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Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:58 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] Isshin-kurosaki


Karakura forest...Home to many different things. Take nature for example, you could tell such a beautiful thing existed easily just by hearing the sounds of the cool fresh breeze that arrived within the area, brushing the leaves from each surrounding tree from their branches before one by one each leaf blew along within that breeze.

Right now, the stars were out whilst the full moon shone it's wonderful colour down to Karakura forest. Lighting up each strand of grass to a glossy white. The shadows won over the depths of the forest surrounding the man, almost as if the forest was alive.

A sound of the owl soon won over each other sound that had filled the area for that split second. Echoing within such a large area before dying out. It was nice to be able to live yet another beautiful day, to be able to see the light that was created, to be able to smell such a lovely fresh air and to be able to see and hear the wonderful nature that was provided. If only these things lasted forever, but we all though. Sooner or later, things come to a end.

Kurosaki Isshin stood leaning against a tall dark tree within his gigai. Wearing normal every day clothes that consisted of a plain white shirt, black trousers and a black jacket. Of course it was cold in a night like this. He just wanted to take a walk to take his mind of a few things, like how the business of his clinic was pretty much dropping each day for reasons that he had kept to himself. Normally taking a walk like this cleared his mind, freshened him up and gave him hopes for the next week or so. He also had the time to think of Ichigo and how much he had progressed over the years, he hardly ever got to see any of his kids now a days. Ichigo was now a captain, who would of known all three of them would succeed in life without the need of their father.

What a beautiful night, will it stay?

Peaceful Eternity [Private] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:54 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] PqIyrW


It had been.. quite a while since he had visited this place. The trees were still abundant, the animals still called out to one another, and the water still rested calmly in the small ponds that dotted the forest. It was a serene and beautiful scene, picture perfect and good for a rest if you needed to relax in peace.

It was also the location of many battles that had taken place. The forest had been home to unsavory beings, some enjoyed the animals' company, others were hiding out, and others still were living in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest, training unspeakable techniques in preparation for whatever evil they had planned.

However, Ulquiorra had a different goal in mind. He did not come to the forest to fight, nor did he come to the forest to rest. The former cuatro had ventured to the forest simply to be there. And why not? He had no master to obey, no one to seek, no one to destroy. These days, he wasn't a killer, he wasn't a servant, he wasn't an espada. These days, he simply was.

The light breeze that carried through the forest also slightly lifted Ulquiorra's hair, the color of which matched the inside of the garganta he had gotten here by using. The small rays of moonlight that managed to touch the forest floor through the thick canopy of trees reflected off of his pale skin as he walked through them. His pale green eyes, emotionless and cold, stared straight ahead, never glancing around, never diverting from the straight line he had been walking in. The rest of his face was equally emotionless, the tear-like black lines under his eyes running down past his stoic and un-moving mouth to his jaw-line on either side.

Ulquiorra stopped walking, shifting his feet and looking to the right of him. What was that? He could've sworn he had felt another presence.. not a reiatsu, per se... but.. He couldn't put his finger on it. Ulquiorra was conflicted, on the one hand, he could keep walking, but.. on the other, what if it was a shinigami? One in a gigai? If they reported his location, he could have a few captains chasing after him before too long, and that would be a definite nuisance to rid himself of. No, best to make sure. With a sigh, Ulquiorra turned in the direction he had felt the "presence" and started walking, his white sandals crushing the leaves that had fallen, making soft crunching noises with every step. Before he had taken more than forty steps, he saw who he had felt. A man, appearing to be in his forties or so, leaning against a tree. So that's who he had felt? Nothing more than a mere human. Ulquiorra made a "tsk" sound out loud, stepping out into the man's field of vision and observing him. It didn't look as if he was any sort of significant threat, and Ulquiorra couldn't feel any semblance of a reiatsu from him.. But he had this.. air about him, this.. presence.. it felt so familiar...

Who was this man?


I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:50 am
Gin Ichimaru

Gin could feel it. The spiritual power of familar presences that were filling the area. Gin was in a different part of the forest, standing under the gleaming stars and darkened ground and trees. He was on a nightly stroll, but ya know what? He thought maybe tonight would be a special night for him because he felt the reaitsu of two very famliar people to him... one used to be a ally... one wasn't. This was going to be a funny night. He kept the normal "Gin" appearance. Smile, his white coat, his squinted eyes and all. He began using Shunpo to the location of these two spritual forces. He was going to get there rather fast.

