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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:31 pm
A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] FlEykyk

Lianne - No. 6

Ugh, what a bummer. When she was told to shuffle off to the City of Lights, she expected someplace more... Glittery! Exciting! Kinda like how Vegas was! But nooo, no lights here.. Then again, it is too early for those to be on. It was interesting in other ways, like, wow the floor was cold! And white! Very white, everything was white! She couldn't stop herself from touching the material some, trying to divine what it could be made out of...

Seemed more like a quartz or marble than an opal or moonstone or even limestone.. How the heck do Quincy make this stuff? They were such weird guys... Wait she had to focus that's right!

Going about the streets, people towered over her small form, and even seemed unbothered for the most part; at worst they intentionally avoided her. Scribbling away in her note, there was all sorts of details she was getting, being here! But how many were useful to Ms. Aldrovandi? Well, she supposed getting a proper layout of the place and maybe cracking some Vandenreich goons open would do the trick!

Her excited little feet carried her about, looking for some Quincy to hassle; hey if they live here they must at least KNOW something about the Vandenreich, right?! She had a few attempts at questioning people, coming across as little and friendly of course, couldn't badger them terribly much or else they'd run away like little bugs! But... Nobody seemed all that eager to talk. The bright Arrancar looked a bit sullen after each try, but shaking it off and going for another one.

This time seemed to be some wide eyed girl, maybe she'd be more up to talk to her!

"Hiii! Excuse meee!!" Her little self ran up to her, waving her hand frantically, her Estigma flashing dully with excitement in the daylight, "I'm a journalism student doing a report on the lives in The City of Lights, could I ask ya a few questions?"

Little Firefly | END
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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue0/0A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:14 pm
Stella would look around as she would make sure that the woman was talking to her. She would tilt her head at her as she would be questioned. She wasn't able to answer all the questions more than likely as she hasn't been in the city all that long, but maybe this could be like a little quiz for herself.

It wouldn't take her long to notice the fact this was an arancar, and now she was even more curious. Veralia absolutely refused to step into the city, so was this one really that confident in being within the city?

"Uhm, sure I'm okay to answer some questions. Although, I just recently moved here."

Deciding against not being honest with the girl, but she wouldn't point out the fact she was an arancar. She didn't want to come off as rude.
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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:05 am
A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] FlEykyk

Lianne - No. 6

Urgh, she just moved here?! Unlucky! She probably doesn't know as much as she'd want to.. No no, calm down Li-li, expecting to get all the info you want outta one person was a pipe dream. This was actually pretty lucky - she looked pretty young and not very situated, maybe her lips would be a bit looser with whatever she could've caught ear of!

"So how do you feel bout the city? Are you happy? Do you feel safe?" She asked the questions in an almost rapid-fire manner, hopping a little every half second with her friendly disposition doing the work of coming across as perfectly harmless, "There was a big ol' Arrancar attack last year, wasn't there?"

Little Firefly | END

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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue0/0A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:17 am
Stella would feel slightly overwhelmed with the rapid fire questions, but she would try to take them one at the time. She didn't think anything of someone being excited about something, so she would smile before beginning to answer then one my one.

"I am happy and I do feel safe here. As for the arancar attack I'm not entirely sure. I think I heard about something like that in passing on the news? That was before I got here though."

She would answer the questions direct to the point. She didn't want to seem like she was wasting the seemingly friendly arancars time. She truly didn't know much about that arancar attack though. She guessed she had been living under a rock in her small town back in Germany.
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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:54 pm
A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] FlEykyk

Lianne - No. 6

Aw man she was THAT new?! And didn't seem too noticing of world events or too torn up by them, ugh picking apart this haystack for something interesting was gonna be rough. Either way, she quickly wrote down whatever information she could get, her expression uncompromising and full of light.

"Sooo, what about the Vandenreich? What do you think of them? Do you think they're capable of taking on this new world threat the bigg'ol'hole's presenting? What have you heard from other people about it? Would you say the public reception's pretty confident?"

Little Firefly | END

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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue0/0A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:01 am
"Well, I think the Vandenreich is doing what they are able to. I just recently joined up, so I'm hoping that I can contribute what I can to the safety of the city as well."

Stella would speak honestly about her thoughts on it. She wasn't really as elegant as she wished she was when speaking, but she also just recently got caught up to the world events. S....she for good or bad tended to ignore what was happening in the world when she was in her village. It was much easier to just deal with the small time hollows, and making sure her father had enough business to last than to pay attention constantly to world events.

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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:26 pm
A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] FlEykyk

Lianne - No. 6

Rapid pen clicking laid with her dropped hand with the absolute lack of real information to put down, a growingly impatient smile on her bright features as she periodically performed a small bounce as she nodded along. She felt like she was gonna tear out of her own skin with how ruthlessly plain and empty this girl was. Fine, if she didn't have anything to squeal, she'd make her own fun here.

"Doesn't feel real awful not knowing anything?" A cut into the girl's speech, her tone sounded far less friendly and even a little deeper, before returning to it's normal pitch and speed, "Like, i'd think members of the Vandenreich would at least have a lay of the land they're working with and stuff! Some idea of what they're throwing themselves into! Gosh, the idea that some nobody could slip into the ranks with not a clue of what they're getting into's just... Yikes, yknow?"

Feigned surprise and shock slipped into her body language as she spoke, a side glance with a wide smile given to the poor interviewee, "It just sounds pretty bad on the lot of them! They've already embarassed themselves quite a bit with not being able to defend themselves and needing the silly ol' Gotei to fight their battles for em! But I guess incompetence attracts incompetence..."

With a shrug of her shoulders, she'd look back to Stella with an exaggerated kneel back, seeing the girl upside down from her incredibly flexible position ,"But it's not like you're a member, right? I gotta be mistaken! You're just some know-nothing civvy I roped in by mistake!"

Little Firefly | END
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A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Left_bar_bleue0/0A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella] Empty Re: A City of Light?! [Lianne, Stella]

Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:19 am
"Y...yeah, I'm not really all that important. I apologize for wasting your time mam."

Stella would try to keep the friendly demeanor, but her confidence was shot. She would try to keep her eyes averted as she would look towards some of the people walking by. She wished she could answer more questions that the woman have, but she would shake her head.

"In any credit I do feel safe in city. I hope you're able to find someone who can answer your questions better next."
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