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November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
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Madness In peace  Left_bar_bleue0/0Madness In peace  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Madness In peace  Empty Madness In peace

Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:04 am
{Zefonse Kaizme}
Madness In peace  Image1

Hokkaidō was Japan's second largest island and the largest, northernmost of its 47 prefectural-level subdivisions. The Tsugaru Strait wound separate Hokkaidō from Honshū, although the two islands were connected by the underwater Seikan Tunnel. The largest city on Hokkaidō was its capital, Sapporo, which is where are we take place.

I have never lost a battle. All who resist will fall. The God of battle is what I have become. Anything is possible for me now as the world is in ever lasting fear. To save the world I shall lead this world to its ending. Once those who face me you face an unstoppable force. Ideals is something everyone has, but are never stronger than those who wish to end everything. We existed from the beginning of time, we are souls. We are never ending, if we die, we shall be reborn as something new, be it a hollow, or humans. This is the path we all walk, if we die in battle, we shall only be reborn, so there is never true death, only the loss of the person that was. When one is reborn they shall lose all memories and powers they once had in a past life. a cruel fate. Like those that died today, this fight shall end. With the cries of those who died on his side. This fallen warrior shall show his true power. Tired of dull ages, I walk the same ground, collecting the tragedies still.Hollow ambitions in a hollow mind,carried my cross to the hill. Shattered hope became my guide,and grief and pain my friends a brother pact in blood-ink penned,declared my silent end

The literal tearing open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway. This is primarily used by Hollow and Arrancar the Fearsome Garganta. The slim and very non-threatening look of this Arrancar, that step out of the Garganta, seemed to have very weak reaitsu, but he was hiding it. This was normal on recon missions, after all he shall hide his true power, till it was needed to be used. His long black hair blowing in the wind, as the night sky seemed ever so peaceful.They where unnerving, even the stoic freaks out when staring in them, as if the world was nothing more than something to vanish. One can say looking into them would drive those with noble hearts into insanity, as they see their own ideals crushed in them.

His movement was fast, he closed the Garganta. Then he walked towards the nearest building, as if tracking something, He walked into a ruined factory building. Machines in there so old, so worthless now. This was the fate of the forgotten, but this isn't why he was here. Going towards a wall, He barely moved a inch, just by looking at the wall, it fell apart, shattering it, revealing a false wall. Showing a safe room, with some hollows's in it. They where hiding here, on the run, they were caught spying on The Kokuryuteshi, and needed to be silenced. Slowing moving towards them, step by step. Once can hear there heat beats getting faster and faster.

As He got near, they readied to fire a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the incoming man. As it was fired at near point blank range. The man raised his left arm, and instantaneously fired his own beam, these were known as cero's. The power, force, speed, and blast area of the Cero is dependent on the strength, spiritual power, and sometimes skill of the user. The stronger the user, the stronger the attack force of the cero.
Needless to say the hollows cero was overpowered, and where killed by the pressure alone from this man cero before it even hit there body's, destroying them as well over a few blocks of the already ruined city. This man cero was greatly more powerful than his reaitsu let on.

He let out a soft sigh, it was pointless they where beyond weak, barely a threat, defenseless. No real reason to kill them, but orders where orders. Moving back outside, as some more buildings fall into ruin, this man, walked to a ruined park. The smell of iron was strong here. So many people died when the hollows attack the human world, the ground still smelled of blood even after all this time, To think this man would be in the human world again, its been to long. He believed if one were to do something, he rather do it himself, his hands were already stained with bloods of countless souls. The feeling of never ending torment, every going, he took those feelings of those around him as well, gathering them into a single form. A single drive, to become the one who shall end every battle. However the never ending battle continues. Until all destructive forces are defeated. This was the crazed destroyer, the Go d of battle, the one and only Zefonse wanted more, peace, his wish, he shall fight for it, show others how far this ideal has pushed him now. He followed Kin because, Kin was able to reach that wish, it might take many years to reach, but they shall reach it.

As he walked into the park, he wasn't even off guard. Using an Arrancar's ability to detect, sense and gauge the amount of Reiatsu in his vicinity. It functions similarly to Sonar. This was known as Pesquisa. For Zefonse he does it by making a "dome" made form Pesquisa itself in an 50 meter area To make sure no sneak attacks come at him. And to also gauge his attacker's power level on the spot. And then even if they got by that, Zefonse is very trained to notice the slightest hints of an attack. The ever calming wind of this ruined city felt, nice, simple, relaxing, as if telling Zefonse to rest. At these times Zefonse would like to think back on his past. How he came to be this type of person.

In short Zefonse past self, was insane, The very aspect of madness, the original second espada from over 20,000 years ago. He was so insane. He earned the title of ""Crazed destroyer" In terms of character, Zefonse was maniacal, short-tempered, destructive, and cruel. He is completely insane with no regard for human life, and he, in fact, finds amusement in the suffering and death of others. He tends to crack dark jokes at times, also sometimes breaking out into hysterical laughter upon causing death, destruction, and mayhem, and possesses a hatred of virtually everything in the world; Zefonse's only joy in life comes from causing death and chaos wherever he can. What begins as simply a disregard and indifference to human life develops into a sinister nihilism. He turned the third espada of his time into is follower, by destroying the third espada own powers. And sent every day up to the point where Zefonse left, taunting the once graceful espada.

Then he got bored with it all, killing humans, fighting, everything, became dull The world was grey, he was just a mere tool for chaos. He just left it all. Tried to find himself, not before killing the former 3rd espada. He looked at all the worlds, explored them all. Found no enjoyment. Till he saved the life of a Quincy, for no reason, he held no more hate any race. It felt strange. Unnecessary, but it helped him found the enjoyment of the world. He found beauty in this once dull world. Beauty, thought lost. He had a reason to live now, to help people he once killed. The years after where filled with harder and harder fights. year after year, stronger, and stronger forces came down on Zefonse. To think he was so weak back then,

Then one day, the news of his feet reached years of a guardian beast the God of battle. It came after Zefonse, wanting to test his skills. The battle was long, nearly impossible, seven days. Endless wounds. Endless blood, everywhere. But in the end Zefonse won, and gained the title of God of Battle from then on, and was respected to the guardian beast. News of this soon spread to The Kokuryuteshi, They had arisen out of the shambles of what was left Ender's army in what is now known as "The Kokuryuteshi's Realm". It was a small, rouge group of people without a cause at first, but it grew into something bigger as Kin's determination to change the way things ran in both the human world and Soul Society. He was asked to vist there leader Kin.

The Kokuryuteshi's goals is to bring about wishes, within reason, to those who are among their ranks. Rather it be wealth, power, love or anything else have you, if it's physically possible, they will try to attain it for you. If they cannot fulfill said wish, you are eligible for three wishes to make up for the wish they could not promise. Zefonse wish was simple, peace, between everything, thou any means. He was promised it was possible. And placed his trust and full loyalty into kin from then on. He raised to the rank of Diamond Cross commander shortly after.

Now back to reality, Zefonse still had his guard up, he was now near the old shopping center of this place. The Moon was just at midnight, ready the zero hour was near, fate shall guide the path on. What shall happen to tonight? Meet anything, anyone? Battle? Talk? Or simply walk to place to place before returning to base?

Madness In peace  XmGUKMS
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:54 am

Madness In peace  32982


Madness In peace  Diarmuid12Madness In peace  Diarmuid10Madness In peace  Diarmuid20

It was a beautiful night, a party of elegance, a party of primeval treasure's, food, and wine. All of Gilgamesh's great knight's were gathered at his throne and the great King of Heroes honored them all with his praise and admiration. Among 12 of his honourable knight's stood his strongest, most trusted knight, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. Tall and Erect - The man stood at a height that was not very imposing yet, showed off his great stature. His frame was like that of a mighty deer. His body in it's self, was a masterpiece painted by his parent's and mastered through extensive year's of training. Not a single useless muscle was found on his body and he was a handsome, no, beautiful knight who knew no equal among the army of The King of Heroes. This night was supposed to be something beautiful, something pristine, it was to be a commemoration of the marriage that would follow the later day between his king, Gilgamesh, and his queen, Aries. Surely, no one could've surmised a better night to throw a celebration then this one. Yet, just when everything was coming into fruition, it fell apart like a wonderful ornamental vase, the pieces shattered, never to be fixed again. There was nothing to lament, there was nothing to regret, for some time, that famous knight knew such an end would befall him. His cursed love spot, could not possibly prevent a wonderful dame from falling in love with him.