He then found himself looking at Ulquorrira from behind him. He simply chuckled to himself a bit, and walked over to him to try and start a little chat with the former 4th Espada. "Heheh~ Not seen you for a long time~" He spoke in his normal tone of voice, which was rather creepy and unsettling, and sounded rather mocking in a underlying tone. To add to his creepy nature, he place a hand on his shoulder and spoke again, same voice. "How ya been~" He was treating this like some kind of old reunion, but he wasn't really taking it that serious.
Satan's Spawn
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:32 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] Isshin-kurosaki




Closing his eyes for a few seconds a soft yawn escaped Isshin's mouth. He didn't really have any intentions on going back home to bed any time soon, he'd possibly even stay out all night.

Maybe it was quiet yet after just a few long quiet minutes within Karakura's dark forest he couldn't help but think someone else was here...If he had to compare the feeling he was experiencing to something right now, it'd of had to be that feeling you get when you're within the depths of a dark location, knowing something was about to pop out at you. Why did he think such a thing, simple. It was TOO quiet. Sure the wind made noise as it made the ghost like sound, sure the leaves made noise flowing from the trees but it had been a while since Isshin had experienced a night like this.

Opening his eyes, the man looked over the area in front of him, wondering if his assumptions of possibly someone not just him within the area was correct. Although he seemed to not see anyone, he simply stayed quiet, listening to the sounds around him before the crunching sound of leaves occured. Someone, was defiently here. Perhaps it was just a animal...He shrugged it off for the second time.


Opening his eyes for the last time Isshin looked up in front of him, at first, he saw no one but after a while a dark figure appeared before the moon light shone on the left side of the man. His hair was well blended in with the darkness of the background. Why did he seem so familiar though? He narrowed his eyes, wondering if he should say anything.

"Heheh~ Not seen you for a long time~"

Someone else? Goodness, what was this. Some gathering at a witching hour? Isshin's gaze directed to the left of the man, this character a such, was actually familiar to him straight away. Gin Ichimaru, you could easily tell this even if pitch black had taken over Karakura, Gin's tone of voice gave this out easily. Narrowing his eyes even greater, Isshin decided to just stay and observe. Right now...they didn't seem of a thread, but he could be wrong. He could be wrong indeed.

Peaceful Eternity [Private] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:41 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] PqIyrW


This was.. so strange. Why could he not place the familiarity of this presence..? It felt as if this man was someone.. he had fought before? No.. no.. it felt as if he was close to someone he had fought before.. Who was this? Ulquiorra took a step towards the man, emotionless eyes scanning over him as his pesquisa desperately reached out to detect why this reiatsu felt so familiar..

Before he could get to focused on it, his pesquisa detected another presence at his back. This one instantly identifiable. Gin Ichimaru, another one of the former underlings of Sosuke Aizen. Why he was here, Ulquiorra didn't know, nor did he care.

"Heheh~ Not seen you for a long time~" That was an understatement. The former cuatro espada had been dead for quite a long time before now, while Gin apparently was high and dry, the last surviving captain out of the three that betrayed soul society. Ulquiorra turned his head to the right, glancing out of the corner of his eyes at Gin and emitting a small "tsk" from his mouth, he didn't have time to deal with this clown. He had other things to worry about.

Then, Gin made his first mistake. The snake placed his hand on Ulquiorra's shoulder. Ulquiorra's eyes shot down, looking at the hand with the utmost contempt before the arrancar sonidoed to the opposite side of the clearing, away from Gin, but the same distance from Isshin, just on the other side. The former espada could feel... something.. it was a definite familiarity in the man's presence.. The last time he had felt this particular presence was... No.. that couldn't be right.. this certainly would be the height of coincidence if it was.. but... there was only one way to make certain.

Ulquiorra slipped his pale hands into the pockets of his arrancar garb, stepping forward towards the man and looking at him accusingly. "Tell me, human. What is your name?" Ulquiorra blinked, his face appearing uninterested, but his mind racing. "And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd assume your last name is.. Kurosaki?" Ulquiorra's voice shook slightly on that last syllable. He despised that name. If this man was truly related to Kurosaki Ichigo, Ulquiorra would take immediate action.

Kurosaki Ichigo took his life, why not take a relative?


