Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) Empty Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread)

Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:18 pm
Dani bit her lip, frustrated as she retid her apron's ribbon. Her usagi ears were crooked and she readjusted them on her head. She approached slowly the customer that had smoothly entered the cafe. He had dirty, dark blonde hair he spiked at the front in a faux hawk. He had small, beady eyes and a crooked smile taht was far from flattering. Zits and craters covered his pale face, like pepperonis on the pizza the cafe served. He wore a striped collard shirt, with the collar popped up in the most obnoxious way. His jeans were ripped and torn at the leg, and he wore mismatched sneakers. His friend looked no better, with curly red hair and wicked green eyes that matched his obnoxious smirk. The blonde haired boy's smile widened as Dani approached, and his friend gave him a kick beneath the table. "Well, well, hey there. The name's Jared Doran and this is Kevin Kays" he said, "We're new at this cafe, you MUST be my personal bitch" his friend laughed as Dani's eyes shifted from blue to green. She bit her lip to keep from mouthing off to her customer. The cafe had a strict policy of the maids serving the customer. "Sorry, but if you're looking for that kind of service, the back rooms are open after 7; until then, the maids up front only take and bring orders. Speaking of, what can i get you gentlemen" Dani cleared her throat, keeping her voice high, active and cute. She forced a smile at her two custormers.

The boy named Jared's smile faded, "Well now, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be working here if you're not willing to serve your customers" he said "If you're job is to take orders then I order you to craws down beneath the table and..." Dani slammed her pad on the table, blue eyes shifting from blue to green, then green to blue. She counted backwards to ten, and clearing her throat again "I"m sorry sir, but we're not required to obey those kinds of orders, like i said the backroom is open after 7, if you could come back"
"I'm not waiting until 7," he pulled Dani down, ripping the lace from her chest and exposing a bit more cleavage than she wanted. She brought her hand up to guard her chest as Jared pulled her down accross his lap. He spanked her bare behind twice, dani flinched as pain shot from behind. She counted to ten still, she couldn't lose her customers, but at the same time, she hated to be treated in such a manner. "Ow, please stop" she called. the other maids on shift, stared for a moment and then returned to serving their customers, ignoring the scene. Dani kept her cool, attempting to get up, but failing due to Jared's massive hand keeping her body sprawled accross his lap. Tears streamed down her face, but she quickly wiped them away. This was a normal day in the cafe, this was actually a trip to the park compared to what Dani had to go through when the cafe manager called her in for the evening shift.

Last edited by jakiryn on Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) Empty Re: Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread)

Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:12 pm
Daniel was in the back room discussing some things with the person he called boss. He helped about alot with the Yakuza, building them weapons and making their bases more secure. He did it because it got him a lot of money and as long as he was with them he could hide from people who wanted to try and harm him. However, over the years Daniel has gotten to the point where he could kill any of the Yakuza members. The Yakuza boss had grown to fear the young man. In fact Daniel believed that he woudl need to watch out for this one. He was no where near as strong as Daniel but he didn't feel the need to kill the person who had become his cover. He left the meeting and exited the back room where he say his sister working. Then he noticed the guy that she was serving. He was being forceful with his sister. A cold feeling came over Daniel's body.

The guy was ripping his sister's clothing and pushing her down. This was not going to sit well with Daniel. He was really protective of his sister and anyone who even dared to lay a hand on her was going to feel his wrath. He walked over to the man slowly allowing his killing intent to rise. Everyone around the cafe stared at him with fear. Not all humans were any good anyway. He grabbed the man by his hair and and lifted him into the air. "And what do we have here" Danny said in his coldest voice. He pulled the man way from his table and made him face his direction. Everyone in the cafe stared in fear. "You must not come here often my friend, because if there is one rule in this place it's that..." Daniel stared deep into the mans eyes with a look that was almost demonic. " You do not touch my sister"

