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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg

Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:38 am
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg PEvzpxz

Basic Information

○ Name: Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg
○ Alias:
-Kuroganehime (鉄姫)
○ Age: 186, as of 2123.
○ Birthday: October 15
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: High-Spec Human

○ Affiliation:
-Heir to House Burgstaller

○ Alignment: Neutral Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Holy Roman Empire
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
○ Ideal Type: Resolute and intellectual
○ Special Skill: Can always tell the temperature.

○ Height: 6’5”
○ Build: Very fit.
○ Hair Color: Blonde
○ Eye Color: Gold
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg HZOWigx

Psychological Analysis

Confident, self-assured, and unflinching, Adalwolfa Burgstaller is a woman who knows who she is and what she wants out of life. She is a force of personality, despite her quiet and calm demeanor, simply because of the assuredness with which she carries herself. This doesn’t edge into arrogance, however, and Ada is quite aware of the fact that she is as human and fallible as anyone else might be. Despite her age and her pedigree, she doesn’t consider herself above other people, and the closest she comes to being overly prideful is with regard to her career as a model rather than anything related to her birth. After all, that career is one she’s worked toward for a long time, and as such she considers it far more valuable than anything she might have been born into.

While you’d never hear her say it herself, the plainest way to describe Ada is that she is the philosophical ideal of the ubermensch, in the classical sense. Her outlook is one that fundamentally accepts the bad things that have happened in her life, without a sense of regret or despair. She isn’t simply willing to tolerate what’s happened to her, but actively is glad that it did happen, as those events led her to where she is today. She doesn’t expect others to feel the same way about their lives, of course, but she believes life is always worth living. After all, there is no greater point in all existence than the height of joy, and having experienced it, everything else is simply justification for that one moment.


○ Erchanhardt Burgstaller: Her father, and a man that Ada fundamentally respects. Their relationship has historically been somewhat distant, but this isn’t on account of any ill will on either of their parts. They’ve simply lived different lives until now, but the attack on the Holy Roman Empire, and her father settling into a more careful life as Emperor, has led Ada to put her career on hiatus for a time to assist him. She is, after all, a caring daughter.

○ Himiko Burgstaller: While Ada is keenly aware that this woman is over a century younger than she is, that doesn’t terribly bother her, and she has accepted her place as Himiko’s daughter quite gladly. If anything, she’s rather glad to finally have a mother in her life.

○ Yuuto Hisakawa: A family friend, and a one-time childhood crush, Ada considers Yuuto as something akin to an uncle, someone she could rely on without question even in spite of the length of time since they last saw one another.


Please see here for a full history of the Burgstaller family.

Adalwolfa Burgstaller was born into circumstances that, in another world, perhaps would have led her to be a far worse human being than she is. Though her father cared for her dearly, and wished only for her happiness, the rest of the Burgstaller saw her only as the next step in their centuries-long plan to create the perfect human, to make ever stronger children and secure their strength. None of that had ever particularly mattered to Ada, but she wasn’t necessarily opposed to it, either. She was far too young to fully understand it, but when she woke one day to the din of battle in the Burgstaller estate, to the sound of death filling the air, she already understood what was happening on some level. After all, few could reasonably have killed so many of her bloodline, and there was only one man Ada knew who was as strong as that.

The young girl lept from her bed, ready to fight if it came to that. But as she left her quarters, her eyes immediately landed upon the looming figure of her father, drenched in blood and without any hint of remorse upon his face. Yet, when he turned to see her, that expression softened, and Ada lowered her readied fists. She had no desire to fight her own father, the one man who had shown her true affection. Even knowing that her mother was surely soon to die, if she hadn't already been killed, the young Adalwolfa was not bothered by that notion. She simply returned to her quarters, and watched the moon until her father returned.

She asked him why he'd done that, and he simply told her that it was to protect her. That was enough for Ada.

The next two decades of her life were spent under the care of her father, and though he seemed unwilling at first, Ada pushed him to teach her in all the disciplines he himself had studied. Arts, philosophy, the sciences, and of course, combat. She took to all of them as well as any child of Burgstaller blood ever could, and she bonded well with her father in that time, yet she found that she had grown into a woman who saw the world far differently from him. Erchanhardt's worldview was one fundamentally cynical in nature, an outlook which believed in the Will to Live and sought refuge in asceticism. Ada, however, disagreed with that view. She was happy, and she looked only to the future rather than dwelling on the past. She believed in the Will to Power, and in that view, she knew that she could never be content in simple study and isolated thought as her father was.

