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[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi Empty [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi

Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:13 am
[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi Safiramini3

Basic Information
» Name: Manasa.
» Alias:
▕ Mana Aldrovandi.
» Age: Less than 100.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Arrancar [Quimera].

» Affiliations:
▕ Safira Aldrovandi.
▕ Royal Flush: Ace.

» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Sexual Orientation: Yes.

» Hollow Type: Adjuchas.
» Hollow Hole: Suprapubic region.
» Aspect of Death: Intoxication.
» Estigma: Her eye, no bone fragment.

» Height: 5'6".
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Color: Green.
» Eye Color: Heterochromia.

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard D] Manasa Aldrovandi Safiramini-app3

Psychological Analysis
A strange individual that acts a bit quirky. She has the capacity of being completely professional when required but is fundamentally a cunning individual that doesn't reveal much beyond superficial details. A pathological liar who obsfucates details and tells half truths most of the time. It's difficult to figure this out though due to her behaviours coming off as quite genuine, for example she's quite unassuming because she often appears to be intoxicated on various substances be they alcohol or drugs. She's a helpless addict who enjoys all kinds of pleasures without any kind of inhibition.

Who would think she's capable of much other than being a simple peon to Safira's whims? The young woman that's passed out from an overdose of something more often than not isn't capable of much but begging for her next hit. It is under these habits though that she thrives. An unassuming flower that conceals many things under its canopy.

It's hard to discern the facts from the fiction with her. Perhaps she is the caring "big sis" that she plays up, in her own twisted way. No sensible person would playfully encourage bad habits to people with a grin on her face after all, or maybe she's not. Manasa herself doesn't exactly know full extent of how much of her personality is her own after Safira's little experiments or if she's taken on attributes of the other woman as a result of her transformation process. Who can really determine these things about themselves when at her core she's a frankenstein of two different hollows.

That's why if prompted as to who she is, Manasa will just off-handedly respond with "I think, therefore I am" because she thinks it sounds smart but it's also something she doubts she'll ever have a proper answer to. Better to just not think about it and say she is the person she is now. It could just be a lie she's telling herself or it could be the truth.


The history of Manasa is not actually that long. Originally Manasa was young woman, down on her luck she drank herself to death during the aftermath of the Third World War, she had lost her family, friends and everything else until the only comfort she could get was from the bottom of a bottle. She had no purpose, no self-worth as it was all gone and she felt guilty that she should be the last one to remain. Everyone else celebrated and mourned in their own way but she died in the midst of a winter night having frozen to death.

The actual process of passing on was not easy, we can almost tell exactly how that went right? She became a hollow and was thankful for it. The pain and craving had just been replaced by hunger. She could live with that, or the hollow she became could live with that. That girl had died and succumb to her hollow after all, Manasa was the entity that came afterwards from that grief.

She was a slave to her primal desires, and she loved it. Manasa's ability to intoxicate her prey into bliss before taking her time eating them gave her such an advantage in growing herself stronger. When she couldn't find them or lure them, the hollow would spend her time trying to devour the various quartz structures of Hueco Mundo to break it into loose reishi to absorb. This eventually evolved into her being able to generate a similar substance like a petrified plant that would reach out to ensare victims and let them become absorbed into a state of bliss until they were made part of her.

One day they'll all become lost in the song of bliss that she provides them, that esctasy! She made her base in South America, eating and devouring her way through the souls that the jungles provided her. It wasn't until she had grown strong enough and became a Gillian that she had attracted the attention of the local arrancar.

The wicked intoxication didn't work like it did the others and the mindless Gillian became a peon. A nice little servant that was able to serve. It continued for a few months of this plain mindless state before she clawed her way and drew all of those competing souls into subjugation, to make them so intoxicated that she could become the dominant soul. Manasa ate three of the Gillian besides herself that were assembled before the amount of souls in her was dense enough to compact into an adjuchas.

