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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Tue May 23, 2023 10:51 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"Uugh!!!", Tento said with gritted teeth feeling his blade meet Captain Kanae's feet. Her physical strength reinforced with her shikai unleash and seeping overflow of spiritual energy through her bond with her Zanpakuto spirit. His feet skidding to a halt against the ground. To Kanae she found the attack pitiful perhaps but to him it wasn't. She chose to block! And no matter how meager it was the singling flames would burn at her foot for the briefest of moments during impact. No matter of time for satisfaction though Tento had to focus!

The shield bash cranked againat her sword strike, the strong defensive of Rio's shikai staying true...but for how long? The shift of momentum quickly followed up by Kanae to send a forceful kick to his chest. An impact that took a knock of air out of him and felt like her foot print was placed on him like a stamp. Skidding back before stopping. A growl of intensity and fighting spirit as he witnessed Captain Kanae slammed the foot she had struck Tento with into the ground, sending debris of the ground into the air.

After seeing Kanae's attack go against Rio Tento readied and prepared himself hoping to charge in once again and give a bit of pressure. An idea that witnessed the site of Rapidly and wildly swinging her Zanpakuto in an animalistic precision layered over one and another. It was difficult to see and even more to tell and read. But it felt like at least that her moves were purposeful. Creative even as if they were drawing in the air.

In a burst of spiritual energy to cloaked his sword a heavy flame booming to life. Pushing his body fully with the reinforced of his energy Tento tried his best to dodge and block the intense increasing number of slashes gaining speed and momentum. Twisting, hopping and flash steps trying to the attacks headed their way. It was simply overwhelming in a sense with the speed and quiet ferocity she moved with. But he hoped he would be able to defend himself in some manner. Eventuslly choosing to slam his shield into one of Kanae's strikes deliberately in order to send out Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden. Sending the super charged electric current through to her Zanpakuto and body. Qiming to give a shock of damage and stun to give time for a follow up strike. His hand holding his Zanpakuto going downward in a fierce slash to her left shouldernusing the flat side of his sword. The fanning flames hissing as they made their descent.

Light in the Dark | End Post

11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Tentos10
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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Wed May 24, 2023 1:58 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 H52_ehgfwhvjown


As far as Rio was concerned, this battle wasn't over until a victor was decided. Of the two who still stood, Rio was not worse for wear. From her perspective, it didn't appear as if Tento held any intention of falling out, either. Be that as it may, there was one damnable fact that could not possibly be ignored. Neither of them had executed an attack of thunderous note against her body. Each attack was countered, every decisive strike evaded in the midst of this high-speed duel.

Since it was becoming apparent that nothing would change if things remained the same, Rio set into devising a plan. Rio had already ascertained that Kanae was an incredibly elusive foe - a force of nature equivalent to a relentless storm - calm and swift, unrestrained in it's violence yet undoubtedly controlled in it's pace. Possessed of several ways to cut the enemy down in it's wake, Tosatsusha presented a challenge of no small import, slowly eliminating the possibility of advantageous opportunity.

Wherever sprays of acid hit, Rio felt different parts of her body burning painfully, as if something was genuinely eating away at her iron skin. Even so, though chinks in the Shihoin Shield's armor were being created, even at this moment, Rio remained steadfast, increasing the pace of her hand movements in a gambit to match Totsatsusha's inexorable array of attacks, bringing her spirited resilience to bear wherever her durability faltered. Kanae's knee earned purchase again her belly, and so too did her kick. Two successive strikes ringing true, the Shihoin expecting nothing less of the woman who proves elusively resourceful time and again.

Her body moved backwards by no more than an inch, Rio pulled two of the shields into her own hands, transmuting them into a large sword and a chain with a blade attached at its end. Her reiryoku was being pushed to its limit, but her energy reserves weren't diminished entirely just yet. She could still maintain the shields necessary for her partner's defense.

That said, they weren't entirely impenetrable, and so it would be up to Tento to remain in an unending sequence of movement himself if he wished to remain unscathed. At the moment, Rio would swing her obsidian chain forward to keep pace - or at least some semblance of it - while she swung toward Kanae in vertical and horizontal arcs, increasing her own speed to match the woman's movements. By now, their only resort was to keep applying as much offense as they could, but would such a strategy win out in the end?