So, in the year 1969, she left her home in Germany and traveled east. Though she intended to reach Japan, she had prepared for a much longer journey, as she wished to see more of the world than could ever be seen from the window of a plane, train, or ship. It was a 7 year journey, and one filled with study of culture and combat both. When she finally arrived in Japan in 1976, Ada brought herself to the Kodokan, the same institute of learning where her father had studied, and began studying the art of judo as he had. However, in doing so, she found that her desire to learn was not one academic in nature. Though she reached the rank of 1st dan within only 7 months, she spent the next four years at the Kodokan without any further rising in rank. This was not on account of her lack of improvement, however; Ada consistently won any randori she found herself in. Rather, she displayed little interest in the academics of the Kodokan and the Judo hierarchy. Instead of contributing to the art, she refined only her own mastery of it, and after her fifth year at the Kodokan was complete, she left.

Her time afterward could be best described as “whirlwind,” a life filled with far too many meaningful experiences to be fully listed by anyone. Her study of martial arts in Japan only became more intensive, and she spent several years as a professional fighter in order to fully test herself. It was during these years that she fell in love with another fighter, Michel Akiyama, a French-Japanese student of combat jiujutsu. The romance between the two was one marked by both passion and a never-ending pursuit of improvement, and Ada would have been perfectly happy to spend the rest of her days alongside him. Yet, from the very beginning, she knew that wouldn't be possible, for she'd hardly age the way he had.

20 more years passed, and in those decades Ada had found herself moving away from professional fighting. She felt it was no longer letting her improve in any meaningful way; every art she faced off against was just a variation of one she'd already come to understand, and the Burgstaller lineage had gifted her with such an overwhelmingly perfect body that her opponents had no meaningful chance to match her. That was a waste of time, and so while she continued to train on her own time, she pursued another career, one which put her impeccable appearance and physique to better use; modeling. Though it had been simply a matter of doing what came naturally, she found the job was one she enjoyed perhaps more than fighting. The life of celebrity, of travel and time spent with Michel, was spectacular.

But that life came crashing down at the end of 2002. After returning from a visit to Germany in late 2001, Ada found that Tokyo seemed different than it had before. The spiritual way of things seemed out of sorts, but she'd never given much thought to all that. However, it seemed fate wasn't going to allow her, or anyone, to continue living life that way. The Third World War was a bloodbath, but one Ada had been prepared for, if nothing else. She defended her home, and the people she loved and cared for, for five years. Decades upon decades of martial training, and the strength of her lineage, made themselves known in that conflict. She tore countless hollows and demons alike to pieces, broke them with her body as her only weapon. She needed nothing else, and in the end, she came out of the war without having ever gained a single scar. In the aftermath, she served as one of the faces of Japan's defense, of Tokyo's resilience even after the loss of Karakura, and she became known as Kuroganehime, the Iron Lady. She spared no expense in assisting in the reconstruction, and in the wake of the war, she threw herself all the more into training. She fought professionally, modeled, and now found herself in the realm of joshi pro wrestling. It was a life more fulfilling than ever, one she loved dearly.

But it was one she could live for a long while, and all the while, Michel was growing older. It had become clear to him years before that she was far from a normal woman, but World War 3 removed any doubts. He didn't mind when she told him the truth, and he hadn't minded spending the days growing old with her. But the day came that his death would likely come within a few years, and he didn't wish to spend those final days weighing upon Ada. The two separated amicably, and Ada devoted herself all the more to her passions in life. She'd been given this chance by the man she loved, and she wouldn't dream of wasting it.

In those interim periods between fights, shows, or shoots, Ada traveled to the wastelands still scarring Asia, doing everything she could to assist in culling remaining hollows or demon enclaves. Battle after battle, she aimed only for further perfection, but no longer was it simply for the sake of aimless improvement. She was chasing it out of earnest love for that growth, out of a love for the fights she found herself in. But that pursuit of violence was balanced thoroughly by her ever-growing life of celebrity, and indeed continued for decades, even through the Fourth World War which rocked so much of the world.

Only when her father reforged the Holy Roman Empire, when he informed her that he was remarrying, did she pause and look at the life she’d built up for herself. Was she progressing? Or was she stagnant, spending decades in the same place, doing the same things? She’d hardly done anything like she had in those days with Michel, or even in the days before; she’d grown complacent.

Without hesitation, she took a hiatus from her career, and returned to Konigsberg. After all, she and her father were still on wonderful terms. Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Konigsberg had returned to the Holy Roman Empire, and for the foreseeable future, she intended to operate as the princess.


