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James Raven Empty James Raven

Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:53 am

Name: James Ravem

Age: 14


James Raven James_Raven_2_by_VampTheLosrSoul
James Raven draw by me

James Raven Hollow_knight_new_aomour_by_VampTheLosrSoul
Hollow Knight amour when made drawn by me


No one know who James real mother and father are even Nickcca does since they died when he was a baby and has no memory of what they really looked like. Nickcca real father is Jinko Vamp who was a soul reaper in the S.S an ex 5th seat of 10th squad until he left due he became a virzaed and disagreed with the vales of the soul reapers. With that he was banished never to be seen again by the soul reapers so he set his life on earth working with the group of virzaed and was happy for sorry amount of while. Even so later on when he hi 150 years old he found something with them that he was uneasy about their vales with and left them look for a great important in life. He was only wondering around earth in a geai body until he meet Mira a human girl working in a café who serve him every day as time until on they grew in likening each other company and later on fell in love.

Soon they got married when Mira turned 31 and on their honey moon he confused to her who he really was even then Mira did not care she felt he was not all who he is. Even then she still loved them h knew he was a good man that all what matter with her and on that night they made love and convicted Nickcca then six year later James. When James was born Jinko was worried he might turned into a hollow or worse so he went to old friend of his to test him to make sure James was pl. Within that day the test Jinko’s friend stat that he has inner hollow but he had unnatural spiritual pressure this worried Jinko more then anyone the friend told when James come of age and inner hollow awaken they will need to train him up. But sadly it was meant to be for the lovers are not mean to see him and Nickcca to grow up when three day after James was born his mother, father and his bother Nickcca was killed by a powerful hollow, But James some how lived thought the trauma and got pick by homeless people and they raised them for their own.

As James grew he had nothing that belong to him packet for cloths that the homeless gave him as he grew and the lock up locket that belong to his bother Nickcca. The police told him it was a murder but little did James know it was a murder at all that the real story was out there somewhere he bares a scar on his right shoulder a red hollow hand mark on him. As he grew older he become a polite young boy with no need or wants he just happy with what he got food and cloths on his help form his homeless friend that where like family to him. Little did he know that made a target to bad people on the streets that real trauma of life will began to hit him hard?

:The harsh and sad lessons of life:

As James hit ten years old the real trials of life will begin of him like help finding home for the group of homeless he was with get memory for buying old cloths from the carthiry shop and find a good place to sleep at night but that did not botherh im he knew that day would come. But sadly as for every poor persons life bullying will come and other kids and taunt him and beat him up until he bruised or bleed and had taken to hospital quite a few time for broken bones. He put up with this nearly every day until someone stood up for him a butifull little girl called Rose the same age as him she pick him up and took him in to hospital and stay by his side. When he woke to see her he ask if she was a angel thinking he died she slime and explained what happen to him and since that day they became best friend so much even so he lived with her when he turned eleven since her parents like him so much.

He hard for him to get the idea at fast sleep on the floor instead of the bed, eating fresh foods and also have nice new cloths, he was even home talk with rose this a big leaning crave for him and he love every minutiae of it learning new things he always kept learning non stop. As time pass they gotten closer and closer as friends the did everything together they where inseparable some people say they almost like kindred sprits. At when they both hit twelve yaers old James had his first kiss from no other than Rose as they feeling grow deep for each other and starting going out as a couple.

They most happiest look couple people ever seen James was really happy think his hardships was at an end for good but now sadly some thing are not meant to last as people say when they hit thirteen they holding hand on the beach they on a family holiday on the beach in Japan until a again a another really powerful hollow attack them. The mother and father died sight away and got eaten and soon after James can see sprits ne then and see blur put line of monster he said behind Rose. As the hollow attack Rose James tired to protect her and got in it path but instead he got harmed and a huge bite mark on his right shoulder and got knocked out. By the time he woke he saw Rose dead beside him she save his life and hollow turn it attasion to him he tear same from his eye before he slip into unconoius.

