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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:10 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] H52_ehgfwhvjown


To be honest, Rio didn't envision being promoted to vice-captain within the timeframe that she did, but there was little complaint on her part. She felt honored, felt that her talents were recognized. Though she operated with a general state of humility and class, Rio took immense pride in her skill and capability. She was a Shihoin, after all, and even if she no longer held a degree of interest in upholding every single tenet of nobility, bringing pride to her family through other means was still well within her wheelhouse. A mighty warrior in the combat division seemed like a fine path to achieve that, and Rio found this new chapter agreeable as well. Golden eyes are observing and studying each warrior training in the combat division's barracks. Following the so-called Death Division's new tenet, she has clearly made herself available to be challenged for those who find themselves so daring. None of the seated members seem to be compelled to face her, but perhaps a brave spirit will step foot today. For now, Rio is simply pacing back and forth, observing, studying, acknowledging those who are putting forth their best efforts.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:36 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

What did it mean to be the strongest? Was it beating any that challenged you? Was it having the courage to challenge those who might be better? Was it simply being the best in one singular field? All fair questions for most Shinigami, but to Shura there was a single answer to the most pressing of questions when it came to the best division in the Gotei United, it meant having no equals. It meant that no matter who the opponent, they simply could not win regardless of what they tried to do. That was what being the strongest meant.

And for a Kurata that was raised being the thing that shouldn't have ever been, being raised to such a height would prove that Shura would the only being that mattered. But make no mistake, it wasn't for some fatherly figure that hated her very existence, or rather it was but it was to ensure they realized their mistake in ever doubting her.

However in order to achieve such a height, it meant beating everyone in the Gotei United, to ensure none among them could rival her, and then she could set the rest of her sight on everyone outside of it. To that end, she already knew where her next challenger was and thankfully they weren't in the market for denying a challenge at the present.

Each footstep brought her closer to the training grounds, her Zanpakuto and its sheath resting against her shoulder rather than in her obi. "Riiioooo" She called out slowly and repeatedly as she walked, each step deliberately quiet so that her words weren't drowned out by them. She was sure the new Fukutaicho would hear her long before she was there, but that was part of the fun. If the Fukutaicho didn't know her already, well... that truly would be a crying shame for them wouldn't it?

"Riiiioooooo, Better draw that Zanpakuto of yours...." She said when she was a mere 15 meters from the door that led out to the training grounds, and when she finally reached the entry way she flung the door open as she spoke "Because a new challenger has appeared!"

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:58 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] H52_ehgfwhvjown


A challenging voice drawn out, repeatedly calling her name. The pace of quiet footsteps. Each division member set their eyes to the voice of the bold challenger. Rio turned to face the woman who stepped through the door, boldly radiating an aura of undisguised confidence from the proud visage of a warrior who eagerly proclaimed her challenge against the newly appointed vice-captain. Cracking her knuckles softly, Rio simply instructed the other division members to give them some space as her eyes surveyed the battlefield. The Shihoin woman was well aware of Shura's presence. She was the newly appointed third seat, a position Rio occupied for only a short time.

Of all the members she had expressed a desire in challenging, none of them stood out most than this woman. She was the sister of a man she crossed paths with in Hitoshi. A Kurata. In truth, a competitive curiosity had seized her from the moment she heard of the woman's promotion. In her eyes, a third seat ought to be as capable as her superiors. Part of Rio desired to see how they could lead this division into the future, and she supposed fighting them was the first step to acknowledging their respective skills as warriors. A contest of strength would be a fine display, and so she motioned for the woman to take the first blow, stepping toward her with a profound confidence in her own stride. Draw her zanpakuto? She would make the woman prove that she was worthy.

"Challenge accepted, Shura. Though, sorry to disappoint you, but I don't draw Tetsumaru for those I don't find worthy," she retorted, an air of tenacity in her tone. The time for battle was near.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:48 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

There weren't many that knew how to really dig at Shura and get an emotional, let alone visceral reaction from her in such an exceedingly short time frame. Fewer still were there individuals daring enough to say such things. But Rio.... God damn was she breathing down a dangerous path. Un...worthy? The once glowing air of confidence vanished almost in an instant. Shura's face immediately changing to a stoic glare directly at Rio. But she did not attack, though Rio likely knew exactly what her face meant. That one word alone cut deeper than any possible attack could ever manage.

Ever slower than her steps leading her to the entrance that now slowly brought her forward and away from the barracks. "Few are there, that would dare mutter such a word towards my presence." She said as she passed by Rio, intentionally trying to shoulder check her as she walked past. "Fewer still have the guts to say it directly to me." As she walked her anger grew and grew... and grew. Until it began to boil over and her Reiatsu began to slowly seep out of her and her Zanpakuto as it was slowly drawn from its sheath, which was swiftly cast aside.