Irritated at the loss but also not wasting the potential of an adjuchas, she was selected for an experiment and became a strange mutant arrancar. The introduction of Safira's hollow powers and characteristics into her collection of souls forcing her to acquire a similar likeness. She spent months as a green ooze in an underground pool, souls that were all trapped inside and had yet to form its new shape before the former adjuchas was recreated into the shape of an arrancar chimera.


» Quimera Arrancar Nothing exceptionally fancy here, a Quimera Arrancar is just an arrancar which is formed from two different hollows or where a hollow has a piece of another hollow introduced into them. Such is the case with Manasa who possesses the influence of Safira in her. This bestows on her the shared theme of the woman's serpentine properties, distorting her own original hollow nature to merge the two. Besides that Manasa has a reiatsu colour of blue and green, her reiatsu feels like it is two different people where her green reiatsu feels a lot more like Safira's and the blue feels more like her own. She cannot filter between and it will always be a mix of blue and green wisps owing to the dual-type reiatsu.

» Snake-like Physiology: Having turned into an arrancar by being introduced to attributes of Safira's own make-up, Manasa's physiology is abnormal for an arrancar, primarily is a few alterations to her body such as the absence of a hollow hole on her body and the mask fragment being replaced by her heterochromia. She is able to bend her limbs to unnatural degrees, as if liquifying the bones to make them bend in extreme fashions which make them difficult for a person to break them.

The strongest attribute of her serpentine physiology however is by far her speed, Manasa's speed is outstanding as she is able to acrobatically navigate an area with fluid and deft motions that don't give up an iota of speed. She has all the speed of a black mamba, figuratively, for the way which she can attack and react at supernatural levels.

» Snake Creation: She is able to cultivate small familiars inside of her body. These familiars take the shapes of snakes and while they are created from her, they are still within the physical capacity of mundane snakes and are limited by that. The benefit of her creating these snakes is that they can carry a couple of benefits depending on what functions they are made with. The universal trait shared by these creatures is that they can deliver doses of her toxin (savia) through biting a target.

» Large Belly Snake: A snake that is not very subtle, about as large as a python and quite bothersome to expel from her body. It's primary power is the ability to devour and compress something. For example, if Manasa was required to transport something safely then she could have the python devour it (as long as its physically possible) and keep it compressed within its stomach for transport. It's not very practical to devour something in combat due to the issue of the eating process taking too long, especially for something the size of a full grown human.

» Turret Snake: A relatively small snake that varies from five inches to a couple of metres in length. It serves no purpose other than her being able to shoot cero from these snakes, which are a rank lower than her own. They are easily destroyed due to being mundane in durability but they make for a good addition to send them out and provide her a decent advantage in an area if she can prepare or take someone by surprise. She can spawn up to ten of these to deploy around an around.

» Surveillance Snake: Allows for her to create a snake that she can utilise to scry from, they vary from five inches to a couple of metres. She can normally create them, send them out to scout and observe or record details. Once recalled she is able to break it down and eat its reishi which provides her all knowledge and insight that the snake was able to acquire based on what she assigned it to do. For a more intimate usage, she has the ability to go to sleep or a medative state to extend her consciousness into the snake and control it directly as if she were the snake. Destruction of the snake while she is in this state won't kill her but she'll be unconscious for a few hours, wake up with a hangover-like feeling and not recall any of the details from when she was using the snake.

» High-Speed Regeneration: Manasa possesses a potent regeneration factor. It's a strange hybrid of two different forms though, in a way it's as if she has two different expressions of the regeneration of a hollow. The first one is what she claims to be her own original ability, it's photosynthesis. She can regenerate most of her wounds as long as they are not her internal organs as long as she is able to be in direct sunlight. Likewise, if she is in a warm environment such as a desert or summer day this allows her to temporarily extend the effect to her internal organs for three instances in a thread.

On the reverse and similar to a snake, her regeneration skill drops by a whole level if she is in a cold environment and there is no sun. It's ill-suited to Hueco Mundo for certain, the colder climates and the nighttime. That's for certain.


