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Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Mon May 23, 2022 11:53 am
If he would, he wanted to get better at swordsmanship than anything. Skill was problematic, and it wasn't that he couldn't learn it was more that he didn't want to swing his sword like a damn caveman. At least Amon didn't do it so miserably, he used what he had learned from Soul Academy and applied that to whatever he was developing. The daylight shone down on the marble ground of the training area for the Fourth Division, allowing for anyone to really use the large space for their needs, in Amon's case he was busy training. He needed to get out of the headspace of being an accountant for a moment and push more into his focus of just getting better at his regular job, a Shinigami. There was a lot of time spent getting the numbers and damages, replacements and unused equipment and space that the Fourth Division did and didn't need, it not only saved their budget but allowed for smooth sailing in that end for the Captain of the Fourth. And now Amon was busy swinging his weapon from a successive spin in his hand, not something he was showing off but a fighting method he was trying to develop.

"Oh chico, seguro que estás progresando, ¡creo que vi que tu muñeca se enderezaba!" The Asauchi's words in Amon's head were quiet but clearly could be heard which resulted in an exasperated sigh. Every other day he could swear the damn thing was more alive, he understood that eventually his Asauchi would turn into a Zanpacto but the Shinigami felt he wasn't close to doing that just yet.

"I could throw you in a river and pick a new sword." Amon had stopped to take a breather for a good minute, and to his satisfaction the sword didn't speak again.

Sighing again after looking around the empty training yard, Amon mutters to himself about a variety of things. He should be out killing a Hollow but he couldn't do that if he didn't have the necessary power to go against the stronger ones! It irked him, normally when he was going to fight it was always intervened by another Shinigami that easily wiped the floor with the things. He started to look through a folder he kept on the bench anytime he was out training, everyday he was getting a little better and in control of his swordsmanship… or at least whatever he was trying to do. Amon checked over the numbers again, on the outside of the folder the big letters, "AJMB," were written in sharpie to show the ownership. Right now he was considering just calling it a day, just about to give up on whatever skill… "Skill," he was trying to develop.
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Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Empty Re: Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open)

Wed May 25, 2022 1:38 pm
It had been a few few now, non actually maybe a month or two now, since Tento Zefa had found himself welcomed into the 4th Division of the Gotei known as the combat division. Hanako's tour of the compound helped the fresh member of the division get a better sense of the environment that he would call his home now. On this day, he had nothing to do. Well, besides the few basic day to day duties that Vice Captain Hanako told him about that were on cycle duty to their routine of keeping maintenance and working the division. Walking out of his assigned room within the barracks, Tento figured with some spare time, he would get a work out and some trainin' in.

There were many things he wanted to work on. Many things he needed to learn, improve, and experiment with. His relationship with his zanpatuko being the main thing. He still did not know its name, nor in fact its appearance let alone its voice. In the seven years he spent at the Shino Academy, he did not connect or interact with his sword's spirit once. Whether if it was a response to him potentially not being strong enough, the spirit within his sword not finished being created from his presence, or the spirit simple not being talkative. These were all just theories Tento had in his head. Either way the end result was still bugging him. Gave him a sense of inadequacy. How could he be a seated officer without Shikai??? It made him work harder to counteract this loss in his other areas of expertise. Like his swordsmanship and mind.

His feet stepped into the open space, the daylight being a warm welcome as Tento moved onto the marble ground of the training area for the Fourth Division. It was still a surprise to him how big the 4th Division's compound was. This was even more true for the amount of open space they had!

Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Tentos10
Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Mon May 30, 2022 8:47 pm
Amon sheathed his Asauchi and sat down, looking over the numbers of his recent bi-weekly review of the Fourths spending. He'd done well to make sure they had plenty of funding to do extra stuff, the idea of a massive pool built into a small ass water park was… Pending. They had plenty of room and swimming was already a rigorous exercise, so why not make it fun? He had been saving up a lot of personal money to look into it, maybe somewhere in the outskirt-fields of Soul Society? No, maybe not a water park, but certainly something besides the same old, "old school" places around SS… An arcade?

"Focus up, Chico, you have company."

Amon's random planning was cut short thanks to his blade's voice. He looked up to see familiar… almost familiar face, he could have sworn he had seen this individual somewhere before. It hit the accountant in the head. He had seen this Shinigami a dozen times but never chatted with them. What was their name again? More importantly Amon saw they were in the area for training of course, and a thought popped up in the young Americans head.

