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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Left_bar_bleue0/0Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:52 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] 6EdIfMt

It was night and it was raining. Raining like the night when they had left the mortal realm. But this time it didn't bother Hanako. She just looked at the sleeping figure on the spare futon and everything else was forgotten.

Shortly before the most incredible thing had happened to the Lieutenant of the Combat Division. Something that had impacted her more deeply, more severely than even her fight against Elyss. No, there wasn't any blade that would ever be able to cut so deep into her soul than the person she met that day.

Before that moment Hanako couldn't even remember that she had a sister. This, like so many details, had been erased from her memory. Or so she thought. Instead, when suddenly a gentle voice called her by her name, her real name, Hana discovered that her memories had only been buried, but not lost. That one "Ameko" was what tore down the dam that held back a lifetime. It was overwhelming. And at the same time the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to Hana.

Now Hanako looked at the deeply black hair that looked like a whole in the fabric of space in the dark room and felt her chest almost burst with joy and love. A fairly new experience she still had to get used to, since nothing of that sort had filled her for a very long decade. But she still knew she'd kill and die for the woman that slept over in her quarters.

It was not that she didn't have a place to live but it was in Outer Rukongai and Hanako wanted to have her close for the time being. Hanako's standing as a Vice Captain helped with convincing the family the young woman lived with and worked for that she needed a few days off to celebrate the occasion appropriately. Although it had not been without taking a promise from Hana that she'd visit the family so they had a chance to get to know her.

The next day was a day that Hanako had looked forward to. The day she could introduce the most special person in her life to her oldest friend inside the Seireitei. And as if the Soul King had heard her, the day was exceptionally beautiful. Warm, but not hot, a pleasant breeze in the air and barely any clouds in the sky.

When Hanako walked from her rooms to the training area many of the division stopped and looked as if she had grown a second head overnight. She hadn't. In fact she looked like any given day: the usual sleeveless Shihakusho, showing her well trained arms and strong shoulders. Her sword in her obi at her left hip, the Lieutenant's badge on her right hip. The dark red dyed hair tightly braided. Nothing out of the ordinary…although what might have caught the attention of the division members was the cheerful chatting and laughing with the tall, beautiful woman, who went side by side with the Lieutenant. And not only that, Hanako was smiling, proper beaming, the whole time. Everyone in the division who knew her long enough knew that this was highly unusual. Some of them even closed their eyes and scanned her aura, when she had passed them, to be sure that it really was the same person.

When the pair arrived at the training court Hanako grinned at Tento. Not her sheepish, crooked grin, but a real one.

"Hallo Tento. Sorry if I'm a bit late." She said, waving. Then she turned to the woman at her side.

"This is Tento. He's my oldest friend in Seireitei. We have known each other since we were in the academy."

Then, turning back to Tento, Hana grabbed the other woman's hand.

"This is Kumomi," she said. "My big sister. She'd like to watch us train. I hope you don't mind."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Left_bar_bleue0/0Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:53 pm
It was a quiet night. No foot steps walking by, no voice gliding against the sounds of the night through the Seireitei. No sounds of duty, only the soft whispers of birds chirping in the moonlight. No yelling, no dogs barking, no cats meowing. Just a peaceful, quiet tranquility. The occasional addition to this environment, was a gentle breeze that blew with the soft smell of the end of spring. The echo of Autumn waiting to knock at the doors of time. Tento stood in his room, slowly closing his eyes before letting the sounds of the empty night put him to sleep. Peace.

On the next day Tento sat on the ground, slightly elevated from the ground due to the layered step. The air was just right, cool and fresh. At this time he was just relaxing and gathering his thoughts. He liked to think. He liked to think about many things. The small joys of what he was finding in this new world. Of what he could do in his journey of being a better version of him. He thought about his dreams, he thought about his life and how it was going. And, of the woman he was going to see today. His friend and Vice Captain of their squad. It was strange, the playful full of energy sensation he was getting thinking that she was on her way to train with him. It was funny how so many years ago she was a cold eyed hard shell around him, how things changed and time pasted so fast...

With a bounce his feet hopped. Tento's figured coming up onto his feet. His left arm going around in a wide circle crank as he stretched it out, walking up to the center of the training field. His sword sheathed on his left hip. The day was so beautiful and full of life. Warm, soft, calm; a perfect day to train. Thankfully it was not too hot, with the lack of clouds in the sky. He stretched down to his toes, fingers touching feet. Standing up his eyes came upon a sight, one that had him a bit amazed and bewildered. Stopping the words that was coming out of his mouth as he began to talk to her. "No worries Hanako I wa-".

