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[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Empty [Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori

Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:41 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Monique Sadamori
» Alias: The Pint Punisher (A nickname she's called while in the ring)
» Age: 19
» Ethnicity: Half Afro-Brazilian, Half Japanese
» Gender: Trans-Female

» Association:  [None, as of yet!]

» Appearance Written:
Monique stands at an imposing size of 5'0 with a pear body shape, weighing at 150 lbs all the weight is in her thighs, hips, and ass.. Despite her shape, she possess a lean layer of muscles over her upper form with washboard abs, and well sculped biceps and tris, with a bulge once she flexes. However, due to her tendencies to wearing baggy clothes her body shape is unintentionally concealed to the point that at first glance her gender can be misconstrued by accident. Though she may be half afro-brazilian and half japanese, she possess features closer to her father's heritage with her dark complexion and coily hair that's stylized into long shoulder length dreadlocks, while she has the eyes of her mother being the color black.

» Appearance Image
[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Gyal1done_small
This drawing is what she actually looks like, it was a comission. Please do not use!

I. Personality

» Personality:

Hard Shell, Soft Core
Coming from a difficult upbringing with both of her parents dying at a young age, ontop of being alienated from her peers due to her skintone, Monique was often impulsive, quick to anger, and often enjoyed to intimidate those who feared her.

Due to circumstances beyond her control Monique takes solice being by herself, she's used to being alone and considers it be easier. However this doesn't neccessarily means she'd push others away when those try to interact with her, the best she could offer to the table is usully smart ass remarks. Though that doesn't mean she wouldn't enjoying the interaction if it turns out to be positive in the end.

Despite her layers of aggression, Monique in truth has a kind and joking nature underneath her delinquent swagger, with the willingness to empathize and connect to others, even if she may throw smart remarks to another at a moments notice. She tends to have more of a simple mindset and tries to appreciate the smaller things in life, surprisingly she does have other things she likes to do and often gets somewhat embarassed when someone speaks on her interests.

Scrapper By Heart
From defending herself, to embracing the thrill to a good brawl, Monique possess a deep love for combat which shows by the way she fights, almost merciless at times with her brutal strikes, but combined with the way she spins, twists, and dances in the ring.

Monique considers fighting a means to help her really express herself when she tends to have difficulty to really be in tune with her emotions, it seems to be an outlet for her as she lacked the guidance of a responsible authority figure in her life to help teach her a method that didn't inolve giving and reciving bloody noses.

However as of right now nothing better helps clear her mind than a thrilling match, espescially against someone who she could simply trade blows with. This overall tends to make her a straight forwards thinker at heart, not stupid by any means but she isn't someone who likes to over think on a plan if she can help it, espescially if she can brute force her way through it.

» Likes: Fighting, Sweet&Spicy Food, Hip hop Music Genre, High Places, Horror, Comedy, and Action movies, Animals, Cooking, Being Alone.

» Dislikes: Condescending People, Country Music, Bitter Food, Soap Operas, Being Lonely.

I. History

» History:

Monique was born on the outskirts of Karakura, while it's far more average than Karakura Central, it was home for she and her father for a relative portion of her young life. Unfortunatly her mother was hospitalized while Monique was in the womb by an acceptionally powerful hollow that pressed its way passed the barrier that, with her being the unfortunate few to be attacked by it before it was taken down by the shinigami.

Her mother's health degressed from the overwelming exposure of hollow reiryoku in her system, too great of a procedure without it being potentially fatal, and to expensive for it to be possible. Despite the inevitable, it was neccessary all the same to spend as much time as possible with her husband and Monique. However, they only able to spend 8 years together before her mother's passing.

Ever since the death of her mother, Monique's father spiraled into a fit of depression that resulted in neglecting his daughter, while it wasn't on purpose it could not be helped as he thought of the woman he loved to be his very sun shine, he simply could not give himself enough strength to look into his child's eyes, as it reminded him so much of her mother's. Feeling as if he had no other choice as he was overwhelmed, locked himself within the bedroom he shared with his wife and waste away while Monique was none the wiser, with the best she could muster was knocking on the door, calling for his attention, but to no avail. Ultimately, he died from a broken heart.

