow. Elyss found her hand moving to her waist, the white coat hugging her like a belt with its tail end flowing down her legs. Ulv would have probably thrown a party then. Ignorance blinded Elyss to the idea of anyone else being inside, somehow missing the familiar energy about as her thoughts continued fantasizing a currently impossible event. Even as she stepped forward, her eyes closed, reminiscing, only memory brought her to the living room where she could imagine the oaf coming from a multitude of areas to greet her. Almost like reciting a script, Elyss found her lips moving like a broken record.

"I'm home..."


Mirja Eeola
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:39 pm


"Welcome home, darling. Do you want a bath first, or dinner?"

Hvit's gentle words were tinged with a tease, the ionic words of a housewife greeting her partner after a long day. Of course, Elyss wasn't all interested in the third offer of the three, so it was left off the table. Here she stood, the only one allowed in this manor now Calypso had departed. Despite the terrible last meeting, Hvit would not throw away a lifetime of friendship just because of that.

Looking over, with sulphur eyes and a heavy presence, Hvit was silent. Not commenting on the Captain's Coat, nor Elyss' presence in general. Just, waiting.


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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:47 pm
Coheed and Cambria Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"What? Not gonna invite me to bed?" Elyss responded, feeling the sass in her voice. It's unlike Ulv to not make a sexual pun when able. Though, it's probably more unlike Ulv to respond while dead.


Elyss found her eyes opening, her body tensing as her senses heightened, her surroundings eerily clear. It took her a second, but the familiar presence brought a sigh from between her lips. It's familiar, but that's what's wrong.

"So, you're still alive, Hvit."

For some reason, despite not sensing the woman, Elyss had expected to turn her head and see Ulv with the Hollow, but it seems that she was being a bit too hopeful. However, Hvit being alive proved a pleasant surprise, despite how lackluster Elyss' face seemed. She's stuck between wanting to embrace the woman or cry and demand to know where Ulv is. If anyone knows, it's the one that's been inside of Ulv the oaf's whole life.


Mirja Eeola
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:55 pm


In a less serious situation, Hvit might have teased Elyss, but right now was a serious situation Her heart swelled, not only for the lost friend, but for Elyss, who was so forelorn.

"Yes. I..." Hvit would look away, to the ground. "I couldn't watch my other half die. Not again. I did it once, and that was more than enough. So Ulv let me go, sent me into the world to find other people that needed my help"

Hvit would then step forward, towards Elyss. Graceful and sublime, she moved with a familiar gait, and would reach out to stroke Elyss' cheek if allowed.
"And it looks like you are one. Please, talk to me, if you want. Or feel able"


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:08 pm
Coheed and Cambria Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"You? The helpful type?"

Almost... Elyss felt she could have chuckled, but something about the situation felt too surreal, too overbearing. One thing is for sure, Hvit being the supportive motherly type is new. Elyss barely knew the Hollow, honestly, but the little she did know gave off the impression that Hvit was all about herself and what others could do for her. Of course, there's always more than meets the eye, but the eye is hard to call a liar.

"...I wouldn't say I need help, per say, though," She muttered, knowing full well that she's lying. Elyss knows that she's starving for any help available, running from person to person for some idea of how to handle her situation. Hvit's a bit late, however. Elyss had already concluded what must be done a while ago. Everything that's happened after that decision only reinforces it. Even the hand on her cheek is only making her heart feel all the heavier with what must be done. It brought a question to the forefront of her thoughts, leaving her anxious like with V. It was pathetic, dark eyes clouded and unfocused as they stared at the floor.

"Heh... Well, what a reunion. It'd suck if this is how we meet, and then I go run off and get myself killed, huh? Crazy."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:17 pm


"What Queen lets her subjects struggle alone?" Hvit asked, looking into the dark, clouded eyes and seeing such negativity. Her Hollow must be having a field day - not that Hvit could sense anything of that inside her. Maybe she got it sealed away. Stroking Elyss' cheek some more, Hvit would drop her hand down to Elyss', taking it and gently pulling her into the Manor.

"Indeed it would, dear. So come, you look exhausted. Rest here for the night, we'll cook you breakfast in the morning, and then we will deal with life from there. One step at a time, it's how Mirja got through the darker moments of her life"


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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:46 pm
Coheed and Cambria Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Ah- Well, guess that's something nostalgic. Ulv used to pull her around all the time. Though, Elyss isn't really feeling the noisy redhead part this time around. It's too easy to see that her mind is a scrambled mess, so maybe sleeping and a bite to eat would do some good. Wait- There's food here? Who's been keeping this place supplied? Is Hvit about to make her some stale toast? That sounds unappetizing.

"Eh... Wait! Sleep. I- Here? Right now? Where are you going to sleep? Do you sleep?"

Elyss found herself trying to stop Hvit from going further. The redhead has overstayed her welcome on Earth, honestly. She was only stopping by to pay her respects after so long. Hvit being here was completely unexpected, and Elyss isn't sure if she should actually stay the night. It'd be weird after so long the place is
cold without Ulv here.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:52 pm


"Yes. Sleep. You, here. Right now. I do not sleep. Nor did Ulv, at least she didn't need to. She often did for the sake of passing the time or occasionally if the sun was out. At least, she didn't need to until.." Hvit would trail off and shake her head, not wanting to get into that right now.

"You look like you haven't had a proper night's sleep in a long time. I kept the manor in good condition, so the bed is ready to go. Please, just get some rest" Hvit asked. It was quite a shock to see her asking rather than commanding or convincing with a silky tone and mental pressure. It was a real showcase of her feelings towards Elyss. And the memory of Ulv...


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Coheed and Cambria Empty Re: Coheed and Cambria

Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:55 pm
Coheed and Cambria Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


How far could Elyss get if she started running? Probably not far, honestly, considering Hvit is as strong as Ulv. Well, this is an adequate excuse, right? She can just say she was being held against her will by her mom's hot Hollow GF. That's believable. Adding the GF part just makes it even more believable because Elyss would definitely say it with enough sass to imprint the aspect of death onto whoever she's speaking to.

The only thing weird about this is that Hvit is actually being considerate and stuff. That's weird. Though, this whole thing has been weird. It reminds her of old times, but that's no good. If she's being forced to get some rest, she should try to clear her mind and actually get some rest. What would be the point if she doesn't actually fall asleep?

"...Fine. I'll sleep. Guess ya can't my room in decent order, huh?"

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