Last edited by Iori on Thu May 25, 2023 1:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Thu May 25, 2023 1:00 am
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 OI6c81k


Even in the face of her Hanya Jincho-ryu these two stood headstrong against her assault. Even with a clear gap in abilities between the two sides, they refused to be defeated by their new Captain. If she were less heartless and more complimentary, Kanae may even commend them for their resolve. Instead, she grew frustrated with the duo; though, not because she "couldn't defeat them". She was purely annoyed with what she perceived as arrogance from them. Tento seemingly having no release just angered her even more; a Shikai-less Shinigami was worth less than the dirt he stood upon.

Rio, though a more worthy adversary, was seen in no better light by Kanae. Having a little bit of durability and know-how had made the Shihoin conceited in Kanae's eyes. She "has no intention of falling so easily"? Impudent!

As her sword struck Tento's shield, Kanae felt a sudden surge of electrical energy sent through the clash and into her body. Kido, bah! Through clenched teeth she ignored the pain and remained unaffected by his attempt to stun her. Instead she swatted away his downward swing with her own Zanpakuto, any fiery energy from the attack corroded away by a thin layer of acid coating the weapon.

At the same time, Kanae noticed her other foe going back on the offensive as well, this time with a sword of own.Such insolence! thought the Captain as the difference between their skill would be made apparent by her ferocious barrage of attacks. The chain struck Kanae's right shoulder, a success made possible by an ever-so-slight slowing of her reflexes by Tento's electrical shock. Realizing the pair was actually managing to land blows now, Kanae decided it was time to reveal her full power to her challengers.

After parrying a couple more blows, Kanae stepped back softly and breathed in deeply. She then placed her Zanpakuto back in its holder and breathed out as her entire body relaxed to the point of nearly falling over. With no indication of her having moved to observers, suddenly Kanae was gone; as if she had ceased to be. In truth she had moved, and careful eyes would reveal her new location a handful of feet behind Tento and Rio. At first it appeared nothing had happened; Kanae had seemingly moved just to flank her opponents. Once again, reality was not as it seemed.

By simultaneously contracting all the muscles in her body while performing a single instance of Flash Step, Kanae could, for a moment, exceed her normal speed limit, like a river predator striking at prey just outside of its watery domain. During this movement she was able to strike several dozen times, replicating what modern Shinigami may know as Senmaioroshi , or Thousand-Page Wholesale, against both Tento and Rio. These strikes miraculously, or by design, avoided any fatal points on their bodies, but would be no more forgiving than that, especially against a woman as durable as Rio. In her perfect world both of them would be torn to shreds by this attack, but not even Kanae could be so sure of its success given their resiliency thus far.

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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:56 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Effort, tenacity, and a hunger got battle that was only trampled in comparison to
determination and willpower. That was the core of the 4th division and would heavily be met by the new Captain on this day. Pressed with the essence of her troops. It would be etched into her spirit as well and earn respect. At least in the butterfly story tale of hope and dreams!

Suffering from the pressure of the Captain's and Rio's unleashed energy. The mental tax and the physical wear of pushing his energy out in this kidobfixus for the first time. Taking all he could he was most certainly not perfect and clean. And that was not even thinking about the clashes and blocks he took. None directly but his arms and legs felt every bit and molecular from Captain Kanae's moves.

But by God's he was determined to show her the will and skill of her troops. To meet expectations and earn respect. But in truth more than that he just wanted to keep going. To see what he could do and surpass that limit. And then the one after. Again and again in each moment and second of this after life. Chasing.

He had no natural talents. No genetic gifts. No semblance of a true bond showed with his inner self and zan spirit due to jot having a shikai. So all he could do was move forward. Again and again as he tried to live up to what he expected of himself. What he wanted to expect from himself. He may had landed that electric stun. The true moment of joy as Rio landed the first and seemingly impossible blow on Kanae's form.


With a spark of energy the flames continued to flow around his sword as he crunched in a moment to make his large frame smaller. The acid seemingly chasing him and coming close time and again. The shield from his new Vice Captain coming up to once again guard him. Sharp gasps coming as it all came at once the acids hitting him again and again in numbers spots. Light but full of heavy shock that threatened to stun and test him. It was hot, burning. So much stronger than any flame he could coat on his sword. No iron skin like Rio he only had his own spiritual energy as a coat and his physical durability. A large shorthand in comparison to the tall task. It was being chipped away, and not at a small rate!