Ever since her father was pronounced as deceased, Monique was put into various orphanages, being moved to multiple in her growing years due to her being bullied because of the color of her skin, and when pushed too far she had the tendency of injuring her peers, showing a frightning amount of strength for a child. This cycle continued through her teenage years as by then she was a street punk with a considerable record, while she doesn't seek out trouble, as she wanted to be left alone, trouble often found her as she found herself getting tangled in fights from other delinquents, to small time gangs because she more than likely knocked out one of their members at some point. Overall, she made the life of a teen look like that of a middle aged adult with the frequent run in she had with the law, gambling, and the frequent gang bangs she caught herself intertwined in.

By the age of 15 Monique was one day approached by a man who seemed overall average in appearance of a japanese man in a formal suit, having long shoulder length raven black hair and peach colored skin, the only pecular part about him was the scar across his entire face. Introducing himself as Kai, he spoke in a formal tone as he praised Monique for her physical prowess despite her age, taking on people who not only often twice her size, but age as well. Monique was close to disregarding the man as a pervert until he brought up an oppsition for really putting her ability to the test as majority of those she took on were average people, what he could offer could be a real challenge. Naturally something like this instantly peaked her interest, and thus Kai guided her to the slums of Karakura in one of the sealed off areas once abandoned, now an underground ring fight for high spec humans.

Stepping into the ring felt surreal, the crowd that craved for the spilling of blood truly felt unnerving, but what really was a shock to her system was her opponent. Possessing the anatomy of a tiger with the large bulky body to top it off, overwhelmed her from the very beginning as Monique struggled to keep up, while she tried to send a blow a counter was already on its way, and when she tried to defend herself, a claw or fist was sent at an angle she had not expected. This experience alone expanded her whole world view, that there really are stronger people out in the world. For a normal person, it would haf felt daunting, but for Monique, the idea filled her with an excitement she hadn't felt in such a long time. For what seemingly felt like the final blow was struck, being a strong fist directly to her chest, Monique's world began to spin as she was unable to stand, all until a voice echoed in the back of her head as the sounds all around her drained away. The voice challenged her actions, taunting her as if this was the best she could do. In the midst of demanding for the voice to silence, Monique's pushed herself to stand as reiatsu began to seep from her body before bursting alive like a flame as this revealed her possessing high amount of reiryoku as her instincts screamed for her to push forwards nomatter what happened. The best that could be described after Monique's second wind was a vicious trade blows with the anthromorph, unsure of how much time passed as to the point that they both were seeming to be equal to one another, not even caring for the sheer magnituted of cries the crowd made. Unfortunately in the end Monique was the one to fall unconcious from pushing herself too far, over exerting herself from what her body could take.

Awaking from her stupor, Monique sprung to life expecting it was a momentary knock out, where instead she found herself in a whole new area before, one of the older houses specifically, stuck in time as the room as the room seemed to have been kept in peak condition. Soon after Kai appeared through the doorway, congradulating her for her first and entertaining fight despite it being a loss. A hard pill to swallow but for what it was worth, the idea of meeting people far stronger than the thugs she squabbled with shooked her core. Let alone did she ever realize she she was capable of utilizing such a power like that, and not only that but she was able to have it unleashed against someone so much of a potential threat, even staying on par considerably. All this made her realize that there was still a chance for her to grow. Fortunately ontop of her realization, Kai offically allowed her the ability to return as she pleased to test her might and to topped it off, she was paid no less and a respectable amount no less and was promised more if she actually won. With all things said and done, Monique was guided back to the open world with a new sense of drive, and all it took was a good kick in the ass.

As the years came and left, the seasons come and go Monique continued to dedicate herself to her physical prowess the best way she knew, treating the various delinquents and other thugs who challenge her as a way to test her moves. Forunately she at least grew enough to warn her opponents before turning them into breathing punching bags for a time. Ontop of this, she frequently met up with Kai or perhaps anyone who worked for him to take her back to the ring, treating it as a job of sorts after school to really show the progress of her fighting ability in the ring, and to earn a decent bit of pay as well, which certainly beats working a simple 9 to 5 once she unfortunately had to leave the last orphanage she stayed in until her 18th birthday.