"If 'worthy' is what you seek... Then I shall skip the pleasantries entirely. And those unwilling to participate should clear away." As she spoke, her Zanpakuto was slowly lowered to drag against the ground, until Shura was standing at the center of the arena. Slowly her Zanpakuto began to rise and the next words from her mouth had scarcely ever been uttered before in any context, her head turning only enough that a single eye could be seen over her shoulder, aimed directly at Rio. To release one's Shikai, even in training, was rare. For one as strong as these two, it was even more rare...

"Fumitsukete Funsai Seyo, Bankai: Shinmetsu Tei"

But for Shura to skip Shikai entirely? "Unworthy?" Her entire body, no the entire arena was engulfed in her Reiatsu, a swirling mass of dark Reiatsu that was soon dispersed and left Shura with two large battle axes, jagged teeth lining the edges of each blade with a single chain connecting both of them together that hung loose behind her. The handles themselves covered in sharp spikes that jutted out the blades of her axes radiating not only overwhelming power, but destruction.

"There is only a single cretin in existence with the gall to call ME UNWORTHY!" Her grip on the handles of each tightened, hopefully Rio had moved away from the entrance, because Shura had no more words to speak... Only an intense rage that gleamed in her eyes as she tossed one of the blades at Rio, though this in truth was naught but a feint, intended to sidetrack Rio's attention. As soon as she went to dodge or block the attack, Shura vanished from her spot, reappearing behind Rio already mid-swing with her other blade which was infused with Reiatsu right towards Rio's waist.

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made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Mon Apr 17, 2023 3:04 pm
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] H52_ehgfwhvjown


Rio held not a single regret in the words she uttered, even if they seemed to draw out an intense reaction from the Kurata woman. As the second born of a sister who was granted a position she had never truly earned and constantly ran away from on multiple occasions, the Shihoin woman had spent the vast majority of her life proving her own worth, building a reputation for her family to fall back on to avoid embarrassment in the eyes of the other noble families. As such, proving one's worth and the subsequent motivation that came with working towards that goal was something she knew all too well.

If she found herself angered by her words, then so be it. Rio certainly enjoyed opponents who desired to attack with everything they've got, doubly so when they were bold to face someone of her particular skill and talent. Fortune favors the bold, as they say, and Rio is already settling into a defensive stance, her spiritual sense spreading out through several avenues of the barracks, eager to see where her fierce emotion guides her in this battle.

Whether Shura expected her next action or not, Rio choose to defend against the axe, swinging her arm forward with tremendous force to cast the weapon away from her frame. In but a blink of an eye, a powerful slash of reaitsu contained within Shura's other blade had successfully cut across Rio's body in the arc of it's downward swing. There was a discernable red line, a small wound that opened up along her back, but no more than that. Turning to face the woman, a wide grin lined the Shihoin's lips as she flashed forward, bringing her fist to bear against the woman's sternum.

"As far as I'm concerned, there shouldn't be anyone with the gall to call you unworthy, Shura. If you wish to prove your worth, then come on! Show me everything you have to offer!"

Truth be told, there was worth in a warrior who would so boldly run toward an opponent who outclassed them, but Rio wasn't quite ready to offer that praise until everything was said and done, until she made her proof of strength known even further beyond this one strike.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:32 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

Had she expected Rio to be struck? Truth be told... yes. Such was the confidence of Shura that Rio would be unable to dodge her attack. What Shura did not expect however was the swift and almost immediate counterattack. A straight punch right to her gut, one that contained enough force behind it to push Shura back at least ten or so meters. A good showing of strength to be sure.

However such distance was easily displaced with a rapid Shunpo forward, her arms already mid-swing "Shi no Kiba" Shura pulled both axes downwards in an X formation, her intent to hit Rio with her attack at near point-blank range. If worth was what Rio demanded, Shura would ensure she knew who would stand at the top and who was the strongest of the two. Not only in raw strength, but in force of will as well!

Little was there that stood in front of Shura that gave her pause of any kind, and a mere Lieutenant was not one of them.

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:20 am
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] H52_ehgfwhvjown


Her ability to take an attack was rather impressive from the Rio's point of view. She possessed tenacity in leaps and bounds, if nothing else, and Rio found that to be a remarkable trait. A moment barely passes, and the Kurata woman is already roaring back in for another strike, releasing energy in the shape of an X-Formation, the relentless slash careening toward her at immense speed. Point-blank range was commendable, but Rio wasn't going to humor the woman by letting her strike again. In but the blink of an eye, she cloaked her body in a layer of ironlike reaitsu, swinging her arm forward to disperse the collection of energy with another strike of her fist. And that is not the end of it.

