Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:40 am
Tadashi swung hard and his punch was deflected by the man. His opponent then began a counter barrage of fists and various overly flamboyant attacks. Tadashi took a few hits while still laughing. His attacks, while strong, werent enough to break through his hierro. Tadashi caught one of the blurs as it was aimed at his temple, He caught it with his left hand and then thrust his right hand out so it was directly infront of the mans face.

Tadashi's eyes, seen through the holes in the mask, showed a sign of a malicious joy. A small red orb appeared in the palm of his hand. Cero. Immediately the orb erupted into a massive wave of pure energy. The blast strong enough to blast the man away if it hit but if he dodged he'd still have to escape the immediate vicinity.

Tadashi stood where the man had once been. He looked next to him and grabbed his sword, ripping it from the ground. TADASHI!! Stop this!! Tetsujin's voice tore through the darkness and ripped deep into Tadashi's heart immediately causing a large crack to form in the mask. No...not now. I was just having fun. Im taking back control you bastard...I told you I dont want your power!! The mask shattered and disappeared. Tadashi panted lightly and looked slightly strained. Damn...still dont have full control... He looked down at the sword in his hand and smiled. Sorry my friend. But now the real battle begins. Forge, Tetsujin!!

The swrod seemed to melt away in his hands. The metallic liquid seeped over his arms, solidifying into a protective armor. He held the remaining handle in his grasp and held it out in front of him. Mineral forge. (I'll think of a better name...) The ground around him shifted slightly as various minerals floated up from the ground, some combing with others to make new alloys, others grouping with their prospective mineral. Eventually, the minerals combined into various metal ores that fused together to make the metal Tadashi was to use. The metal floated around him in a large pool of liquid metal.

Tadashi allowed the metal to stay where it was. Waiting for his opponent to make his next move.

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Master of Hakado
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Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:31 pm
The boy named Zen clucked his tongue in disapproval, as his
attacks didn’t have nearly enough power behind them to break through his
hierro. However, he really didn’t mind not having it happen immediately, he had
the means to melt it, and as he saw the red orb forming, he moved his hand that
was lying in wait in case a counter attack was made and made good use of it. He
moved his his hand and swatted the orb holding hand to the side, as he spun
around the Vizard so that he was behind him, the cero only grazing his arm, as
it was unleashed. He then jumped away and regained his composure. He patted his
arm, as all he felt from it was a burn, it was hardly anything as he was
accustomed to burns due to his training. He shrugged it off as he began to feel
his blood boil.

“Sorry my friend. But now the
real battle begins. Forge, Tetsujin!!”
As Zen heard this and smiled
giving the slightest of bows before his hands were set ablaze. “Yeah! Lets get
this thing started!”
He said as he
began to charge, but stopped himself as he heard Yin warn him, “Be careful, he
is highly unstable. He has no control over his inner spirit, whatever it is. If
he goes into it again, don’t hesitate to use me.”
Zen then nodded as he began to focus his chi. He moved both
hands in a circular motion before he exhaled as he extended his arms forwards
and his flames became hotter. He focused his chi into his eyes as he finally
completely focused. His flames, were burning a bright orange as Zen assessed
the situation. In the common field, the minerals found would be easy to spot.
Zen took off his shoe and scrunched his toe and looked down to see small
crystal like objects, anything you would see by going outside and digging up
some dirt. He then analyzed the liquid metal that was surrounding the Vizard.
“Let’s see” he said digging into his brain, finding the information he needed
that was present to him throughout his years of study. Quartz, feldspar,
olivine, these where the only minerals that could possibly be in there, its all
he felt and it was all he saw, any other mineral to be present in this field
would be impossible. The highest boiling point to be found WAS 1,200 degrees. And Zen’s flames were putting
out a good 4,500 degrees, this would be more than enough to break down the
molecules until there was nothing left but O2 . Zen waited in his
stance, ready to either attack or defend. He would say something else, but the
battle field was for fighting, not for talking.