I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:42 am
Gin Ichimaru

Gin changed expression for just a moment... he did some kind of unhappy frown when Ulquiorra moved away from him. "Aw~ Didn't you miss me?" The snake-like Gin Ichimaru followed Ulquorrira. He had nothing else to do, and he felt like this guy didn't fully appreicate him. Upon catching up to him without much effort, he also felt something like Ichigos reaitsu. He simply kept his expression the same! He thought this was going to be rather fun for them all, after all. The darkness of Karakura Forest still kept the same darkened area. The only thing that had light in this darkness was the moon. He laid his snake eyes onto Isshin, making a small "heh" sound. He knew who this guy was, and what he was capable of. He then swiftly corrected Ulquorrira. "Heheh~ Your quite oblivious, Ulquorrira~ Don't cha know that Ichigo's daddy~ over there isn't a human~ He's a Shinigami~" Gin spoke in his normal tone of voice, which was rather creepy..

He then observed Isshin. He had seen Isshin fight before, so he godamn well knew that Isshin was a Shingami after seeing him and his power. He was hoping Isshin wouldn't attack him, however. After that, he used Shunpo to get behind Isshin and give him a pat on the shoulder. "I've not seen ya for a while~ Your not going to strike me down righty~" Gin had no intentions on striking him down, so he was hoping he would return that same favor. Besides, it seems him and Ulquorrira were going to go at it soon. And Ulqui's question was answered by Gin indirectly. He was Ichigos father indeed. The snake then waited for the answers of Isshin..
Satan's Spawn
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:47 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] Isshin-kurosaki





This name alone made Isshin more alert with himself and the other two around him. Ulquiorra, the man whom Ichigo defeated if his assumption was correct? He knew Gin had some history with this guy, as Gin's cold hand was placed upon Ulquiorra's shoulder he learnt fast this man obviously didn't like others touching him in any form. The man had appeared within seconds away from Gin whilst Isshin stood, he showed a look holding no fear, in fact it was as if he was confused. Why would both of this men be Surely, he knew it..Ichigo killed Ulquiorra in battle when he went to Hueco Mundo to save Orihime right? Was this true or just what he had heard.

Watching the man take a step towards him, hands shoved in his pockets. Isshin prevented himself from taking a step backwards and such. He stood there, showing no thread to someone. Although this man was powerful, he could tell this alone. He had to be careful of course, if it was any feeling he was experiencing at the moment, it was anger.

"Tell me, human. What is your name, And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd assume your last name is.. Kurosaki?"

Kurosaki. Ulquiorra defiently did fight Ichigo, he knew that much, so he somehow must know something about Isshin. Look alike? No that wasn't it...perhaps it was his reiatsu. Maybe it was familiar in a way.

"Heheh~ Your quite oblivious, Ulquorrira~ Don't cha know that Ichigo's daddy~ over there isn't a human~ He's a Shinigami~"

Of course he was a shinigami and Gin knew damn right that he was father of Ichigo. All Isshin wanted to know was why Ulquiorra was so keen on knowing his name. Gin was soon to disappear...

"Indeed, I am Isshin Kurosaki. You must be Ulquiorra, the one who got his ass kicked by my boy, right? How are you even alive..."

His eyes-sight was then casted over to Gin, feeling a tap on his shoulder a few seconds after Gin had disappeared from where he was before. Isshin didn't mind anyone patting him like that, but it was more of his own family who had the rights to do so. He simply stepped forward which would allow Gin's hand to drop from his shoulder. No words escaped his mouth during any of this.

"I've not seen ya for a while~ Your not going to strike me down righty~"

Looking from Ulquiorra to Gin, the man narrowed his eyes. A breeze blew past the three of them as he sighed lightly. Finally taking this time to speak.

"What are you two doing here...."

His tone was deep, steady whilst he got the sentence out bold with no stuttering. He was serious, why would two of these people out of all of the ones be here, Karakura forest, of all places?

Peaceful Eternity [Private] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:42 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] PqIyrW


Ulquiorra knew it. He absolutely knew this man was about to confirm what he had asked. This man WAS a Kurosaki, he could feel it. Was this a fated meeting? Or was this a cruel joke? Was Ulquiorra meant to come here so he could be beaten? So he could die once more without any hope of revival? No.. that couldn't happen. His defeat at the hands of Kurosaki Ichigo was a fluke. It wasn't him, really, that had defeated the cuatro.. Yes, that was it. The human was no match for his power, Ulquiorra had killed him, and yet.. that form.. Ulquiorra closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the traitorous shinigami Ichimaru slither around him before pointing out a fact, the only thing that Ichimaru said that Ulquiorra actually paid attention to. This man, this human, or as Ichimaru put it, this shinigami, was Kurosaki Ichigo's.. father? Oh. That explains the familiar presence. This was, indeed, an interesting coincidence. Ulquiorra felt a twinge of anger inside of him when Ichimaru called him oblivious. He was very perceptive, he had not had a family of his own, nor did he know what family reiatsu was supposed to feel like as far as similarities go, it was not a flaw in his senses, just a simple lack of otherwise useless knowledge.