"Howdy," Amon starts, slapping closed the folder he held, he looked directly at the other warrior, "You're… Tento, correct? One of the officers? I was about to head out but I figured what the hell, wanna spar with me? I'm trying to… Develope some form of skill other than the basics the Academy teaches you, ain't got a katana like everyone else so I'm trying to find a way to better utilize a broad sword."
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Fri Jun 03, 2022 5:29 pm
Looking around Tento was a little taken in by the place. It was so big, calm, yet had a strong aura. A warrior's sanctionary. It drew him in as he thought about the minutes, hours, days that he would hopefully get to be in here training. Sweating, laughing, bonding with his squad mates. Maybe some friendly rivalries. Who knows? Either way it was a place he was apart of now. And that meant he had to find and make his place within it along the others who joined recently and who would later come in the future.

Sadly Tento was missing said possability right now. Letting his focus wandered and looking up, he failed to see Amon sitting down looking over the numbers of his recent bi-weekly review of the Fourth's spendings. Mind and soul in his own thoughts and wonders, Tento didn't come back until he heard Amon speak a "Howdy".

"Oh Hi, yes I am Tento. Umm yea I'm an officer.. ", he would listen to Amon's words. Ah a day needing a training partner. That matched with what he was hoping to do. So sure, he did not see a reason why not. However before he gave his answer he would need to ask something. "Sorry to say I don't think I've met you. What is your name?", after hopefully getting an answer that would be when Tento gave his answer, with a smile. "AND YEP. I'm done. I was hoping to get some training in today. Sparring against someone is better than doing nothing but solo stuff. Hopefully we can learn or at least get some nice experience from this yea".

Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Tentos10
Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:57 pm
There wasn't a whole lot to answer the individual, Amon had already gauged the power difference between him and Tento and clearly there was a difference between the two. Although neither were powered up at the moment Amon had gotten used to studying others power levels, though it was nothing difficult. He wasn't surprised at all that the officer didn't know who he was, not a lot of people did either because he wasn't too talkative to anyone except for Hanako and… That was really it. He couldn't say he spoke to Arkin at all, just the usual greet-n-go between the pair which, as someone from the medical division told him to, "Socialize more." Did she not know that there was plenty of work to be done?!

"Not surprised you haven't heard of me," Amon states with a smile, though it sounded like a depressing situation he didn't think so, "Amon Breach, one of the warriors of the Fourth and accountant as well. At your service with a few hazards."

The young Shinigami gave a mock bow then rose back up and stretched his left arm, "Whelp! With introductions outta the way, I'm just gonna warn you now… I'm just looking for a swordsmanship type practice, none of that Shikai or Bankai bullshit… Kinda still feeling a massive ass-whoopin' I received in a "spar" from our behemoth of a Captain. Well I take that back, if you want to use yer Bankait or whatever be my guest."

Amon's southern twange was starting to show. It was clear he was a bit picky this time around and was uncomfortable with the idea of being completely destroyed again, but he took back the "no using powers" so at least he wasn't trying to be an ass about this. Amon didn't necessarily wait for Tento and set down the files, then took his place across the marble arena. He then asked pulling his Asauchi out, "Ready when you are, good sir."
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Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Empty Re: Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open)

Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:45 am
As Tento talked to the man before him known as Amon, he felt the energy of the man become more present to his senses. It was not a complete or full analysis of the man, but, Tento could feel that he had more spirit pressure and spirit energy. That was not the whole picture though. Amon's speed, strength, durability, skill set, and ability with their tools of attack. These type of hings could not be felt, they had to be seen, experienced, and interacted with. That was from a first glance though. A weak one, for all Tento knew, once powered up Amon could possibly overwhelm him in spirit energy or spirit pressure.

Tento chuckled a little, a response to Amon's last words of 'at your service with a few hazards'. "Sounds like you can cause a situation, nice to Meet to Amon. Tento Zefa, 15th seated officer.Sorry I am still very new here and have not gotten the chance to meet all of my fellow seated officers or people with positions within our division". Tento returned the bow that Amon gave, giving a formality to the man.
Tento nodded as Amon's words, and a smile even came to his face. The Southern twange of his speech brought back memories of back home. Thankfully only the good times, "Oh....are you from the southern parts of America?", as Amon put his papers down and shifted backwards. The smile on his face faded ad was replaced with a sheepish look as he rubbed the back of his head. "Okay. So. I...actually do not have Bankai, I do not even have a Shikai..., ", Tento waited for the response, even if he was new to the force, many of his fellow graduates had their Shikai before they graduated, if not some time after. It was still very short since he got out, but, how could he be a seated officer without knowing his sword? Regardless of his spiritual power and abilities outsize of his felt....wrong.

