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Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:32 pm
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“Not going to be much left of them either when she’s finished.” Armina answered, in a way that might have been humorous if she had a sense of humour, as it was, it sounded kind of dry. “I agree that there are few in the Gotei who could face her in battle although I am certain that there are an arrogant few out there who believe otherwise. As captains go though, we’ve certainly had far weaker ones in the 4th.” Some she’d admired and some she’d hadn’t but Armina had been around for a fair amount of time, seeing her fair share.

When he commented on her future rematch, Armina pondered her answer for a moment before saying. “Who better to test myself against than the strongest? Spars against other members of the Gotei are all well and good but there is something about fighting her that draws out my inner strength. She has that murderous aura surrounding her in combat and that look in her eyes which just screams malevolence. I generally felt like she desired to kill me during our duel and that was quite the motivator.” She didn’t say it but it was also rather hot in the 4th Seat’s opinion. It wasn’t often that she came across another woman who could dominate her so easily.

A snort escaped her as he mentioned her time on the bench and after taking a sip of her drink, she’d utter with a shrug. “You’re right. It’s going to be as boring as fuck but I’m sure I can find something else to do. All else fails, I’ll just drink myself stupid for the next few days.” She couldn’t even have a little fun with her little band of girls in her state which pissed her off even more.

“So what brought you out here?”
She’d then ask, recalling that Tento hadn’t said an awful lot about his own plans just yet. Armina figured she might as well ask, as he’d been keen enough to ask about her own.


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Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:48 am
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento let out a small chuckle. For the most part yeah, anyone reduced to acids in even a half hearted fight against Kanae in Tento's opinion. Captains though, well, their fabrics would be on the ground, but simply being dead easily was something he doubted. He held pride in his belief that Kanae was one of the strongest Captains within the Gotei United though. Although Armina's way of trying to say it was…well dry and rough. He had a feeling this was her attempt at being humorous and joke full though. A dynamic he was not unfamiliar with, he had a friend who was very much like that when they had first met.

Now on the matter of the power of the previous Captains of the 4th division. That was a matter he had a funny feeling about. In the realm of strength perhaps they were weaker amongst the cream of the crop of the Gotei United. Yet they were still captains. And for all he knew, there were only two previous Captains that he was able before Kanae. And by the mark of their spiritual energy, they were monsters all the same to even the level he found himself today. “Weaker than one from the Orginal 13. Crazy to think not many stronger even though she had been gone for so long. And even more so, any of them could realistically smack us around”. Tento said in response to Armina's comment. Any other Captains of the 4ths history was out of Tento's knowledge in comparison to the long history she had within the division.

Aye, I will give you that. Testing yourself against equals may be a more intense challenge though. Facing mountains to climb provides a different experience though”. He said holding back a response about, those others things. Murderous aura, an intense legendary skill with the blade. She had the look of a killer alright. And it seemed that was exactly what Armina may be after. The killer though…that was a complex thing for someone like Tento. “It is sink or swim when you face Kanae, and by the soul King her actions know how to motivate you in a fight. Maybe you can visualize it while you're stuck waiting”.

…was that a snort? ….


Ah right. It was about to fir that and he nearly forgot to expect it. He was originally going straight to his own barracks after all. He gave a shrug as he answered, “eh killing time”, he said truthfully. “Had a bit of free time for once, I was going to just go back to my room but then I saw ya here starting to drink. Figured I'd try to unwind relax a bit and get a cup to drink if I got lucky”.

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Healing Up (Open to One) - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:36 pm
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“A regret of mine has always been that I wasn’t around when the original Gotei were laying waste to all those who stood up to them. I bet it was a hell of a lot of fun. To have seen them in action too would have been the mother of all motivators too.” The 4th Seat replied honestly, taking another sip of her drink. “Sometimes I think I was born far too late for the Gotei as it is today. There just seems to be that lack of edge sometimes when we handle situations today, unless it’s Kanae, of course.”