Now, Monique is 19 Fortunate enough to have graduated now really is by herself, luckily she paid enough attention in those finance classes to keep herself from living on the sidewalk and actually save majority of the money she had after losing a lot a couple of times through gambling. Currently, she stays in an apartment, doing practically whatever she wanted, even splurging on various items and goods to make her place feel lived in. Though it does feel good to have so much for herself, she never could shake off the feeling of loneliness this place brought with it.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Spiritual Awareness:
Like many humans as of now as of this century, Monique is capable of perciving the supernatural, from hollows to shinigami with ease.

Enhanced Physique
Ever since Monique was young as always more physically more capable than her peers and even adults as she was around her teens Monique was capable of fighting grown adults, her body was shaped purely the way it was through combat to the point she is capable of handiling multiple regular humans at a time, and walking away with bruises. As of right now her greatest show of strength would be breaking through a solid brick wall, while she could take hold of a steel beam and appropriately use as a weapon if need be.

Though she does have her limits of what she can take being a human at the end of the day with no augments to the body, fighting those who are considered high spec, and beyond will more than likely be trouble for her if she isn't careful. Not only can it be highly dangerous, but from the various abilities ontop of hollows being a great threat is daunting on its own, but she'll do what she does best and take the blows to the chin until she can't anymore.

Adaptive Hand to Hand Combatnant:

Left-Right Goodnight
Monique enjoys a good brawl, utilizing various brutish techniques due to her experience as a delinquent, from taking nasty blows to the chin, to throwing back vicious headbutts, knees, kicks, and punches as well as she considers herself a very aggressive fighter unless she is in a dangerous situation and cannot allow herself to let loose, and from her time of street fighting, Monique developed the instinct to read opponents through an innate sixth sense in fighting than practical study.

B-Girl Special
Overtime she honed her fighting style into a highly unorthodox means of combat, based on and inspired by breakdancing. Utilizing dynamic moves such a flips, aggaurated spins and so much more as she takes bits and pieces from all forms of unarmed martial arts and making up the rest on-the-go as she fights her opponents, making her an unusual combatnant to come up against when it comes to taking on more seasoned fighters with proper training due to her rather flashy and less than perfect techniques. Despite her prowess, she has absolutely no problem resorting back to her simple bare knuckle style when she really gets into a fight.

Overall she chooses to combine these two styles of combat to keep her opponents from reading her too well, as she is capable of throwing attacks out in seemingly all directions.

"I Pick Things Up Quick:"
While Monique lacks skills, she has a knack for picking up certain techniques she sees and incorporating them into her style of fighting. While she cannot do this with specific super natural abilities to boot, the techniques she can pick up must all purely physical, and will be more obvious she is trying to do so throughout the fight.

Light On Your Feet:
As a result of the rigorous training she puts her body through, training to not only pull off flashy moves and to keep her movements as steady flowing and quick paced; Monique found herself to be quite dexterious, rivialing a professional gymnast in a test of acrobatics overall. She often uses this to help her parkour her way around town.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers:

High Spiritual Energy
Monique was born with a large pool of reiryoku, however she lacks the skill of utilizing it willingly as she was always so focused on her body, let alone lacking a teacher. Never realizing that it takes special training to unleash her spirit energy. Likely what also could be holding her back is her own emotions that's blocking her from acessing her inner reiryoku.

The Thrill of Battle
While Monique has no distinct techique for herself yet, let alone is sure of how to properly train herself into manifesting one besides honing her body, she purely focuses on physical attacks. However, whenever she is really pushed to her limits and is on the cusp of exhaustion, Monique's instincts begin to take over, as her body begins to let out a large amount of reiatsu from her body, taking the color of a ghostly blue as she develops a second wind. For the next 5 posts Monique's attacks will be far more aggressive as she will send out flurries of blows to her opponent, grapples, and far more as she completely disregarding safety to do what she can to try and brutally take down her opponent by any means neccessary.

