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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:14 pm
A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa had explored a lot of different places throughout the world f the living. The City of Lights had ... certainly become a place she found comfort in. But it also had a lot of ...darker memories associated with it. And so she'd been looking for a secondary location. Somaplace she could be with a bit more space and time to let her mind wander that wasn't Hueco Mundo. And so she'd come here.

A place that held individuals of just about every race. A ..fascinating place she had to admit, and admittedly squarely within her interests. A place where even arrancar were able to mingle with others without worry. And so the gentle giant of a woman soon was making her way through the harbor, a bit .... lost amongst all the hustle and bustle. But even so, she couldn't help the slight ting of excitement in her heart. So many people. She was a bit....intrigued.

Perhaps this was a place she might find inspiration toward the world she sought in her heart.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:34 pm

The Ox King

King Uma

A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] 6EdIfMt

On one street, was a sight that could scarcely be believed, let alone ignored. A giant woman, nearly eight foot tall, with an extra foot of horns growing out of her head, was holding two fully grown adults in the air, one in each hand, and giving them a lightly spoken lecture.

"Street scrapping is terrible on the soul, moo. If you want to resolve your differences with your fists, there is a specific place for it. We are all in the auspice of Elyss, moo. We should behave appropriately to it"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:15 pm
A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

The commotion certainly wasn't hard to notice, and almost immediately when that loud voice snared her attention, Santa's brows perked up. It wasn't very often that someone was taller than she was, and this woman was by quite a bit! The blonde arrancar tilted her head and promptly made her way over to the altercation itself, eyes shifting back and forth between the two men raised up into the air, and the big woman herself. Her mind briefly snagging on the mentioned name. Elyss? She'd heard the name once or twice befor,e but didn't quite know what it is that it meant.

All the same, she watched with rapt fascination as the two miscreants were handled by the large bovine woman, patiently waiting as the pair were dealt with, a NUMBER of questions bubbling up in her head. What kind of individual was this? Their soul seemed...different from what she was used to. And so once the two malcontents had been handled, Santa planned to stride up to the large bovine and offer a warm smile. [color=goldenrod["Hello!"[/color] She greeted. No game plan. Not even really much of a greeting. All the knew was that this woman looked impressive and that she should introduce herself. Perhaps it was the dwindling number of people she had close to her. Maybe it was seeing so many people in the city of lights. Or maybe she just wanted something to latch onto outside of that pale city. But in any case, she fully intended on trying to make friends with this strange woman!
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:04 am

The Ox King

King Uma

A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] 6EdIfMt

After the two agreed to go off and fight properly in the Wolf Pit, Uma would let them go. And then about to head off to her shop, before another person greeted her. Arrancar, from the smell. Uma had gotten used to the distinct smell of each race, given how much of a melding pot this place had become in recent years.

"Hello, moo! I have not seen you around before. Are you new?" Uma would ask, bending down slightly.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:51 am
A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa's brows perked slightly as she watched them heading off. The Wolf Pit? There certainly was some interesting terms being thrown around, stuff like that simply stirred a bit of curiosity within her. They had places where people could settle their differences? It certainly stirred the imagination, and she made a mental note, pondering how effective such a place might be.

And as the large ox of a woman bent down, Santa paused, not sure if the woman was just leaning down, or bowing in greeting, and so to play it safe, she offered a little curtsy of her own! Wanting to be polite, as she then offered a smile up to the massive woman. "I am! My name is Santa Estallar, and I've never been here before." She explained, offering a gentle smile to the giant of a woman.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:54 pm

The Ox King

King Uma

A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] 6EdIfMt

"Moo! Excellent, excellent! New people are always good. Especially ones so polite as you" Uma would exclaim, gesturing grandly to the city in front of her. It had a gentle feeling to it; not the people exactly but the very walls themselves. A sadness, like great loss had been sustained, and would never be recovered from.

"Do you wish to wander, moo, or do you wish a Lightfoot Taxi about the city to places of interest?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:01 pm
A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa perked up and watched as the large woman gestured about them, giggling a bit to herself and covering her mouth as she rather enjoyed that boisterousness! It reminded her a little of herself, but without the .....concerns that she sometimes sensed with others. Most time she found someone so as herself, there was usually some caveat which made her uneasy. But she didn't, at least presently, sense anything amiss with the giant.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. And actually, I was just intending to wander around a little and get a feel for the city. But I do admit, I certainly wouldn't mind a tour of the place, if you aren't too busy. If not at least just a quick overview of the layout." She noted quietly, offering a soft, timid little smile to Uma as she gently brushed her hair back and took a brief glance around them, as if to try and ....find her bearings in the unfamiliar place.

Of course she did notice that the woman hadn't introduced themselves in kind, but she'd run into more than enough wayward individuals who simply preferred not ot offer such information. She instead figured she would ask again a bit later. But in the meantime, she would see what this woman could d to help her acclimate the place. After all, with her enforcing the peace, that was a sign of at least an understanding of the rules to begin with? Not the best of indicators, but she could learn what she could from this lively woman.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:06 pm

The Ox King

King Uma

A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] 6EdIfMt

"This is good, moo. Some people forget the delight of a gentle wander. We shall, in the spirit of Ulv, take a walk around the city" Uma would reply, turning down the street and having a casual wander down it.

"Now, there was a woman who appreciated wandering, moo. Fast as the Stars across the Sky, the entire world was her backyard. Even without the gaping black maws she could summon, there was no effort for her to go to Norway or England for the day. Or even downwards, to the Marina Trench and all the grand secrets beneath us. And yet, she would just walk down the streets sometimes, eat a hotdog, talk to the people, lend a hand here and there. Truly the greatest of us, moo"

Uma would exhale a sad sigh, and then point to the manor on the hill.

"She used to live there, moo. Built a hill to question all who would come to her, if it was worth climbing the hill to talk to her about it now, rather than later. She is dead now, though her daughter has taken up the mantle of protector. Not with the same fire as her mother, but honestly, the greatest of fires lack the luminosity of The Sun. So it's not really a lack on Elyss' part, moo"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:49 pm
A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa was... a little startled at the sudden heavy lean of the conversation into the subject of this Ulv woman. And for just a moment, she felt a STRONG sense of Deja Vu. Such .....dedication was rare in Hueco Mundo. There was only a single individual that had EVER inspired such ...zealous behavior to those in Hueco mundo. To describe a being purely by legendary feats, and by virtues presumed of them.

Aizen Sosuke.
And for just a moment, she felt a bit ...apprehensive about this...Ulv individual, but she decided to not think too hard about that, and instead offered a soft smile to the larger woman as the pair of them walked. "What about yourself? What is it that you do around here?" She ventured with a tilt of her head. Guiding the conversation just a little. She was much more interested in learning more about the city itself, and the bovine that she found herself being guided by.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] Empty Re: A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:26 pm

The Ox King

King Uma

A Sheltered Forge [Santa, Uma] 6EdIfMt

"I am Uma, moo" Uma would exclaim, putting out her chest with pride. "I run the Yak Shack on Randra Street, and occasionally roam around dealing with disputes. There are a lot of racces here, lots of people, lots of personalities. They just need guiding where they can properly give voice to these feelings"

Uma would then point out a small house on the corner. No sign, or marking, though.

"That's Cho Zi's place. He does healing, moo. Ulv brought him here after rescuing his daughter, and he's stuck to it ever since. Cantakerous sometimes, but he is old, moo. Old people are allowed such things"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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