She mused over his comment about facing equals and eventually remarked. “Facing equals is all well and good but for me at least, there just seems to sometimes be that lack of menace. It’s similar to what I just said about the Gotei as a whole. When I’m facing some of these guys in a spar, I just don’t feel as though they’re out to truly harm me, which is precisely the opposite of how I treat those I fight. Whether it be a spar or a fight, I go in there willing and able to dish out a fucking beating if that’s the way it goes.”

There was a half smile that crossed Armina’s face as he spoke about what she could do while waiting and she gave quite the off the cuff response. “Believe me. It doesn’t take much for me to start visualising anything regarding her. I’m more than motivated.” Was it what it sounded like? Yeah, probably.

“Not much difference to me then. It’s like a lot of us are kind of just waiting right now for things to pick up. Can’t wait for us to be able to get out there again and put our skills to use.” There might be a touch of impatience but it wasn’t directed at him, just the situation as a whole.


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Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:04 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Ah, the Gotei 13. A hallmark in the history books within the foundation of the current stability of Soul Society. For many there was no way to not have some type of opinion about them, for Tento, it was an old one though. Unlike many would expect from a member of the Death squad 4th division. He enjoyed the thrill of battle but not bloodbath unlike Armina. They were strong, maybe the strongest in terms of who was at the top. But not good, nor did they start all of this by choice. It wasn’t good for the world. Murders and evil beings at their hearts. Psychopaths and Sociopaths. If not, then twisted and manipulative people in their aims of what they did for what they viewed. Maybe it was because he somehow still had his memories of the living, or the fact he was a new age shinigami barely a few years old, but he could not stomach wanting to live in that time even though he could understand some people’s attraction to it. “If Kanae is a symbol of anything of that Gotei, being back there and comparing it to now is unbelievable. For Kanae it must be a culture shock and so….off”, Tento said in a calm honest response to the 4th seat’s words. “I would imagine disappointing too”.

It seems he was hearing more and more members of the Gotei saying they felt like an oddball within the Gotei United. Expected with newer faces but, for someone like Armina who had been here for a while as far as he knew. The more and more Armina spoke the more Tento felt like he was growing uncomfortable internally. It felt like he was kind of hearing the voice of his inner hollow. A desire for ruthless, a longing for menacing aura. A challenging fight brought improvement, joy as well. This side of entertainment from being hurt and hurting felt…weird though as a soldier. Externally he would just give a shrug though. “A marathon race or a climb up a huge mountain; both are great in my experience”. She definitely reminded him of a few people, close friends that went hard during training or spars. Real life simulation. It was required of their duty and the job itself with lives on the line. But did Armina have an issue of going too far like some of them had in the past he wondered?

With a half smile and a bit of a sway of words. He could have sworn that he felt a bit of an undertone with that last sentence. The 4th seat admiration to their Captain seemed to be quite strong. Understandable, for as cold Kanae could look, she was equally as strong and beautiful. “Well, that's all ya need then. I am sure that will keep you from being bored while your stuck”, he would make a note of that. Likely not one to be flirted with if the timing and muse hit him in other situations. Or maybe not? She could swing both ways. “Hmmm cant say it does not matter to me. I gotta get back to that hole a third time and help finish things. But till there just need to rest and train so I can tear stuff up”, he said in a bit of a fiery determination.

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Healing Up (Open to One) - Page 2 Tentos10
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Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:34 pm
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“I wouldn’t blame her if she felt disappointed but if it were me in her shoes, it’d be pure frustration more than anything. Back then, if something needed to be done, I bet there wasn’t any of the red tape and politics that there is now, a Shinigami just went out and got the job done. I do wish that we had a little more of that leeway now but I suppose the Gotei has simply adapted with the times, whether it’s for the best or not.” For a woman more used to taking direct action herself and following very little in the way of rules. Armina could fully understand that particular frustration.