Thus, at the climax, is where everything began to depress, such was the downfall of the handsome knight. "Diarmuid - I love you...Please...leave with me, away from this kingdom, my body, my heart, my life, everything belong's to you." Appealing to him in tears, the eyes of the maiden were flaring with earnest love. He remembered the drenched face of the woman that should've belonged to Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh alone. He remembered what he told her on that day, the loyalty he swore to his king was something the man held close to his heart, Even being faced with such a wonderful majestic woman could not abate his loyalty. "Aries as much as your offer may tempt me, my loyalty and my life belong's to my king, Gilgamesh. You belong to him, in body and soul, Surely―" Before he could finish his resolute declaration of brotherhood, she roughly held him within her arm's. "annul this abominable marriage. Please take me the ends of the earth!" Her word's became stronger, her countenance becoming ever more depressing. He sighed, looking back on what he would leave behind the moment he sought to attain happiness with this woman. Would anybody really expect Diarmuid, the famous knight of the King of Heroes, to commit a treason this low? That was something which would turn into the purgatory flames which would burn him to ashes......During that time, the hero was able to understand.

Yet against all belief, he accepted her love.

The powerful Lancer made his decision and accepted her advances. Yet, at the last moment he realized his fatal mistake. Aries had no intention of letting her man refuse, and without hesitation laid a Geis upon him. Her life would belong to him, and his life would belong to her. However, little did she know, Diarmuid was not affected by this high level of ancient sugiura magic. He went along of his own accord and went down the path of a traitor. Enraged upon finding his wife and his knight missing, the mad king sent all of his finest knight's out to subdue Diarmuid and Aries. His love for Aries, was so strong back then that he would've given her anything she wanted. So, how could she betray him like this!; Why did his knight go off with his woman!? His rage was so great that even the mighty Alexander frowned at the betrayal. Not even he could foresee his pupil betraying a man he looked upon as his older brother, in a manner such as this one. He, along with the knight's travelled far and wide. Imposing the geis of betrayal on him, the perpetrator who caused him to fall from the position of a glorious hero to that of a refugee. However, Diarmuid never resented her. No, he did nothing but admire her effort's. Her willingness to throw away the love of a king and part of her own piece of land as the queen, was adamant, even at the cost of her life, she wanted to love this man graciously and loyally. Without any other reason, even if it were a passion which was solely due to captivation from the Mystic Face of the hero, her choice of running away from the seat of Gilgamesh's banquet for this sake was a decision that, as far as the lady is concerned, was at the risk of her life. The ties with her relatives, the pride of the princess, and also the promised glory of the future......Turning her back to everything, Aries chose the pathway of love with Diarmuid. If that beginning was because of the mystical force of his charm, the day when she would doubt her love would probably come. Nevertheless, without any fear towards such a future, Aries continued her way of life with love.

Diarmuid was dragged into this disaster; this is the view of others. Still, the person himself, Diarmuid, did not have such perception. Above his own suffering, he was the man who constantly felt more heartache at that of his partner. At the weight of the geis which tested his pride, he did not even yield to it. There was reluctance. There were struggles as well. That was why he felt distressed at his perversion towards the ruler, Gilgamesh. In the end, he grew attached to the courage of Aries, this woman, who believed in her feelings until the end; and loved her to the end. Naturally, their pathway of love was full of hardships. Diarmuid resolved not to cross weapons with the knights under Gilgamesh, with whom he was friends. However, towards the foreign pursuers who were assembled because of Gilgamesh's pact with them, he did nothing but bare his fangs.
Loyalty? Love? Whilst cutting up the enemies with both his lances, his heart was torn apart again. Though being tormented by the dilemma of his contradicting loyalty and geis, his refined, twin lances pierced through the previous enemies, meaninglessly bringing about deaths. A lady and two men- Because of merely the sentiments and obstinacy, much blood was spilled. The consequence was, Diarmuid's getting stuck at using his valor which surpassed the previous achievements established in the knight troupe, again and again; to formulate the flight with Queen Aries. As for him who was known by others as the most noble subject, that was too ironic an epic. At the end of the day, the one who was heartbroken after the futility of this sacrifice, was still Gilgamesh. The great king recognized to Diarmuid and Aries marriage, bestowed a proper title and territory, and welcomed him as a subject again. This was a wish that Diarmuid at this point, had hitherto thought to be impossible, a distant dream that would never be realized.

The reconciliation Diarmuid wanted unceasingly. Yet, that ending was just the harbinger of the conclusive catastrophe. One Day, Alexander, Gilgamesh, Diarmuid, and a group of their most strongest knight's went an amazing hunt. One mortifying day, Diarmuid who was hunting together with a group of his soldier's, received a fatal wound from a wild guardian beast's horn's. That was a mortal wound, but since Gilgamesh was beside him, he was not afraid. That's because, with the records of countless miracles as a hero attached to him, Gilgamesh could transform spring water scooped within his chalice into a miracle drug. Yet, in front of a subject on the verge of death, the thing which went to and fro in the King's mind, was the bitter jealousy of the dispute for one woman. The lake from which spring water flowed out, was only nine steps away from the collapsed Diarmuid. In order for Gilgamesh to cure the knight's wound, he only had to walk nine steps and bring back the water. That alone would suffice. Nevertheless, in spite of such a short distance, water spilled from his ethereal chalice twice. Upon the third time, The King of Heroes was too late, the hero's breathing had stopped, his lifeline had supposedly left this world.


After the downfall, came another rise, in the form of a woman with which Diarmuid swore his loyalty too, Misaiko Sugiura, the queen of the Sugiura kingdom. Standing upon a tall building, standing amidst Zefonses's mild destruction, Diarmuid stared upon the city which, as of 400 years, had lost his luster. Diarmuid was never a man who traveled to earth on a daily basis. Yet, he remembered that Saporro was a wonderful place. It was a vibrant area, home to the miso ramen that his highness treated him too during a small trip. This was in no way or shape of form a surprise, this was the result of war. Endless causalities where people where brought in and killed meaninglessly was something that the handsome knight was accustomed too. In order to bring about peace, sacrifice, even if it were minimalistic had to occur. If this land did not exemplify that, then Diarmuid could not possibly come up with another location that did. However, this city still retained some life, it wasn't as it was before but it still retained something beautiful, even if everything was ornamented with technology. None of which, Diarmuid would ever understand. The only thing's he knew about was a cellphone and computer's in this world. Anything else was a hazy mystery to the battle-hardened warrior.

He noticed the building's as they fell one by one, and also noticed the mighty reaitsu that permeated from a distance, that even Diarmuid could feel. He was not at all fearful, not one bit. He had faced many a domineering warrior's in the past. He went off to find the source of spiritual energy, leaping from the slightly recent building built within this town, Diarmuid's speed was almost unperceivable. To an onlooker, it would only seem as though they were seeing a flashing image of a man, before he disappeared once again. This speed was not only scary because of the distance's being closed, but because this was god-given speed that Diarmuid acquired through intense training and a blue collar will to never give up. He reached higher altitudes as he leaped from building's of many different sizes until he landed in the park, ironically landing right in front of the man who caused the commotion. he questioningly glanced at the man, his look wasn't as frightening, as Diarmuid once predicted. In fact, it was much like that of the human, excluding the bone fragment's that adorned his facial feature's. By Deducing his appearance in his mind, he concluded that this man was an arrancar. Furthermore, his reaitsu felt like that of an espada. He had to proceed with caution. One false move could spell death, yet without any hesitation Diarmuid spoke to him in a gentle and respectful manner.

"Any reason for the destruction?" he asked with a small grin, as he kept his arm's crossed, staring at the man from a distance of about 10 meter's. A distance that could clearly be closed in a split-second. Diarmuid was never a man to instantly draw his weapon, especially when the man's appearance didn't seem to exhibit any killing intent. He was a man who still retained great manner's and honor, even during battle. Even if battle commenced he would readily materialize his mighty twin lance's. He stood calmly within his own spot, and only looked at the man with a kind, somewhat, cocky smile. It wasn't mean to anger him or even cause him to fight him. This smile only went to show Diarmuid's awe, at the warrior. It had been such a long time, that he rarely experienced large-scale battle's anymore. Maybe tonight, would be such a night for him to revel in that great adrenaline of battle, a clash of differing skill's and technique's pitted against each other. He would honor this man with a battle, that he would not soon forget if he so wished to duel with the knight. So now, the only thing that kept them from doing this, were a few simple word's and a few simple action's. How would Zefonse exactly react to meeting this man? Would he feel threatened? No one could say for sure. If a man or woman stared on from a distance, even they would feel the aura of a impending battle that was soon to come.