Ulquiorra opened his eyes as Kurosaki spoke, standing stock-still and keeping his face as stoic as ever.

"Indeed, I am Isshin Kurosaki. You must be Ulquiorra, the one who got his ass kicked by my boy, right? How are you even alive..." Ulquiorra sighed, "That is a vulgar and idiotic way to put it, but yes, your "son" did defeat me." Ulquiorra made a 'tsk' noise from the back of his throat, his eerie voice carrying the full weight of his statements. "It was not Kurosaki Ichigo that defeated and killed me that day. No, quite the opposite, I killed him." Ulquiorra took another step forward, hands still in his pockets as he continued, "As he died, I tossed him from one of the towers atop Las Noches. He fell, but not all the way, as before he could hit the ground, that woman, Inoue, caught him with one of her cancellation abilities." Ulquiorra made another 'tsk' before continuing, "I tried to stop her from approaching him, told her it was useless, that he was gone, but she wouldn't listen, and then that pathetic quincy friend of theirs attacked me. Of course, I had no trouble blocking even the most advanced of the quincy's techniques, however, it distracted me for long enough to where the woman could get her healing powers working on the late Kurosaki." Ulquiorra closed his eyes, as if recollecting, before sighing, opening his eyes, and continuing on once more, "I heard the woman begging for him to save them, pleading with his corpse to come and rescue them from their fate. Of course, I assumed it futile, but I was wrong. Kurosaki Ichigo stood, and fought, but he was not himself. His inner hollow, the source of power for that mask of his, had taken over completely. He assumed a form that I had not expected, nor planned for, and defeated me with strength and speed that was not his own. Eventually, he landed what he believed to be a killing blow, before moving on to attack his own friend, the quincy. Kurosaki Ichigo's hollow form was, in fact, charging a cero to finish the quincy, and that's when I stepped in. One sonido was all it took to appear above Kurosaki Ichigo and slice off one of the horns on his mask, his cero disrupted, and his mask was blown off. I assumed him dead, and began walking off to regenerate fully, but somehow, the last remnants of his strength materialized itself in instant-regeneration. His hollow-hole closed, his form returned to normal, and his body was healed. He stood, ready to fight again, he even requested to make the battle fair by letting me cut his arm and leg off. Before I could oblige, however, I began to fade into the sands of Hueco Mundo. Soon after, I was nothing but a memory and reiatsu scattered across the desert."

Ulquiorra paused for a moment as he finished, letting out a deep sigh and looking into the shinigami's eyes, "How I came back to being is irrelevant, however, I only have one goal now that I am back, and that's to find Kurosaki Ichigo, and defeat him, as I should have so many years ago." Ulquiorra's emotionless stare turned vicious, becoming more of a glare as he took another step forward. "I do apologize, but Kurosaki Ichigo will be much easier to defeat if grieved, so I am left with no other option than to kill you, tear you limb from limb, and hang your body parts somewhere that he can see them clearly." Ulquiorra turned, facing Ichimaru and speaking with what sounded like a commanding tone, "I don't care who's side you're on these days, nor do I care what actions you are going to take here, but I assure you, if you get in my way, you will die." Ulquiorra then, without warning, sonidoed directly behind the elder Kurosaki, aiming a high, sweeping-kick for the back of the man's head. If this was truly the father of Kurosaki Ichigo, he would need much more than that, however, for now, it was a good way to test the elder's reflexes.


I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:41 am
Gin Ichimaru

The snake was observing its prey. As he was observing, he was looking at Ulquorrira, not focusing on Isshin. He was listening to Ulquorriras short retelling of how he got his ass kicked by Ichigo, and he was seen to be smirking in amusement. "Poor you~ You must have a heart full of revenge~ How do ya feel that a Shinigami defeated you?~ Your poor pride musta took a blow~" Gin was actively mocking Ulquorrira because thats who he was.. he always sounded like he mocked everyone to begin with. He then listened to what Ulquorrira said what he'd do, and what he lived to do. He wasn't indiminated in the slightest. "You think you can kill me? Eheheh~ I don't remember you being that cocky while you were with the Espada~" Gin could feel that this was going to be a fun night. For a moment, he briefly looked to the sky and the moon, and then looked back at Ulquorrira, the snakes prey. As Ulquorrira attempted a attaack on Isshin, Gin used Shunpo and then, afterwards appeared behind him rather fast. In a attempt to mock him further, he spoke in his tone of voice. "Your forgettin' one thing.~ Your 'Aizen-Sama' couldn't kill me, what makes you think you can~ Have you gotten so cocky you consider yourself stronger than Aizen~"