Monique has no control over this ability, let alone understands why her body acts in such a way when she is on the edge of conciousness. After she reaches her limits of 5 posts (To be specific, my posts, once the power is activated), she will be instantly knocked unconcious due to overexhausting her body and will be out for the rest of the thread unless medically treated. While the name of this ability describes it being an absolute rush for Monique, this activation is one of true desparation, and will not rear its head unless she felt that defeat is not an option, or perhaps some other means she considers dire.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Two Knuckle Sandwiches

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Beginner
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Human Skills
» Power Control: Beginner
» Physical Augmentation: Beginner
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Untrained

I. Role Play Sample
» Roleplay Sample:

Monique's eyes bulged from her sockets as the oversized tigerman sent his large fist into her sternum, the strike, knocked only knocked the wind from her very lungs, but sent the smaller teen off her feet by only steps away from the hulking beast. Rolling to a complete halt, Monique curled into a ball on her side as she struggled to force any air into her lungs, only studdered groans left her torn and bruised lips.

The sounds of gutteral roars and cheers defeaned into nothing but muffled noise as Monique's world spun around to such a degree that it was sickening, as if she was on the verdge of throwing up whatever she ate.

Her body writhed from the punishment that was brought down upon her, making it difficult to move no matter how much she tried hardest to will it so, uncurling her form to extend her limbs, slapping her palms upon the cold floor to force her way back to at least her knees. Her eyes guided to her peripherals, observing the crowd flail their arms in gestures she could not fully grasp. However that was until her eyes laid upon the tigerman, his large bulky arms held out to each side as he spouted nothing but muddled nonsense to her, yet the gesture alone was enough for Monique to understand, and it only made her all the more desparate to knock those fangs out his mouth.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Monique demanded her body to keep going everything was failing her, the injuries was too great for her to bare and at that point there was darkness beginning to shroud her vision, so much faster than she could expect. Until eventually, there was nothing but black as she fell unconcious. Silence taking hold of her.

"The fuck are you doing?!"

A voice questioned out of the blue. Her voice. Without warning there was a strong pulse going went off within her ear, making her eyes shoot open instantly flinched back to conciousness, though she could barely hear the outside world just like not very long ago, however in its stead was herself and the beating of her heart, growing in magnitude.

"You don't got time to nap, bitch! Look at that smug ass furry! Really gonna let that treat you like scratching post?!"

"Shut..up...I'm trying.."

*Monique spat, her fingers clawed at the floor, her nails splintering from the hard surface. The pain still stung at her hands, but for some reason it didn't mind her as much, so much in fact that she was able to slowly but surely find her corodination to her knees, all the while spiritual energy begsn to flow from her body, building ever so gradually.*

"Yeah? Then what are you at your best? Cuz this, is pathetic!"

The voice echoed a laughed in the back of Monique's head, infuriating the teenager enough to grit her teeth, a hand balled into a fist as it shook with growing fury. Over the span of a minuet, majority of the humans began to silence as they watched in awe of the battered teen was cloaked in her own spiritual pressure, and the tigerman was all the wiser to the sudden force of energy. His eyes widened as his primal instincts seemed made him stay in place, unerved from what was only beginning to unfold.

"Go on. I know you can do better than that, you didn't struggle your way here to get your ass handed to so easily. Just. Let. loose."

At that moment, something in Monique snapped as she let out a gutteral roar from the pits of her stomach as the reiatsu exploded into a ghostly blue flame that enveloped the entirety of her body, while the color her eyes matched that of her reiatsu. Silence met the room, their breaths stuck in theur throats, unable to bring a mumble in front of such potent reiatsu

"You wanna see me really try?! FINE!"

Monique's sights locked upon the beastman who gained his distance from her them moment, but that didn't matter to her, as she chose to charge her way straight forwards into the belly of the beast with a battle cry.



Last edited by BoojyBombastic on Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:43 am; edited 12 times in total
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[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori

Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:54 pm

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Last edited by Gamma on Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:44 am; edited 2 times in total

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[Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Monique Sadamori

Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:43 pm
Edits have been made! Along with adding my my sample!!
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