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:43 am; edited 2 times in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

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Madness In peace  Left_bar_bleue0/0Madness In peace  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:11 pm
{Zefonse Kaizme}
Madness In peace  Image1

The cycle continues in an never ending battle, war, creates hell The pain comes back in an ugly design. This is how Zefonse views soul reapers and hollows, and every other race, hollows simply wanted to feed and live on there own, while soul reapers kill them without thought, there are some hollows who don't act like wild animals, but they are killed without pause, some wanted peace, but where killed when trying to do so. This ever growing annoyance. Tired of dull ages, I walk the same ground, collecting the tragedies still.Hollow ambitions in a hollow mind,carried my cross to the hill. Shattered hope became my guide,and grief and pain my friends a brother pact in blood-ink penned,declared my silent end. The goal to reach the end of everything to create peace. Even if his own ally get in the way, they shall vanish in time.

Using the Arrancar's ability to detect, sense and gauge the amount of Reiatsu in his vicinity. It functions similarly to Sonar. This was known as Pesquisa. For Zefonse he does it by making a "dome" made form Pesquisa itself in an 50 meter area To make sure no sneak attacks come at him. And to also gauge his attacker's power level on the spot. And then even if they got by that, Zefonse is very trained to notice the slightest hints of an attack. This man that appeared before him however, was faster than his Pesquisa could warn him, thou that might be due to the speed of he was going when he enter Zefonse range, and appearing before him. So far this man had no actions of attack just yet, but rather a question. "Any reason for the destruction?" he asked with a small grin, as he kept his arm's crossed, staring at Zefonse from a distance of about 10 meter's. A distance that could clearly be closed in a split-second for the both of them, if either one attacked, they would most likely block each other attack's, and then try to counter at once.

Zefonse took note of this man mannerism before he spoke. This man seemed retained manner's and honor, by the fact he appeared in front of Zefonse, and asked, why those buildings where destroyed. That cocky smile, he seen them in his past, people who always believed they are higher than anyone, he should know he use to carry such a s smile as an espada, but on this man it was different. It seemed to be that of awe than the normal cocky one. Strange. Even spoke to Zefonse in a gentle and respectful manner, a trait a few have in this dull age. Zefonse voice returned the respectful and gentle manner, yet with a tone to make him seem less of a threat.

"As much as I hate destruction, I was ordered to kill two hollow''s, but I don't kill without reason, they attacked first in fear, and I only reacted to fire ancero, which destroyed them, hopefully in a painless manner, but don't group me with mindless murderers, or simple words of good or evil. I simply did my job I was asked, nothing more."

The way Zefonse spoke he seemed sad that had to kill, yet at the same time the truth, a odd mix, of doing work you hate, but at the same time, straight forward and to the point. And yet, he had a dark tone, as he was fine with killing, since he shall walk the path of being the God of battle for the betterment of this world. be him classed as evil, as much he hates it, he shall become an villain to save the world he loves, to lead it to a peaceful world. Zefonse shifted his eyes real quick, taking note of this man, he seemed ready for a fight, but at the same time, he had no orders to fight anyone else once his job was done. and he wasn't challenge just yet. Also this man power seemed to be a race he hadn't seen yet, sure he faced guardian beast. but no one from Sugiura kind just yet. He heard of them being stronger than a soul reaper. Gilgamesh was the only Sugiura he knew, and worked with, while other members and commanders might be an Sugiura, he himself never faced, or teamed up with them.

Zefonse, moved his left hand, over to the very tip of his left zanpakuto that where on his side, but showed no signs of attack, just merely readying himself, just in case. In battle, Zefonse's Zanpakuto are his main weapon. He is capable of wielding them both in either hand, hinting that he is ambidextrous. He typically fights using his wakizashi as a means of blocking an attack, and his kodachi for attacking due to it's longer reach.Zefonse stance, didn't change much either, as if he was waiting.

"I am known as Zefonse Kaizme, what do you call your self knight?"

Zefonse calling the man a knight might seem out of the blue, but it was a simple generalized statement, based on this man mannerisms and tone. Even this man nature of keeping 10 meters away was knight like, to place space between him and Zefonse, " ..You're not real...You're a...a....Mons-----Monster!!!!!" huh that was strange, why did Zefonse had a flash back to his days of the espada. His fraccion last words before dying. why, is he remembering this, Zefones eyes looked at this man, what did this man want, why is he reminding him of his former fraccion. Just who is this?

Madness In peace  XmGUKMS
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:41 am

Madness In peace  32982


Madness In peace  Diarmuid12Madness In peace  Diarmuid10Madness In peace  Diarmuid20

Judging from the respect and tranquility within Zefonse's voice, Diarmuid could definitely tell that he was no mad warrior looking to cause unnecessary destruction. There were many warrior's laid out through this entire world. Mad warriors.,Calm warriors, Weak warriors, all with many different goals and many long path's to lead them to greatness or shame. Diarmuid had experienced such warrior's in the past, and from the many mad men that he faced in mortal combat, none of the killing aura that he found on them, were found on this man. His tone returned the same respect and gentle tone that Diarmuid spoke with not long ago. Diarmuid had to admit, this was very unexpected, even by his standards. It may have been his own impression, but weren't Arrancar known for being dangerous and unfriendly opponent's? No one could blame him for his assumption, the man never had much confrontation with them, until recent year's. He knew of Shinigami, He knew of hollow, but the information on Arrancar was extremely blurred. Diarmuid simply returned the man's kindness with his own. He was enjoying the man's company so far, it didn't seem like a bad idea to talk with him like this. One could say Diarmuid felt a sense of peace and bittersweet nostalgia. There was a time where he had experienced the company of honorable and peaceful opponent's who fought for heroism and valiance. Their vanity had always filled the man's heart with a sense of passion, a sense of completion. The path of a knight, was a path that, by Diarmuid's eye's, had not been a path that was forced upon him, but one he came to love from childhood to his adulthood. What a surprise, was Diarmuid really experiencing the wonderful pleasure's of the past from a simple greeting?

"I Apologize, Sir Kaizme. My intention wasn't to write you off as a mindless warrior. No...the more you talk to me now, the more that my impression of you is is very rare to find men who speak with such grace and tranquility. " Diarmuid smiled as he spoke leisurely, his gaze became much more friendlier as the two men continued on with their introduction's. In such a desolate environment, these men were able to speak with only word's of praise, devoid of any malice. The heroic knight took a deep breath, as he inhaled the cold air, and exhaled it all within a infinitesimal moment. "...Ah My name?" Diarmuid chuckled softly, slightly embarrassed at his manner's. He could not recall one time he had stated his name so far, when he landed in front of this man. Had it been anyone else, they would've felt as though he were putting them on the chopping block, or the hot seat. "My name is Diarmuid Ua Duibhne" His tone was calm, composed, and not a single ounce of hostility could be found from his word's. There was never hostility within this man's heart, there would be killing intent, but in those rare time's, he would only feel such intent against anyone who dare raise their sword against his queen. If any such man or woman were foolish enough to do that, they would undoubtedly feel the cold, unforgiving wrath, of this knight, a knight who was always resolute within the codes he followed. For this man, who was given a path to start anew, he had to cherish and honor the blessing's laid out before him. A wonderful queen, a beautiful knight, brothers in arms, such were the blessing's bestowed upon by the divine pendulum of fate. The memories created with them, would always be treasured within his heart. No one could ever take these wonderful, heartwarming, moment's away from him.

"Ha...I Suppose..there is nothing to do in this downtrodden city....Sapporo was once a beautiful city, there use to be so many light's filling out each of the building' it only seem's like such thing's were illusion's..." Diarmuid's eye's gander at the city of Sapporo. This city was never known for it's beauty, instead, one could admire it simply for what it possessed. Amid the follies that one called war, Sapporo did not once possess that beauty Diarmuid came to love 400 years ago. This city simply lost it's luster, all goods things came to an end, endings were never inevitable. They could be prolonged, in hopes of savoring something one held dear, but as that one saying went, "all things must come to an end". For one ending, means another beginning. This was the cycle of life, the evolution of which even Diarmuid was no stranger too. It was the same with children and animals, and even the ethereal races that came into being many years ago. From Shinigami, came Sugiura. From Hollow, came Arrancar. Predecessor's and successor's. Even Diarmuid would become apart of this cycle. He would eventually settle down with a wife of his choosing, a beautiful woman of a mature age. From thereon, he would make love with that woman and she would conceive his child. He would probably, as his father did when he was young, pass down Gae Buidhe and Gae Dearg. Diarmuid welcomed that part of the cycle, but a dream like that seemed so distant right now. He does not believe he will be achieving it anytime soon. Especially with how hectic life can become.