Examining the space though he pulled out his unnamed Asauchi. He had faced Captain Hanako? Well...that must have been a hell boot camp. However, Tento was also curious to what the man learned from the experience. "Either way, it works for me. I am fine with only doing swordsmanship. Alright, here I come", when Tento saw that Amon was ready he moved, starting out with a little probing, quickly moving to shorten the distance between the two, he extended his sword and released to quick short stabs. Targeting a spot that was below the rib cage on the right side of his body with both hits before bringing his word back to his body.

Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Tentos10
Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Tue Jun 28, 2022 5:38 pm
"Oh naw! It's all good! Still seeing new… Newish faces around here mahself," Amon responded in kind and started to rotate his right arm, satisfied at the little pops and cracks as Tento room his place, "Langston, Texas. Town's been around for… forty? No fifty years now, don't think anything has changed since I've been away."

Amon listened to Tento admit that he didn't have a Shikai, which helped give a slight boost to Amons confidence. However that isn't to say that Tento wasn't a tank, for all Amon knew he could easily plow the accountant's ass with some sheer strength and speed, so there was that to tread around carefully. Amon rubbed the back of his neck as he replied, "I guess we're in the same boat. Most of my peers had them before graduation, which I mean- it is what it is! Been hearing my Asauchi's voice lately but he's a bit of a smartass, so there's that-"

"Either way, it works for me. I am fine with only doing swordsmanship. Alright, here I come."

Amon thought as Tento started to approach with a carefully made advancement. He was wanting to prod his opponent for openings, any opportunities, but Amon saw what was happening just before it actually did. He was quick to step back as the speed of Tento came at force with a series of jabs with the sword. Amon had read the attack and either parried or slightly dodged the attacks, and with the final one he allowed it to pass by his side, grazing ever so slightly, and quickly Amon moved in with a stab of his own whilst moving in very close to his foe, and followed with a leg sweep and a horizontal swipe of his sword.

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Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Empty Re: Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open)

Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:34 pm
Tento stepped forward throwing out his probing test strikes, before he could start and continue his other strikes, he could tell that Amon knew what was going on. It made sense, he had more than enough room to look and examine it, and move in response. Amon stepped back at Tento's first probing strike, stepping out of the way of the first blow. On the follow up ones the events followed the same results, there was no openings being created that Tento could take advantage of, but Tento was happy to see this, Amon had good footwork and body movement.

With Tento's final strike stab, Amon moved allowing the stab to graze his size, moving quickly Amon extended forward with a stab of his own. During this shift and Amon moving in closer to his occupied space. Tento would turn, planting his left for foward and turn his body, turning his grazing stab to a horizontal strike at the hip level. Gripping the sword with both hands, Tento use both hands and a bit of strength in his practice strike. Moving with the dull end of his blade to make sure no dangerous level of damage could be done if the blow hit. Depending where Amon was aiming his stab it would miss, however if it landed still Tento would endure it.

After this exchange in the tightness of the space between them, Amon move to sweep the leg, an attempt to knock Tento off balance. Moving quickly, Tento did a slight hop up, sticking out and swinging his leg out in a kick to Amon's arm. After doing so as he body hovered in the air, Tento shifted his blade in a side guard with his blade up, he saw Amon swinging coming in with a quick horizontal cut. Tento chose to clash their swords together in an attempt to block the strike.

The tight space made him work to pull these movements off, and Tento was not sure if he could follow up with a counter to another attack while he was still in the air.

"Ohhhh Langston? I'm from New Orleans, Lousiana. One thing I miss the most is the music so far being...well..dead".

Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Tentos10

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Blood Knight
Blood Knight
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Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:40 pm
Each of his three strikes weren't necessarily fast enough to deal any significant damage, let alone any damaging blows. The stab Amon produced barely grazed the foe's side as theirs did his left, lightly cutting through the cloth and almost the skin. Amon's leg sweep was a miss as Tento jumped to avoid it, and his follow-up sword swing was almost interrupted when Tento let loose his own aerial kick. The Shinigami adjusted to the kick, bringing up his free arm to block the kick but allowing its force to grow the body weight Amon threw behind the sword strike to be heavier than what it was, using the momentum to gain that little boost in speed and strength. That was until his heavier strike clashed with Tentos defensive pose, both blades striking with a loud clash.

