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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne

Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:59 am
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne Nrdrtf4


Basic Information

» Designation: Chimera #6 - Loom of Endless Brilliance
» Alias: Lianne (Preferred)
» Age: 300~
» Gender: Female
» Race: Arrancar

» Association: Safira Aldrovandi
» Alignment: Chaotic
» Sexual Orientation: Everyone
» Special Skill: Can do fifteen consecutive back flips in under five seconds, twenty if they're front flips

» Height: 4'4 ft
» Weight: Abnormally Light

» Estigma: Light yellow spots all over her body, particularly under her eyes, on her shoulders, chest, studding her back, and knees. Glow in the dark with intensity depending on how much energy is stored in them.

She also has a small imprinted “6” on her left shoulder blade.

» Mask Fragment: Skull-like plating over the top of her head with a strange etching. Possesses a clean break on one half but the other appears unnaturally jagged and messy with a matching large scar next to it. Scar is not visible unless hair is parted.
» Hollow Hole: Heart
» Aspect of Death: Rumination

Psychological Analysis

Full of energy and mischief, Lianne is unusually sociable for an Arrancar. She actively seeks fun and unusual situations in order to keep her 'batteries charged' so to speak, often willing to go with risky or even dangerous moves if it means something heart-thumping will come of it. Because of this, boring people are pretty low on her list of willing candidates for interaction; her patience is pretty narrow and the concept of 'waiting' is rather unappealing to her normally.

Despite her energetic state, Lianne isn't incompetent by any means. She has had to hold her own for good while, after all, and has shown a promising amount of practical smarts and an unusually sharp memory and capacity to notice things. She greatly dislikes being called stupid; she'll call YOU stupid for even implying such!

Though there is a wistful end to her; having suffered from memory loss due to the accident that resulted in her mask breaking has greatly affected her; if anything her typical over the top attitude could be taken as a coping mechanism. There are things and people she genuinely is incapable of recalling, actively misses, but it's nothing but a blank to her mind - but knowing something should be there in itself is a distressing topic to her. Consequentially, she tends to gravitate to things or people that in some way remind her of what's lost.

» Likes: Pick a poison, Talking, Shiny things, Sweets, Playing pranks, Music, Dancing, ######

» Dislikes: Boring people, Being ignored, Misplacing things, Hospitals, Using her release state

I. History

» History:

... What happened?

… Where… My name…

It Burns.

Designated… Loom of Endless Brilliance… That’s right. I was created in the [][][][] facility by my Progenitor. Chimera Number Six, of [][][][] and counting; my purpose was to [][][][] the sands of Hueco Mundo to [][][][] [][][][] or [][][][] to [][][][] [][][][] [][][][] [][][][] on his behalf. My creator was [][][][] and [][][][]; he ensured I would be able to perform my duty with [][][][] [][][][] [][][][] [][][][] success. PAINFUL at times, but my [][][][] assured it was all for a greater [][][][] than any of us.

Our progenitor.. He did not interact with us as much after more of us were made. But it was [][][][], I had my [][][][] [][][][] as well as new ones to [][][][] with as we worked. [][][][] and [][][][] were my favorites to [][][][] with as we fulfilled our roles traversing the sands. [][][][] and [][][][] taught me a lot about the Living Realm; they were sent there occasionally, but I had yet to be told to go.

I hope our Progenitor lets me go one day… It sounds like so much fun.


[][][][]? [][][][]!? WHERE ARE YOU? HELP ME.




PR[][][][]ITOR. [][][][]NITOR. PROG[][][][].

I. D[]N’T. []ANT. T[]. F[][][]. PL[][]SE.

IT'S. N[]T. FA[][]...

The first motes of awareness Lianne formed past that fever dream were the struggle to open her eyes. A newly born Arrancar, eyes peeling open to a dark land, awareness would be regained in dangerous territory - The Forest of Menos. For however long she was inactive, she was markedly lucky; where ever she fell from, her tiny body had fallen into a small cavern guarded by dense formations of of root-like rock structures, no hollow down here would be small enough to trouble her, let alone notice her weak presence.

No idea of how she came to be where she was, the little Arrancar had to find a way out. Though the mind was fragmented, her skills were not - using her gifts to hide herself away from the marching Gillians, forcibly disperse close calls with Cero or Bala, and keep herself safe and sustained. Although, a spare few times she was forced to activate her Resurreccion, waking hours later to nothing but decimated surroundings and the corpse of a giant. It was a frightening time in the dark for the speck of light, years spent in a place ill-fitting for her.

But eventually, she managed to find a crack of light to squeeze through. To say the sight she was made to behold was disappointing was a vast understatement. That wish, to see a world she never had permission to go to, remained…

Permission? Why would she ever need permission? There was that sensation that she shouldn’t travel to that place, but nothing really convinced the Arrancar itching with curiosity not to. She managed to survive a horrible place, she should have a real reward, yeah?