"...In any event, i don't think we'd be able to get far just by speaking. And there's nothing of significant value that need's to be viewed within this least not upon this night." Diarmuid's tone became a bit more serious, this tone did not denote hatred, but the excitement for battle. As the moon shined brightly over the dead town, Light's of two different color's started to materialize within the hand's of the dashing knight. There was no doubt about these light's, Red and Gold, there appearance could not be mistaken for anything else. They were wonderful spear's of differing sizes. The weapon's with which Diarmuid always brought to battle. He had now armed himself with his favored lances, as their tips shined beautifully. Their differing skin felt magical, yet one could clearly tell from a glance or even during battle, that these spear's weren't simply for show. The red spear, Gae Dearg possessed a daunting ability, one of which robbed the defenses and offenses of spiritually infused abilities and armor. Even barrier's and enchantment's were useless within the face of this mighty lance. It's size was about 2.4 meter's long. It's range was something to be admired, and one could favor this spear in battle even without it's special ability. So, what did the ability of the golden spear possess? This golden spear was far shorter then Gae Dearg, a size of 1.4 meters is what made this lance seem less frightening. it certainly wasn't a very favorable weapon during battle, due to size differences. Yet, fools who simply wrote it off as useless lance would just as easily be felled by the weapon if they weren't knowledgeable about it's deadly power.

Gae Buidhe, was the name of the golden spear. It's special ability was far more dangerous and fatal then that of Gae Dearg. For when it struck it's opponent, their wound's would never be able to heal naturally, and even using reaitsu seemed to become useless no matter how hard they tried. For opponent's who reveled in makeshift healing during battle, this was their weakness in many regard's. Even an arrancar's regeneration didn't seem to boast much in reply to Gae Buidhe's mighty ability. The most daunting factor was not the spear's themselves, no, in any other warrior's hand's these didn't seem to pose much of a threat. But within the hand's of a man who had accumulated much god-given talent over the year's, they were like a walking over a tight rope of death, meaning that a wrong move and lapse in the defense's meant taking a fatal blow. If death didn't directly assail them, with time, they would suffer death from the effect's of Gae Buidhe. Diarmuid's stance changed from one of leisure, to one that declared battle. "I...Challenge you to a fight, do you yield or do you accept?" Diarmuid had to fight this man. It was a rare night to find an opponent of which he could bring out his decisive and unique techniques against. For some time he had always aimed to find an opponent with whom he felt most satisfied with? Would Zefonse be such a man?

Diarmuid's stance was like that of a bird opening it's elegant wing's. In his left hand, Gae Dearg trembled with anticipation at it's master's yearning for battle. In his right hand, Gae Buidhe shivered with excitement at the taste of impending battle. From this stance, Diarmuid could easily close the distance. Or as a usual opponent would, take a powerful charge or leap towards the opponent. Since Zefonse had yet to announce his answer. Diarmuid could not do much of anything, and simply bides his time for an answer. If he declines, there's no definite loss. The man would simply respect his wish and DE-materialize the twin lances. If he accepted, then they could do battle. One did not need to say what Diarmuid wished for. His eye's were clearly set on having a well fought spar with this man. Judging from his reaitsu, he didn't seem to be all that imposing, but something inside of Diarmuid told him that this man was a truly powerful opponent.

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:36 am; edited 1 time in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:39 am
{Zefonse Kaizme}
Madness In peace  Image1

I have never lost a battle. All who resist will fall. The God of battle is what I have become. Anything is possible for me now as the world is in ever lasting fear. To save the world I shall lead this world to its ending. Once those who face me you face an unstoppable force. Ideals is something everyone has, but are never stronger than those who wish to end everything. We existed from the beginning of time, we are souls. We are never ending, if we die, we shall be reborn as something new, be it a hollow, or humans. This is the path we all walk, if we die in battle, we shall only be reborn, so there is never true death, only the loss of the person that was. When one is reborn they shall lose all memories and powers they once had in a past life. a cruel fate. Like those that died today, this fight shall end. With the cries of those who died on his side. This fallen warrior shall show his true power. Tired of dull ages, I walk the same ground, collecting the tragedies still.Hollow ambitions in a hollow mind,carried my cross to the hill. Shattered hope became my guide,and grief and pain my friends a brother pact in blood-ink penned,declared my silent end.

"I Apologize, Sir Kaizme. My intention wasn't to write you off as a mindless warrior. No...the more you talk to me now, the more that my impression of you is is very rare to find men who speak with such grace and tranquility. " Tranquility? Zefonse knew he was was one of the most level headed arrcanar now, but after all these months since the last time someone called him something remotely tranquil, such memories, in his mind, they can wait. Now was the time to listen. This man smile grew softer, as he spoke leisurely, his gaze became much more friendlier. Zefonse in return, relaxed, his eyes became more soft, while still keeping the battle experience he had earned all this time. While the stance Zefonse was in, was normal. He was still on guard.

"My name is Diarmuid Ua Duibhne" His tone was calm, composed, and not a single ounce of hostility could be found from his word's. There was never hostility within this man's heart, there would be killing intent, indeed like a honorable warrior, how long has it been since he battled one of such honor, to long, as in battle the power of ideals, hearts, and dreams all are etched into they weapons carry, and those who are stronger often win. Zefonse studied this man known as Diarmuid Ua Duibhne a bit more, still no signs of attacking just yet. Zefonse listen. "Ha...I Suppose..there is nothing to do in this downtrodden city....Sapporo was once a beautiful city, there use to be so many light's filling out each of the building' it only seem's like such thing's were illusion's..." Zefonse looked around, indeed this city change greatly over the years. How sad, this path is. To destroy for the sake of peace, that is the path Zefonse has chosen. How many has he killed so far over the course long life? He lost count, but he never killed without reason, now that he has change from his past self, that darkness that still in his heart.

"...In any event, i don't think we'd be able to get far just by speaking. And there's nothing of significant value that need's to be viewed within this least not upon this night." Diarmuid's tone became a bit more serious, this tone did not denote hatred, but the excitement for battle. Zefonse knew this tone, that battle ready tone, but it wasn't like the one that wanted to kill. A red and gold light appeared, and next thing that appeared where two lances. So This man was a lancer, a good mix of close range and med range fighting, there reach is greatly feared for all warriors, since a master of a spear can destroy most defense, with ease, the drawbacks normal being to slow in the rate of fire. But this man was fast enough to bypass Zefonse radar, making his attack speed something to truly be feared. 2.4 meter's and 1.4 meters long, these spears are truly fearsome, and he knew they most have a special power.

Diarmuid's stance was like that of a bird opening it's wing's. In his left hand, one of the spears trembled. In his right hand, the other spear shivered with excitement at the taste of impending battle. From this stance, Diarmuid could easily close the distance. Or as a usual opponent would, take a powerful charge or leap towards the opponent. Zefonse looked at him, with a simple nod of acceptableness, like a challenger, with few words shall do. Zefonse gained a aura around him, sliver and a hint of blue within it, a contrast to the lancer aura. In a bright light, he was standing with both his blades, his movement so fast, it looked like he never truly moved. The moon light itself was reflected on his blades, his eyes narrowed on the lancer. But the blades where wield in a odd manner, reversed, there sharp edges not being aimed, but this was to make sure this friendly challenge wouldn't go to far. As Zefonse eyes looked at lancer for openings, it shall be troublesome if he rushed out now. In moment Zefonse moved his left blade back to his side, and then suddenly upwards, the blunt side aiming for the lancer chest, Zefonse did a step towards him, to close the distance, being such a small distance would make it hard to block, but the fact of the matter is since Zefonse rarely spoke, he rather let his ideals flow thou his blades, but before he moved he did speak, a simple line. His tone the same as always, that kind, and knight like manner.

"A fair spar it is then"

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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:39 am

Madness In peace  32982


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Zefonse's nod of acceptance, signaled the start to this battle between these god-like warrior's. Both endowed with great, almost awe inspiring, speed. Their battle to an onlooker, will probably seem as though spark's are being set off within the sky. As the god of battle drew his own weapon's, Diarmuid exhaled deeply, in order to access the situation. The weapon's in his hand's were a wazikashi and a kodachi, both weapons of worth, should a master hold them. It does not need to be said, where Zefonse skill's lie in these swords. Firstly, since they were sword's of differing size's much like Diarmuid's spear's, the warriors could be said to be set on an equal footing. A Wazakashi is a Japanese short sword with much history. These type of sword's have been in use as far back as the 15th or 16 century. It was normally used as a back up sword, or a sword to serve an auxiliary purpose, it was also used in close quarter combat, to remove the head of a defeated opponent, and sometimes to commit ritual suicide. Their size usually differ's from 30 and 60 Cm(12 and 24 inches), with wakizashi close to the length of a katana being called o-wakizashi and wakizashi closer to tanto length being called ko-wakizashi

These types of blade's were greatly admired within feudal japan, and were most prominent during the Edo era. Their continued existence served as a monument to their great usefulness in battle. Diarmuid did not sign the weapon off as a simple Japanese sword, in close combat, they can be quite the peccadillo. Moreover, if Diarmuid is to get within Zefonse's range, his spear's have to be quicker then his sword's. After assessing the information on the first sword, Diarmuid calmly diverted his attention towards the Kodachi within is other hand. The Kodachi was an unusual Japanese sword, mostly due, to the fact that it was neither a dagger nor a long sword. Due to it's length, it could not be designated as a dagger, and due to it's shortness, it failed to even reach the size of a proper Japanese long sword. Since this sword was only about 59 cm in length, it did not exceed the blade length limits of non-samurai during the Edo period and could be worn by merchants. A kodachi's length is similar to that of the wakizashi, and though the blades differ greatly in construction, the kodachi and the wakizashi are similar enough in size and technique that the terms are sometimes (mis)used interchangeably. While the kodachi was a set length, the wakizashi was forged to complement the height of its wielder or the length of the katana it was paired with, and thus varied. The kodachi also features greater curvature than a wakizashi, and typically has a longer handle. If one wanted to consider it, these warrior's were not only similar in mannerism's, but in the style of weaponry as well.

