Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Satan's Spawn
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A Peaceful Day. Left_bar_bleue0/0A Peaceful Day. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Peaceful Day. Empty A Peaceful Day.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:55 am
A boy lay on the dry grass by the lake. He counted the clouds as they passed him slowly, his arms at the back of his head while hie Raven-black spikey hair blew in the breeze. The sun soon shone from it's hiding place making the boy wince slightly from the bright rays of light as he sat up quickly to prevent the sun from giving him a headache. It was peaceful, which is just what he liked on a Sunday morning. The birds sang in the nearby trees while a few leaves fell down when one of them flew away.

As he went towards the lake the boy then cupped his hands, lowering them beneath the crystal-clear water, splashing his face with the warm water. It's only early morning but he could tell it would be a good day, after all, it's been like that for at least a week now.
Only one week left until he could return to the Soul Society. Staying here for too long got him used to this place, he even began thinking like a human. With the gigai he had on right now it allowed others to see him of course, but why would he come out to a lonely forest like this?

Mainly because it was so peaceful it could give him time to think things through. He couldn't do that in the middle of Karakura after all, the place where the humans shop, the children play. Their voices would just get muddled up with his thinking voice. He closed his eyes as he washed his face once again, shaking his hair dry as he looked down at the lake. Watching the fish swim by peacefully, a soft smile appeared on his face at this.

A Peaceful Day. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
Entity of Contradiction
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A Peaceful Day. Left_bar_bleue9000/10000A Peaceful Day. Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

A Peaceful Day. Empty u

Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:21 pm
Grand Duke of Ninth Circle, Sin Fall

A Peaceful Day. 1164919692_DemonAnime

Shade had decided to roam in earth's forest for awhile instead of training. He still waits for another person appear in front of him. The forest was peaceful for him as always, but the reason for that was he is a demon and a strong one as well. The animals don't mess with a demon and can avoid him because him because of his scent, so to him it seemed that it was quiet all around him today. He was moving at a descent speed through the forest. Fast enough to where he can move around in short amount of time but slow enough to not make too much noise.

There were clouds in the sky today and a bright sun. It seem to Shade that it would be a great day on earth for him if it continues like this. As he continued on his path he started to approach a lake in the distance and was going to stop there for now and take a break. But as he drew closer he saw another person there and he was splashing him self with the water. He could approach this person in many different ways. He could be friendly to him or hostile. Eithier way wouldn't change him but he wanted to surprise the person and show his power.

The next thing Shade did was use the demon form of the flash step to appear only about 10 - 15 ft. away from the person.Next he said something to the person.

"Hello" he said.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Satan's Spawn
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A Peaceful Day. Empty Re: A Peaceful Day.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:36 pm
:Using the sleeve of his white top the boy wiped his face dry as he felt refreshed. He soon watched the fish swim up and down the lake before looking down to where the river was. Standing up after a while as he stretched the boy turned around about to go back towards the local area of KaraKura. Looking up as he flinched slightly in shock at the man in front of him.

What was he, Who was he? No matter how much fear grew in side of him he managed to keep a straight face for a second, was he being friendly?

A small smile broke on his face as he at least tried to act nice.


He was quick to respond as he walked over to him slowly, extending his right hand out.
"My name is Kenji!"

Kenji introduced himself with a smile, wondering if this man would like to shake hands, after all, it was a form of introducing, to shake hands. And he had seen people from around here do this sort of thing!

A Peaceful Day. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
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A Peaceful Day. Left_bar_bleue9000/10000A Peaceful Day. Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

A Peaceful Day. Empty Re: A Peaceful Day.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:07 pm
Grand Duke of Ninth Circle, Sin Fall

A Peaceful Day. 1164919692_DemonAnime

So this person's name was Kenji, and by the looks of what has happen that Shade has surprised the person as he turned around. Probably because he expected to hear something when someone was approaching but he had been silent and quick. This was one of the things he was really good at and close to mastering. The thing that surprised him was that the person was acting so friendly back, if only he knew who he really was then this person would probably go running. Another thing in his head was a question and it was why this person out here because there are people just as strong as Shade and might not be as kind.

The next thing that Shade saw was that Kenji but his hand out for a hand shake but Shade really didn't want to do that right. So he said something to him.

"I don't shake hands with people I don't know well and I'm Grand Duke Shade. (Shinigami are unaware of the ranks of Sin Fall.) I would like to know why your in the forest all alone because it's a dangerous place." he said.

Shade waited for the response from the person named Kenji. If he was hiding something from him in his answer he should be able to figure out what it is, if he pushes him with more question. This could become a more interesting day now with this person. One way or the other he was sure this person would figure out he is a demon. But until then he would wait as time went on. He didn't want to rush anything eveything is known eventully.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Satan's Spawn
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A Peaceful Day. Empty Re: A Peaceful Day.

Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:25 pm
:Noticing that this man didn't want to shake hands first by the expression he had on his face, he lowered his hand embarrassed before noticing what Shade had said:

"I don't shake hands with people I don't know well and I'm Grand Duke Shade."

He looked up at Shade tilting his head to the side before smiling still.

" I would like to know why your in the forest all alone because it's a dangerous place."

He then heard him say as he placed one hand in his pocket.

"well...why not, it's not that dangerous...I just come here to think really..."

He responded quickly, looking back up at him with a smile.
A small breeze entered and left the area as it blew Kenji's hair:

"You know! We all have a place to think when we need to!"

A Peaceful Day. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
Pimp Cloak
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A Peaceful Day. Empty Re: A Peaceful Day.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:22 pm

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