Her own employment of Shunpo closes the rest of the distance between them, and Rio is cocking her first back for another strike---yet, at the vary last moment, she vanishes once more, appearing and disappearing again, employing shunpo in rapid succession, creating afterimages in her wake to disorient the woman's vision. There are multiple fists soaring toward her, but she will doubtless feel the physical impact of two fists in particular aiming to crash into her torso. Overwhelming her with Hakuda would be her approach here. If she was every bit the warrior she proclaimed to be, difficult adversities of this nature would come as natural as breathing in this division.


Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:34 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

It seemed, this time at least, that the woman was prepared for an attack... Good, that meant she was at least paying attention. The next trick she employed were mirror images, attempts at confusing and confounding the visual senses. Rio's speed was impressive, on a level that most dared only dream of attaining. However Shura welcomed it, tossing one of the axes into the air and grasping the chain before beginning to spin it as the many images came crashing towards her. She suspected only one of them were physical, thus only one could truly make contact. Which one it was she truthfully didn't care about, what she cared about is which one actually made contact!

A smarter person might've tried to dodge such an attack, or at the very least block it. However Shura wasn't that type of person, at least not in this scenario. Dodging risked running into into the attack, blocking risked not even being aimed in the right direction... She knew at the very least that her right side was covered by the spinning blades of her Zanpakuto, so unless Rio wished to run directly into them there was little chance she would continue coming from that direction.

Now... letting someone as experienced and powerful as Rio make direct contact might otherwise seem like a terrible idea, indeed as the fists made their connection she could feel not just the impact but at the very least a rib or two snap eliciting a pained grunt from the Kurata. However, Shura let go of the chain that held her axe as she was sent backwards, the momentum carrying it into an arc behind Rio, though it may simply appear to be as if Shura lost her grip on it. Shura allowed both it and herself to gain distance from each other to about five meters before she gripped the chain once more and gave it a sharp tug.

Depending on how much Rio was paying attention, the whirling blades were poised to strike her in the back. Whether they sliced right through or mere got lodged there should they strike would be another matter entirely, however Shura wasn't... necessarily trying to slice off an arm. If there was one thing Shura was conscious of however, it was that winning a battle of speed wasn't something she was prepared for nor was she prepared to let it stop her.

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made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:17 am
Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] H52_ehgfwhvjown


Another strike landed against Shura's frame, but Rio wasn't celebrating that success. It was simply the natural result of her technique. Even so, that hardly lessens the amusement she feels at relentlessly chasing her enemy down. Even if she was currently failing to prove she was any match for her, she was still standing. This fact alone left the woman overwhelmingly amused.

Part of her wanted to keep showing that competitive spirit, and another wanted to defeat her and prove to her who was the strongest. She can sense the whirling blades roaring in from behind, but rather than evade them, she extended her hands around the chains as the axes clashed against her iron skin, eliciting the same result as they did before.

Red lines indicating that she had been cut, but nothing that speaks to a deep wound. Rio, clearly unfazed, grinned from ear to ear as she sought to hold onto the chains and pull the woman forward in preparation for a devastating headbutt. If that particular technique fell on its head, she would simply vanish and reappear in her direct atmosphere, striking at her from behind with one of her storied hakuda techniques.



Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura] Empty Re: Strongest Under Heaven[Rio, Shura]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:14 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strongest Under Heaven

She couldn't say she was ultimately surprised at Rio's reaction, both in speed and execution, to her own bit of trickery, however a contest of strength wasn't something she was going to allow. While Rio managed to pull Shura towards her, it was only a few meters. However that wasn't what caught her attention truly, it was the sudden vanish that followed almost immediately after the attempt had failed. Shura had but only a brief moment to react, and truth be told she had a feeling it needed to be as instantaneous as possible.

So rather than wait for Rio to reappear, Shura began her own Shunpo almost immediately in response and boy howdy was it a good thing she did, for Rio had reappeared mid-attack almost at the same time as she started her own Shunpo, allowing her to eek out of range just before it would've connected. The Shihoin's were known for their speed, some of if not the fastest Shinigami in Soul Society... But that wouldn't change Shura's desire to challenge that speed and see just how fast Rio truly was. She didn't move far however she moved behind the Shihoin, bringing the one axe she still had in her hand down towards her "Karitorisha"

Techniques in use:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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