Like his sword's, Diarmuid's spear's differentiated from each other in size. Gae Buidhe was much like that of a short lance, it is not something one will consider being a dangerous weapon in close combat. A lance is usually meant to be long, so that it should only be wielded with two hand's. Most warrior's will tell you that holding a long lance with one hand grant's no advantage during battle, but instead slow's down the effectiveness of the thrust. That is why it usually a law to hold the Lance with two hand's in battle, and throw it with one in order to catch an opponent from afar. Despite these fact's, Diarmuid still prefer's Gae Buidhe precisely because of it's size. A Short lance still possesses significant worth, if used within battle correctly. One can execute faster thrust's, or concentrate their weight on the weapon in order to crack the opponent's sternum or even their solar plexus. They can even perform fatal attack's by timing and trapping the opponent at a time where the guard is down. With Diarmuid's mastery of the lance, not only can he do these thing's in strides, but even perform impossible feat's to throw his opponent off in battle. His preferred usage of Gae buidhe involved goading the opponent into signing it off as a useless weapon, keeping their concentration on Gae Dearg only. However, fool's who jump to conclusion's will easily be felled by the golden rose of immortality's fearsome ability. Held within the hand's of a warrior of significant might, Gae Buidhe was a very powerful lance. Not many will say they could reach the god-like level of skill, that Diarmuid has transcended too within all of his time. There were many factor's that played a part.

The weapon that was located within Diarmuid's other hand, was the longer spear, Gae Dearg. Besides it's ability to nullify, it's length was much more worthy for battle. Any Lancer will tell you, that the size of Gae Dearg is perfect for combat, but let's consider for a moment, that he has much skill with wielding one then he does two. It is impossible to wield two long weapon's in battle, especially since one risk's endangering themselves physically. One might well make a mistake and decapitate their own head or impede their performance at the very least. Diarmuid wielded a short weapon and a long weapon. Gae Dearg's power was not only found in the power of it's thrust's, but it's swing's as well. One might think that the power of a lance comes from the thrust alone, but they don't consider that it can be swung like a sword and deal an extreme amount of damage to the opponent physically. Even if the thrust is to miss, the opponent must step back, if they decide to evade to either side, one can easily redirect the trajectory in which they attacked in order to make sure their attack hits as intended. This is the beauty of a lance, and the fact that this man stand's here with these weapons shows that he mastered them over his long tenor as the knight of his queen.

As Zefonse exploded into motion, Diarmuid brought his mind back to the battle in a split second, catching his intention within his sword's. He noticed the man performing an upward's slash toward's his defenseless chest, no, with speed like this man, defense could come in handy in split-second reaction's like these. At the moment it seemed as though Zefonse's attack would hit, Gae Buidhe met with the sword in his left hand blocking the weapon from it's intended target. The Speed of this lancer was his staple, and it is what most of his warrior's and leader's knew him for. The mere fact that he could match the Sugiura Queen in a contest of speed without using flash step, embodied just how great and awe-inspiring it was. His action was simple, all he did was bring his left hand to block the left-handed sword strike performed by the Cero Espada. Now that he ceded his attack to the knight, Diarmuid decided to attack with the longer spear Gae Dearg. His right arm held high in the air shook the air as it was swung down with unprecedented might. He had no intention of killing Zefonse, so he aimed for the man's right shoulder, should that attack have landed on it's intended target, Diarmuid would show this man his way of combat. This would be a battle of which, Diarmuid would admire greatly. A contest where these men could pit their unique techniques against each other in a fair spar, spear and sword. As night descended over the city of sapporo, the battle between the god of battle and the Top knight of Misaiko commenced.

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:52 am; edited 3 times in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:59 pm
{Zefonse Kaizme}
Madness In peace  Image1

This is the path we all walk, if we die in battle, we shall only be reborn, so there is never true death, only the loss of the person that was. When one is reborn they shall lose all memories and powers they once had in a past life. a cruel fate. Like those that died today, he shall press on. Tired of dull ages, I walk the same ground, collecting the tragedies still.Hollow ambitions in a hollow mind,carried my cross to the hill. Shattered hope became my guide,and grief and pain my friends a brother pact in blood-ink penned,declared my silent end. I became a enforcer, walking this path that few dare to tread. The path of one that embrace the darkness, to become a foe that one needs to band with others to surpass. He became a enforcer of the dark, one that aims for peace thou ways that are thought to be cruel, yet he carried no thought to kill, or always be reasonable. These overflowing emotions,Are penetrating through his body. This unrestrainable scorching blaze, Burns away all confusion Starting to forget all sensations until now. No one ever knows, the sounds of his.Evolving in every aspects.A yet unknown side of his-self is waking, what was this feeling waking up in Zefonse, from facing this powerful foe. experience?

This man was fast indeed, even thou Zefonse fell into a simple trap, knowing he can be countered with ease, as his blade clashed with this man spear, blocking his non fatal strike, he felt this man "heart" truly a knight, but what was this, did he knew Gilgamesh in some way? No reason to ask or to worry about it, not like he cared about the past anymore, so why even think about it. He was doing last second thoughts, before reacting to the attack, all what he can do at this range, all so far to fatal, a cero at close range would be fast enough to damage this knight, but also fatal, and this was a spar no reason to go that far, he also thought about other sword moves, he can do with his blocked swords, but at this angle and distance would take to long, no choice, but to use some hand to hand, easy enough, but now, looking at the incoming spear. This spear was the longest of the two, and he was faster than he first thought, ah he wasn't aim to kill him at this range ether, and aiming for his right shoulder, now the hardest part, to dodge.

Zefonse eyes followed the incoming spear as if it was slow motion, reading its path, then like wind, he moved his whole body to the left, and with this movement, he moved his blade that was still on this knights spear downwards towards the side, in a harmless manner, in a somewhat slower manner. Zefonse didn't just let it simply let it slide, he let his grip go, switching to hand to hand, in that instant. As if that wasn't enough, he was doing a unarmed attack as well. This attack consists of a quick, precise thrust of the' palm to an opponent's body, while he aimed at the body of the knight, he made sure to avoid an fatal attack. At most he was aiming to surprise him.

Then hit or miss, Zefonse dashed and grab his falling sword before it hit the ground. His last part of this attack, was dashing towards the knight once more, who may or might not took the surprise attack he done not that long ago, readying the stance needed while moving was hard, since this style known of fencing was a good choice for keeping the target at bay, Zefonse would seem to thrust forward aiming at the knight, but then quickly change target, towards the area above the right shoulder, aiming to graze it, to slow his movement down, and then pull the blade back and do one more thrust, this one to make it look like he aiming for the head, but in reality, aiming for left elbow joint, with this, he can slow down the movement of both arms, area of thrust. After those attacks, hit or miss, Zefonse changed his stance one more, by placing his sword away, and bending downwards, and jumping 15 feet away to gain a small distance between them, readying one more attack, but that wasn't all there was to it. He was factoring. Did the spears have special powers? If so should he show off his own, for now he was readying his Iaido stance. Japanese martial art associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard, Zefonse own version of this was called "duel-Iaido" using two blades at once with the Iaido style, truly fearsome, took him years to master. But he need more factoring on which sword style be best to spar with this man. For now he shall wait till he react