Even still though. Rio faces these same conditions and presses on. Fighting and steadfast in a blurry array of hand movements. A moment. A second of respect seeing truly the level of strength but more importantly will she had. It was respectable. It was that spirit of a woman that you had to be a small wave of awe seeing. And heck, even a bit of allure too.

And so as Kane kicked Rio Tento moves again in a flash step. Coming back once again after a short wobble. He couldn't let up now. Not when he could still stand and move. It wouldn't do to not do his best in front of his new superior officer! The pursuing chain strikes from Rio's transformed Zanpakuto going in angels and directions in continued pressure. Eyeing the timing Tento moved hoping to come in just when Kanae dodged a few pressing arcs from Rio.

However that proves to be a very bad mistake even with the shield still present in front of him. Kanae seemed to go to another level now. Still and relaxed almost like she was asleep. Ina blink she wasn't in front of his eyes anymore. Feeling her energy though he turned his head to see her behind him. Then cuts came. Blood and pain coming to reality waking out of this daze.

In a sputter Tento moved. Facing Kanae in a loud grunt. His sword swinging in a final burst of energy as his sword weakly swung out vertically. A wave of heat slashing against the ground towards her. If it even managed to reach half way before spurting out of existence he didn't know. It was hard to even have a vision at this point let alone sensee their power.

"Oh…ah…when did you make three of you Captain?", Tento could only ask before stepping forward. A falter before bathing himself as he hissed. Breath and blade before taking a deep intake of air before spinning while flashing forward into the air. Aiming to throw a second strike within the air to descend towards Kanae in a threat to her head. Blows Tento had little faith in hitting but with a pincers strike and his partners speed he hoped she could make use in a follow up.

Light in the Dark | End Post

11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Tentos10
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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:01 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 H52_ehgfwhvjown


A battle of attrition was always Rio's ideal way of battle. A resilient shield that could withstand every measure of offense until the enemy was properly exhausted - only to strike back twice as hard - allowing her to secure her indisputable victory. However, against an enemy like this, whose speed and offensive immensity lied in the upper echelon of legends from ages past, such methods were only meriting slightly favorable results. Some of their attacks had landed, but none of them were critical enough to pull the momentum in their favor. Exciting as that was, Rio was clearly frustrated.

Frustrated by their lack of success, but far from deterred, Rio offered every measure of focus and speed to read her captain's movements as she layered her within a relentless offensive, carving her blade through the air in a series of unpredictable patterns to push her to her limit, holding onto the chain in preparation for a possibility to present itself that would allow her to ensnare the woman and keep her in place. The likelihood of such a strategy bearing fruit was resoundingly rendered ineffective as Kanae earned a momentary distance between her and Tento.

Did she intend to execute another draw and slash technique with her blade? Judging by the position in her movements, Rio's prediction seemed to be proven correct. Correct though it was, Rio could not match her in a contest of speed. The fruitlessness of her charge was rewarded with a seemingly inexorable arc of sword strokes cutting through the air, overwhelming her and her partner within a merciless onslaught of attacks. For the first time, Rio found herself grateful that her durability was as potent as it was.

Even if the woman wasn't purposely aiming for vitals, each cut was no less ineffective as several slices of red opened up along the Shihoin's frame, suffering secondary damage from the corrosive acid that poured off of every edge of her zanpakuto. Holding her blade up to defend herself, there was nothing else left to her other than to withstand this overwhelming offensive. Bloodied, though far from unbowed, Rio emerged from that relentless wave as she turned to Tento, clearly impressed by his resilience. That they remained standing in the face of such a brutal offensive was beyond her. Shaking her head softly, Rio held the palm of her hand outward, chanting the incantation to a spell as she rushed forward.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō 31 - Shakkaho!"

Discharging the heated flames of crimson from her palm in a straight line, vanishing and reappearing as finished her chant, she appeared from above at Kanae's left side, releasing that crimson orb of energy in tandem with a large cleave of her obsidian blade, targeting the woman's shoulders. Her aim was to limit the possible avenues of evasion, but given the immensity of Kanae's overall speed, such intentions were easier said than done, wishful thinking at most.