He woke in a hospital but this time round Rose was not there anymore this brought a taer to his eyes his happy life ended with her death alone the first time he ever cried in sorrow. He in so much pain in his heart even death keep away from his damaged half dead corpse when he recover three weeks later and walk out the hospital noticed Hollow in full version in his eyes and again it went to attack him to finish what it start. But all the sudden James powers came tough and a huge broadsword appeared in hand he slash it in half without the blade making concat with it but use the elements of water. Then an cross bow appeared in his hand he fire it a lagure cero beam blasted and destroyed the hollow was a whole being utterly destroyed with it he shocked he didi how he came to be with these power but one thign for sure that hollow attack awakening his powers and with that his inner hollow that is within him.


A year later he training himself to make himself stoung and powerful finding all the sheathes and wenkess of his powers all together even during that training he inner hollow talk t him a few time he not sure what this voice and block it out to fouocs on his training. But sadly he does want to show his face as he saves people he need armour to make to fight ageist hollows he need to go to school to lrean and after that get a part time job to but the part hence to make his armour even thought he homeless now.


James is polite young man who love to help people in any way he can but at the same he very shy he not used being in big groups of people and tend to turn quit and not ask any question when in need of help. He does not like to trouble people but of up being with the homeless people for most of his life. He easy to make friend even thought his wired taste of food and cooking like orhimes really maybe a little stranger. He always to have a slime his eye but in eyes tell a different story of sadness thought he hides the sadness inside himself and never opens himself up much.

He tries to hide his protect of making his amour away from people so they don't what he up to since he does anyone to know he will becoming the hollow knight. He hate hollow with his life and want to kill them all what he does not know that they used to be human so he shocked when he find out the truth behind the hollows. When come ot helping or saving someone he throw into anything to help or make sure they are safe.

helping others
hard work
being challenged

being dependent
not being able to help in any way
being in big groups
people helping him

being useless
see someone he care about come to harm

James is able to maniple water only his sword and if there water near by and is able to walk on it that mean losing grip of his sword it on floor not his hand e unable to use his powers.

If his feet in concat with water he run faster on it if turn to ice his feet lands on it he flash step he also make water into a solid object and hit people with it

James water baed power do have weakness like he some use the same power and higher spiritual pressure he can be over welcome or if the same it void each other at the same time. also James has little expirnce using his is aim and training using is sloppy he can trip him up.

He also got a crossbow that fire powerful ceros beams but only thing is after one use e get really sleepy and sooner or later he will fall uncurious due lack of expinxce using it.

abitly to manipulate water with his sword which allow to run on it to make faster or use as weapon to attack and speed more so effvie if it turns to ice.

cero bream from his crossbow.

unnatural speed and reflexes.

his quick waited on the battlefield and being able to cook plans quickly yo defeat his ermines.

once he start his rhythm to his attack and switching beaten attack can become restless due to his speed.


eleciatal attacks can damage him badly if he use his sword in battle since water conduits eletilasity.

he faints after using one cero beam and make go hungry with that unable to control amount of power that goes into the blast.

his love being held ransom which makes him panic hence unable to work out plans quickly to react fast.

his inner hollow can take out and make go berserk attack anything around him which variable in a since but strong once he turn his attasion onto whoever attacks him.

rookie hollow hunter in need of major training and weak on defence side of battle in both blocking and dodging.

RP Sample:

James walks into school this was his first in school in Japan due to he just stuck here from the indent last year but they made him go to school since he required to homeless or not. He it was a nice sunny day he look it such a big building he was not used to places like and now he found himself lost already soo confused on where to go. He look to see what to ask he to shy to ask anyone due to all he see is people in big group he walking on his own passing other school kids feeling ever so variable and nervosa.

Last edited by Nickcca on Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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James Raven Empty Re: James Raven

Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:12 am
I like the concept and everything, Nickka. If you could please work on it to remove some spelling mistakes, it would make it a lot easier to read for me. Please fix that, and I will review your character again.
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James Raven Empty Re: James Raven

Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:12 am
He has Dyslexia, so we cut him some slack. I don't think he has spell check either.

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James Raven Empty Re: James Raven

Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:46 pm
Moved to WIP since I don't know what's going with this app. Momo will probably clear this up or Niccka himself.

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James Raven Empty Re: James Raven

Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:57 pm

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James Raven Empty Re: James Raven

Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:25 pm

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