Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Of Strawberries and Demons

Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:55 am
Jon was heading home for the first time in a long time. He hadn't been home in months and the search for his parents was becoming fruitless. He didn't care about his father, only for his mother, the Arrancar that was so kind to him and raised him. Little did Jon know that the Arrancar was not his real mother, but in fact, a foster mother that raised him as a favor to his real mother.

As Jon fumbled with the Keys to his house, he thought to himself, 'Maybe I should just give up...I mean, what's the point...she's probably dead...'

Opening his front door, he hung his keys on the key ring and quietly sat down on his couch.

Jon looked to KuroOni, his Zanpaku-to and was saddened. He had gained his Zanpaku-to at a very young age and still had yet to fully master it. Jon was getting really depressed.

Jon realized that just sitting around an moping about it wasn't going to solve anything.

Jon ran outside, trying to find a sparring partner or someone with information about his parents. Hopefully both, he thought to himself.
Queen Of The Sands
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:49 am

It was a pretty dull evening with very little going on. The area that was suppoosed to eb well guarded from Hollow attacks and demons alike was just becoming more and more boring as they came in their numbers just to be easily struck down. It was no biggie though as it gave people something to do. Even Humans were now getting into the action as powerful assets but not every one of them were alive to fight. Everyone had a reason to survive and live longer.

One man walked down a street of houses. Why was he alive? He was sworn to protect. He wants to protect everyone he cares about and that was exactly what he was going to do. His orange hair was spiked, sort of longer than most people would recognise but his stern look was that of a wise warrior that was experienced on the battlefield.

He took steps down the street, not in any state of combat or even ready to fight. He was in a Gigai, given to him by Urahara Kisuke so he could travel the world properly without being spotted by threats. Not like that ever worked anyway as he had brought with him an avalanche of fame and popularity between Vizards, SHinigami and Humans alike. Even the Hollows knew exactly who he was just on sight. This became a real pain, but tonight was a gift. He could walk the street without any annoying fights breaking out just as he wanted.


he said nothing as he continued to walk with his hands shoved into his jeans and slouching forwards ever so slightly. Who was this man? He looked up to see somebody had burst out of their house for some reason unknown to him. The man simply looked for a moment before walking closer to him with his hands in his pockets.

Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:52 am
JS was running when he noticed a person out of the corner of his eye.

Orange Hair? Could this be? Was this Ichigo Kurosaki? The Legendary Soul Reaper? If anyone could help him get stronger OR find his parents it would be him!

Jon was unsure as to whether this was indeed Ichigo. To be sure, he calmly walked up to the man.

"Excuse me, " Jon spoke, " is your name Ichigo Kurosaki by chance?"

Jon was hoping and praying that it was indeed Ichigo Kurosaki.

KuroOni, Jon's Zanpaku-to, spoke to him, "Don't be discouraged if it's not, Jon."

This wasn't the first time that he had mistaken someone for Ichigo.
Queen Of The Sands
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:24 pm
He kept his hands in his pockets and continued to look towards the ground with sort of 'im tired leave me alone' look. However, this man wouldn't just ignore somebody because he wasn't in the mood to talk to them. Instead, he took a peak at the guy and stopped walking when he asked him a question.

kurosaki? Hm...

He paused. What would be his answer? It depended on who he was talking to but this guy seemed somewhat trustworthy even if he seemed rather mad at nothing. He took his hands out of his pockets and with his right hand, scratched the back of his head with a sigh.

Sure, Im Kurosaki... why do you want to know?

This man was indeed Ichigo. He looked oddly at the guy, almost as though he was a freak that needed to be put down but in reality ichigo didn't care. he must be a bit agitated is all. So, Ichigo asked a question this time.

You alright? Your looking pretty frustrated...
Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:33 am
"Well! First off, let me say that it's an HONOR to finally meet you. And to be quite'm not okay...."

Jon then began to tell the tale of his origins. How he was the child of a Vizard and an Arrancar, how his father was abusive to him and his mother, how he got his zanpaku-to at the very young and frightened age of six, and how after he stood up to his father, he never saw either of his parent's again....

How he lived almost his entire life in Hueco Mundo, and how ever since he got out of Hueco, he had looked for his mother to be reunited with her and for his father to destroy him.

"I was hoping that I could find someone that would have information about either of them or could help me train to become stronger.... but then again...power is nothing without someone to protect it with..."

Jon turned from Ichigo to hide the tears forming in his eyes.

"Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself," he said.

"I need to become stronger...that way...when I find her...I can protect her...."