She found his remark about marathons and mountain climbing rather unexpected but it didn’t show on her face. In the end, a slight smile formed across her face, uttering what could be considered a rare moment of humour from her. “I’d rather just bring down the mountain myself but then again, I can understand the challenge of climbing it instead.” Armina knew all too well that not all members of the Gotei, both within the 4th and outside of it, shared her particular aggressive way of going about her lives. Her previous life had been one of carnage and to be forced to adapt to the life of a Gotei member had been rather difficult to put it mildly.

“Well, I’m sure something will keep me occupied while I recover.” Someone would have been a more accurate statement and there were a few members of the Division that Armina that she’d taken a rather keen interest in. There were those who’d call her a mother hen but considering the type of relationship it was, that wasn’t accurate in the slightest. Come to think of it, it’s been one of the male members hitting one of them that had sparked her conversation and spar with the Captain in the first place. “I have a few girlfriends who I’ll spend some time with.”

Noticing the inner fire that he showed for a few moments, she’d raise an eyebrow. “Unfinished business?”


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Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:34 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well Armina had an interesting point there that gave some curious thought to the mind. When it came to how fast and how things got done, exactly what were the limits to it if at all??? The noble houses always had existed from the beginning, and they had power. Not now like they did a thousand years ago due to the separation of powers, but still they had some influence in ways. But back then it was more present, heavy and corruptive in its touch even. If Tento had to think even further back to the start of the Gotei, he could not really imagine no pics, social games, or red tape. “Huh…I don't think it is quite like how you are thinking it is now. But I would think it still was a hassle with the noble houses. They have less influence now than several years ago, right Armina? Was the red tape back then really not as bad as now?? Even with the likes of Kanae or Yamamoto shaking people to the bone by their presence ”.

He would like to think it was for the beat. Changes made at the root of improvement from the flaws and failures of earlier versions. Armina had a bigger view of it though likely given Tento expected her to be a much older soul than he. Well, that was besides the point. Kanae and many others probably felt disappointment and frustration at the current state of the Gotei United. Ex-members and rogues. Some nobles and maybe even civilians too. You can never please everybody it seems. But it was much better at preventing chaos and unneeded suffering in his eyes.

His metaphor was one that he hoped came across with some purpose. He would not truly know but just guess, and with her answer he would only give a simple nod, a slight amused smirk coming in return from her words. “That can work too”. Eh, everyone has several different ways to cook a potato as a friend used to tell him. Forceful type was not a surprise to him in life, even more so if you thought about the level of determination needed to want to be a part of the 4th; heck the Gotei itself. It only allowed him to gain a bit of more insight about this new face.

Her statement about a few girlfriends who she would spent time with while she recovered was not one he batted an eye about. The previous infliction towards Kanae was enough to give wonder of stars and fiery hearts, but that was one that made it pretty clear from a subtle view. Could be friends, but he had a feeling she meant it one way more than another. It was a surprise though as it sounded like polyamory. The fun and emotional support that must be with so many loved ones. “Heh, well won’t have to worry about high spirits then”.

A bit of unfinished business, yeah. That hole has given me a few tough situations during my deployments”, he said lying flat on his back with a sign. “Definitely got a bone to pick, but for now I have to wait while I keep it within, unfortunately”. He should. He would. For that whole was the only start of it, each battle felt like something was being forced, a nested egg being cracked under a flame. The air felt sweeter, more homing. And he felt with each person that he ran into, new and old, he felt…more of a bloodlust come. Each fight wanted to crush the Arrancar that threatened to kill civilians. To stand in front of him and give a chance of a blood pumping battle that sent chills of thrill through every vein. And he did not like it.

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Healing Up (Open to One) - Page 2 Tentos10
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Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:39 pm
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“True. There is less of it now than there once was and I hope that the Gotei continues to follow that trend a little further still.” Armina replied simply, taking a drink from her flask. He made a fair point and perhaps she was confusing the current situation with that of the past. Change never came all that easily to the Fourth Seat and she mused to herself that perhaps she was thinking too much about the past and not enough about the now. “When you’ve hung around the Gotei for a while, things seem to change so slowly sometimes that it barely seems to be moving at all.”