Hanako, smiling.

Not her cheeky smile, or her trademark Hanako grin. But one that she had...something in. A bright, sweet smile that took his breath away. Literally. He stood there just staring that her and her smile, he words coming to his ears. He wasn't even able to wave back! Enchanted was the the weakest word to describe Tento's look at Hanako right now. With a few seconds after she had finished speaking his brain gave him the 'talk dummy' jolt to come back to reality. "Oh ah, Hi Kumoni, nice to, meet you", he said still betwiledered. "Ah no of course no problem with that. Kumomi can if she wants to". His mind raced, thinking of soooooo many questions and feelings in this moment.

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Tentos10
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:05 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] 6EdIfMt

Hanako noticed the short pause in Tento's reaction. It was understandable and she knew there was a lot of this coming her way. She was indeed different, after all. However, her assertiveness was also different. She no longer was afraid to just be herself. There no longer was a shell that could be cracked, no longer any fear she could collapse into nothingness. The void was filled. She was whole. For the first time in literally a lifetime, albeit kind of another life, she felt whole.

"I see you've noticed some changes." She said and laughed. Her laugh was surprisingly girly for a warrior of her statue and with the gloomy demeanor everyone around her was used to. However, it was also an honest laugh, and that very much felt like Hanako.

"Don't worry, I'm still me. It's just that the me you knew until now was incomplete. I was missing a lot…"

She paused and frowned while thinking.

"...missing some 90 years, I think."

She looked over to Kumomi, eho had taken up a position on the sideline, where she could sit comfortably and watch what was happening. She also thought for a second, then nodded.

"Sounds about right, Ame." Kumomi said.

Hanako, turned back to Tento, waved her arms in a confirmatory gesture.

"All that life, those memories, everything that forms a person, was mostly lost to me. When I met Kumi again it came back. I thought I was doing fine before, also thanks to you, by the way. But now that I am reclaiming who I really am I realised I was barely hanging on by a thread. It's gonna be an interesting time, maybe a bit confusing, but interesting."

Her smile thinned a bit to a hungry grin. Her eyes gleamed with an energy Tento probably knew very well. There was the known Hanako, the warrior, the Lieutenant of the Combat Division. She was still there.

"We can talk about it. There's a lot you probably want to know. Quite frankly a lot I still need to figure out, too. What I can definitely tell you is that your friend from the academy is still here. I remember everything."

She slowly pulled her sword. The metal of the blade sung. It wasnt because of friction between blade and sheath. It was virbration, caused by Bakumusha's anticipation.

"I also remember why we met here."

She held her sword in two hands before her. The air around her seemed to vibrate. She had never crossed real blades with Tento. She couldn't wait to see what would happen.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Left_bar_bleue0/0Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:51 am
Tento gazed at Hanako as she spoke. His eyes having a hard time trying to decide what, or rather who. He wanted to look at. Kumoni who was by means an amazing new detail into the world. Her existance gave so much. A person to learn details about Hanako that he was shy to ask. To perhaps gather hints about who the woman....he was finding his heart growing fonder and fonder towards, was when she was, before. Hell, just having someone that he hoped he could gain some insight more about Hanako was interesting. She as cute herself so that didn't make it any easier, but his mind was so far far elsewhere.

On the other hand, there was Hanako herself. His mentor, his Lieutenant....his dear friend. She was smiling! She was really smiling bright. She laughed, a whole other level of joy within her voice that Tento did not think he heard in the years at the academy. Internally he knew he was jealous at this, having not caused it himself. But that emotion was being swallowed by a rushing wave of water that was pure happiness and excitement at being able to witness this. Hanako, was healing. Bit by bit. Questions, wanting to know about her past and if she was truly the same person now, that was irrelevant right now. Come what may, she was...better. And as someone that cared about her, for her. That all he needed.

