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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Empty [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety

Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:05 pm

Basic Information

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety STovmg3

» Name: ????
» Alias: Tweety
» Age: ????
» Gender: Bird

» Association: Alhireth

» Appearance: A massive, bird-adjacent hollow the size of a skyscraper. A scorpion's tail coils from underneath its talons, a thick haze of feathers surrounding the remainder of its non-masked body. Bulging eyes detract from the mask, bearing gritted teeth. Red and yellow fill the eyes, the mask the traditional bone white. At the very top of its body lies a hollow hole, as if drilled into from the heavens.


Tweety is a being of instinct, not personality. It seeks to build a nest of nests; constructed for a bird of its size and perceived majesty. To roost and create its own brood to care for, regardless of what the 'ants' beneath want to do. It seeks to accomplish this through a very simple method: clear land, and construct from the rubble. It does so at the beck and call of a master who's name it does not understand, and who's commands it barely recognizes as speech. But the dead eyes still watch, still listen, still acts as it should. As a beast wonton of destruction.


Deep in the pit, an egg lay unhatched. The mask etched into it that of a hollow's, staring out in an unblinking, unknowing haze. It would grow as more hollows attempted to approach it, and take what lie within for themselves, only to be devoured whole. This continued for years, so long that the egg forgot where it was, forgot who it was, eventually forgetting to think. Hollows would continue to approach the deadened eyes, their grisly fate no longer anything but an impulse. The souls that writhed within it would begin to call out, their torment and pulsing energy drawing stronger and stronger hollows - until one day, it met its match. A hollow known as Asher, who came to challenge and devour the beast. Only then, in the throes of its own death, did the egg hatch into the monstrous hollow that soars above the clouds today. What was initially fear and rage turned to subservience, becoming a tamed beast of Alhireth's ruler.

And now it has been set free, to the world above.

Natural Abilities

» Winged Flight: By no surprise, the heft and size of the hollow cannot be subsisted on the reishi present in the human world, requiring its wings to fly. While ground bound, the hollow's speed is kneecapped, increasing by one tier per post of flight. The initial takeoff creates a massive wall of wind, throwing back many potential attempts to capture or restrain the hollow. As it flies, or shakes its hide, feathers fall from its body in the dozens.

» The Bigger They Are: Enormous, Tweety has proportionately correct strength, crushing concrete underneath its talons like paper. A swing of its wings is capable of tearing shinigami in half, its tail capable of popping dozens like balloons. Unfortunately, it does not possess such hardiness; most blows from an average shinigami being able to inflict a lasting wound.

» Venomous Tail: Tweety possesses a massive scorpion's tail, the entirety of his acidic ability stored within the tip. Piercing a shinigami with it can cause hollow infection if they don't die, eventually leading to their existence as a Vizard. Other races do not have such pleasant outcomes, leading to semi-permanent nerve paralysis and pain.

Racial Abilities

» Man of a Feather: An extension and 'ownership' of the Hollow's ability to separate a soul from its body. The feathers that compose much of its body mass regularly shed, flittering with the might gusts it produces. While they are large, their size is not the concern - while it could, theoretically, suffocate a child underneath; it instead pushes their soul out. Any human with a Beginner or lower in their Spiritual Adaptation will instantly have their soul removed on touching a single feather, with a subsequent feather required for each ascending level of Spiritual Adaptation.

The removed souls float freely, incapable of acting on their own. Within twenty four hours they will return to their bodies, turning into an easy meal in the meantime. New feathers that come into contact with the soul will bind to it, gaining an autonomy to then fly and return to Tweety. Whenever a feather returns, the soul's spiritual energy is granted to the hollow, allowing it to replenish over a massive area with relative ease. If a feather is destroyed before it can return to the hollow, the soul is prematurely freed, and will return to its host body immediately.

» Totemic Mask: While not the most durable for its size, Tweety's mask is obscenely resilient. While the teeth and eyes are somewhat less so, the effort required to destroy the hollow are that of superb teamwork and determination. Countered in some way by its own size, making it fairly easy to actually hit. So long as the mask stands, Tweety can recover the rest of its body from a single feather.

» Roosting Cero: Tweety does not possess the mental fortitude to do two difficult things at once. Simply put, it cannot both fly and charge up, nor fire, a cero. When perched atop a building, or otherwise ground bound, the hollow can release a plain, if powerful, cero. The required energy is rather taxing, requiring it to regain spiritual energy throughout a thread if it wishes to fire more than one in any given span of time.

Hollow Nucleus

» Ehécatl: (Read as 'Wind God') The wingbeats of Tweety are titanic in scale, allowing vast areas of wind manipulation beyond most usual limitations. By instinctively pouring energy into its wings, the flow of air becomes massively inflated. The localized effects of continual flight are relatively minor - vacuums occasionally popping in and out, large gusts capable of toppling buildings when focused - but over a long enough period of time, can come to cause massive weather phenomenon. As the hollow pours more and more spiritual energy into the process of its flight, these effects transcend the realm of rational. Creating tornados and hurricanes on a continental scale, it should be known as a prerogative to keep it in one place.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Beginner [up to Master]
» Strength: Elite
» Martial Skill: Untrained

Will Skills
» Willpower: Untrained
» Deduction: Untrained
» Focus: Untrained

Hollow Skills
» Evolution Stage: Advanced
» Hollow Power: Advanced
» Mask Protection: Master
» Cero: Advanced

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
Age : 28
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard A | Arc] Tweety

Mon May 15, 2023 11:53 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: S
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Fwoosh
Spirit Class: 3
Hazard Rating: A

Application Approved
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