Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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TOTM November 2011
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Lileris - A Arrancar Empty Lileris - A Arrancar

Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:35 pm



Character Name:

Lileris Mila

Character True Age:


Character Appearance Age:


Character Gender:


She is a freelancer, as she thought Hueco Mundo in her own words, was too "Grey"


Lileris' personality is unique among others of her kind, as her personality has two sides, a duality. The one side of her personality is one that is most human, as shes playful and kind, resembling a normal 13 year old, which would be true to her appperance, during this part of her personality, she seems to be not an arrancar at all as its so out of place for her kind to be like that but many people see her as trying to lure someone in a trap like this, so people aren't sure wether she can be trusted or not.

When pushed to extremes such as threats or someone annoying her, is where the other side of her duality takes over. This part is the total antithesis to her kind personality, as she is generally angry and un-forgiving in her actions and words, and is hostile. When pushed to furher extermes, she will become worse in how she acts, nearing enough to be sadistic and un-caring if pushed that far into her anger. However, she does have a limit, as she wouldn't kill someone that was unable to fight anymore, as she calls it giving them a "lesson", and tells whoever fought her to kill her next time or not to fight her.


Lileris - A Arrancar Maka3

Bone Appearance:

Her hollow heritage can be seen upon her right arm. Here, the entire arm is hollowifed, as the hollow bone is clearly visble if she took off her jacket. It goes from her shoulder all the way to her hand.

Reitsu Colour:

When shes angry, her reaitsu is red, but when shes serious in combat or just insanely pissed off, it goes a very deep black, which could instill fear into someone with how black it is.


Sealed Zanpakutô:

Her sealed Zanpakuto is entirely black, the hilt and the sword itself. This alludes to the fact she'd only ever draw this when shes in her 2nd personality (angry), and would hurt and kill with it. The length of the sword suprasses normal length, being around 2CM longer than the average sword, and the blade itself is shorter in width by 3CM. She keeps it hidden in her jacket, in a sword belt.

Racial Abilities:

Anger= Power - Her reaitsu is controlled by her emotions. If she is happy and calm. It will be low, but when shes in a aggreated mood such as anger, etc. It will be higher, and when shes extremely angry, it will be at her limit.

Super Human Aglity - While shes in her sealed form and calm. Her speed in running can suprass even athletes that have trained for years. She is also able to jump very high and peform acrobatics like a backflip.


Resereccion Name:

Chi No Ase (Bloody Tears)

Resereccion Release Phrase:

Spill, Chi No Ase!

Release Actions:

Lileris draws her sword and cuts her hand. The blood from the hand she then puts on her eyes, causing her to release.

Resereccion Appearance:
Lileris - A Arrancar 1e556026727d488e

She grows a pair of dark black wings, that blend into the rest of her clothes, which are nearly entirely black. It is hard to tell her gender in this form.

Resereccion Abilities:

Blood Power - Lileris' sword in this stage has a gauge on the side of it. As she cuts a oppenent, it increases until its full. It would take around 2 long cuts to fill it up properly.

100% Cero - Using the gauges power, Lileris shoots out a Cero with power onpar with Gran Rey. This Cero is very powerful, but it only reaches Gran Rey power at 100% fill.

Raging Javelin - Lileris uses up all her gauge to create a red javelin in her hands. If she throws it, it will cause a large explosion, to a small one depending on how full the gauge was.

Bloodlust - Her last move. She uses this, and depending on how full the gauge is, her reaitsu/strength goes up by tenfold, but she has no control over herself. This only lasts up to 15 seconds if the gauge was full (3 posts) to as little as 3 seconds (1/4 of a post)


Skill Level: Hierro: Adept
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Beginner
Skill Level: Sonido: Adept
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Adanced



Chapter I "Downpour"

Lileris was born during the ongoing hell years of 2150-2200, in 2155. Life wasn't always easy for her, but her parents tried as hard as they could to comfort her during the on going battles between the factions conflicting on Earth. When she was 3, she saw a battle unfold right infront of her, and she couldn't understand what was going on infront of her. As she grew up, she had learned what waas going on around her. She felt like another universe was right there. Now, she understood what was going on infront of her. But one night.. it began to rain. It was a downpour of hell, as this was the night of Lileris dying. She was 16. She was on a hill, but suddenly, a battle started next to her, and the shockwave of reaitsu given off by one of the members of the fight knocked her off the hill. She fell down to her death, head first. In her dying moments, she tried to stand as her head bled out majorly... she fell over and screamed mentally cause of what just happened.

Chapter II "Plus"

In her dying place, Lileris awoken again as a plus, and looked around her.. and the chain that was now on her chest. She began wondering endlessly. SHe felt hungry, alone, but didn't want to leave as the earth was precious to her. For months, her chain decayed. She didn't care what it was, cause she never listened to anyone. She was in a bad mood for her days as a plus. But eventually. The chain of fate disappeared. Leaving a hole. The result was now a hollowifed Lileris.


Chapter III "Negative"

After months of feeling "Hungry", Lileris became a hollow. She then used this newly found state to go to Huceo Mundo. She spent time there, alone. One day though. She had a headache, and fell down to the floor. A state of suffering came down upon her. "M-My head.." she was in agony for some unknown reason. She suddenly had feelings of guilt and despair go through her. "Is this...the despair of being cold..bad.." suddenly, he screamed. "THEN I WONT BE HOLLOW AND EMPTY NO MORE!" this was her brain fighting the instincts of a hollow. Eventually, the pain was too much to bear. "NO MORE!" she screamed and pulled off her mask. She fell to the ground... and everything blacked out. She woke up. She found herself to look more human.. but she was now in the arrancar state. For years she tried to figure it out, and now. She still looks how she did back when she was 13.

RP Sample:
See my Shinigami app on Poliro.

Last edited by ;P o r t a l L i f e ; on Mon May 23, 2011 12:05 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Lileris - A Arrancar Empty Re: Lileris - A Arrancar

Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:51 pm
Approved 2-3.
Experienced Member
TOTM November 2011
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Lileris - A Arrancar Empty Re: Lileris - A Arrancar

Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:00 am
moved to Inactive by my own orders

Lileris - A Arrancar Empty Re: Lileris - A Arrancar

Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:08 pm
Lileris - A Arrancar Tumblr_mji8wvcspY1rshzuyo1_500_zps2d7b00ae
A'ight! This is has been in here long enough!
Moving from Innactive to Archived! Post Here if you return or pick up this character again!
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