A deeper calmness, a comfort within one skin. A wider openness. Those things would be looked at later, and hopefully he would see these signs in her. But, right here he could see that she at least appeared not like an empty shell trying to find something to fill her that she felt as right. No fear. No doubt. No, possibility of collapsing into a black void of darkness and nothingness. He crossed his arms, a very relaxed posture, even slouching a little with a bit of awestruck look as well. That laugh...took his breath away. "Ah yes, I've noticed some changes. You're....looking beyond beautiful today", he said very flatly and outright. A flirting joke trying to not make this sudden change cause him to act different to her. As light hearted that sentence was though, his next was a lot more serious and genuine. "You got some memories that's amazing! I'm so happy to hear that. I, look forward then to finding out about this complete Hanako. I hope she likes me as much as the old one", he said with a bright smile that beamed.

He stayed how he was as Hanako continued to speak. His head following her eyes as she looked over to Kumomi. 90 years. It was really overwhelming thinking about it. That much memory gone. And that much hitting someone at once. She seemed to handling it perfectly though. Tento was not sure if he could...would be the same in this situation. He really wondered as he watched Hanako wave her arms.

"Ah....", he gave another pause. One not caused by being shocked, but by a feeling spinning inside of him. His brown skin made it hard, but there was a bright color to the cheeks that held his smile hearing her words. "Thank you...", he quickly tried to move on when she moved onward with her grin. A bit embarrassed.

His eyes met hers. He new that look and energy. As his look met that energy, but, underneath there was another. A gentle tender one. But he would focus. It was time to get some good training in! "Confusion is fine. Kumoni and I are here to help where you will need it. Besides, I'm sure there will be some funny, interesting moments from this new journey of yours".

He slowly pulled out his sword now as well. He had no doubt that Hanako was still there. The warrior, his Lieutenant, his friend. She was growing, simple as that. It was soft and faint, one that Tento did not feel or hear. But a song was humming out from Tento's sword as well. Happiness, joy, and a hunger that was seeking Hanako's sword and her very spirit as well. A various amount of emotions was swirling within Tento's unnamed sword and his spirit. A soft brown glow flowed around Tento's body as he readied himself. "There is a lot I do want to know. I don't even really know where to start tho...".

With his sword held in both of his hands, and the air around him continuing to hum. He moved, dashing towards his friend.

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Tentos10
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:38 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] 6EdIfMt

She could feel Tento's energies rise and thicken around him. Good. It was high time that she saw what her old friend had learned these last few years. Tento had always been a good sparring partner and it showed, even in his first academy years, that he would become a great warrior. There was no doubt that he had developed further along those lines. After all, he had joined the Combat Division. But Hanako itched to see what had changed.

With an elegant move Hanako slipped away to the side and out of Tento's way. At the same time she turned slightly towards him and raised her blade in front of her to deflect any blow he might try to throw at her in passing.

She wanted to begin slowly and mainly evade and deflect. She wanted to try to tease Tento into showing more of his power before she began showing hers. The way she felt it she had made much greater leaps forward since her graduation than in her whole time in the academy. Achieving her Shikai alone was a whole world to her. If that was true or if she just felt like that because she had never felt at home in shin'o, a definite fact was that they were now on levels where they could do serious damage. Before, especially when training with bokken, there was no real danger beyond some bruises.
Another reason was that she remembered her training with Amon. When she overpowered him to drive him into a corner and force him to draw upon everything he had. It worked, but he got a little bit "dented" in the process. It wasn't too bad and Amon recovered quickly, but still, Hana wanted to try a different approach.

"Don't worry when you need some time to absorb everything." She said while she lightly danced a few steps backwards.
"I can relate. After all, last week I had no family and was about ten years old. Now I suddenly have a big sister and am almost 90."

She executed a few quick feints, deking some light blows with the tip of her sword, but none of them hit. She didn't even really aim at Tento's body.

"I had a raging headache for two days until the flood of memories slowly settled. I'm kind of glad that I am not some 3000-year-old soul. But all of it was worth it. Not only is my sister probably the most beautiful woman in all worlds…"

When she said this a bright and clear laughter could be heard from Kumomi. She poked her tongue out at Hanako but her eyes were still laughing.

"...I have also discovered that I can play some instruments. Imagine that. Me. Playing music. Who would have thought?"

She let her sword drop a little bit, hoping to lure Tento into an attack. Although, the man she remembered would probably not fall for something that obvious.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:08 pm
Tento was eager for this, he could tell just in a relaxed form that his Vice Captain had a bigger spiritual pressure than he had. That was pretty obvious though given that she was the second in command for their division; the fighting division no less. She had to have power and skill prowess to earn that title among other things. It was a gift to get this opportunity. To spar against this powerful warrior. Against a mentor. Against a friend. It was bubbling, excitement to see what Hanako had learned and improved on so far in her service to the soul society. Not just that, but what her zanpatuko could do as well!

