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Pimp Cloak
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Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:30 pm
This character is to be solely used for Een's relationship. All "abilities" are purely related to kinks, and are not to be confused for combat abilities at all. This includes mind control, which so happens to be my kink. Do not render the app as unacceptable just because I find hypnosis to be sexy, as well as a reason for virgins to suddenly have incredible sexual skill.
NPC Template

Name: Simaria (Publicly known as Yari Nokudashi)

Age: 933 (24 in appearance)

Gender: Female


Hmm? What is it?

Her general attitude when she is in public:
Simaria is quite a calm and collective type, who does not want to be the center of attention, regardless of her incredibly attracting body. She usually ignores all gestures men make on her, unless she finds the man to be just what she is looking for. She brushes off all flirtation given to her, claiming that she must do important tasks related to her job. Any sort of groping or perverted action will result in a slap. She especially hates all females, being strictly straight in all aspects. Her actions are void of any hints of flirtation, saving all of the naughty content for when she finds someone whom she has a great liking to. The potential mate she wishes to have now are the young and innocent males. Little lambs that she can ravage and deflower piece by piece. She is usually seen doing some paperwork, teaching class, or just minding her own business, silently gandering at the masses that pass her by, patiently waiting for a tasty little lamb she can snatch. She tends to avoid hostility at all costs, seeing bloodshed and combat completely unnecessary for her nature. She is not fit for combat, nor would she last long against a skilled fighter, as her endurance is that of an average human, regardless of her being a succubus. Although she tends to stay quiet and observant, she is quite outgoing. She tends to travel from place to place, relaxing in the park, watching a movie or play, or just taking a train to anywhere. She won't be seen interacting much, though, lest someone approaches her first.


Tier: 5-3+
If Applicable, Position: Teacher of Tokyo High at day, otherwise unaffiliated.
What Race: Demon

Brief History: Selaria was born a succubus within Demon World. She didn't stay there long, however. She strayed away from her original home after living there for a decade, yearning to fulfill her strong desire for lust. Her first set of experiences were in Europe during the Late Middle ages. She was quite the picky female, who yearned for only the best of meat out there. She made it certain that those she endowed her luscious curvature to wielded the erotic prowess and promiscuity that she thirsts for. Of course, she did get the prime pick of birds out of the entire flock, which was not that hard to get back then in the middle ages, as those who were skilled were usually satanic, or opposed the strong morality that frequents Europe. She was often summoned and formed short lived packs with men who hungered for her flesh. These people knew how to deliver well, and they were given the same treatment back.

A century later, the succubus decided it was the right time to try somewhere else. She ended up traveling to India, where she believed all of the tell tales given by fellow succubi about how exotic and otherworldly the sex is there. It was there which Simaria experienced the wildest, unimaginable erotic fantasies come to life, as she went through what she deemed the "Era of Unsurpassed Ecstasy." Nary has she ever underwent a sexual ritual by a virtuous practitioner of Varma Marga before her arrival into the debauched jewel of India. When she did, however, she was at the full mercy of the yogis. No longer was she in control, in terms of pleasure, although she quickly got used to it. The éclat rituals and unspeakable feats of carnal elation imbued the succubus' mind to such a grandiose caliber that she was absolutely enslaved by them. Every ritual felt unique and heinously palatable, as if encountering a long forgotten god of turpitude. It is impossible for even the most prolix raconteur to fully discern the taboo and clandestine works of profane art known as tantric sex. No, reading Kama Sutra won't be enough.

Centuries later and the succubus eventually yearned a more austere life. A life without all the taboo and exotic themes that had frequented her life. She got tired of the Dark Chocolate, and wanted just a little bit Vanilla once again. She left India, prudently sneaking her way into Japan in 2100. There, she took the ruse of an ordinary human, hiding her demonic features from the hoi polloi.She took a great gamut of occupations, each of which didn't require much labor, and gave her the opportunity to pick out the one she wished to mate with, for the time being. At first, her partners were many and often short lived, as she simply used them and tossed them away, going as she pleases. She used men for every situation, having quite a strong distaste for anything female. She usually took more than what she needed to live off of, as a Succubus.