This knight speed, has been noted, but he might be even faster. Even still, this man avoid a good chance to get rid of a high ranking threat, but has a sense of honor, and truly reasonable, so in return Zefonse shall avoid fatal strikes, unless for fake outs, Zefonse then felt something on his right shoulder, blood, it was a minor cut, but still he was hit by that attack. Strange Zefonse thought he dodge it fully, seeing this, Zefonse must of reacted to late, this was something rare however, if this man was indeed that fast, Zefonse would just have to react faster. Which sword style would be best, his Iaido style which is the Japanese martial art associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. Or shall he use Kendo, or his favorite, Battōjutsu., is a Japanese term meaning techniques for engaging a sword. It is often used interchangeably with the terms iaijutsu, battōdō, or iaidō, although each term does have nuances in the Japanese language and different schools of Japanese martial arts may use them to differentiate between techniques (e.g. standing or sitting techniques). The emphasis of training in battōjutsu is on cutting with the sword. All terms are somewhat more specific than kenjutsu (sword techniques) or kendō (the Way of the sword), as the latter two refer mostly to techniques where the sword is already out of its scabbard (saya) and is therefore engaged in combat.
Battōjutsu usually incorporates multiple cuts after drawing the sword. The emphasis of training in iaidō is on reaction to unknown situations, or reacting to sudden attack. There were other styles he can pick as well, over a million styles, how many shall be unleashed tonight, then again, how many spear styles did this man know? So many styles, so many factors, this man watched the great knight

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:28 am

Madness In peace  32982


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"...!?" Caution - Diarmuid instantly sensed that his attack to the Cero espada's shoulder missed its mark by a hair's breadth. He has no way of redirecting the trajectory of his lance. The reason for this is that when one swings a lance, the rule is to usually swing with speed and power. By using the physical strength and might of the arms one can end a battle by crushing the opponents skull - Depending on the type of lance, spear, or halberd, one chooses to wield. This is the beauty and the weakness of weapons of this kind. Even if Diarmuid could bring the spear back up in time, it will not have enough force behind it to do much damage. Luckily, with this man who possesses the mind of eye ability and a split-second set of stratagems in his bag, he merely has to come up with a proper way of evading the opponents attack. Everything else will follow suit. Zefonse moved to the left side, moving both his weapon away and his body from what most would consider a fatal or critical attack. But that wasn't the knight's intention. Far from it - Rather, as they continue to battle, he now feels a sense of new found elation. You see, there exists great sportsmanship in battle with opponents who go by the code of honor and valiance. One may say that the victory of battle is the true treasure of war, but it means nothing to warriors like Diarmuid, who fights merely for the sake of competing in a contest of skill and technique. Victory is merely coincidental for a warrior of his standing. As long as he is able to fight opponents such as this man, even a loss would seem like a victory in within of it's self. While the battle has already got off to a wonderful and bedazzling start, Diarmuid must concentrate or he'll lose this battle quicker then expected.

Zefonse seemingly dropped his blade, in order to perform a powerful yet non-fatal palm thrust. Since this was a battle of wits, what this man performed just now was one well planned attack. While these types of warriors are very rare, a man or woman who can perform sword techniques in conjunction with hand to hand techniques, are considered to be very dangerous in close combat. In fact, they can be said to be in a class all of their own compared to others. Because when the physical might of a sword swing or swing of any other weapon is taken out of the weapon it's self and added onto the arms or legs they become exceedingly dangerous then before. For example, imagine a swordsman who can perform techniques with the sword meant to cleave the opponent in two, they would instantly be considered a master of only the sword arts would they not? Once someone can assume something like that, this is where the deceit comes into play. Because there are warriors who can switch from sword combat and right into hand to hand combat, and there are also masters who are known for switching a weapon within their right or left hand with minimal ease. The task of defeating them at close range becomes even more arduous - especially if they are ambidextrous. By combining the art of close combat weapons and the body it's self, one can reach supremacy among even the greatest of warriors.

Diarmuid easily caught the palm thrust streaking towards him within the side of his peripheral vision however, and by an act of divine intervention evaded the palm thrust, luckily losing no balance from dodging. Balance is crucial in any form of combat. If one loses balance in even the most crucial of moments, they might as well say goodbye to the living world. Then again, keeping balance requires a few steps. Dexterity, Agility, and precision, all of these words are things to consider when balance comes into play. Firstly, for those who are masters of dexterity, they will rarely ever miss a beat or lose balance during battle. This is because they were either born with god-given talent or like Diarmuid - Trained their body up to a master's level. However, that palm thrust was not the end of the repertoire
that this powerful Espada possessed. Hand to hand techniques and techniques with the blade, what a wonderful display of quick thinking and reaction time on his part.

His prediction was correct, because just when the mans palm thrust missed the mark, he grabbed his sword once again and charged directly towards him without breaking a sweat. In the next instant, he experienced yet another set of attacks from this man. The first was a thrusting attack - No, that was merely a trick, because the moment Diarmuid prepared to block or evade this attack, Zefonse changed the trajectory of the blade in order to throw off his perception in this battle. Diarmuid unfortunately fell for this technique, and felt the painful sensation of steel grazing his shoulder. "Gnnhn!" He bit his lips slightly in order to stave off the pain. It wasn't fatal nor was it critical, but it had hit as the man had intended. While he has fallen for the first trick, he won't be so foolish as to fall for the next one. He used one eye to catch the blade aiming towards his head, and then - Just when Zefonse decided to fake him out once again, by using the experience from his first attack, Diarmuid brought Gae Buidhe forward with resounding speed blocking the second attack to his left elbow joint before it could properly begin.

After this confrontation, Zefonse jumped fifteen meters away from Diarmuid in order to gain proper ground and space. Neither warrior has broken a sweat, but it is clear, from a glance, that they have both drawn blood from each other. Still, neither of their cuts were fatal and the opportunities to kill one another, were nonexistent here. This was a battle of honor after all. Diarmuid's gaze didn't falter and he kept his eyes placed on the mighty warrior as he began to consider battle tactics. That posture, that stance, that seems very familiar. Ah - Diarmuid finally comes up with the conclusion as to what it is. Laido, a Japanese art of the sword possessed by his queen, Misaiko. However - his style was quite unusual, instead of using one sword as was the law, he was using two swords. It was certainly unconventional, but Diarmuid did not sign it off as a simple style. Without losing the beat, Diarmuid broke into another charge, this time using flash step to catch Zefonse off guard. By adding Diarmuid's natural speed with his use of flash step and physical might, from an onlooker's point of view, Diarmuid just phased out of the picture, as though he had disappeared completely.

With a battle roar that reverberated throughout the night sky, Diarmuid arrived right in front of Zefonse, closing what others would consider to be a impossible distance for normal warriors. But these men are fighters of god-like skill, normal should not apply to them. Before his feet had even landed, Diarmuid broke out into a flurry of 60 spear thrusts. This is the terrifying speed of his skill with the lance. Wait - why was there only one lance in his hand?; the answer to that, would probably be that Gae Buidhe was a few feet away from where Diarmuid and Zefonse were. Diarmuid was using Gae Dearg to execute every single thrust, each with more strength and power then the last. Since it has a longer reach in close range combat, it is great for a situation like this. During the barrage of thrusts, Diarmuid began to swing and wave the weapon around, so that, even if he missed the thrusts he would be hit by the shaft of the weapon. Hit or miss - After the completion of the technique brought out by Diarmuid, he would quickly leap backwards to about ten paces. He kept Gae Buidhe away from himself, as if to tell Zefonse that the weapon was useless, and that the one in his hand right now was the better of the two. Yet, should he fall for such a trick, he would easily find himself falling into the trap of the handsome knight.

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:44 am
Madness In peace  ZefonseHeader
Zefonse Kaizme
Tier 0-3

I have never lost a battle. All who resist will fall. The God of battle is what I have become. Anything is possible for me now as the world is in ever lasting fear. To save the world I shall lead this world to its ending. Once those who face me you face an unstoppable force. Ideals is something everyone has, but are never stronger than those who wish to end everything. We existed from the beginning of time, we are souls. We are never ending, if we die, we shall be reborn as something new, be it a hollow, or humans. This is the path we all walk, if we die in battle, we shall only be reborn, so there is never true death, only the loss of the person that was. When one is reborn they shall lose all memories and powers they once had in a past life. a cruel fate. Like those that died today, this city shall now vanish. In no time, everything will come under our fangs, for they exist solely for the Hollows to feast on. What Zefonse desire most is the rule of nothing. Falling into the valleys of time long since past, these fangs of there's are not to be reckoned with. Skill and power, a Double-Action, Now, who is next to become his next foe? He will aim to exceed all of God’s power, and achieve the pleasant miracle of erasing life and death, the perfect world devoid of all life that damages the world. There are just too many unnecessary things…a world appropriate just for itself is near his hands.Whether is it victory, or loss, there is no meaning to it. Winning is only defined as beating and living another day, losing is dying or the unskilled. But they both had no meaning, they only words to make people feel better.

