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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3619
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:10 am
[ D E M O N T E M P L A T E ]

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] 7bdd70ad

+ B A S I C I N F O +

Name: Tabris [This is not his name, as he does not have an actual name]
Alias: Sennacherib
Appearance Age: 17
True Age: Approximately 65 Million Years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: It is unknown if the concept of sexuality is known to Tabris.


+ A P P E A R A N C E +


Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] 116baf4edebef9bb9c0ab70105639143c7d9723a
Tabris looks like a normal human teenager to an extent. His skin is slightly more pale than a normal human, though that's not the only thing that distinguishes him. His body is slimmer than a normal human as well. He doesn't have large muscles, though that's not to say he isn't above average strength. He is about five feet and 55/8 inches tall, which is 1.413 meters tall. His slim body weighs about 106.5 pounds, which is nearly 48.31 kilograms.

Tabris's eyes are two different shades of red. The first is closest to the color Rosso Corsa. which is the national color of all racing cars entered by Italy. That is the shade of his left eye. His right eye is slightly darker. The official color is called "Sangria," which is supposedly close to the color of blood and Sangría wine. His eyes have no visible pupil, which is another thing that separates him in a crowd.

Tabris's hair is colored as what is known as warm silver. He keeps it slightly unkept. He keeps one patch of bangs in between his eyes swept slightly to the right. His hair is neck-length and is well taken care of. He refuses to wear hats, though he doesn't say why.

Tabris only has three outfits. One of which is his outfit while "among the crowd." This is a very bland outfit and doesn't make him stand out as much. His outer shirt is medium-quality button-down short-sleeved shirt. He keeps the top two buttons undone, allowing his undershirt to show. It is a mango-colored crew-neck t-shirt that is shorter-sleeved than his outer shirt. He keeps his shirt tucked in at all times, though he doesn't state why. His pants are very dark navy blue pants that are almost like a school uniform's pants. He wears a brown leather belt and keeps the end of it untucked.

Tabris's second outfit is his oldest one. This is a skin-tight jumpsuit-like apparatus. It is made of self-regenerating fabrics, though it isn't indestructable. It is nearly as old as Tabris himself, though how this was created is still unknown. It has two black orbs that are actually gems placed around where a human heart would be. The gems were originally red, though when he was sealed they lost their color. On the wrists are what appear to be hexagon-shaped bracelet-like objects that are built into the suit. These have something that only the original Spirit King could activate. It was an energy handcuff-like system that no blade could cut through, even Excalibur.

Tabris's final outfit is a new-age version of his oldest one. He rarely wears his older one, so he had a new one created. It removed the energy handcuff system and replaced it with an energy shocker system that will add high voltage electricity into his punches. The entire suit has been streamlined. The two gems have been replaced by a single one. This protects the heart from blade attacks. The suit makes Tabris disappear on any radar (literal or metaphorical {like Claire's radar-like ability or Perquisa}), hiding his entire presence except his visible presence. It is air-tight and can allow for Tabris to breath even when there is no oxygen.

+ P E R S O N A L I T Y +



Even though he's never met them before, Tabris is generally overly friendly to strangers. This excludes those that he just passes by on the street. However, that can include them if they catch his attention. To put it in basic terms, he's the guy that will call telemarketers and telephone salespeople just to chat. He has been regarded as being "Creepy" because of how friendly he is to strangers.


After about ten minutes of conversing with Tabris, he'll consider you a friend. Whether that is a blessing or a curse is up to the person and how they look at Tabris. Since he really has no concept of sexuality, some of his actions can be called innapropriate. This has also given people the (false) thought that he is homosexual or bisexual. He can speak fluent Japanese, Russian, German, French, English, etc. Actually, he can speak most languages and their minor variations (only completely modern languages are those that he can not speak). However, when speaking to others, he will always use the most affectionate term to call them. Whether it be a prefix, suffix, or a nickname, Tabris is very affectionate to those he deems as "Friends."


If you make the next step with Tabris, expect a different side of him. While still affectionate, he will also show a slightly sadistic side. Slightly is an understatement. Tabris is the type of person to commit genocide while walking down the street casually. Despite his generally uke-esque behavior, he is a seme. To go back to the sexuality situation, he can generally be described as "pansexual." However, since he has no concept of sexuality it does not matter what you call him.


Tabris doesn't hate anyone per se. If he does, he doesn't show it at all. Anyone that fights for false beliefs he deems an "enemy." False beliefs are those like "humans can change," "you're just like so-an-so," etc. These are the only ones that Tabris will kill without any sort of remorse. He doesn't like to spy on his enemies, and despises it if his ally does it as well.