○ Doric Form: Ada is not inhumanly strong, or durable, or fast; rather, she is superhumanly so, for both the lineage of the Burgstaller and the decades of training have created a body well beyond that of a normal human. Every bone, every muscle, even the simple tendons and fibers which hold her together, are altogether immensely powerful, stronger and countless times more dense than those of a normal human's. To those without the necessary power or training, her body is like unbreakable steel, even when she makes no effort to properly defend herself.

○ Faith in the Earth: As the final product of the centuries-long Burgstaller eugenics, Adalwolfa's body and spirit are one and the same. Her pool of reiryoku is the polar opposite of a formless reservoir, but rather is flawlessly integrated with her, and so while she is incapable of spiritually astounding feats of mysticism and magic, her body's abilities fully match what might otherwise be expected of her spiritual reserves. This form means that any attack, whether reishi or kishi, interacts with Ada in the same way; physically. As such, she is capable of responding to it with her body, and so one should be unsurprised if she simply grabs hold of a kido and breaks it in her hands, or clashes against a cero with nothing more than a shoulder tackle.

○ The Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Violence: An evolution and refinement of her father’s Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Violence, this style has narrowed the nature of combat down into two fundamental forces which both work together and are eternally in conflict with one another. The Apollonian, the logical and refined force which governs one’s knowledge of battle, understanding of technique and ability to learn from the opponent, and the Dionysian, the instinctive and unrefined awareness in battle that allows experienced fighters without any formal training to nevertheless dominate masters who have never left a dojo. One’s success in battle, however, is not simply governed by perfect fusion of these two forces; every opponent merits different measures of each, and so Ada is capable of effortlessly shifting her approach to battle from one to the other. One who faces her may find her as rigidly inflexible and unapproachable as a wizened master of old, or as terrifyingly unpredictable as a wild animal.

○ Oudou: The King’s Way (王道). Though the name is one Ada has adopted from her time involved in professional wrestling, it is not remotely similar to the narrative style. Much like her father before her, Ada has studied, trained, and refined dozens of different martial arts over the course of her life, all of them for the sake of perfecting her own ability. Unlike her father, however, Ada does not aim to master these styles and their myriad intricacies, and she does not have any scholarly interest in their development. Rather, she dissects each style that she trains in, looking at it as a stepping stone on her own path to improvement. Techniques and principles that she considers worthwhile are those she incorporates into her style, and all others are simply discarded, kept in her mind only for the sake of fighting against them. Because of this, Ada’s knowledge of combat styles is not only wide, but deep, and one would be hard pressed to find a style she has not incorporated into her own.


“Existence under the bright sunshine of such gods is regarded as that which is desirable in itself, and the real grief of the Homeric men has reference to parting from it, especially to early parting: so that we might now say of them, with a reversion of the Silenian wisdom, that ‘to die early is worst of all for them, the second worst is—some day to die at all.’ If once the lamentation is heard, it will ring out again, of the short-lived Achilles, of the leaf-like change and vicissitude of the human race, of the decay of the heroic age. It is not unworthy of the greatest hero to long for a continuation of life, ay, even as a day-laborer.”
-Friedrich Nietszche

○ Overview: A branching path from the Eternal Return which is utilized by her father, Ada’s Silenus Reverse is not an active technique. Rather, her body is always insistent in its continued existence as is, an affirmation of herself in the most natural state. Speaking simply, those who fight Ada will find that she gives no apparent sign of weakness or injury, regardless of how much of a beating she takes and no matter how severe a wound she suffers. A severed arm will simply remain on her body, a violent poison will course through her veins without the slightest damage to her form. Countless opponents who have fought Ada have left the bout wondering if she is simply invincible, for not a single injury was left on her body.

The reality of this is not so straightforward, however. The injuries given to Ada are very much received, and will tax her ability to stay in a battle as much as they would anyone. However, so long as her body still has spiritual reserves to spare, and so long as she does not receive a unilaterally mortal wound, she will continue in the battle effortlessly, as if she were still in top form at the beginning of a bout. If one were to inflict severe enough injury to incapacitate her, however, she would still collapse to the floor with all the exhaustion one would expect; there is simply no gradual decline between her peak performance and this moment of defeat.


General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Human Skills
  • Power Control: Untrained
  • Physical Augmentation: Untrained
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Elite
  • Mediumship: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept


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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard Rank D] Adalwolfa Burgstaller von Königsberg

Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:28 pm
[mod]Spirit Class: 7

Hazard Ratings

Power: C
Influence: D
Resources: D
Overall: D

Notes: *punches u in half no miss*[/mod]
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