Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Piece of Cake Empty A Piece of Cake

Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:51 am

Near the greenhouses in karakura town there was one dedicated to producing flowers and other plants for sale by its owner a boy named Hoshi. This place was called Botanical Cafe because just infront of it was a place also run by Hoshi. It was a busy day as usuall people comming in and out of the greenhouse most people just came in there to look at all the many types of plants and flowers Hoshi had there. It had become a popular place because there wasnt much green to go around in the city area.

Hoshi was tending many people taking their orders and making the coffe and other items they were ordering and some people were beggining to leave because he wasnt taking the orders. Hoshi desperately needed help so he put up posters looking for help but they brought the wrong type of help they only made the cafe more known thus bringing in more customers. Hoshi just wished someone would come and help him in the Cafe and the greenhouse because there was too much to do at the places when they opened.
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:08 pm
Mai who was just playning her soccer game stopped by at the shop and saw some fabulaous flowers. Some were pink some were blue, some were tall, some were alive, it was very lively in the green house. She loved flowers, a small red flower had attracted her attention.A Piece of Cake Hibiscus-flower_10306 It filled the air with a sweet scent of cherry but with the scent of a rose flower. Mai sighed and looked at wishing she could have, but she had no money on her, the paranoia started to kick in again. But this time it was different she didnt run the flower keept her calm and relaxed. Foot steps were heard from behind her and then she started to shake hoping it wasnt 'them'.

X-Segunda Esapda~Kaito Roze-Hells Angel~1-1
Harou Wright-The Lost Hope ~1-3

Rein Kanshou-The Cold Twin~1-2
Sqaud 6 3rd Seat~Gabriel Redwood- The Forsaken Flower~2-2
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:40 pm
Hoshi was closing up the cafe and noticed someone was in the Greenhouse. He closed up the cafe and walked into the greenhouse and looked at the girl there. It was getting dark and it was time to close up the greenhouse too eventhough it wasnt a selling day it was still open for people to see it. "Hey little girl its time to close the green house so im afraid that it is time for you to leave now." He looked at her and saw no flower in her heart there was one there but it was covered in a dark hue as if it were attached to something else this made him worry for his safety as it could be something other then the hollows his mother had made before. He touched her shoulder and said again. "Are you feeling ok you should leave."
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:13 am
Mai felt a touch on her shoulder and turned around slowly whispering something. " It's here.........." She started phasing in and out, she went into a dead sleep, her eyes were white. The dark missty aura lingered in the air makeing the flowers slowly die. A wisp like thing could be seen in the distance as the aura got darker and darker. The smell of fear and death came along beside as the plants died in her path. Darkness filled the sky makeing almost everything black, a faint whisper could be heard from a distance " Stay........................Away........................." The dark creature like thing zoomed pass Hoshiwithout him noticing a thing a black bolt of lightning was shot from her finger tips.

X-Segunda Esapda~Kaito Roze-Hells Angel~1-1
Harou Wright-The Lost Hope ~1-3

Rein Kanshou-The Cold Twin~1-2
Sqaud 6 3rd Seat~Gabriel Redwood- The Forsaken Flower~2-2
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:31 am
Hoshi was befuddled at what had happened and what was happening but the flowers were dieing and the place smelled horrible. He would worry about that later rightnow there was something..... un-natural in there with him. As he saw the wisp of something he took out 5 cards as then they disappeard and turned into a raipier as he held it in his hand. It was starting to get dark outside as the sun started to set abd the streetlights were coming on. Right after he got the cards a Shell appeared around him as it absorbed the dark lightning and then disappeared as Hoshi ran outside because he couldnt risk more of his plants dieing.
He stood underneath a street lamp as it was dark outside and cast Shell on himself as this thing had non phisical attacks as it seemed and this would reduce damage by 10%. The bright red lines formed a sphere around Hoshi. Now he had to wait for the creatures next move.
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:37 am
The wind howled and the shadow dissapeared into the darkness with a sound of a snake slithering away. The creature started makeing squiggly lines in the air, they turned into snakes and they started to attack Hoshi, the snakes grew bigger and bigger by the second in the darkness. As the snakes attacked the creature showed its-self, it raised its hand up to its mouth and started to slowly pull it down while a sword became visable, then it did the same thing as it did with the other hand, now two swords were visable." Black..........................OUT!!!!!" The words of the creature were loud and harsh as the dark aura came out of its mouth and started to absorb the light makeing it pitch black. It appeared behind Hoshi and started to slash him quickly while the snakes tried to bite his ankles.

X-Segunda Esapda~Kaito Roze-Hells Angel~1-1
Harou Wright-The Lost Hope ~1-3

Rein Kanshou-The Cold Twin~1-2
Sqaud 6 3rd Seat~Gabriel Redwood- The Forsaken Flower~2-2
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:57 am
Hoshi looked at the creature as it made the snakes as he saw them come at him as he then cast a Firaga at the snakes as 6 small fireballs spiraled together to make a giant fireball that incinerated the snakes as they came close to him. He then saw as everything became pitch black and he could see nothing around him but darkness. He was slashed from behind as he fell forward and ran a bit as he then threw some seeds and as they hit the area where was slashed they created a loud popping noise and a bright flash of light.
Hoshi was hurt but not extremly hurt so he cast only a cure on himself. A small light flew from him and circled around himself as it healed him. He was again in the dark this creature certainly benifited from it he had to find someway out of the darkness. Thinking quikcly he Used Vanish on himself as the light that made it was quickly gone and he turned invisible and started walking around silently trying to remember where everything was before it became dark. Hopefully in this area vanish worked and he was invisible to the creature too.

(Shell: 1 more post, Vanish: 2 posts)
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:13 am
The creature was dazzed a bit then regained its sight soon after the flash. Her eyes aloud to see any heat lurking about in the darkness even if they were invisable. She detected a walked heat sorce that looked like the man from eariler, she sent and shadow lightning ball followed by shadow lightning. She then throw her swords and drew more snakes in the air sending them a the man. They grew very large in the darkness and now were very close to the man.

X-Segunda Esapda~Kaito Roze-Hells Angel~1-1
Harou Wright-The Lost Hope ~1-3

Rein Kanshou-The Cold Twin~1-2
Sqaud 6 3rd Seat~Gabriel Redwood- The Forsaken Flower~2-2
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:24 am
Hoshi felt something heading his way he didnt know how but he knew he had to run away from it. He used his speedy love to flash away from the things he felt were heading for him ad he remembered where he thought he felt they came from. He cast a Firaga that way as the orb of fire locked on to whatever was there that wasnt him. The fireball flew toward the shadow creature as fast as it could as Hoshi started casting another spell. On the firaga he cast an Aerora creating a searing hot vortex of flame and light around the shadow creature and he then aimed his rapier at the vortex of flames and he shouted. "Heart Breaker" as he finished a white heartshaped laser was fired from the raipier and it flew at great speed to the demon.
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A Piece of Cake Empty Re: A Piece of Cake

Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:43 am
The creature smiled as all the light attacks flew at her. She then whispered " Enternal Shadow!!!". The dark aura repelled the light attacks to nothing. The dark haze started to clear up and 6 beaming red eyes could now be seen. 4 eyes started to fly at the man but they just passed his head and then started constructing him.

X-Segunda Esapda~Kaito Roze-Hells Angel~1-1
Harou Wright-The Lost Hope ~1-3

Rein Kanshou-The Cold Twin~1-2
Sqaud 6 3rd Seat~Gabriel Redwood- The Forsaken Flower~2-2
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