Jon clutched his Necklace, his sealed Zanpaku-to, and said, "I'd even sell my soul to save her...."
Queen Of The Sands
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:00 am

Of Strawberries and Demons IchigoTemplatebigpic-1

| | I C H I G O | | K U R O S A K I | |

~ I want to protect everyone. I have to protect them...~

Of Strawberries and Demons Bleach-ichigo-wallpaper1-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Ichigo2fy7-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Bleach-ichigo-wallpaper1-1

{ B R I N G | | I T | | O N}

Ichigo pretty much yawned his face off with both boredom and annoyance. Did Ichigo ask for this guys life story? Seriously, why should Ichigo give a damn about this guy? Regardless, he was definitely in a lot of emotional stress and this was just going to cramp Ichigo's style. Kurosaki saw him turn away, shielding his eyes from the tears which just gave Ichigo the interpretation that this bloke was a big wuss without a completable task. This was just tedious now.

Kid, I didn't come here to hear your life story. Seriously, if you want to get stronger then first get off your ass and do something about it instead of crying on passers by

Ichigo may sound harsh, but why in any reason should he have to be the shoulder for somebody to weep upon? if it were his close friends then he would probably act differently but Ichigo was just walking by. Ichigo started to walk again, this time disregarding what the other guy was doing. he had heard enough of the story and just wanted to get home. However, he wasn't going to just leave the guy alone like this. So he looked over his shoulder at the guy and spoke.

If you want to get stronger then why not start training yourself like I did? It may be nice to meet me but will you ever become like me if your standing there?
{ I | | E N D | | M Y | | T U R N }

~ Kurosaki is a captain worth fighting. He never stands down even when his body has broken tenfold ~

Of Strawberries and Demons Kurosaki_Ichigo_____by_nightey-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Ichigo-kurosaki-720px-1

Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:22 am
Jon took Ichigo's words to heart. As Ichigo began to walk away, he said, "Wait!"

Jon ripped his necklace off of his neck. "You said to become stronger, I should train, right?"

"Bleed for Me, KuroOni."

Jon's necklace changed shape into that of a Zanpaku-to with a star shaped guard.

"Help me become stronger, please. I won't take no for an answer, Kurosaki!"

Jon's eyes burned with the fire of battle.

"Or should I go after your friends? Would that provoke you into fighting me?!"

Jon was wondering what was going on with him. He would never say something like that normally...then again, Jon wasn't a normal Vizard....

He was part Demon after all....but he didn't know it...
Queen Of The Sands
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:50 am

Of Strawberries and Demons IchigoTemplatebigpic-1

| | I C H I G O | | K U R O S A K I | |

~ I want to protect everyone. I have to protect them...~

Of Strawberries and Demons Bleach-ichigo-wallpaper1-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Ichigo2fy7-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Bleach-ichigo-wallpaper1-1

{ B R I N G | | I T | | O N}

Ichigo could sense the kid was growing anxious. The signs of reitsu in the area was rising which really didn't help seeing as Ichigo didn't want to get into a scrap. the orange haired man turned to face the boy wioth a somewhat disappointed look on his face. he had his eyes closes and scratched his head as his other hand sat perfectly in his left pocket. Ichigo wasn't slouching as he usually did when he was younger, but this Ichigo wasn't as childish as he was then.

I don't help people with empty threats like that kid...

Ichigo wasn't really sure what to do at this point. the guy wanted a fight for stupid reasons and was threatening his friends. Well this was an opportunity to show the kid just how strong ichigo had become but, this was just tedious.

Why do you NEED to fight me anyway? theres plenty more people who can train you aren't there?

{ I | | E N D | | M Y | | T U R N }

~ Kurosaki is a captain worth fighting. He never stands down even when his body has broken tenfold ~

Of Strawberries and Demons Kurosaki_Ichigo_____by_nightey-1 Of Strawberries and Demons Ichigo-kurosaki-720px-1

Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:53 pm
Jon smirked and said, "Why train with small fries when you can with the best of the best?"

'What's up with me?' ,Jon thought to himself, 'I'm not usually this scrappy...or cocky...what's going on?'

"Besides...we fight for the same reasons right? You fight to protect your loved ones and I fight to protect mine..."

It was true. When Jon was only six years old, he defended his mother from his father with only his Zanpaku-to in his hands.

Jon assumed a battle postition. "Now, FIGHT ME, KUROSAKI!"

'What the Hell is going on with me!?' Jon thought. Little did he know that, under the surface, his Demon Blood was beginning to stir, and a change was beginning to occur. Not like his usual transformation, but something else...
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Of Strawberries and Demons Empty Re: Of Strawberries and Demons

Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:04 pm

From the top of a near by tree came the streak of black blazing a rather slow arc through the blue sky. The black streak crashed into the floor as dust flew into the air, rolling lightly as a light wind gathered it up. As the dust slowly started to settle or blow away, the small what socks and brown sandles of the shinigami. Any epic build up the dust that was blown up had built up blew away suddenly as the small child like figure suddenly appeared. Her purple hair blowed in the wind, twirling around her face.

''Itchy toe! Don't leave me at the ice cweam shop! Thewe was a scawy fish in the tankie and whens I tuwn to cwy into you I finds you not thewe!"

She completely ignored the stranger for the moment as she run to Ichigo. She slowly huged his leg. She sniffled into his leg.

''It was a vewy scawy fish!''
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