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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Satan's Spawn
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That Mistake. Empty That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:29 am
That Mistake. 5188103513_d54b333d6c

]Spring was here, finally. The lost and forgotten leaves that had shed from the tress had started to grow back on the trees. The Sakura tree that had been planted in the middle of Miyuki's favourite spot of the forest had blossomed for the first time.

Sakuras were her favourite type of trees and to see a blossomed one only a few days into spring made her really happy. But why was a human in such a place by herself? Not to mention that it was going to get dark soon.

Well the reason was simple, some people had their own special and favourite place they liked to come to every now and then if they wanted to relax or had a few thoughts on their mind. Only Miyuki just loved exploring every now and then and no matter how far or how long she explored for she'd always end up at this place.

She was so interested in Wild Life, she loved animals and different flowers. She loved the crystal clear lake near by from this spot. If only the ocean was a clear as this lake.

Miyuki sat by the tree, watching the sun set, the colours it set off were magnificent.
One half of the sky was blue still and the other to where the sun was setting were all sorts of colours, orange, red, pink yellow purple.

This type of thing only came mostly in the Spring and Autumn and of course those days had to be clear too, with no clouds around. Today had been a hot day, even for Spring. It had melt away the ice that was left from the Winter, Spring really was here. Finally.

That Mistake. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:56 am
48 was acustomed to failure. He was familiar with it even, but this was just ridiculous; a Hollow was not only able to evade 48's ambushes but he was able to get the drop of 48 forcing him to retreat. This had been done hours before 48 ended up floating in the lake within Karakura town forest, one that had crystal clear qualities that was set 32 yards from a lively sakura tree. The pink petals were aggrivating to 48, they just didn't sync with the scenery of the rest of the trees or even the theme of spring, which to 48 was Green and yellow.

He had no beef with the tree though, so he quickly decided to remain i nplace in the lake hoping that his equipment would sink him to the bottom of the water out of harm's view and reach, but fate had other plans. 48's body was drifted towards land on his left side, towards the boardwalk that led to a open field. 48's only reaction was to flail his arms like the perfect little bait a shark needed. Suddenly the edge of his over coat was caught in the vice that was the jaws of the wolfen beast that lay in inside the lake, the Hollow that 48 was hunting, and he tried dragging down how next meal after he recovered from the crash into the lake. 48 took a deep breath and then used his molecular ability to change the water surrounding the creature into acid. This took a considerable amount of focus and energy and all the hollow could do was flail around and try to swim up top to safety. But his body was reduced to a slimy mucus that bubbled in the lake. 48 ended the corrosion by stopping his ability and swimming back to the surface. He took a deep breath when he did so, breathing under water was one talent 48 did no have, and the mask he wore didn't help at all.

He came back to his senses and swam back to the boardwalk, climbed it and trudged up to the open field. He was dripping from the water he had just emerged from, his hair was no straight and handing down from his head, evegn though he wore tight black surgical gloves, his hands were also soaked. 48 tried shakin his hands to speed up the drying process, but gave up several minutes after he realized that his hands weren't the only thing in need of drying.

And so he fell on his kneed and then on his chest layign face down on the ground. Then he turned around to look up at the sky and see the orange hue hit gave the surroundings, the orrange hue it stole from the sun and wore with pride. The sky was as clear as day but the sun didn't shine on 48, it was in the midst of moving to another part of this planet.

That Mistake. 5-Copy

I'm, sitting in my room, with a needle in my hand.
Waiting for the tomb, of some ol' dying man.
Satan's Spawn
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:21 pm
Unaware of the fast passing time Miyuki was so caught up with the peaceful surroundings it had almost rendered her asleep. It was so quiet, the birds sang to each other in their nests.
Although that peace didn't last long, as she was so quiet she could hear the lake move about...
As if someone was in there.

She opened her eyes to look down towards the Lake noticing someone really was there! But it surely wasn't anyone she knew.
Sitting down for a while longer she soon got up blinking somewhat. Noticing this person hadn't yet seen her she decided to stay where she was for a while longer.