» Zanpakuto Name: Hiedra.

» Release Phrase: Dance.

» Sealed Appearance: The zanpakuto of Manasa takes the shape of a floating orb of crystalline rock. It floats and hovers idly most of the time but she can actively move it through a telekinetic fashion within a radius of ten metres from herself. It's an impressive bludgeoning tool if she wanted to use it as such but it primarily acts as a medium to express her hollow powers from.

» Sealed Ability: The hollow power of Manasa affected and distorted through Safira's own hollow power during her reconstruction as a host for some of Safira's own nucleus. The original power of Manasa was called Quartz Ivy, having devoured many of the quartz-like plants of Hueco Mundo she grew the capacity to generate and manipulate it herself, owing to her plant-like powers.

Through the mixture of the power acquired over this crystalline plant along with her own hollow powers she would be able to intoxicate lesser prey before wrapping them up in overgrowth as they were broken down and consumed into her being. Upon becoming a quimera and having Safira's own nucleus influencing her powers this intoxicating effect became more in its range but far more potent, she became more than just ivy but poison ivy.

» Cuarzo: Through the usage of Cuarzo is her first and most commonly seen expression of her powers. From her orb she is able to utilise it as a conduit to generate highly durable plant-like quartz structures. Often they appear as tendrils which move surprisingly fluid for something made out of rock and Manasa will ensnare or capture her targets with them. When set the material is as durable as her hollow nucleus, when it is in motion the rock structures are one rank lower due to needing a weaker structure to move with the control that she wants to utilise. It can move at speed equal to her own.

Regardless of weight her rock structures will be able to move fluidly and through the air but they must have some contact with the ground. Only the zanpakuto of Manasa is capable of true levitation, any other rock generated and separated from the sphere will be subject to requiring a connection to the ground or else it will collapse towards the earth. This presents a difficult situation where if something only has a single trunk connecting it to the ground an individual can break that trunk and the entire structure its built off will crumble towards the earth and need to be remade.

The structures are permanent once created, though Manasa can only manipulate material which is within her scope of power 一 tier range 一 which is determined based on the location of her zanpakuto. Naturally, she is not guaranteed that she will actually have sight to do any precise control of the material if it is very far out. Using this power she is able to create buildings, structures and the like with time or fortify an area to her advantage giving it more than just combat benefits.

» Savia: The sap of her plants or in this case, the poison. Manasa's quartz has the capacity to produce a viscous liquid which is created explicitly from the plants. She is able to control if the stone leaks this sap or not, it will always be produced from the crystal itself though and typically will only be administered to a person if they come into physical contact with the quartz that is generating the shiny clear liquid. The exceptions to this is gravity such as if an excess is being made it has the potential to leak down onto individual's below it, it is flammable but presents its own issue due to setting the sap ablaze will negate its properties but will also coat the rock-like plants in potent flames.

With the nuances aside of administration and origin, the actual effects of this poison is rooted in intoxication. It has varying levels of potency ranging from having a similar effect as alcohol to inhibit someone's mental abilities to its most potent effect which is being comparable to a highly addictive drug. Savia is exclusively restricted to the effects of alcohol, causing people to display drunkenness the longer they are exposed to it.

» Florecer: The only way to harvest her sap which carries the effects as a highly addictive drug in her sealed state is through the process of "flowering". In order to do this she will cause flower buds to appear all over her rock formations, or a specific area of them, and after three posts it will bloom before the sap begins to leak out. Unlike the weaker potency sap, if a person is to ignite the sap of Manasa's flowers it will create a thick intoxicating haze in the smoke that lingers around for two posts and can quickly cause people to ingest the toxin.

The targets are basically getting hit with crystal meth, if they were continually exposed to it over a length of time then their bodies would inevitably lose the ability to produce their own dopamine and be reliant on the sap produced by Florecer. OOC consent yaddy yadda for the being addicted to Manasa's meth.