Nothing prepared her for how overwhelming of a reward it’d prove to be, however. The Living Realm was nothing like that grey wasteland she emerged to! So many colors, and sights, and THINGS! It was a faint-worthy rush, alright! Naturally, exploring the world was her prerogative, the lasting urges and senses of duty her previous life may have held nothing but a haunt of her darkest dreams and moments.

Though there wasn’t quite a place for her amongst the living, which wasn’t the biggest deterrent, but she did feel strangely lonely at times with the lack of familiar company, and any few Arrancar she did meet seemed disinterested in the energetic thing. It wasn’t until she heard about Las Vegas, a city that had become a bit of a hub for her kind, that she found her place. Sure she had to resort to thievery to get off the ground, but she ended up meshing into the city life well in an assortment of jobs.

Then it was destroyed. The saddest day of her newer life was having to scurry away as the city she grew to love was completely trashed by some assholes. Any friends she may have made either perished or scattered, it was a giant mess being homeless and alone again…

… That time alone was exceedingly unpleasant; naturally she grew quite the affection for substances to make the pain leave. Wandering again, her fervent search for a new hotspot was insatiable, until she heard of a wonderful little resort down in Brazil, run by quite the powerful lady! That was promising, that sounded lasting! Of course she was attracted to the place and immediately swore loyalty.

This time, she felt some compelling to be more proactive in developing her abilities; it was strange she had some sense she couldn’t continue on, when developing and honing her abilities appeared to yield only increases in strength. There was little interest in exploring her oddities - she was happier with what she had, attempting to reflect on the past did nothing but make her want to shut it away.

Despite the chaos in the world, at least she had her providence.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Light Body
Despite her healthy appearance, Lianne’s body is abnormally light and fragile, these altered traits sustained even as an Arrancar. While this lends a further bonus to her speed and dexterity, it in turn also renders her body easier to damage and physically weaker.

Lightweight Fighter
Lianne’s key traits in battle are her use of speed and deception to survive an altercation. She is quite fast and skillful with the use of her weapons on opponents, often focusing on weak points and even playing sudden dirty tricks to get a leg up. She is quite flexible and often resorts to highly active movements to avoid contact attacks and look for openings.

Quick Learner
Though her hyperactive state would lead one to think she is incapable of focusing, she in fact was designed with an overactive thought process in order to take in information and sort out useful details. Although this mode of thought is better with experienced-based learning as opposed to pure knowledge collection, Lianne is one to notice and utilize the smaller things that harder thinkers may overstay on or gloss over.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Reishi Manipulation
Formulated by her creator to increase efficiency in the use of her natural abilities, Lianne’s Reiatsu is able to interact with Reishi in a peculiar way, bending them not much unlike light particles. Reishi “sticks” to her own native energy (notably collecting reserves of it in her Estigma that doubles as a sort of luminescent organ distributed across her entire body) and thus can be manipulated for an array of light-based abilities by exciting the particles. Although, she is completely unable to do much with Reishi outside of this ability - she may have some control, but she’s no Quincy.

With her reckless nature and diminutive size, Lianne having a lack of interest in power over regenerative abilities is natural. Though nothing about it is exceedingly special now, she is able to regenerate her body over time to recover from hairy situations.

Brilliant Cero/Bala
While they appear as normal Cero or Bala, they are notably brighter than the typical forms of the hollow attacks. Lianne is able to control how bright these attacks get with an infusion of Reishi, to either blind her opponents with a bright Cero, or a quick distraction with using Bala as flashbangs.

Cloaking Hierro
With the aforementioned manipulation, Lianne can in fact turn herself and anything (or one) she is touching completely invisible. Of course, they’d still be detectable by other means such as immediate touch or Reikaku for instance, though the only benefit in such an instance is that her figure would be ill defined by a haze of energy as opposed to an exact shape due to the excitement of Reishi covering her.

Vanishing Sonido
Another utilization of her invisibility, any time Lianne uses Sonido, she entirely vanishes as opposed to simply blurring from the speed. While she consequently is unable to ever develop speed clones with this automatic process, it does give her a leg up by making her next location much harder to determine.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Quetz

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Quetz’s form is unusual to typical Zanpakuto formed by Arrancar; rather than being it’s own blade, it’s form is dispersed throughout a cluster of crystal studdings embedded in Lianne’s lower back, of which she can spawn constructs of it at will in the form of long, sharp, needle-like crystal rods with a thin, fibrous membrane connecting to whichever stud grew the construct that wilts after several minutes of exposure to air.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

Nutrients Drain
A holdover ability from her hollow days to enable efficient feeding and combat, the crystalline needles of Quetz are in fact hollow, much like syringes. Those stabbed by these needles will face their spiritual energy being drained in order to sustain Lianne as nutrients.