Perhaps this person was a enemy or a threat. Of course, she didn't know about the Soul Society or that other people had powers of somesort. She only knew about Spirits and this certainly wasn't one, or was it?

A breeze entered the area as her long light red hair blew in the wind. After a while of being convinced that this person wasn't a threat she quickly ran over to the person. The man looked...cold. He was wet of course from the lake but she couldn't just leave him there.

"A-Are you okay...?"

She asked, her voice soft and caring as her green eyes looked upon the person with a caring look. A caring and soft smile shown upon her face as she blinked

That Mistake. 5188103513_d54b333d6c

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:43 pm
Out from the forest came a 21 year old tannish caucasion. His black hair shined in the Orange suns light.he pulled his black jacket up over his red and black striped polo shirt. with his black slacks brushing against the emerald green grass."cherry blossums?" he wondered as the pink petals droped from their trees some landing on this five foot ten man. A gentle smile grew across his face as he turned to lean against on of the trees.

He had little to no clue were he was. In a forest, but what forest? he wondered. his peircing yellow eyes wandered around the scenery hoping to see something familar. He has been on the run for days now. He had no sense of direction, so that didnt very well help his case.

A rabbit came close by but ran away frightend by this mans bright yellow demonic eyes. He hated these eyes, with a passion. But it was all that held him to his heritage, that and his sharped tooth wich he never shown in a smile.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
Queen Of The Sands
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:49 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed

~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


{Attack ~ 30SecondsToMars}


While all this was occurring, something in the distance was stirring. The beautiful tree's in the distance were starting to lose their fragrance as a young girl wandered through the clearings. the grass around her was bright green before she put her foot down upon the soil. When she passed over however the grass slowly turned black and crumpled like paper in a fire. What exactly was this dark looking girl? her clothes matched that of an air hostess with revealing shoulders and long sleeves. Her entire get up seemed somewhat sci fi as well. All including her jet black with tint of purple pig tails that flowed behind her as she slowly moved. Her face was somewhat pale as though she was feeling seriously ill and walked with somewhat of a limb and a sway with those sleeve covered arms swaying with her.

This girl was Midknight. She was of arrancar trait and it was easily seen via a bone segment noticeable on her throat similar to starks but more of a necklace shape. She continued to sway through the clearing and as she did, a long path of black was left behind her. The grass decayed as she moved showing her powers genre. She was the girl of decay...

As she started moving towards the first sign of life nearby, she spotted a small rabbit rush past her. However it didn't get too far as it stepped on one of the decayed patches of grass. Then all of a sudden, the rabbit tripped over and stopped moving instantly. The creatures white fur went gray and then black before slowly falling apart like it was being digested by termites. Miku turned to look at the rabbit fall apart before turning back round and starting her slow sway again. "The animals around here... so weak" Midknight continued walking. Then, she came across a man leaning up against a tree in the direction the rabbit came from. She looked at him from a far, then with the sound of a sonido was merely a metre away from him, directly in front. "hello... are you weak too?" Such a broad question was fired. Midknight was a scary girl and everyone had to make sure she was kept in check. After all, she was the Superior Guard of the Espada... the strongest guard...

That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed

Satan's Spawn
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:11 pm
Miyuki was about to ask another question and help the man whom had just emerged from the lake when she suddenly felt a weird negative energy. Not to mention it was nearby too. In fact the Petal in her hand felt different. As she looked down to it she noticed it was dying before her eyes.

What was going? She asked herself many times before she turned. Her long light red hair blew in the coming breeze. That Sakura tree she was just at no less than five minutes ago was shot. And fast. Her eyes widened slightly in shock before noticing someone standing by it.

At this she really didn't know what to do. If she left this man it'd be rude. Not to mention he was probably cold.

But as she was about to attempt to ignore what was going on she noticed something. A pale looking girl walking. And behind her she left a path of death. The Sakura tree was her favorite thing here and if that girl could even lay a finger on it It die within seconds. She could still save it

Turning to the man looking upset she bowed her head gracefully.

"I'm so sorry!!"