As time went on, her taste for flesh has slowly molded over the years. She eventually thinned out the spectrum she fined in tune with her lust. She no longer looks for the experienced and perverted, as the world was now chock-full of them. No matter how rough or naughty, she couldn't get the same feeling as she used to centuries ago. She decided it was high time to try the other side. She now looks for the young and naive. She wants the little lambs, in stead of the wolves, as she finds their innocence and compassion very cute, as well as enticing. She has slow her pace down, in sexual terms. She can now take months to years with a single mate, depending on how loyal and friendly they are. She is currently residing within Tokyo High, under the alias of Yari Nokudashi. What she likes about High school is that the lambs are plenty here, compared to everywhere else. It becomes somewhat easier for her to pluck out the mate she wishes to have some fun with. The only problem, however, is that she can't spend too much time with said person without their family desperately searching for the young buck. She wishes to have a young man that she could find a young one who she could fully corrupt, but someone that she can truly take her time with. Someone in which she can fulfill every kinky little fantasy she wishes to have with a single boy.
Associated Character: Een. Anyone else who likes dominant succubi.

Basic Powers:
Chain of lust:
In order for this ability to work, the victim must have had sex with Simaria at least once. The very instant a man has sex with Simaria, she can obtain full control over the sexual prowess and cravings of him. By staring into the man's eyes, she can imbue a powerful desire for sex in his mind, to the point that even if the man just ejaculated, he would be immediately excited once again. She can turn even the most reluctant and kind of men into depraved beasts of turpitude, who only know sex as the sole key to joy. She can enforce interest in kinks that the male usually does not find hot. She can also instill sexual techniques and skills that one could only see from a Kama Sutrist, all kinds of naughty techniques that take plenty of sexual experience to master. Although the sexual skill is permanent, the sexual desire lasts the entire session of sex. If she does not see that enough was done, she must gaze into the eyes once again to re instill the intense lust.

At any time, she can increase the total output of semen and saliva. All she must do is touch the person's body with her hand, her hand turning a bright cyan. She can amplify the levels of the fluids to extraordinary amounts, enough to fill a bathtub with. Although she usually only increases the output to triple the regular amount or so, she can make a sperm geyser out of a penis, if she desires.

Guise: She can disguise herself to be almost exactly like a normal human. At any moment, she can enter a corporeal form, making herself tangible and visible to humans, as well as remove the horns, wings, and tail from her form. She can almost exactly match the normal makeup of a human, allowing her to blend in easily in society, as well as to almost never get caught by those with extraordinary perception/detection abilities. When she is about to enter a dirty little situation that she does not desire, she can simply phase back into an incorporeal form.

So long as no one is gandering at her, she has the ability to instantaneously alter her attire, adding on new clothes, removing clothes, or entering a completely different outfit. Same thing applies for accessories and knick nacks placed on her person. She can make it so that the wings and tail do not obstruct the cloth, even if the article fully veils her back of hind side. Of course, this can only happen when no one is looking at her, as even a slight peep will prevent her from changing attire until the gawker looks away.

Kiss Away:
By kissing the person she endows herself to, the duo will be teleported into any area on Earth she has been before, leaving no trace whatsoever for others to follow. This is useful when people are trying to take away the boy that she wishes to play with, or is trying to force anything unwanted onto her. This is used mainly as a means to immediately get into home, if she is in no mood to take conventional methods there.(This is done for the sake of appeasing my fetish for exotic environments and beautiful areas.)

Levitation: Even though she has wings, Simaria can simply float in the air without even moving her wings. She can only hover at the pace of 4 meters a second at max, as she doesn't use her levitation as a means for transportation, but rather for some entertaining actions during sex.

Smiley face
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Simaria (NSFW) Empty Re: Simaria (NSFW)

Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:02 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Approved, but only under the condition you use it in Een stories or someone willingly RP's with her.
Tier: 3-1

Simaria (NSFW) WVMWLOu
Pimp Cloak
Joined : 2010-08-29
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Simaria (NSFW) Empty Re: Simaria (NSFW)

Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:11 pm
Frosty Flakes forgot to move this char to approved NPC's

Smiley face
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

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Simaria (NSFW) Empty Re: Simaria (NSFW)

Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:18 pm
moved to archives

Simaria (NSFW) XmGUKMS
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