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"Zen Muso at your service."
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:49 pm
Tadashi could feel the heat blazing from his opponents fists. He was preparing to take the fight up a level. Tadashi, careful. He's up to something. He seems to be a CQC style fighter, so keep your distance. Hm...what were you thinking? Like Naginata distance? Or bladed whip distance? I was thinking more like shuriken distance. Tadashi nodded at his wordless, inward conversation with his Zanpakuto. He uses fire so he's perhaps thinking he can melt your attacks or defences on contact. That seems logical. He's probably pumping out about 4000 plus degrees in his fists. High enough to melt just about anything i send his way. But he contains it in his fists. And even if it burns at that heat it will still take at least a few minutes to melt it down to the point where it's useless...

Tadashi swiped his hand around his general area in a semi circle style motion. The metal floating around him moved to that area. He then thrust his hand out in front of him and said, Shuriken storm. The metal then immediately changed its shape and sped towards the man. The shuriken were so numerous that it blocked veiw of Tadashi and stretched across about a 5 meter section of the air, by width and length. The shuriken honed in on Zen and moved to attack from all sides like a net closing in on the catch of the day.

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Master of Hakado
Master of Hakado
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:50 pm
Zen had already started formulating plans in his head. He realized even at his immediate temperature, that it would take time to the metal in the immediate area. Instead of attempting to melt the liquid metallic like substance, he decided he'd first try to out speed it. Saw as the metal moved, it wasn't going too fast. As it surrounded the source he stood his ground, he wanted to see what was going to happen. Then he saw tiny shuriken propel themself at him. They seemed to be moving of their own accord but Zen could tell the man himself was controlling them. He then pointed his fists towards the ground and blue flames shot out as he was propelled 15 feet into the sky, keeping his eyes on the shuriken as they flew under him, he calculated that there movement was about 5meters per second... roughly 11 miles per hour. Zen could easily avoid something going at that speed, but it was the guided part he'd have to watch out for.

Zen thought about going to his gun's but he decided that they would be best used for a last resort or a checkmate if possible. Then the idea hit him, he propelled himself at about 50 mph keeping his wits about him. His body hunched abit so his back took the force of the wind, he had no problem handling the G's as he was accustomed to traveling and fighting in such a manner. He then began to circle around the vizard, his ability to levitate naturally gave him the control he needed to maneuver in the air. He then pointed his left arm towards his opponent and shot a stream of fire at him as he continued to go around in circles, he continued this motion for a few seconds, as the flames soon became a tornado and a wall of flames was created around the man, the fire then kept its tornado like appearance as Zen stopped his motion. He then hovered above the eye of the storm that was his fire spin. He shot, a few balls of flame down into the man, as the tornado had a 5 foot circumference, giving the man enough room move somewhat, and ensuring his survival, Zen kept his hands facing towards the man as the rest of his body was behind them. It was as if he was doing a rocket propelled handstand in mid-air, however, this was a defensive position, not a showy tactic. He had his hand's in position to defend against anything that was coming his way. He pondered the man's next move.

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"Zen Muso at your service."
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Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:54 pm
Tadashi swiped his hands around him to draw his shuriken back towards him. the Metal returned and returned to its orginal liquid state. The heat inside the fire tornado was starting to really pick up. He knew that if he didnt act soon he wouldnt last long. And to top it all off his opponent was shooting down fireballs from above him. He formed up a large sheild above his head to protect against the fireballs. They crashed against the sheild with loud thuds.

Tadashi considered his options and smiled has he formed his plan. He pulled back his arm, clinched his fist, and punched the bottom of the sheild sending it rocketing upward. The sheild began to spin slowly, picking up speed as it traveled the walls of the tornado spinning with the current. As it was reaching the height of its spin speed, Tadashi shouted, Massive drill bit!! The large metal sheild began to funnel and form its shape into a large spike with 4 smaller spikes at the 4 corners of the larger spike. Each spike having thousands of small razor grooves. Tadashi launched himself toward the drill bit using it as cover to escape the tornado. Once he got out he would return the drill bit to its liquid state and get some distance from his opponent.

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Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:33 am

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