Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Investigation: The Ruins of London Left_bar_bleue5/100Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty Investigation: The Ruins of London

Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:08 pm

Upon the post apocalyptic scenery of what's left of London after a clash between certain individuals. Ashlei was the most known individual involved in its destruction. However, Misaiko thought there is more than just a group destroying a city. Baiseirei was also on her toes since she noticed the bloody behemoth during the fight over the news. Baiseirei told her older sister that it is unusual and her arch enemy, Vohlis is a specialist in unusual summoning like Demi-Gods and special constructs. To her, it is very unlikely that any human could survive against the summoned creatures of Vohlis. With the meeting coming up in the Seireitei, Misaiko has no choice but to send two of her trusted individuals, Archer and Baiseirei. In her light battle gear, she usually keeps her family's signature white or silver hair in a long ponytail as the Ryuuteki, her sacred flute was fastened to the strap of her panties. She, Misaiko and Archer went to the Seireitei and left Misaiko there. However, Jenna, the current commanding captain insisted that one of her division member, Kuro will be sent with them for gaining experience in investigation with experienced fighters.

Baiseirei leads with Archer by her side and Kuro behind her as they pass through the Senkaimon, programmed to take them directly to what was left London. "We each have our own objectives, and we will help each other with them. My objective is to find any clues if Vohlis is involved. Kuro's will be finding survivors...if there are any. Knowing Vohlis and Mana, they take no prisoners." Baiseirei told to the two. With the twelfth division watching over them, it is likely that..."thing" would be rushing them and trying to kill them as they go down the dark corridor. At the end of the hallway, they reached the end without a hitch as they can see the burnt atmosphere of destruction. Everywhere, it seemed like it is always dawn or dusk. The heat was high and the city itself was burnt, crumbled and home to ashes. Such a shame that such a good city has to be destroyed by the Sin Fall and the Kokuryuteishi.

Baiseirei was the first to land as she looked around to see if the coast is clear. It is empty and no life other than her small team. Her face shown some discomfort at such sight. Normal for someone who have children to sympathize about the parents and children losing each other in this blind conflict. She breathed deeply before collecting herself and moved forward. Normally, she would be trying to find ways to have Archer return some feelings for her and eventually love her, but now, she is more concerned about finding something to predict Vohlis's next move. Using her senses of sight and hearing, she tried to pick up signs of life or a clue among the debris. For starters, there is little as if they also destroyed the evidences as well. On one of the rubble, the bobcat woman sat down and tries to think while looking at Archer for any suggestion that may help. For all she knows, Archer is the best in combat while a second pair of sharp eyes can help as well.

"Archer...All I could detect for life are just us. I was thinking that if we could find the bloody behemoth or what's left of it, we could find something out of it. Usually a summoner like Tina Tal'Vohla would leave a signature or a clue into their monsters as a price for summoning them. If we can find that clue, we can probably make some prediction on the next thing that is planned." Baiseirei explained to Archer before looking at Kuro. "So what is your story, son?" Bai asked Kuro after Archer explained his side of thinking. Archer knows by experience that Bai has a habit of calling Shirou or Ranfang "son" because they are far younger than her; Kuro is no different and it is likely that Baiseirei will do a lot to make sure he survived the whole trip. "Just looking at this place bothers me, let's do what we can and get out of here." Baiseirei said to Archer after Kuro gave his background. She hopped off the rubble and began walking north into the ruined city.

Investigation: The Ruins of London 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
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Platinum Points:
Investigation: The Ruins of London Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty Re: Investigation: The Ruins of London

Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:46 pm
When he heard about the assignment, Kuro was excited again about being in squad 1 for the first time in a while. Finally, I can show what I've learned in my training! As they were walking down the hallway, Kuro began studying his companions. The first thing he noticed was the bobcat lady. He had been breifed on who he would ne working with, but this was the first time he had seen one up close. Kuro had to yawn as he landed, so he didn't see the city until he reached the ground. Dear lord. I never imagined the true power of what happened here. As he looked around the city remains, he couldn't even imagine what it would have been like to be here during that time.

A summonner's signature? Like what? Kuro wondered as he heard Bai discussing with archer. When Bai asked him about his story, he replied: " I am Kuro Okami, member of squad 1! I'm hoping to become a better squad member, so Miss Jenna allowed me to accompany you, as you said, to find survivors! I hope to do my job well and to be the utmost amount of assistance! I do not yet have shikai but I am training diligently!" After that, Kuro broke out in a grin when he noticed she had called him son. It's been so long since anyone's called me that! Then Kuro remembered his surrondings and the smile vanished, replaced by a look of determination. However, he couldn't agree more with Bai's statement about getting out of here. This place gave Kuro the creeps. The thought made him shiver a bit, so he just followed Bai into the city...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Investigation: The Ruins of London Left_bar_bleue0/0Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty Re: Investigation: The Ruins of London

Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:13 am

Investigation: The Ruins of London 958053_20090810_screen002
As they journeyed north into the ruins, Baiseirei's ears twitches, giving off a clue that she also listening for anything, even if it turns out to be a surviving squirrel. Left and right, the ruins are reddened by the flaming sky of the miniature apocalypse. Suddenly, a squeak echoed below Baiseirei's left foot as she looked down. She noticed a toy elephant on the ground that was dusty and partially burnt. She stepped back and knelt down to pick up the elephant toy and examined it. Upon examining it, one side, the present side was fine, but when turned over, the whole side of its body seemed to be bitten off. Baiseirei sniffed the bitten elephant and sniffed the air, looking for a lead by scent. Normally, Baiseirei's animalistic traits will allow her to detect something similar, however, she can only smell blood, rotten meat and burnt soil. "I don't recall any little kid making that kind of a ravenous bite. I think either the maddened or the stayed." Baiseirei commented to Archer and Kuro as she tossed the toy aside.

In Baiseirei's definitions; the Stayed is short for the Living Dead while what she meant by the Maddened is usually a human being or a soul who was driven over the edge of sanity and became animals themselves, something that would chill the spine of any civilized human being. Just the thought of civilized people turning into monsters by the will to survive. With that in mind, Baiseirei can be more specific about what to sense for. She sniffed the air once more and adjusted her ears to pick up any breathing. "I do hope you guys don't have any of meat for lunch. I know I only have a salad, milk and bread for lunch." Baiseirei warned, knowing that rotten meat often smelled worse than before if they have any meat for lunch, thus causing them to become a bit queasy because when they think of meat, they thought about their lunch as well. Archer been through a lot as Baiseirei recognized, but the mind does indefinite things to the body. She hoped that Archer will be fine still with the potential of running into zombies and rotting flesh.

Deeper and deeper into the city, Baiseirei encountered a fork of what used to be blood-soaked roads like something very big moved by or a huge crowd of people was liquefied. She dropped to her knees and have her hands supporting as she sniffs the bloodied road, but unfortunately she is wearing is the equivalent of panties and her butt was facing the two guys. Does that bothered her? Nope, she is used to flaunting her toned butt and defined tightness of her panties side-to-side back at the Sugiura Castle to tease Archer; especially the times when she is in charge of the laundry for the family. She sneezed a bit with a squeak than a burst, causing her butt to hop a bit before she gets up to face Archer and Kuro. Normally, she would expect Kuro to be dazed or knocked out by his own perverted mind while Archer would be blushing a bit while looking off to the side in attempt to hide it. But seriously, it is just her underlying aspects, so she is still means business.

"Archer. The trail is not fresh, but the strength of the scent was stronger to the east than the west." Baiseirei spoke to her fellow Sugiuran as she looked at the boy for his condition. If he is knocked out, then Baiseirei will have to carry him with a sigh, knowing only Archer managed to resist that temptation without bursting a blood vessel in his nose. But if he was still awake, Baiseirei would commend him for not passing out from over-stimulation. Otherwise...if that boy tried to violate her, he would be found on the ground with the road having his face imprinted in it because Baiseirei is known for her brutal countermeasure against rape, yet was rarely seen happened because the whole situation happened so fast that not even Archer could catch what she did to get that result. All the same, Baiseirei will continue down the road east to pursue the Bloody Behemoth and get what she wanted; the clue to what Vohlis may be up to next.

Investigation: The Ruins of London 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
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Investigation: The Ruins of London Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty Re: Investigation: The Ruins of London

Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:39 pm
As they continued journeying, Kuro reflected on his mission. I doubt anyone could live through this. And, if I were them, I wouldn't want to be them! Kuro studied the ruins as they passed them, broken buildings, shops, apartments... What a waste of resources!

When asked about the meat, Kuro remembered how he had indeed had a hot dog for lunch. However, the smells didn't bother him much, since he had spent much of his life living with animals, some of which had injuries when he met them. So over all, the scent didn't affect Kuro much. When they reached the fork in the road, Kuro noticed something in the ruins. He saw a reflection of a shiny surface. His impulse control was no match for his curiosity and he went to investigate, and discovered a child's gaming system. He continued inspecting it, discovering it wouldn't turn on. He checked the batteries, and discovered there weren't any. Huh...
"Oi, is this something?" He called, not looking around, still examining the player. "If this thing had had batteries in it, it would have been fried, right? So how come there's no batteries in it?" Kuro checked the ruins further, but didn't find anything else that was still in one piece. Kuro finally turned around again after he heard Bai mention a stronger scent. Finally, we're getting somewhere! When he turned around again he saw Bai looking at him. Feeling self-concious, he checked his face, making sure there wasn't any debris left from lunch. Discovering none, he said:
"OK then, are we going to go east? Cause I don't think there's anything left here." As he said this, he pocketed the player, planning to study it further at a later time.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Satan's Spawn
Joined : 2011-03-01
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Investigation: The Ruins of London Empty Re: Investigation: The Ruins of London

Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:14 pm

Investigation: The Ruins of London Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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