Tabris is rarely seen not smiling, even in battle. He applauds his opponents if they do a "cool" move or land a hit on him. He isn't afraid to take damage, which is odd for someone like him. He is always calm, and won't stop until he and/or his opponent(s) is/are dead or if some unexpected event occurs. Even though he doesn't use a weapon unless he is in one of his forms, he still doesn't like to use anything but his powers and his fists.


Tabris is a very...blunt individual. To him, there shouldn't be a gray area. Every question should be "yes" or "no." The word "maybe" means nothing to him. Much like teachers don't accept Wikipedia as a credible source, Tabris considers the word "maybe" in whatever language you speak as a symptom. For what? In his words, "Idiocy, indecisiveness, weakness, and patheticism." Tabris agrees entirely with the quote "God's In His Heaven, All's Right With The World."


+ P O W E R S +

Natural Abilities:
  • Jigoku Sokudo: Finally you have the Demon's Flash Step, Jigoku Sokudo. From the seals on your legs and feet, you will be able to give yourself temporary boost of intense speed. Masters and advanced can be in an extended state of intense speed for 2-3 post's with a three post cooldown. Don't fret, though. If you are near a shadow area or it's nighttime, your speed will increase greatly as the seals will guide you through the darkness. In some cases, it will even do the fighting for you if you cannot see.

  • Akuma Kyōdo: Thanks to the full body seal most demon's have on their bodies from birth, Akuma Kyōdo gives most Demon's a layer of defensive skin that is similar to an Arrancar's Hierro. This will be general defense, though if have a high Za Koa Skill, you can temporarily double your defense. Masters can do it for ten post, Advanced for seven, adept for four and beginners for two. All come with a three post cooldown.

  • Bōru Shi: Bōru Shi is a massive burst of destructive energy a demon can unleash if they have Adept or higher on Za Koa. It starts by gathering energy from Za Koa, The Demon's Blood and any type of darkness. From there, it will form into a ball of darkness that can be used to unleash serious damage upon anything it hits; Resulting in a black explosion. And thanks to Demon Spells, there are multiple varieties, advanced and powerful versions of this move.

Unique Abilities:

  • Ability Name: Metu Ager
    Translation: Terror Field
    Range: Variable.
    Type: Barrier
    Limitations: The only limitation to the power is its weakness. Only a single sword from a source can penetrate the barrier. However, no abilities of the sword can penetrate it. This means it would have to be either a constant release-type or unreleased. If you try to use an ability within the barrier, then a sub-barrier will block it. Kenpachi and Ichigo are some of the few people that can penetrate the barrier without even trying.
    Description: The ability is quite odd. It is technically constantly active, though dormant. While dormant, it is invisible. However, once an attack gets within range to affect Tabris, the barrier instantly activates. As stated above, only an unreleased sword is the ONLY thing that can penetrate it. If a punch is thrown, it will be blocked. If a kick is dropped, it will be blocked. Energy attacks are redirected at random angles, though it can never return to the sender. Something like Aizen's Kyoukasuigetsu's ability wouldn't work against Tabris, as it is still an ability. The same goes for Sakanade and Tousen's Bankai. Tabris has stated that this is strong enough to block out "light, magnetism, subatomic particles, everything." However, that isn't true as he is still affected by all of those on a natural level. Metu Ager is only deactivated by killing Tabris.

  • Ability Name:Satnam
    Range: N/A
    Type: Flight
    Limitations: N/A
    Description: Tabris can (somehow) change how gravity affects him. It might be that he's changing himself or that he's changing the force of gravity. However it may be, the ability is triggered at Tabris's will and can't be forcefully undone. Tabris can be knocked down, but the ability won't be deactivated.

Shishi Mōdo Appearance: (See forms)

Shishi Mōdo Abilities:

  • Ability Name: Nirankar
    Range: N/A
    Type: Form/Armor
    Limitations: 8 post maximum; 1 post cooldown before this form can be used again;
    Description: To describe this form, it should be called "rejecting its humanity." It is an armor-like extension of Tabris's body. It is the closest to humanoid out of all of his forms. This is also his fastest form as he can easily break the sound barrier while running. The armor's most inhuman trait is its large shoulder pylons. Inside of each pylon is a knife known as a progressive knife. It is highly durable though it's still just a knife giving him limited range to attack and defend himself. The knife is about a foot long and looks like a bowie knife.