With a devilish grin, Amon used the spiked hilt to lock the other sword and force it past his side, taking advantage of Tento being in the air and in an attempt to pulling him forward slightly. He used the strength behind his left leg and lurched forward with enhanced speed and strength to deliver a quick knee to the midsection of his "enemy," Joining the individual in the air. Whether it was avoided or not, Amon brought back his Asauchi swiftly in another striking attempt, and stomped outward at Tentos lower half just at his waistline. This would allow Amon to come down to the ground and continue his assault.

Between strikes, Amon replies, "Is it true y'all got voodoo and all that stuff over there? Kinda wanted to go there for a vacation, but… Well that didn't happen. Missed Texas for its food and hunting.'
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Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:32 am
Tento three strikes hit. More practice strikes really. None in the aim to deal really any harm. The held speed and power behind them but none that would make them anything close to a real combat attack. Just enough to test his skills and react in Tento's mind. As long as he could test how he would respond in a real life situation it would probably be good enough for him. Maybe some of his strikes would be harder to see how effective they could be but, eh, who knows.

Tento wondered if this was the same case for Amon, how hard was he truly trying to hit in his ind? How fast? How precise? Their actions should be somewhat meaningful after all but, then again, they did not have to be serious at the same time. Well...maybe that was disrespectful for Tento to think like that. Just because he had more spirit egery did not mean he should take his blows light against Amon, at least, they should have some power behind them. Some speed. After all, if he was facing Hanako he would be giving his all, and, he would want Hanako to match his intensity. After all....if she did not he would not get better when the sparred, and he would feel like he was just wasting the Vice Captains time and energy.

Fabric was slashed on both men's bodies. Their evasive actions successful in avoiding the first blows from each other. The follow up exchange of movements between the men continued as well, clashes and movements being weaved. Turning, jumping, and dodging the attack of their match up. Tento noted that Amon adjusted well to his kick, taking the force to put more oomph in his step and core, blocking with his arm to then push with his weight to throw his sword strike heavier. The initial clash having his own weight but the carry though have a second layer of strength that exceeded the first. As Tento took the blow and clashed it with his sword, the lower level ranked seated officer gave an approving smile, "NICE! That was a really strong strike, fast too", Tento spoke with genuine positively and affirmation.

This level of impression continued when Tento saw Amon's next move. The fellow southern used the spiked hilt of his sowrd to lock in with Tento's blade, using the angle and Tento's position in the air, Amon turned his blade and forced it further, moving past his side to pull Tento closer. On instinct, knowing the precarious situation he was in, Tento quickly let go of his sword with his left hand, striking his hand out in an open palm strike to Amon's chest. In that instant, Tento felt a sharp knee fly into his stomach. It seemed Amon had jumped into the air to deliver the kick, Tento would try to ensure that his aim did not shift from the center mass of his large target, but he would have to see.

This seemed to a weaker end to Amon's goals though. As the man brought his Asauchi back in another strike attempt after their exchange, moving towards, Tento's lower half portion of his body. In a tough position, Tento focused some of his spirit engery at the bottom of his feet, a subtle trick he learned that seemed to be common knowledge needed fro anyone out of the beginner levels of hoho. Using the surface, Tento flashed stepped above, flipping his legs and torso above him while attempting to move further in the air as he pulled his sword to his body. Hoping to break the lock between their swords and avoid the strike to his waistline, if not avoid the blow, at least remove his sword from the lock position and not be in a controlled situation.

Whether it was avoided or not, or if his movements worked, Tento would talk from whatever position he was in. "Oh ho ho oh yeeeeeeaaaaa. Voodoo real over there. All about knowing and exploring nature, ones inner spirit, and connection to ones ancestors. Before people were not so...sure about it in the modern world from what my parents and grandparents said. But, once people began to get exposure to spirit energy and such...well....this people saw before that was limited to others became a lot more real".

If Tento was further in the air he would swing in a horizontal slash aimed at Amon's shoulder. If Tento was in the position of being in the aftermath of taking Amon's blow, still do a diagonal slash going from his left to right during the motion he would knee, reaching low he would throw out a horizontal slash. "Ah I am sorry you never got the chance. Maybe if you ever get stationed there. You can go sight seeing a little bit? The bayou area has some good hunting spots and food is good wherever you go".

Emphasis on "Skill" (Training/Open) Tentos10

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