Daniel then proceeded to bash the strangers head head in with his free fist. The man fell to the ground his face a bloody mess. Daniel walked over and kicked him to knock the breathe away. "Never and I mean never lay a hand on her understood" Daniel said. The man looked up at him with defiance. "She shouldn't be working here if she isn't going to bend over" the man said through his broken teeth. Daniel stomped on his head. Nothing but pure rage filled him. He looked like a psycho. He pulled him up using his throat and started crushing his wind pipe. His eyes then began glowing green, a sign that he was using his powers. He sent energy through the mans body that would be similar to electrocution. He allowed it to continue and seared his body from the inside out. When he was done the man was reduced to a charred heap. Just this action was a warning to anyone who came to this shop. He then went over to his sister and he was back to being the sensitive brother again. "It's ok now little sis, everything is ok now" He said making sure to keep the parts of her clothing that had been ripped out of eye shot of anyone looking. "Let's go home ok..."

Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) 2uh7mv8

Ego ferro.

Iustus ego gladio.

ensem cum facturus sum manum peccata mundi mundans in igne consummationis

Sum tenebris.

Finis venit:
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Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) Empty Re: Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread)

Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:29 pm
Dani held her brother close. He smelled of designer cologne. "I'm gonna get fired" Dani said, almost hysterically. "i can't get fired anii". Anyone who knew Dani nkew that she rarely ever cried. "I need this job, i need it because then you''ll get tired...and leave...and you're always bringing in money and i'm so useless anii" her hysterical babbling caught the attention of a few observers and even the maids came by to clean up the blood. Brawls like these were not uncommon in the cafe. Dani clutched her stomach, it was bleeding. Kevin looked up from his seat, his hand bloody with Dani's blood. He held a knife behind his back. "oh man, i'm so sorry bro, it wasn't like that, it was an accident" his voice was panicked and squeaky. Dani's eyes shifted from blue to green and green to bluee rapidly. her green eyes were staying longer now. energy surged out of her along with the blood. her hand shook as she cried, not out of pain, but out of fear...not from kevin, but fear out of being fired. Her hysterics grew stronger and her body grew weaker. Kevin was glued to his seat, unable to stand or move. He clutched his knife tighter as he eyed the siblings...

Dani gritted her teeth as pain and energy shot through her entire body. Her earlier weakness was replaced by a strange sudden surge of stregnth "Fired" she said, "i'm gonna get fired...and it's all your fault" she grabbed kevin by his throat as energy shot through her arms out of her body and into his. her hair shifted from black to white and her eyes blue to green, this time staying on green. "aghh" she cried, as the energy surged through her, destroyign her on the inside. A burst of light and kevin Kays layed on her chest, lifeless and empty of a soul that once resided in the hoollow shell she held. "I'm so fired" she moaned.
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Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:58 pm
Daniel was not worried about her losing her job. This place was owned by the Yakuza that Daniel worked for. Her job was secure but he needed to get out of here before anyone started making a fuss. He took off his coat and gave it to Dani and then picked her up and left. It seemed like everytime he tries to help things get messy. But then again he did work for the Yakuza so that was to be expected. Daniel started walking down the street and heading for home. He would have to make a call to the boss and see if he could get Dani moved to a place that had less sexual activity going on. If he could that would be the best. Daniel had no problem killing the guy but he also didn't want to be known as the guy that always wanted someone's head on a pike. Best to try and keep a low profile while he can. Of course after today that was going to be extremely hard to do.

He brought her home and laid her on the couch then went to go get some medical supplies. Danny knew that his sister had to ability to get away. She was too timid though. If that had continued, even though she was stronger than that pathetic excuse for a human Danny didn't know what would have happened. He found everything and walked back into the room. He knew his sister was sweet but that attitude was going to get her into some serious trouble one day. He was worried about how things were going to turn out. He started dressing those wounds she had and looked up at her and said "don't worry about your job I'll take care of it ok". DAnny said this is a matter of fact tone that left no objections. "Just leave everything to me ok"

Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) 2uh7mv8

Ego ferro.

Iustus ego gladio.

ensem cum facturus sum manum peccata mundi mundans in igne consummationis

Sum tenebris.

Finis venit:
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Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread) Empty Re: Koi no twins: Bar Brawl!! (closed thread)

Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:14 pm
Archived. Tsunas gone.
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