Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2010-07-10
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Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo Left_bar_bleue0/0Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo Empty Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo

Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:11 pm

Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo


His hair is a blue shade which is slightly lighter than dark. His eyes are also blue. About a centimeter under his eyes are two reverse teardrops, both of them are green in color. He is usually seen wearing a sleeveless shirt as well as black and blue shorts with white lacing throughout the design. Along his right shoulder, there is a large tattoo of a lion which streches from his upper shoulder to his lower back. The lion has a profile view and is roaring towards his lower left hip. His back is completely covered in tribal markings surrounding the lion, which travel around his entire body, flowing up to the front of his chest. At the top right corner of his chest, there is what looks to be a diamond.

His legs have a small amount of tattoos, and he is usually seen wearing black, blue, or white shoes, whichever one matches his shorts the most. The length of his hair is down to his shoulders, the front slightly parted to the right side in order to enable clear vision, but for the most part is long. On the back of his neck are the letters IZ surrounded by tribal markings.

A pang of pain suddenly shot through the side of his face, as he was sent into a daze and finally crashed onto the ground. This is the rewards he gets for being such a gambling addict. It all started during his childhood. He was born into a rough family; there was barely any money for luxuries as they struggled trying to get food on the table every night. They had no electricity, and had to rely on basic senses to get through the dark nights if they needed to use the bathroom. Luxord had believed that this life was the hardest it could get, however, it could get a whole lot worse. It seemed to be a regular day in his childhood, he was sitting on the couch about to take his daily nap.

It was not long before the door was broken in, the loud bang startling him and sending a sharp tingle of fear down his spine. He looked around the living area. The fear had made him feel as though he had no idea where he was. He found a small cupboard and dashed inside, closing the door. he stared out only to see his father being pushed around in the living room. He watched in intense fear as a man seemed to intrude into the room with a gun, pointing it at the man's head, pulling the trigger. The blood splattered onto the floor, and he stared out, eyes tearing as he was about to scream out.

He held this innate thought back as he watched in fear as the men seemed to start picking up valuables and left the house. The men left, not before setting building ablaze, starting at the front door. Luxord broke out of the cupboard, purging his feelings as he did so and meeting his father. He was only 7 and couldn't survive on his own. His father had taken the direct shot and was killed. Luxord narrowed his eyes as anger began to build up into his heart. Soon, he heard a small sound. He looked to his left, seeing a gift fall from his father's hands.

He grabbed it and then heard a loud breaking of glass as the flames began to increase in heat. He was afraid, and ran towards his parent's room, where there was a ladder to escape a smoke. He slid down the ladder, and ran away from the burning building, sadness in his eyes and vengeance in his heart.

It was not long before he realized the package was a deck of cards. On the back of the cards read the name "Izquierdo", hence how he got his last name. Throughout his years, he began to gamble in order to eat, betting people against their money and cheating them out of it. He would get beat up daily, and would only do it to survive. It was one day that a man caught him card counting, where he was truly getting his justice served to him. He was taking a beating, and was hit to the ground. He slowly stood up, blood dripping from his lip. He turned around with the cards, flicking his hand as the card seemed to shoot out encased in a blue light and cut through the man's neck.

His eyes widened as he saw this and the beheaded man hit the floor. His friend, standing next to him, turned around and pulled out a gun. His eyes widened as the card turned, and the man heard the whistling. The man ducked, and Luxord caught the card. The man stood up, already in his sights and aimed at his skull. Luxord's eyes widened before he dropped the card and it landed standing up. The split second it landed, it expanded and increased in size. The card seemed to form a shield between the two. The bullet hit the card and stopped. It looked like the card had completely absorbed the properties of metal, as the bullet simply bounced off.

The man narrowed his eyes, firing many bullets towards the man. Luxord smirked as he threw three other cards up into the air. The cards then grew and fell to the ground face down. They were completely empty. He jumped into the one that was blocking him, and it fell to the ground as well. It was not long before the cards seemed to spin beneath the man and around him, confusing him. They all shot up at once the sides faced the man. He looked at the first two panicking, and the next one. He forgot to look behind him. Luxord swung a card around which swiftly beheaded the man. He had just unlocked something that would enable him to get his revenge.

He seemed to be able to pick up the cards telekinetically as well, however, he could only bring them back to himself, cast them, and redirect them. He held all 52 cards before spinning them and placing them into his pocket, and walking out of the alley, leaving this old life behind to move on to a new, more powerful one.

He is a risk taking man that enjoys gambling. He is relatively calm, and will do absolutely anything he needs to get by. He has a strong sense of justice, meaning he will fight anyone who gets in his way of his goals. He is a very stubborn man, and refuses to talk to anyone who constantly tries to get his attention, regardless of how important. He is also extremely lazy, doing as little as he possibly can to finish the job so he can just lazy and slack off later. He is very deceptive, his ability to decieve people far exceeds others because of growing up around gambling. Luxord's overall impression is the calm, cool, and collected man who looks to be lazy, but when he actually uses his abilities, he can be extremely powerful.

Those Two Combined

Boring Fights
Easy To Read Opponents

Fear: Feelings.

Card Control
Luxord has the ability to use his deck of cards and increase their size, make them extremely sharp, and use them as a portal to escape from this world. Increasing the size, he can make them to his dimensions, 5' 11" by 3 feet. He can also make them extremely sharp and make a small grip on the center of the card, making it a hand held weapon. He can hold two at one time at max. The special ability of the cards is that it can absorb an energy attack in one card, and send it out of another. The energy must be released instantly or it will destroy the card. This is the portal ability, where he is able to enter a single card and escape through another.

(You CANNOT fill the skill levels in until your tier is assigned. )
Skill level: Hand to Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill level: Speed: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill level: Powers: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Close Quarters Combat

Long Range

RP Sample:

Luxord was walking through an open area of Karakura town. His cards were in his hand and he was bridging them. He then held his hand to his side, and his other hand to the other side. He seemed to flex the cards and they floated over his head and onto his other hand. It was not long before he would run into another man, who wanted to try his luck against the gambler. Luxord dealt, and won, taking the mans $57 from his wallet and leaving, have more than enough for a few meals. He turned to the side, still shuffling the cards with speed and violently. He turned his head back as his body soon followed, not a single card fell whilst his eyes were closed. He opened them as he turned again, noticing a pair of red eyes in the forest. He shook his head, seeing it as a lowly hollow, and continued on, allowing himself to move on towards his destination, which would be the city, where the lights would shine and the true gambling would begin.

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo Empty Re: Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo

Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:07 am
This guy hasn't been on in a month...


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Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo Empty Re: Luxord "The Gambler" Izquierdo

Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:57 pm

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