Ah such speed, worthy of being a knight in this day and age, because if one does not hold that title with such action not birthright. If someone made use of the skill they have to reach there spot, they are worthy enough to gain respect and honor. This knight known as Diarmuid, dodging his palm strike. Zefonse enjoyed this man talents so far, using his own weapons in such matters, and honor and grace. And managing to dodge Zefonse hand to hand combat skills took lots of experience. How old was his knight? Zefonse was a type of warriors that are very rare, a man who can perform sword techniques in conjunction with hand to hand techniques, are considered to be very dangerous in close combat. In fact, they can be said to be in a class all of their own compared to others. Because when the physical might of a sword swing or swing of any other weapon is taken out of the weapon it's self and added onto the arms or legs they become exceedingly dangerous then before. And for the knight to ready himself to dodge is another feat among that single action.

And This knight was a fast learner, when Zefonse changed the trajectory of the blade in order to throw off his perception in this battle. Diarmuid unfortunately fell for this technique, grazing his shoulder. He must of caught on Zefonse trickery. But when Zefonse decided to fake him out once again, by using the experience from Zefonse first attack, blocked it with his spear. Such a fast learner, must be a trait of his, since its so rare to come across those who can change so quickly in battle, adaptability a trait of one that changes to fit the needs of ones own self preservation, a trait which is also a cruse due to, making adapt to fast for there body's to handle, placing to much stress on one own body, making it tear itself apart to keep up with itself. But if one is able to handle it, they can become a fine warrior, skilled, powerful, and able to change to fit the needs of the battle. If one can not do that, it's is known as a fallen warrior. Zefonse enjoyed knowing someone other than himself seem to be able to control that cursed yes blessed trait.

Iaido style which is the Japanese martial art associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. Or shall he use Kendo, or his favorite, Battōjutsu., is a Japanese term meaning techniques for engaging a sword. It is often used interchangeably with the terms iaijutsu, battōdō, or iaidō, although each term does have nuances in the Japanese language and different schools of Japanese martial arts may use them to differentiate between techniques (e.g. standing or sitting techniques). The emphasis of training in battōjutsu is on cutting with the sword. All terms are somewhat more specific than kenjutsu (sword techniques) or kendō (the Way of the sword), as the latter two refer mostly to techniques where the sword is already out of its scabbard (saya) and is therefore engaged in combat.

Battōjutsu usually incorporates multiple cuts after drawing the sword. The emphasis of training in iaidō is on reaction to unknown situations, or reacting to sudden attack. But this was all basic information to anyone with knowledge with this sword style. What most don't know is the facts on the quick reaction time needed to before this, one with good reflexives can still do this, but one also need a clear mind, and a inner eye, one to look out for danger all around them in order to use to like a grand master. Zefonse breath soften, slowing down, ready for whats to come, his mind clear. Zefonse eyes narrowing on the knight next move.

Then it happened. Without losing the beat, Diarmuid broke into another charge, this time using flash step to catch Zefonse off guard, his eyes followed the knight with ease, he was use to high-speed battles, years of practice to fight those with speed, but this man was naturally fast as well, just when it looked like Diarmuid just phased out of the picture, Zefonse kept up with his eye's, following him with ease, Diarmuid arrived right in front of Zefonse, just as he followed, a dangerous range, to close in on. Many call this range suicide for spear uses since it would take to long to attack. But this knight wasn't like those other's, he must of had plan, to the skills needed for this tactic, the knight let go of his other lance to use the longer one. Good plan since he can use one spear with more power with each strike, but Zefonse was ready.

As the first strike came forth it was like slow-mo to Zefonse, he quickly used the armor on the sides of his arms, to parry it to the side quickly to make it miss it mark. When the second strike came towards him, Zefonse quickly drew his normal sword to block it in between his sword guard near the handle, it created a spark. Then came the third strike, Zefonse moved back and parried once again with the armor on the side of his arm to make it go to the side. Then moving with fast foot steps to the left to dodge the forth strike, then duck down as the fifth strike came. It seemed Zefonse was in a helpless spot as the sixth strike came, but Zefonse quick got up and spun back into a normal stance to dodge it, it was akin to Capoeira a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, sports, and music. It was created in Brazil mainly by descendants of African slaves with Brazilian native influences, probably beginning in the 16th century. It is known by quick and complex moves, using mainly power kicks and quick leg sweeps, with some ground and aerial acrobatics, knee strikes, take-downs, elbow strikes, punches and headbutts. And in between the seventh strike when using a foot work motion Zefonse got closer to the knight at the same time dodging the eighth strike. Then came ninth and tenth using his arms once more blocks those to the side, making quick sparks. eleventh and the 12th was done differently, using his sword which was still spinning in mid air from the earlier strikes to once more block and parry those strikes, he then took hold of that sword, using it as a fencer, trusting his blade forward to stop the 13th strike with ease.

Then came the 14th and 15th strike , Zefonse placed his sword away, as each strike was getting faster, stronger over time, he was going to have to use some of "it" he most fateful fighting style, that used arms to block attacks. It was known as Resshūken.An elegant fighting style that is only available to fighters that have mastered all other forms of martial arts. This style is considered to be the strongest, most-elegant, school of martial arts in existence and relies on fast footwork in order to focus on fending off enemy attacks with the arms and using the legs to counterattack with powerful kicks. While it is a largely unknown fighting style, Zefonse would use his arms to move the rest of the attacks. The 16th,17th,18th,19th, and 20th strikes all where knocked away with such skill and grace it was if he wasn't trying, his whole body now a blur. As strikes 21-30 came towards him, Zefonse used his natural speed to both block, and test this weapon. It seemed as the more he noticed his armor started to weaken, but his armor had no special skills, it was just the appearance of the sparks appearing from each block. As the final wave of strikes came towards Zefonse, his eyes closed, clearing his mind, and then in what seemed to be one quick motion, he used his stance to move his arms past god speed. All of them 30-60 where blocked in what to seem to be a show of sparks. Zefonse remained clam. As the fury of strike's ended at last. Zefonse noticed The knight used the shaft of the weapon to try to hit Zefonse as well, but would the knight notice that Zefonse was able to fend those off as well, at the cost of stressing his arms past there limits.

The knight took ten paces back, he was keeping his other lance away from himself, was it a trick? Zefonse opened his eyes, as his arms went limp like, just a effect of the use of going past god speed. Zefonse stances became more bent over, as if about to dash, a small breeze was felt, as Zefonse took one step. And then he phased out of the picture, like a afterimage left in ones eye if they stared into a black piece of paper with a black dot. As he moved around the area, faster and faster, he made a large breeze of wind, this wasn't apart of his attack, at lest not apart of it. Zefonse would appear above the knight going to perform a Front dropkick downwards. A front dropkick, or flying dropkick, is an attack where the wrestler jumps up and kicks forward so that they hit the opponent with the soles of both feet, without twisting like a normal dropkick, this enables the wrestler to fall backwards to the mat, landing on their upper back and shoulder area. Zefonse aimed for the back of the knight, he was hoping to make him dodge this one. Hit or miss with this attack, Zefonse fell backwards and vanished again, this time to appear on the knights right side.

AS he appeared on the knights right side, Zefonse stance was way different, his arms now in an boxing style, he started to perform Raiōken. A hakuda technique involving a serial of rapid punches. Using this technique Zefonse would throw a total of 16 punches in the span of five seconds, while pressing forward to close the distance. As he ended the punches hit or miss, Zefonse would without wasting a single movement perform a mid jump in the air to do an Kazaguruma a technique where one throws their body up into the air, making a shearing movement with the legs to get one leg in front of the other without holding on to the ground. This was to perform to deliver a devastating kick to the knight sending him flying away with tremendous force. Then keeping in midair, he would rush the knight again even if his last attack hit or miss Going to perform a technique where Zefonse does a upside rotating straddle split, similar to a tornado, this has the effect of delivering a multiple kick attack at opponent that is near him.

Then without wasting another movement Zeofnse would end this barrage of attacks with a sword move. Holding the blade sideways, using a flat edge, he jumped backwards 20 pace's and swung the blade just like that. Then Zefonse simplest sword move, By slashing at the air, Zefonse can create projectiles blades of wind which cut enemies from a distance. This time however these weren't meant to cut, but rather use blunt force. If he used this with a cutting force, they are extremely powerful, easily killing a giant Hollow's by cutting it into pieces. a simple swing is all that is needed to create these, and Zefonse is known to use these as a surprise attack. this cost no reaitsu, since it uses the wind in the area, making the use and delay of this attack next to zero, one sword swing wasn't all he going to do, he swung two more times aimed at the knight.