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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:11 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 OI6c81k


It seemed, at least to Kanae, the battle had already reached its apex. These two, though certainly resilient, were hitting a wall of sorts, unable to muster the prowess and power necessary to overcome their newly minted Captain. Though her opinion of the Gotei as a whole was still negative to the utmost degree, Kanae found herself stricken with surprise at how far Moe, Tentō, and Rio had managed to push her. In my Shikai, at least. thought Kanae, unwilling to compliment them too much even within her own mind.

Though confident neither Rio or Tento had more to show, the former could clearly keep on fighting for a while. She was a durable one, and with great endurance to boot. "Hmph." muttered Kanae, annoyed by the duo's tenacity. Her eyes turned to Tentō who seemed to struggle just to remain standing after her latest attack. The man's energy wave had lost almost all its oomph by the time it reached her, so Kanae dealt with it with a simple swat of her Zanpakutp. He wasn't entirely out of it though as Kanae watched him leap into the air and aim another one of those feeble attacks at her. As she raised her blade to swat away this one as well, she sensed Rio making her move.

As the Vice Captain spoke a familiar incantation, Kanae slashed her weapon at the ground four times, each leaving a deep gash that, together, formed a rough square. Then, she dug the tip of her foot into the side of the square and backflipped in place, the strength within her leg enough to rend a chunk of earth from the ground which she promptly kicked with her other foot. Tentō's attack was met by this large chunk of rock and dirt, causing a small mid-air explosion resulting in raining debris across the battlefield. With that dealt with, now Kanae could once again turn her attention to Rio.

When Rio finished her chant and re-positioned herself to above Kanae, the woman's target responded swiftly with a spell of her own. "Hadō #31. Shakkahō!" Though not enhanced by a full spoken incantation, the beam of crimson energy released from Kanae's left palm was pumped chock-full of power and the resulting collision of spells rocked the entire training grounds. At the same time they struck each other, Kanae pulled her Zanpakuto through the air and met Rio's weapon, sending sparks in every direction which were quickly overshadowed by the explosion which overwhelmed them both.

The force of the two Shakkahō's sent Kanae flying from the resulting flames and billowing smoke. She skidded to a halt and set her violet eyes on the damage done to her new Division's training area. "The cowards on the sidelines can be in charge of fixing this mess." she said to herself as her gaze darted across the crater-filled battleground. More loudly, Kanae addressed her remaining challengers "I told you all to come at me as if to kill me. Congratulations on achieving that objective. Now, either we can continue until neither of you can stand or you can accept this victory and go recuperate. I shall leave the choice to you."

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11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Empty Re: Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting]

Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:46 pm
11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

A wall was met on this day. And in a soft bitter taste. It felt as if it was one immeasurable as of right now. With no develovement in Shikai abilities, let alone a name to connect his inner spirit and his being. A world filled with centuries of experience difference. Even if he came at her like a man chasing death. Day in and day out every day for one hundred years. Tento would not be able to inch towards tickling the tighten dawned in black and white in front of his steadily growing blurry eyes. With the fraction of energy and adrenaline filled focus he had left it was quite easy to tell. The two wells of energy mear him burning aflame hinting at a lake filled of energy underneath the surface untapped yet.

Physical and spiritual energy wise he had long been pressed against his edge. And the value of his limit was coming in full blast as his passion fired at full flame but adrenaline slowed to droplets. No…that was just the blood from his body. Fighting in a tight vice grip as his crackling blade slammed and sawed through the piece of earth tossed to him. Center of the ground zero explosion as debris flew all around. Impact though, his body, smacking into the ground with a thud that held a lot more gravity on his tired body than a quick look would make one think. Covered in blood, sweat, and dirt. Missing his target and chance to give aid to his newly appointed Vice Captain.

The clash of kido between the two powerhouses did nothing as well. The close proximity causing the wrath of energy felt to his spirit as he suddenly felt his body thrown back in a roll as Tento found himself traveling several meters back narrowly avoiding getting slammed into fragile structures on their last legs. It was extremely hard to hear what Captain Kanae was saying 9ver the buzzing sound in his head but he thought he got the just of what the three of them were saying.

Falling to his knees, sword still held in his grip Tento could only attempt to leave out a tired laugh as he gave his response. "Yeaaaaah… I am way past my limit here. I can't even", Tento managed before finding a lot of things go dark.

Light in the Dark | End Post

11 - Getting to Know the Fourth [Fourth Division Meeting] - Page 5 Tentos10
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