His sword and body moved, a control pace as it dashed forward. Sword tilted in an angel to the right, his eyes tried to keep track on the shift of Hanako's body as she slipped away. It was slower than he knew she could move. Tamed and testing. And as Tento got close, he did not move his sword. It was an attempt to see how Hanako would respond in an approach. Often he remembered her bein' skillful and offensive, with that knowledge, he wished to seek if that habit had continued or would be a trickster. As someone as skilled as she was back then, improved skill, knowledge, with tricks up her sleeve would be a true challenge. As Hanako move her body away in an elegant slip to the side, sword raised in front of her Tento would slip and turn his torsos, pushing his sword forward in an attempt to clash his sword with hers. However, this attempt was a failure, the quick dance like steps backwards that she took made the poke fall short.

It did not surprise him that that move failed. And so he would press forward, sticking back as he tried to continue moving forward following Hanao's movement as if they were dancing and she was leading them. His arms were up, holding his sword like a probe. It jabbed over and over again. Teasin seeking strikes to feel her out. One aimed for the middle of her body, torso. Second down towards the left leg. Then another one, feinting before going towards the right shoulder. Tento did this while trying to respond to Hanako's shifts and deflects, each one gaining a little speed with each follow up attempt as more and more focus was given. It was done with care just like in his other spars. One trying to be somewhat like a combat simulation, but not enough trying to deal serious damage.

Tento did not have a shikai, all he had with the pieces of a larger puzzle. Flash steps, kido, and his sword. A true bare bones of the basics, but he knew them. Maybe was even pretty good at them. But how would that really fair to this level of a test? "Thanks. I know it will all come with time and effort. But sometimes I wonder if I am at a wall that I can't surpass ya know??", he said as he continued to follow her as she danced backwards. Body tense and sharp, shifting slightly in short movements trying to not waste energy in dodges. It was wasted though, for each one that Hanako was a feint that Tento took as a serious attempt. "I can only imagine how much of a shock that was. If it helps at least, you still look as enchantin' as ever", he said with a soft smirk. He then let out a few sighs, shifting his body to keep his movements active in avoidance of her probing strikes with her sword's tip. "It is a shame you're not that old. You could teach me so many more things".

Was it wise to be talking like this during a spar....probably not. But, Tento would be Tento after all.

"So what caused the headaches to start any way? That was a good result, but I wonder if something happened before that could help cause more memories to come back. Unless you have everything everything now??". His body stopped at her comment about her sister's beauty. The softer laughter of Kumomi made his eyes shift to her. He had to admit there as beauty there, but after a second Tento eyes came back to Hanako. A soft gaze at her hips before a his eyes sheepishly and quickly move back to watch her eyes. His next words would come very quietly. "If we're talking about the most......debatable ".

He raised his sword up and prepared to move once again. "Oooooh that is an interesting thought. What is it?", he asked feinting an overhead strike, before shifting the position and trying to do a light slash to the torso to the torso. He was focused but also a bit absent minded. He did not noticed the allure of her dropped guard and the fact that it could be a trick.

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Tentos10
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:42 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] 6EdIfMt

It was a funny situation, the two of them dancing around each other. They knew their respective opponent well enough to be aware that they didn't show their true skill. Hanako knew that although Tento was a fresh graduate he was also extremely talented and dedicated in his training. Even in his first years in the academy the sparrings with him were better balanced than with some in her own year. That was why she always had enjoyed training with him and why she had opened up enough to befriend him: he challenged her, inside the ring as well as outside.

Hana couldn help but smirk when she heard Tento's suggestive comments. Because now she actually understood their meaning.

"What do you mean? I'm as bad at kido as ever." She quipped but this time she didn't want to guide Tento down a wrong path and quickly continued talking.
"You should maybe know that I understand these remarks a lot better now. Well…from my point of view I should say that I finally reached a normal level of conversational skill."

They continued their dance for a little bit, but Hanako sensed that it would probably lead nowhere. Tento knee her too well and his instincts were too well developed to fall for her simple feints.

"I may not be that old, but basically I found out in an instant that I'm ten times as old as I could remember. All the memories, save a few bits and pieces I recovered before, also came back in an instant. I guess that's worth a few days of headache."