Intoxication Scaling

» Path 1 [The Narrative One]: No scaling, freeform narrative between players. Interactions of the poison sap is up to player's to decide. All participants are on the same page.

» Path 2 [The Balanced One]:
一 Potency of her poison scales off Manasa's Hollow Nucleus.
一 Florecer poison is same rank, Savia poison is one-rank lower.

一 Checks against opponents' Durability and/or Willpower skill.
一 Durability physically resists the poison from affecting the target.
一 Willpower mentally resists the poison's affects on the target.
一 Contacts = if skin contact with the sap. Post = if the poison enters the body.

If lower skill than Manasa's Hollow Nucleus:
8 contacts/4 posts before target is fully drunk/high/intoxicated.
If equal skill to Manasa's Hollow Nucleus:
16 contacts/8 posts before target is fully drunk/high/intoxicated.
If higher skill to Manasa's Hollow Nucleus:
Unaffected by the poison, unless they want to be.

How people want to handle their characters' being under the influence of the poison is up to them. If someone wanted to play a total lightweight they could be affected in the first post, if someone wanted to play a chad that holds their senses really good then they can take the whole time before the drunkenness just hits their character all at once. They are free to justify their characters' mental state as they please ie. whatever it means to be high to that character if they were hit with Florecer or if their character has double vision after x time etc.

This is also not a timer on blacking out nor does enforce the character cannot fight back after the timelimit. Someone could still come swinging with some Rock Lee No Magic Eyes Bullshit Drunken Fist schmovement after X amount of posts if the other player wanted to.


» Appearance: Upon entering her release form, Manasa's hair pales and loses some of its colour. It grows out longer until it reaches her lower back and it looks more like a wild mane than her normally neat and vibrant hair. Her green eye becomes red and hollowfies to turn the sclera a pitch black. Her skin texture changes to have a quartz-like pattern in this state, reminscent of snake skin, it feels like normal skin to the touch but its like a pattern present.

» Abilities: Fusing with her zanpakuto, Manasa doesn't appear to have any unique changes. Whereas before she created the plant-like quartz from her orb, having fused with her hollow powers again has changed the nexus of that growth to her own body. She is able to generate it from herself which will usually appear as white crystalline constructs that she can grow from her body to utilise such as tendrils to impale, additional limbs of various sizes to utilise at her disposal, even using it as armour to protect her body as required.

In this state all of her body fluids change to having the intoxicating properties of her Florecer sap, pretty much anything produced by a mucus membrane is highly addictive if someone is exposed to it by some way. Significantly less potent if a person gets it on their skin but should it be ingested, it takes effect very quickly and can begin to make a person struggle to focus or remain cognizant.

» Fusionar: Having become the means from which her quartz ivy grows from, Manasa is able to conceal herself by fusing with the quartz-like material that she generates. Outside of combat she is able to freely move and travel through it at her leisure, in combat she can remain within her structures for a maximum of two posts before a five post cool-down and she can use it to quickly reposition herself once ever three posts as long as it is within the range of her tier.

» Petrificar: The only unique power gained in her resurreccion that is not considered an evolution of her previous ones. She refers to it as a unique kind of poison that she can only create in her true form. Petrificar is a technique that converts an individual's body into the same quartz-like material that she controls, it's the ultimate form of intoxication where the individual becomes so far lost that their sense of self is destroyed. That moment is captured forever, their body becomes a statue of that moment. It's exhausting to accomplish this, especially against an individual that can put up resistance. It's a killing move that she'd only use on an individual that's already lost and would die anyway.

Most importantly, it's a move that requires OOC consent for player characters, some NPCs and is really just Manasa's depraved method of keeping trophies of people she kills.


General Skills
» Durability: Adept.
» Speed: Advanced.
» Strength: Adept.
» Martial Skill: Beginner.

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept.
» Deduction: Adept.
» Focus: Adept.

Arrancar Skills
» Hollow Nucleus: Advanced.
» Regeneration: Advanced.
» Sonido: Adept.
» Cero: Adept.

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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