A smirk crossed her features as he made a comment about her particular band of friends. “Definitely not. I’ve been keeping close tabs on them since they joined the Fourth Division and given how rowdy some of the men can get, I’ve become a little overprotective, as a few of tem would probably admit. It was that feeling which started my conversation with the Captain, as I took it upon myself to shout at one of the grunts who were spending too much time looking at one of my group instead of working on his kata. It took a lot for me to not simply bash his head in to be honest.” She meant every word of that and the male in question was lucky he got away with a scolding and nothing more.

His remarks about the hole were intriguing and since she herself had yet to actually fight in that particular skirmish, she’d say. “I trust that you will be well prepared for when that time comes. I must confess that the thought of a tough fight or two sends a pleasurable shiver down my spine, one that I hope to indulge once my wounds are healed."


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Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:54 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well that was a bit of relief. A level of positivity about the Gotei United instead of the bashing boos and grunts about how soft the newer generation was. Armina seemed like a further extreme of the rough and tumble type that Tento had gotten used to being around, but she still was a person that could be talked with. She was alright in his book so far. Either way the influence of the nobles was less, for better or worse now. “Never had any real experience with nobles so I have no real reference. Don’t think I even ran into any while I was at Shino either. Since graduating I have only met one pretty much”. And such a shameful encounter his second meeting with them was. “I guess that is the clouds of a long long life over the eyes”, he said in a bit of strange realization. A long life usually gives perspective, but when you live for so long that it is incomprehensible, one's state eventually gets entwined with a slowly changing view of the world. Living for thousands of years he could not blame that. “Fair enough”.

While laying down he nodded his head. Yeah well, that was an understatement. The whole 4th was rowdy, but sometimes people could go overboard in several ways. If her ‘friends’ were as much of a looker as she was he would not blame anyone with trying to flirt. But if he correctly caught the jest of ‘rowdy’ then… bonks to go around. Ugggh he felt shame about that. He should attend to that later. “I see, well then that the case only a talking to was the lightest of what he could have gotten given the situation” Tento said in a bit of inclination towards Captain Kanae. Even as a massive flirt as he was, who yes did flirt with females during the downtime of missions, knew better to do so in the middle of training katas as a group. Time and place. Especially with Kanae of all people present and likely leading the training session.

Aye, I do hope so too. I've been working alot in the background of stuff but don't feel I have made too much of a leap. Somethings sure, but not others”, and some even more so not by chose. His bond with his Zanpatuko had grown much stronger and his skill with them more refined. But the overwhelming power that seemed to have been just forced out of his inner hollow was daunting and a bit engaging. The gull to think he could just….take Tento. His body and mind. Since that day restraining and even working with the hollow in a limited matter was growing easier. But its influence was becoming more and more concerning at this rate. “Hehehe, you a member of the 4th alright”, he said with a happy laugh.

He then would sit up before standing. “Alright, I've bugged ya enough thanks for the talk”, Tento said reaching out his hand in a offer of a handshake. “Nice to meet ya, see ya around and be careful out there”.

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Healing Up (Open to One) - Page 2 Tentos10
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Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:58 am
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Listening as he responded to her various comments and remarks, Armina had to admit that he was all right in her book too. Compared to most of the 4th, he was easy enough to talk to and while she’d been her usual stiff self with him at first, it didn’t seem to have much effect on him. That was pleasant in its own way and the blue haired woman mused that she wouldn’t mind speaking with him again one day. When would that be? Who could say but Armina knew that once she was healed, she’d be back full blooded into her duties once again, which would no doubt take the majority of her time.

When he stood up and approached, Armina would glance at his hand briefly before extending one of her own long limbs towards him, shaking his hand firmly but not overly so. “You too. I hope to hear more about your escapades in the future. Good luck with your training and duties.” Her tone was genuine and she meant what she said.

Once he’d wandered away, Armina would return her gaze briefly to the training ground before finishing her drink and walking away herself. If she was lucky, she might just be able to find one of her girlfriends to help her pass the time. She was certainly in a better mood now then she’d been earlier and that was progress at least.


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