    Just like in the next two forms, Nirankar has a "berserker" mode. However, Nirankar's berserker mod has the most drastic change. The chrome-colored armor turns jet-black and the crimson highlights turn bone white. The mouth restraints break and it reveals teeth. It is unknown if these are Nirankar's teeth are Tabris's teeth or not. However, the main change is the fact that his arms can extend to be a full body length long.

  • Ability Name:Rama
    Range: N/A
    Type: Form/Armor
    Limitations: 6 post maximum; 2 post cooldown before this form can be used again;
    Description: His Rama form is less humanoid than the Nirankar form. It is purple with neon green highlights where Nirankar has crimson highlights. The head had a large horn on it, resembling an Oni. Its head also has two tusk-like appendages near the back of the head. Its jaw is also elongated. When Rama goes berserk, the jaw restraints also break. This doesn't reveal mamalian teeth but instead large red teeth.

  • Ability Name:Akal Purakh
    Range: N/A
    Type: Form/Armor
    Limitations: 4 post maximum; 3 post cooldown before this form can be used again;
    Description: The Akal Purakh form has little humanoid traits left. Its head has four eyes which are like small cameras. It is mainly red, though the upper arm is orange and the lower arm white. Its progressive knife has a hole inside of the blade with a "bump" on it as well. Its shoulders also can eject their cap, revealing a needle launcher. When it goes berserk, the pylons eject and the "bolts" that are seen throughout the body are extended outwards, though not completely. They glow green and almost look like they are scaled. The jaw restraints are removed and it reveals this completely inhuman set of teeth. The top row is short and curved inwards. The bottom row has much longer teeth that are equally sharp. Its tounge is almost like a knife as well.

Mukō Jōtai Appearance: (See form, otherwise no change)

Mukō Jōtai Ablities:

  • Ability Name:Uriel
    Range: N/A
    Type: Form/Armor
    Limitations: 2 post maximum; 4 post cooldown before this form can be used again;
    Description: While all of his other forms are "rejecting its humanity," the Uriel form is rejecting Tabris's humanity. Uriel has no humanoid traits whatsoever. Its head it like a skull, smiling with glee and screaming in fear at the same time. Its shoulders are two large rounded triangles made of something like topaz. His "heart" is now a red orb under his head. His entire body is a black material. It is a solid, though it can't really be described as anything by a solid.

    Tabris can seperate parts of the body and reform it at will, even on the molecular level. The only thing that can't change is the state of matter. He can reform it into something near the hardness of diamonds or something as sharp as a positron laser. What Tabris usually does is turn part of the sides of the body into sword-like arms.

  • Ability Name: Absolutam Metu Ager
    Translation: Absolute Terror Field
    Range: 100 meter radius when not fully active; Dimension-wide when fully activated
    Type: Barrier
    Limitations: It can only be fully activated after Tabris has obtained one of the main Iramasha gems, the Hougyouku, or the Holy Grail. However, if something of equal power is revealed it can be used with that as well.
    Description: The true version of Metu Ager is quite a fearsome ability. Absolutam Metu Ager is able to block out spacial tampering and can even stop things such as Senkaimon from being opened. However, until it has an external power source has been found, it has a very limited range. When an external power source has been found, it can block out travel to an entire dimension by all means except by Gargantua.

  • Ability Name: Ishvar
    Range: 3.4 kilometers
    Type: UNKNOWN
    Limitations: A strike to Tabris's actual body, not his suit, will cause it to dissipate.
    Description: This attack can only be used when Tabris has entered his Rama form. However, it can not be activated while a form is being used. He calls it "the moon's shadow." A black circle, 3.4 kilometers in diameter will appear. The circle is on the ground and is 3 nanometers thick. Tabris can walk on the circle and it will ripple as if it were a liquid. However, if ANYONE else even touches the circle, they will be absorbed into a pocket dimension that is nearly impossible to escape. The way to escape? Aside from Tabris willing it, the only way is to fight the person's inverse. The Inverse appears exactly like the person and mimics their every move. Seems easy, right? Wrong. Any non-fatal injury is transferred to the other. Example: if the inverse is struck on the left arm, then the original will have an injury on the left arm. If Tabris exits the circle, it will still be there. If the circle is implemented where there are buildings, then the buildings will sink into the pocket dimension. If Tabris is killed, the pocket dimension is still there though it will be impossible to leave. He can also only maintain two Ishvars at a time.