:She apologized softly Turning around as she ran up to the tree. She had no idea how strong this girl was. But it didn't stop her from standing in front of both the tree and the man her arms in a protective manner:

That Mistake. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:43 am
48 looked up at the bright red headed female who hovered over him to give concern to his state. 48 didn't answer the question, rather he sighed and then coughed up water from his lungs, the water didn't reveal itself to anything that couldn't see beyond his mask, and because he had no mouth opening in his white mask; the water ended up spreading over his face. It wasn't the fact that 48 was just dueling a wolfen hollow in the lake 12 yards from where his body lay, it was the fact that several hours have passed since his last feeding time, and he was getting rather hungry. Soon he would become almost as savage as the hollow that hunted him all evening.

48 turned so that he was lying face down and then he lifted himself up so that he was standing and facing the red haired woman who decided to abandon her original objective to run towards the pair of people standing under the sakura tree. 48 decided that he wasn't in the mood to give chase merely to feast on her flesh, he didn't really think humans were worth that much work, well, not when he was fatigued that is. He turned around looking for another animal in the forest but couldn't really find anything else to eat. So he started walking towards the clutter of trees away from the sakura tree to go hunt for food.

He made haste, he didn't believe that time was on his side and he hated missing out because he was too occupied with his on task, and he was referring to the little gathering under the sakura tree he noticed right before running from the view of the three beings.

After seventy three seconds of searching 48 came across a rabbit that seemed decayed. It's white fur became pale grey, his limbs were separated and no bones were seen, only dust. 48 hunched down so that he could have a closer inspection and didn't notice anything special. It is almost as if death brushed this bunny. It wasn't sad to 48, death rules this world almost as much as life fills it. 48 grabbed the remains and lifted it up so that he could look for blood, but after he came in contact with it's corpse 48 felt a tingle on his hand, then his black rubber glove started riping apart, 48 raised an eyebrow at the sight as he dropped the corpse and then stood up straight while bring his hand closer to his face so he could inspect what was taking place on his hand. He couldn't see anything still but he knew as soon as his flesh started pinching that it was a very small creature gnawing through his hand. 48 didn't panic, as long as he could feel it, he could kill it he supposed, so he discharged his molecular powers and made it so that anything touching his hand was instantly frozen. After he did so he could see the small creatures clearly on his arm, they were cyan colored now. 48 didn't inspect them any further, but instead he shook them off his hand and didn't think much about what happened, his growling stomach was louder than his thoughts right now and luckily for 48 a group of teenagers came strolling by high on drugs. 48 could smell it the instant he noticed they were walking towards him. There were 4 teens, 3 males and 1 female. They were laughing until they walked up behind 48 and looked at the remains of the bunny; and then at the soaking 48. They were terrified immediately because 48 wore a mask and decided to scream and run. 48 would have let them be on their way but his hunger was in control of his senses now.

After feasting on a few teenagers, 48 was satisfied along with his hunger. He used his abilities to manipulate the physical structure of one of his victims so that they looked exactly like 48's exterior, 48 gave him his mask, his coat, his tattered gloves and his .45 magnum handgun. 48 then looked back at the bunny carcass and placed his hand on corpse and then surged his power through the corpse and the ground so that he could instantly freeze anything living that moved. He then lifted his hand from the corpse and shoved his face into the ground bitting on a piece of the dead bunny's fur, he edited so that it became a small pitbull. 48 had mastered the art of temporary reanimation, so he used his powers within his left hand to give the dog blood as he shoved dirt in his stomach and changed it to a liquid that was a suitable substitute for blood, then bit into the dog so that he could give it organs and muscles. The dog was white and grey which seemed odd but he ran with it. 48 too his belt off and edited it's structure so that it would be about 11 feet long and he attached it his dog to use as a leash. He then looked towards the teenager acting as 48 and said; "Listen, I want you to go 212 yards that way towards a sakura tree." he said pointed towards the east. The man nodded and started running, 48 sighed and started walking, slowly, taking his time as he followed the man. The man wouldn't appear before the few under the sakura tree for at least thirty minutes, and 48 wouldn't arrive on site until at least 2 hours after that.

