Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Empty [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:32 am
[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] WnUkGL7

Basic Information

○› Name: Flosshilde
○ Alias: Ein
○ Age: Fresh.
○ Gender: Female.
○ Race: Arrancar.

○ Affiliation:
-First of the Rhinemaidens

○ Nationality: Hueco Mundo
○ Sexual Orientation: Klein
○ Marital Status: See above
○ Ideal Mate: See above
○ Special Skill: Accounting.

○ Height: 6’
○ Build: Curvy
○ Hair Colour: Brown
○ Eye Colour: Gold

○ Aspect of Death: Inundation.
○ Estigma: Looks like eyeshadow._____
○ Former Hollow Type: Gillian
○ Hollow Hole: Back of throat.
○ Mask Fragment: Fingernails.

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] BndcgoU

Psychological Analysis
Stern, authoritative, and collected in nearly every situation, Flosshilde takes her position as First of the Rhinemaidens very seriously. Some might accuse her of being sycophantic and overly devoted to Klein because of this commitment, but she would disagree with that notion. Flosshilde is simply an exceptionally goal-oriented woman, who considers wastes of time to be the worst offense, and who will hold anyone to account if she perceives them as getting in the way of work that needs to be done. In that respect, she can come across as something of a taskmaster, and even those above her such as Klein and Tiresia are not safe from her lashing if she thinks they’re slowing down.

However, this dedication comes with a profound loyalty, as well, not only to her superiors but to her subordinates and her fellow Rhinemaidens. Her life is a gift, and as such she uses it to its fullest possible means. She prepares grand meals whenever possible, and if any extra work needs to be done, she’ll be the first one to volunteer if it means the rest of them don’t need to overwork.


○ Klein: Flosshilde is exceptionally loyal to Klein, viewing him as the one who saved her from a life that would almost certainly have been nothing more than a struggle until she was killed. However, while she is subservient to Klein, and works for his benefit out of a deep willingness to do so, that shouldn’t be taken to mean that she simply acts as a submissive waif. If she feels Klein isn’t working to his best potential, or that he’s hindering his own efforts for one reason or another, she’ll remind him of what he should be doing with the same strict tone she would give any subordinate. So far, she hasn’t gotten in trouble for it, so she assumes Klein likes that about her.

○ Tiresia: Flosshilde does her utmost to make sure that her quiet and fairly weak-willed immediate superior can follow through on any instructions Klein gives. She isn’t bothered by the fact that Tiresia seems to be less motivated than she is; she simply assumes Klein has his reasons for placing Tiresia above her in the leadership hierarchy.


Flosshilde is an exceptionally young Arrancar, and even her time as a Hollow is quite short. Whatever her life as a human was, she chooses not to think about it, but she came to Hueco Mundo as a rather underwhelming Arrancar, unlikely to have ever won any fights, and certainly she would have been eaten and assimilated into some greater Hollow or another had she been left alone. But as she wandered the sands of Hueco Mundo, battered and beaten as she fled from other Hollows, she was found by a man who gave her a greater opportunity in life.

The Arrancar known as Klein offered to give her both power and purpose, to protect her from the life she was currently living. There would be conditions, of course. He was no simple charity worker, and his efforts to make her grow would likely be unpleasant until they were completed. But even so, a life free of that struggle sounded far preferable to this, to being hunted down and unable to fight back without a seemingly sure defeat. She accepted the offer, and even knowing that it wasn’t a perfect act of kindness, she still viewed it as merciful.

The Hollow who would become Flosshilde was brought to the site of Szayelaporro’s old laboratory, under the ruins of Las Noches, and in that place Klein’s modifications and improvements began. The Hollow was raised to the level of Menos through simple force, souls fed into her in a steady stream that allowed for gradual and smooth growth. The process was designed to ensure that her identity remained intact, or at the least relatively dominant; Klein had no interest in the souls he had turned into mere fuel. Only after the Hollow had reached the state of Gillian did Klein give her the instruction to tear off her mask. It would be agonizing, certainly.

But he had made his demand. It was only one more condition of his assisting her. So despite any hesitation, the Hollow tore away her mask, and became an Arrancar. At her level, she was only modestly powerful, but that mattered little. The process had only just begun, after all, and Klein was unconcerned with her being much of a warrior. Her form was modified to meet his specifications, a monstrous Arrancar slowly but certainly turned into one more pleasing to the eye. Souls and reishi continued to be steadily infused into the woman’s being, but the aim was not to make her stronger now. In fact, her ability to exert that spiritual power was stunted tremendously, giving her an impressive reserve but no means to properly utilize it.

After no small amount of time gradually acclimating, and a final, vital modification to her form, the newly formed Arrancar was deemed a success, and was given the name Flosshilde by Klein. She didn’t mind it; whatever her name had been prior didn’t mean very much to her.


○ Overseer Extraordinaire: While Flosshilde is by no means a genius or a particularly gifted woman, what she is good at is remembering orders. Even if she doesn’t understand the higher intricacies of an experiment or project underway in the laboratory, she is capable of keeping things operational in Klein’s absence. She is easily capable of not only memorizing the extensive and complex processes that Klein requires she keep track of, but is also capable of remembering what any other subordinates might need to do, as well. If she asked for specifics, she could likely develop an impressive intellect, but she doesn’t really care to.


○ Rhinemaiden: The title of Rhinemaiden is not simply a cute name that Klein gives to his prettiest underlings. Rather, the status of Rhinemaiden is a drastic modification made to Flosshilde (and any other Rhinemaiden) which turns them into a well of reiryoku. Their spiritual reserves, compared to other entities, are fairly high, and such a degree of energy would likely be enough to crush the average person under the weight of its pressure if it were contained in a normal Arrancar. Flosshilde, however, is incapable of actually exerting this reiryoku in any meaningful capacity. In terms of power, her body and abilities should always be treated as Spirit Class 9, regardless of how much spiritual energy she actually has.

The purpose of this modification, rather, is to assist Klein. The Rhinemaiden’s stores of reiryoku can be released from their body in a consistent and manageable flow, in a form that Klein is able to easily draw into his own body. This process relies on a highly modified version of the typical reishi vents in any spiritual entity’s body, and relies on physical contact between Klein and the Rhinemaiden. While these vents are significantly removed from their usual place on the body, anyone who knows Klein well can likely find them, and in theory could also be given reiryoku from a willing Rhinemaiden if Klein allowed it.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Untrained

Racial Skill Sheet
  • Cero: Untrained
  • Nucleo: Beginner
  • Aumentar: Beginner
  • Sonido: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Veteran Member
Joined : 2019-02-28
Posts : 3346
Age : 25

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8 | Hazard D] Flosshilde [NPC]

Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:46 pm
Release the Kraken.

Spirit Class: 8

Hazard Ratings
Power: E
Influence: D
Resources: D
Overall: D
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