Zefonse mind was clear, during those swings he return upright normal stance, holding his normal sword with such grace, yet loosely in his hand. Zefonse eyes looked on towards the knight that made him do these kind of attacks. Good thing this was a spar where Zefonse can hold back, he held back enough force in those strikes to make them all non lethal. Zefonse did a small breath, this wasn't because he was out of breath it was because it was time to ready for another stance, moving his blade above his head in both hands, slowly moving it forward it was like a kendo stance, and pulling back some where he held the blade near his head and his body moving in such a way where it was natural, he looked on towards the knight, this was going to be a counter attack, a simple bait and slicing attack. But he knew this was a easy trap, this stance was more for his own defense, in this stance he be able to block off a spear attack while looking like he was going to counter attack.

Madness In peace  XmGUKMS
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Madness In peace  Empty Re: Madness In peace

Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:30 am

Madness In peace  Fate-zero-lancer-600x340


Madness In peace  Diarmuid12Madness In peace  Diarmuid10Madness In peace  Diarmuid20

Who would've surmised that the battle between two men, who fought with such high codes of honor, would carve the current area into a battlefield? Both men were pitting powerful technique after powerful technique against one another. When one began their charge, the other defended against it using quick thinking and strategic knowledge. So far, for Diarmuid, fighting this man was like a match made in heaven. Neither one of these stalwart soldiers staggered before the other; neither of them had the intention of giving victory to one another without a fight. This is the true beauty of battle. It is wholly unlike war, where you see your comrades cut, shot, and maimed in front of you. The battle, is where two men, two women, or even animals can face each other and fight until their heart is content. Zefonse was such an amazing opponent in the eyes of the beautiful knight. His techniques were unusual, but, it was precisely because of that, that Diarmuid's heart was filled with such jubilation. He didn't miss a beat with a single technique and the way this man had effortlessly defended against 60 thrusts of Gae Dearg, such efforts had to be admired, to be honored. The area had not yet looked as though it had been torn through by chaos, but the ground before them looked as though giants had come and gone, clearly showing a few craters on it's surface. Even though this battle felt climatic, this was but only the beginning. The knight felt as though he could go on for hours fighting this man; that was how exultant he felt at fighting such a talented opponent .

"...." Since his first technique with the longer spear failed, he simply moved his left foot forward while his right foot stood completely still. "...Hm..." Judging from the analysis in Diarmuid's mind so far, this man exhibited traits of a swordsman and a hand to hand combatant. It was hard to designate where his mastery lied in either art, but he knew that the man was definitely a level beyond experts in both fields. Not many men would've been able to block his thrusts with such flawless precision. Before Diarmuid could properly assess the natural abilities of his opponent, Zefonse seemingly wasted no time in initiating his attack. With such jarring speed, Diarmuid could barely read the range of his attack, but still, thanks to the mind of eye ability he possessed, The handsome knight was definitely able to discern that the man was attacking from above. With a confident grin creasing his lips he performed a backwards leap landing only 20 paces away from the range of Zefonse's kick.

His strength was absolutely inhuman! Diarmuid quickly caught the glimpse of a freshly made crater before turning his attention to yet another one of the man's attacks. This wasn't a kick however, but a consecutive series of punches - 16 in total. "Keh...Ku...Gah!" With instantaneous reaction time, Diarmuid quickly though barely used the shaft of Gae Dearg to block off each and every one of his fist strikes. Even then, he clearly felt the strength emitted from each and every one of those full force blows. If this spear had been of mortal creation, Diarmuid had no doubt in his mind that it would've broke under duress from such power and ferocity. This, however, was not the end. Diarmuid instinctively knew that. Fortunately, thanks to Zefonse's attacks his attention is probably not directed towards where Gae buidhe, the short yellow spear, is currently at. Since he discarded the weapon in lieu of using attacks to catch his opponent at a longer range, his intention was to keep Zefonse engrossed within the current battle, and away from Gae Buidhe until the time was right. Diarmuid is a master of the spear, so it goes without saying that this man should be able to bring about victory with a precise set of stratagems. The same probably went for his opponent as well.

His next attacks were even more daunting then the last. The first was once again yet another kick from the upwards angle, this time however, Zefonse's body was positioned differently then before. While he had been able to brave the storm with the attacks beforehand, the unpredictability and speed of the strike caught him off guard, thereby allowing this attack to land cleanly on it's intended target. With intense force, Diarmuid felt his body fly back slightly, but didn't lose his balance, as he knew the man was coming in to execute another technique. This was a multiple spin kick maneuver performed with the lower body while the upper body was simply used to keep it's self in a steady position. "Keh --- Gyahhhh!!!! " With the full weight of his muscles put behind his arms, he kept a firm stance on the ground and parried each and every kick before taking another leap at the range of 30 paces this time.

Just, how much, how much skill was needed to reach such a level? Even though he parried those attacks, he still felt the energy that rebounded from the foot into the spear, and then into the body of the handsome knight. Such strength and consecutive striking would be impossible for most warriors, but that man performed each and every technique with flawless and fluid precision. To think such a warrior of this magnitude could exist, it was almost unfathomable in a way. Still, Diarmuid considered himself to be lucky, lucky to face such a honorable yet powerful combatant. He could feel his body and every endorphin within being pumped full of adrenaline. It was a contest of technique, when one attacked the other defended, only to counter with a impeccable strike or consecutive attack of their own. Since Zefonse came at him with such enthusiasm, Diarmuid felt it be only fair to return that same fervor. With his mind of eye, he began to assess the situation and come up with a proper plan of countering these attacks with much more ease in the future.

He appears to use a unusual double Iai that consists of two swords, a long Nodachi and a Wakizashi. Without Diarmuid's second spear, if he makes a misstep, the man can easily come in and end the duel using either the longer sword or the short sword. He also has to consider how fast the man was just now, performing those attacks in little more then a few seconds. Secondly, he also seems to be well versed in hand to hand combat due to the mixture of hand to hand techniques and sword techniques cultivated into one formidable style. And then there's also the strength to worry about, along with his speed. It's a rarity to find an opponent who is well built physically, and even more difficult to find one who can attack with monstrous strength and nimble speed. There is also the added advantage of that Iai that we referred to earlier. Iai has an added advantage of not only concealing your weapon, but also makes it highly difficult to judge the effective range from where an opponent can attack. This is further compounded by the unusual style that Zefonse seems to attack with as well, Diarmuid has not met many swordsmen who can perform Iai with two swords, let alone a Nodachi which as a law - should normally be wielded with two hands - nor a Wakizashi which is normally used as a training weapon or a weapon to finish off an enemy during war. Nevertheless, he was far from deterred. All he could do from this point is act with much more speed then before, attack with much more strength and ferocity, and fight until his heart was content, hoping that the same would go for his spar partner for this night.

With sharp eyes, Diarmuid began to analyze his opponent's stance, an upwards stance built for a counter defense against his next strike. It is likely that he is prepared for the next attack, but Diarmuid does not intend to execute a predictable attack. With his two feet slid apart from each other, and his knees bent slightly, he begins to swing Gae Dearg within his right hand, as he simultaneously begins from a straight out charge towards the warrior. From a spectators point of view, Diarmuid's attack is as predictable as the night moon. As the distance began to close from 20 meters to 2, in a sudden flash, before Diarmuid reached the man he used the most amazing acrobatic skill that human beings could never achieve. With one leg stretched out before him, he dug his foot within the grovel only to thrust it upwards, kicking out the spear that had been discarded earlier, Gae Budihe. As he took flight with the other leg he performed a mid air flip that allowed the yellow spear to be grasped within his free left hand, while the leap allowed him to continue to fly through the air, until he was above Zefonse, and with the longer spear in his right arm - Gae Dearg, he swung the weapon towards his shoulder while he used Gae Buidhe to shield any thrust that the man might perform from a high vantage position, after accomplishing this product of divine ingenuity, he landed on the ground with only a few meters away from them. Should his first attack fail, he would then once again charge in hopes of catching him at a disadvantage since it appears that he seems to be using the Nodachi for now.

With his arms raised high within the air, Diarmuid bent his right knee, as he swung Gae Dearg in a sweeping motion before the man's legs, while Gae Buidhe is thrust towards his shoulders in order to catch him within a deadlock. However, this was only the beginning - should those hit or miss, he would then begin a series of spear thrusts with his full power behind them. This time, instead of 60 performed with Gae Buidhe, he performed a high speed series of 300 strikes combined with both the yellow and red spears. First he attacks horizontally, and then vertically, only to break into another array of thrusts and swings from above and below, in order to seal off any possible movement that was allowed when he was using only one spear. His blood was boiling with passion, and his eyes were filled with happiness, perhaps at how much he was blessed to fight with an opponent who could push him this far. For some reason, he knew the man would come up with a counterattack in the back of his mind, he was an absolutely perfect and honorable opponent, that should they never cross paths again, that both this man and his abilities would leave a large imprint on the warrior known as Diarmuid Ua Duibhne.

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