Doing that, Gin was going to help Isshin out. He was there when Aizen was killed, and he was planning to kill him anyway, why not help out his kin kill another of Aizens lackeys? "Ohh by the way Mr.Kurosaki~ You might wanna move out the way or you'll get hurt~ Don't wanna cause you any pain~" Doing that, Gin drew his Zanpakuto and put it to Ulquorriras back, sword first. "Shoot to Kill, Shinso." It then shot out. If Ulquorrira didn't react fast enough, he'd have Shinso impale him through the chest, and Isshin due to the range of the blade, but Isshin would probably not be that stupid. Now it began. Gin was always a snake, but he was allied with no one, but himself. He was probably still dis liked by SS, which is why he didn't go there. But now, let the events unfold in the peaceful darkness..
Satan's Spawn
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Peaceful Eternity [Private] Empty Re: Peaceful Eternity [Private]

Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:22 pm
Peaceful Eternity [Private] Isshin-kurosaki




"That is a vulgar and idiotic way to put it, but yes, your "son" did defeat me."

Idiotic huh? Seems like to Isshin this man didn't like defeat nor did he take it so easily..

"It was not Kurosaki Ichigo that defeated and killed me that day. No, quite the opposite, I killed him."

Alerting Isshin's attention he looked up so his eyes met that of Ulquiorra's with a look of confusion. What was this guy talking about. A large explanation told Isshin exactly what happened that day. Isshin knew already the fight wasn't great, both sides got injured, badly. Although something still didn't seem right and this man couldn't get his finger around it... He would of thought this man would of attacked him by now, question was...why hadn't he?

"How I came back to being is irrelevant, however, I only have one goal now that I am back, and that's to find Kurosaki Ichigo, and defeat him, as I should have so many years ago."

Ah, it was answered, and it defiantly wasn't a good answer to say to the Father of Ichigo.
Isshin would certainly not let this man even lay another finger upon his son. And from his earlier question, it seemed like the assumption of Ulquiorra not taking 'defeat' so easily was correct. He wouldn't rest until he had killed Ichigo through his own hands right? Well, Isshin wouldn't let that happen. As Ulquiorra took one more step forward, the emotion within his face changed to that of a glare. He was serious.

"I do apologize, but Kurosaki Ichigo will be much easier to defeat if grieved, so I am left with no other option than to kill you, tear you limb from limb, and hang your body parts somewhere that he can see them clearly.

It was true after all, his son let his friends become his weakness more than anything. Time and time again he was taught to not do such a thing but this was Ichigo we were talking about. He may not be smart over all but he was a damn good fighter, within Isshin's eyes, Ichigo's friends were both his strength and weaknesses. If Ichigo had not the strength or courage to continue with something, his friends would cheer him on until he's able to accomplish anything but if his friends were to be attacked...havoc striked. Now, if Isshin was killed, that of course prove a interesting event. What would Ichigo's reaction be? Isshin knew it certainly won't be a pleasant one which is why he wouldn't get killed off so easily. He just wanted to know why Gin was here now, and what the heck for.

"I don't care who's side you're on these days, nor do I care what actions you are going to take here, but I assure you, if you get in my way, you will die."

Isshin throughout this simply watched the conversation that Gin was attempting to build up with his response;

"You think you can kill me? Eheheh~ I don't remember you being that cocky while you were with the Espada~

With that said, Ulquiorra had appeared behind Isshin, a kick aimed towards the back of his head. So Ulquiorra really was trying to start a fight, huh? With this, Isshin moved to the right quickly whilst the same time Gin had already appeared where Isshin was standing only behind Ulquiorra.

"Shoot to Kill, Shinso."

This attack, was aimed at Ulquiorra's back. It would be a interesting observation to wonder how Ulquiorra would dodge this. Easily, is what crossed the man's mind. Now, should he run, attack or just watch?

Running, not a option when someone as strong as him was out to get his son. Attacking, something Ichigo would do perhaps, not Isshin, he had no intention on too, if he did though, it'd only dig him deeper in his grave. Watching, seemed good. Isshin jumped back, twice as he stood by another tree both watching, and keeping his guard up.

Peaceful Eternity [Private] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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