Given how thin and quickly wasting the fibers that connect to her become shortly after it’s malleable formation, it’s not possible for her to maintain a constant meaningful drain with a single needle, as they were not intended to suck an opponent dry so much as help Lianne maintain her energy levels to some extent in a taxing battle - be able to eat and fight at the same time so no moments are wasted.

Crouch of Death
Given she can form these crystals at will, Lianne can arch her back in such a way that, with the correct angling, she can turn herself into a barbed defense, rapidly utilizing all of the studs at once to form defenses not much unlike a porcupine’s. However, the resulting construct temporarily inhibits her movements, and is also rather uncomfortable for her to maintain.

Figment: Spectrum
Lianne is able to make up to two additional constructs made up of light that can act separate to her within her SC’s level of influence. They could theoretically could appear as anyone or anything Lianne has met or is familiar with, but is typically used for clones, their maximum potential size appearing to be the size of a Gillian - as that’s the largest thing she’s familiar with. However, they are effectively holograms - while they look near identical to their representations, they are unable to physically do anything, even their constitution is visibly more “hollow” compared to the real things to those of stronger senses and attentive of detail.

Figment: Overlay
Behaving similarly to the Spectrum variant, but instead is used to cover an object or person. Obviously, if there’s a considerable size discrepancy between the actual subject and the light cast over them, those portions will simply phase through other materials or entities.

Prisma Arc
With the use of her spears in hand, Lianne can project a Cero or Bala into them, storing the frequency in the crystalline structures. When she wishes to release it, the energy will burst from the point, however it releases at twice it’s initial destructive power due to the compression and magnification process that projecting them into said needles performs. She can store up to twenty Bala or one Cero per needle.

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: Weave A Path of Light To Our Tomorrow

» Resurrección Release Action: Lianne touches the strange insignia on her mask fragment while speaking the phrase.

» Resurrección Appearance: Lianne’s appearance greatly changes in her release; her mask fragment expands to cover half of her face in a formation reminiscent of a mouse’s skull, making the strangely damaged segment all the more apparent, a bony spine trailing down her back and branching off into a thin skeletal tail.

Her sclera turn dark, yet her eyes glow, hair growing down to back length with ghostly tendrils of purple-pink-blue light flowing off her locks, a similar formation cast over her bony tail to form a thick lizard-like tail. Long rigid ear-like light constructs forming from the sides of her head and pointing backwards.

Her Estigma glow brilliantly, the crystalline studs in her back creating a constant flow of fragments and weavings of Reishi to create, connect to her, and replenish six purple-pink crystals that are ever present around her.

» Resurrección Abilities:

Assumed to be due the sheer amount of excited energy coursing through her upon releasing, Lianne experiences a noticeable shift in thinking and personality in her Resurreccion. The simply energetic and outgoing personality of the Arrancar becomes purely manic and overtly goal-orientated, a notable hit to her ability to focus apparent whilst in this state, as well as being unable to clearly remember what happened while she was in release. Being in release also appears to be painful to her to some degree, as her only clear memory is searing pain in her head and red in her vision. (-1 skill rank in her Focus)

Prisma Arc: Aperture
As previously established, Lianne can magnify the power of her Cero and Bala by storing them inside the crystalline needles, however the resulting magnification of effect increases by 3x.

Refraction Array
With the six controllable floating crystal constructs formed by Lianne’s Resurreccion, she can project energy into them in order to form six directional Cero or Bala, though their power is the same as her standard Cero plus whatever boosts her state grants. She can control said crystals to fire these either in random assortments, structured formations, or as one large attack.

Figment: Spectrum - Complex
A greater expression of the sealed ability, Lianne can make up to ten constructs, however they also possess the additional quality of passively collecting more Reishi for Lianne to obtain upon recalling them.

Diffusion Parade
If her crystals are not busy with another action, they can be used to weaken or otherwise outright negate any attacks made up of energy by scrambling it’s makeup. Each crystal accounts for a percentage of effectiveness, adding up to 100%. Attacks with light-based forms (Such as Kido, Quincy arrows, or Ceros) are what’s affected. If the equivalent skill is her level in Cero or higher, the attacks can only be weakened by an increasingly thin margin even with all of her crystals in use (about 30%), while those below her can be fully weakened by even half the amount of crystals, or even outright dispersed if all are used.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Untrained
» Speed: Advanced
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Arrancar Skills
» Cero: Adept
» Nucleo: Advanced
» Regenerar: Adept
» Sonido: Adept

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Lianne

Tue Oct 03, 2023 4:13 pm

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