She again threw a quick glance over to Kumomi. It was only a heartbeat, but there was so much love in it. If they had been actually related by blood, even if they had been identical twins, Hana couldn't have felt closer to her sister. And when Kumi returned the gaze Hana saw that it was no different with her. Of course they had their fights in the past. What family hadn't? But it seemed that when a connection literally survived beyond death, there wasn't much that could break it apart anymore. Besides, Kumi was the only family Hana had left. Even if both their parents were somewhere in Rukongai, that they had found each other again in the vastness of Soul Society twice now was something that went against every rule of probability. Finding the rest of their families was practically impossible.

"I found out I can play the erhu and the shamisen."

Hanako took a few decisive steps back and thus ended the dancing between her and Tento, switching the conversation back to the training at the same time.

"Okay, I see I can't bait you with this. I apologise, I shouldn't have tried to bait you like this."

She raised her sword over her head, clearly showing what her intention was.

"However, I still want to see how you have developed these last few years. How about strength first?"

She jumped forward, bringing her sword down on Tento with force, but only with moderate speed.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Empty Re: Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako]

Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:09 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] 6EdIfMt

It was indeed funny how Hanako and Tento moved around each other. Were they really trying to fight here or was this just a place for them to relax and talk?

Wel yes but of course not. As much as they were dear friends to each other, they made this time today to do one thing. FIGHT! This was not a social call focused on hanging out and just talking as they sat down; relaxed. That would happen though, talking and relaxing a little bit was something that just could not be avoided when Tento met up with Hanako. At least, he knew this for him.

In the terms of combat it was expected though. At least of the past; Hanako knew how Tento fought better than anyone, even himself. The days and months spent training against each other resulted in that. They never really showed their full throttle skill or efforts in the start. Beyond that, this dance was due to a tentativeness that had Tento more careful than normal. It has been a very long time since he sparred against Hanako. And she was not just a Gotei member, and not any seated member of a division. She was the second in command. This Hanao, the one refilled in her mind with her memories and a purpose of her team, was a galaxy away from the mentor he had known in the past. And he, for all intents and purposes. Was fresh meat.

But when she actually responded to his suggestive comment, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her smirk making it clear to him that this time, she understood him. "Oh I wouldn't call you bad", he said shuffling his feet, mind focused on this dance that continued. "Just a slower learner". And that was true, in the times he helped her with her learning. Hanako was okay. She understood material, she could practice. It was just harder to grasp in comparison to people in her same year or experience. Sure...she wasn't as skilled in the demon arts, but mostly from what he saw. She just needed time. Or maybe that was his teacher hat talking.

"....Soooooooo...", he said with his face growing a redder shade to his brown skin, but still, happy. Hearing that she really did understand him. "Should I. Ah....not, talk like that to my commanding officers....or to...Hanako?", he said, the question on either or having a two fold and deeper meaning to him.

Safe to say he was unable to speak right now. An unease and uncertainty about hearing what she would say next. He heard her by all means, of the realization of the age of her soul. What that meant, the memories, the bites and pieces given back to her. The glueing of this meaning with what she had made for herself with her blank slate. He was just unable to speak. He could only nod his head.

His eyes and body followed her, reacting to each movement of her body as he listened to her. The erhu and shamisen, he had never heard of these instruments before. He wondered what they were and if he could hear Hanako play sometime? With her decisive steps back Tento stayed where he stood. Shoulder's square to his match up. When she apologized about trying to bait him to approach her he could only give a cheesy smile. A friendly smile as if to say, 'no worries. By all means keep going'.

When she raised her sword up that was when he did speak. His hands tight on his sword raising it up to match her. "Dont apologize. I am a bit...different right now. I'm enjoying talking to you while trying to feel you out", with that he jumped forward as Hanako did, letting out a ki of his will in his slash as she spoke, bring his sword up to meet Hanako's with force as well with moderate speed. "How about if I am able to impress you, I can hear you play the erhu or shamisen at some point in the future?". When their blades clashed he could feel the ground shake under him. He tried to keep his blade steady, but could feel that this was going to be a major work out even if Hanako held back a lot during this warm up.

Regardless if Tento's blade fell back against Hanako's strike or stayed even in the clash. He would step back using his back foot, before moving forward in a diagonal slash. Bringing his sword from his right to his left using the same amount of force and speed as before. before changing the angle of the his movement to go upward after completing his first strike in a small arc.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Prepare for trouble, make it double [Tento, Hanako] Tentos10
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