+ B A C K G R O U N D +

In the beginning of time. No, since the creation of Touketsu and the such, there have been overseers to watch over dimensions and planets. Overseers were those than made sure planets came together and society was created a slow enough rate so that it would take millenia to realize what was happening. Overseers on some planets and planes of existance died out, their job failed. After three thousand years, only a handful remained.
Of those, there was one on a planet known as T3RR4, which later became known as "Terra." Terra was a small planet. It was mainly covered in water with a few landmasses. The Overseer of T3RR4 (the combination of numbers and letters was location, atmosphere type, planet type, and other conditions that made the T3RR4 name) was arguably the youngest-looking Overseer to exist. He was known by his planet's identification number.

As the early prototypes failed, the Overseer decided to make a bipedal creature for a final experiment. The first prototype was...different. It wasn't like he imagined, but more powerful. He gave the thing no name and called it his "apprentice." Toning down from his first creation, another creature was created. He called it "Adam." Adam was the most advanced thing, other than the Overseer, to exist on Terra. In order to create more of Adam, the Overseer created another being, Lilith. From Lilith and Adam, the Lilim were created. Lilim were what Man would be born out of. Lilith disappeared suddenly, and Adam created another wife with one of his ribs and named her Eve. In order to feed them, the Overseer created a tree that produced bright red objects that could be eaten. The Overseer also gave the tree the ability to "teach" the two beings.

However, the apprentice of the Overseer, for some reason, was ejected from the area by Adam. Only the Overseer, Adam, and Eve were allowed into the area according to Adam. The Overseer did not care. However, the Apprentice somehow was able to re-enter the area (known as Eden according to the inhabitants). In the time he was in there, he poisoned the tree with some unknown concept and the fruit turned to gold. This enraged the Overseer and he forcefully ejected the Apprentice out of Eden. In the time after that, Adam and Eve ate one of the fruits from the tree. This activated the poison within the fruit and Adam and Eve (and their following offspring) were affected.

The Apprentice's trickery took one thing from Adam and Eve, but not the Lilim: Eternal Life. Over time, the Lilim evolved. It lost hair and grotesque skull formations but gained brain functionality. The Overseer watched as the creatures discovered fire, made a wheel, made weapons, and other inventions and tools to help their society build. He spread the children around the world, allowing for a more diverse and spaced-out population. He took a liking to a certain group, which he had placed in the desert to see how they would grow without much water or cover.

The Overseer never made his presence known and kept himself in his position of a deity-like being to the societies. The desert society never was tainted with the changing of times, and remained pure Lilim. As the times went on, the Overseer took away all of the other societies' Eternal Life except for the desert society, which he called "those who remained." They were nothing but the pet project for the Overseer. It wasn't until 4000 B.C. that he screwed up.

It was known as the Uruk period for another reason other than the Sumerian city of Uruk. In an old language lost to the times, Uruk meant "place of river of blood" as a rough translation. The Overseer decided one day to mix two completely different cultures. As he migrated one to the other, he gave them better weapons. For almost a millenium, the Overseer watched as the two cultures wiped the other out. In the end, both cultures died out in a single long war. A pair of Overseers were sent from the True Realm (known today as the Soul King's dimension) and imprisoned the Overseer of T3RR4 in a box known as the Three King Barrier. The box was sent to the moon, which was uninhabitable. One of the two Overseers that had imprisoned the T3RR4 Overseer took his place for years until one other Overseer took his place...

Inside the barrier, which was like a giant casket, the T3RR4 Overseer assumed the Pseudonym of Tabris. Tabris slept mostly, not giving a damn about what happened to Earth. It took an ungodly amount of time for the barrier to weaken enough for Tabris to escape the stone prison. As he descended onto Earth, he became disgusted with the societies around him. Overseers had died out, and this made Tabris...happy for once. However, the idiots of society made his happy time short. Currently, he is searching for the people of the desert to save them from his plans...


+ S K I L L S H E E T +


Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Manipulation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Spells/Summonings: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Jigoku Sokudo Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Re: Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:29 pm
Approved, event-only, 0-2+. :3
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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue0/0Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Re: Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:39 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Comments/Notes: I Already approved it from above, but everything seems to be well with his app and seems reasonable for an event only character.
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Pimp Cloak
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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue0/0Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Re: Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:04 pm
*Uses K. 0 to send this App into the Archives*

Smiley face
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Re: Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:14 pm
Ikari-kun would like this app un-archived.

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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3619
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Location : Gracemeria

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Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+] Empty Re: Tabris [Admin-Only, Event-Only, Special Permissions for History] [Approved 0-2+]

Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:37 am
Archived, there's an updated version now!

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