That Mistake. 5-Copy

I'm, sitting in my room, with a needle in my hand.
Waiting for the tomb, of some ol' dying man.
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:38 am
The older man stood up when this sadistic looking girl walked to him. "not so can you leave me...." he said with a very pessemistic tone, hoping to aviod un-needed conflict. he witnessed the poor rabbit disapate to nothingness and hope to avoid other things fall under the same threat. The tree behind him slowly crumbled as a younger girl ran infront of him between himself and this demonic feeling girl.

His eyes were wide with shock as he did not understand why a girl whos energy he couldnt even sense thought she could do something. Just then he reconized the sadistic demon as one of the cero espada. right away he he jump forward and pushed the young girl behind him "get out of here....NOW" he shouted in desperation. He had no clue why such a powerfull enemy would come to a forests such as this. And he hope to God that he would live to see tomarrow.

The look of determination filled his face for hopes to make this fight at bare minimal, even thou he knew things would quickly get out of his hand. Already he hoped to run away but with this human here, things became much more difficult. He didnt want such a innocent being to deteriorate in a one sided fight such as that rabbit did earlier. His demonic eyes glimmered by the sunset as he thought the best he could to stay alive and keep this young girl alive as well.

(OOC: just to let you know, his name is Ki, but i wont use it while Rping untill he is intruduced in it. so i will be reffering him as other discriptions till otherwise ^~^ if you want better discription, the Sig wtih his name links to his app xP)

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
Queen Of The Sands
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:25 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed That Mistake. Mikuslashed

~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


{KanegasakiDreamBattle ~ SengokuBasaraOST}


Miku continued her little wander towards the man until the other girl leapt into the fray. She dashed before the two with arms spread wide as though she was trying to protect the tree. What a foolish thing to so. Why would anyone risk their lives to save an inanimate object? It was just a tree after all. Everything has to die at some point in their life. regardless, Miku took in the fact that this girl was trying to protect something against all odds and somewhat respected that. It resembled the way Miku wanted to protect the Cero Espada from all harm. So instead of merely destroying the forest, she stopped walking and took a few steps backwards.

"You defend such a thing even though you know it will cause your death? Admirable... but foolish." Miku stood in that one spot now and watched as the man behind her shoved the girl out of the way in some mid dash. He must have realised something about Miku and this brought a smile to her face. Maybe he knew who she was? Either way he wasn't going to get anywhere if he just attacked her. After all things died just by touching her skin. It was the inevitable way of things.

So to keep herself interested and also to hide herself from any others in the distance, Miku let loose her purple and red glow. Her body had been emitting that deadly reitsu and was now gone allowing her to freely touch things without it falling apart. however she made no motion to attack anyone or stop them from attacking her. instead, she folded her arms and watched the boy that dashed through the girl. He was a little reckless at his approach but he may prove fun for a little while. "Hehe....heheheheh..."

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Satan's Spawn
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That Mistake. Empty Re: That Mistake.

Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:36 pm
Miyuki could clearly see that help wasn't needed, stumbling back as she landed sitting on the grass by the tree wondering why that this man had suddenly reacted differently.
Her long light red hair fell to the grass as her green eyes looked up to the back of the man before looking at the girl. She was so confused right now and truthully had no idea who this girl was. Although any one with skills of being able to sense powers would see that Miyuki was no ordinary girl straight away.

She looked to the ground quickly before back up at the girl this time not looking scared at all. If what she saw to that bunny was real and this girl was the one who did such a thing it proved that she herself wasn;'t the only one with powers.
Although the laugh that escaped the other girl's voice scared her now, she wanted to run but she never really did do any of that. And there were so many things here, her favourite things like the tree and the lake and the wildlife. It was so peaceful here only a few minutes ago and now it wasn't.

She looked over to where she was taking care of the man to notice he wasn't there, looking around for a few mintues before back at the girl. Would a girl really attack? She knew little of the girl's powers and wondered why the hell she was here. But now, she was too scared to make direct eye contact with her at all. She stayed by the tree before wondering and questioning herself to why the man pushed her out the way. That Mistake. 5188103513_d54b333d6c

That Mistake. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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