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Forest Inferno Combat  Empty Forest Inferno Combat

Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:59 pm
Poliro Tensol

Karakura Forest. The beauty of the forest was in full peak today, as the shine shined, birds flew over and some perched on the many trees of the forest. The lakes were quite warm due to the warm sunny weather, as they simply reflected the sunlight. However, the beauty was quite the delusion as some reports of a hollow reaitsu had been found in this area, however the reports were quite vague in detail and rather scattered among the area. Some low level Shinigami were sent to try and and look into the reports, but no information was sent back to the Gotei and no reply was given. This was the cause for concern within the Gotei, but Poliro Tensol, the squad 7 captain stood up to the suitation and went to find the source of it on its own, and come back alive. With how strong Poliro is, the Gotei trusted him to deal with the suitation in a orderly manner. Opening a Senkamion from Soul Society, Poliro arrived in the middle of the forest of Karakura. He was wearing his Shinigami uniform, and the captains robes. It was quite obvious who Poliro was from this apperance, a Gotei 13 Captain.

Upon arriving, Poliro scanned the area for the reaitsu of the person. He could feel it, slightly, but he didn't want to go to it, he wanted the reaitsu to come to him. "Okay...." he smirked and suddenly drew his blade, the Zanpakuto Furemingu Shibo. "Burn the Universe, Furemingu Shibo." The release caused the Katana to become a huge flame sword, with no metal at all, but just the hilt remaning. The fire caused a immense increase of tempature around the area. The clouds briefly covered the sun, and Poliro smirked like a madman. "OKAY THEN HOLLOW! COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT THE FLAME REAPER!" He then caused a release of his high reaitsu. You'd be able to feel it anywhere throughout the forest. He swang his Zanpakuto high into the area, the flames extending. It was like a pillar in the middle of the forest, being ready to be noticed. "ILL BURN THE ENTIRE FOREST DOWN IF YOU DON'T COME OUT!" The reaper screamed madly. It seemed whoever was here was going to have quite the unlucky day, going up against a captain with this much power.

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Forest Inferno Combat  Empty Re: Forest Inferno Combat

Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:44 pm
Poliro Tensol

The Flame Reaper

Poliro then could feel the old former espada rather close to him. He must of got the signal, which only added to Poliros delight and readiness to take some motherfuckers down. He kept his smirk up as his fire retracted back to Poliro, back to its normal shape and readied a combat stance for anyone that wanted to take the Flame Reaper on head to head. He didn't really care how strong or what status the Arrancar was, to Poliro it was another baddie just waiting to be turned into cinders by Furemingu Shibo, his Zanpakuto. He thought he was finally going to get some action that actally mattered today. He hadn't been in a proper fight. Most of his fights were often spars of trainings, and he was going to put his knowledge of combat into good use for this battle. The treetops began to burn already, smoke began to lift into air and and it could be seen for quite a long distance.

He then felt the force of a swing from a distance away, and all the trees got knocked down like dominos. Poliros eyes opened a fair bit, as he was not expecting to be fighting someone that could do that. Suddenly, the trees on fire got knocked down and met with other trees, causing a giant blaze of all the trees... It was a flaming inferno. Nnorita and Poliro were both surronded by it. The intense flames would cause Fatigue over time, due to the extreme heat, although Poliro was used to this sorta thing. Poliro could a clear sight onto Nnorita, the former 5th Espada and grinned. "You weren't expecting a young person like me to fight, were you? I'm Poliro Tensol, Squad 7 Captain.. and I can safely say you have goofed up.. I don't let Arrancars stamp on my Shinigami comrades so easily. You aren't going to get away from me. Don't be a pussy now, IT IS FUCKING GO TIME, YA HEAR!" After speaking that, Poliro swinged his Zanpakuto horizontally at Nnorita, A fire wave shaped as a simple line was then shot out at Nnorita. This had the potential to cause some pretty nasty burns to his chest if it connected, but this wasn't going to be all he did.

After this attack, Poliro would then use Shunpo to Nnoritas back and simply try to kick him to see how tough skinned this Arrancar was. After that, he was going to unveil some new tricks. He backed off and then pointed at him, and began to cast a Kido.. but this wasn't like other Kidos Nnorita had seen before. "The flame of the reaper calls! Fureimingutorunēdo!" Suddenly, a Torando shaped blast made out of fire was blasted out at Nnorita. If this connected, Nnorita would suffer moderate burns, and the concussive force of the wind element of the custom kido could cause a feeling of that area of his body being crushed, aswell as push him back a fair bit. Poliro wasn't to be messed with, the guy was a captain after all.


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Forest Inferno Combat  Empty Re: Forest Inferno Combat

Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:58 pm

Poliro was keeping tabs on this guys way of fighting and his way of attacks. He didn't care that his attacks failed, he was simply trying to test the power gap, and he still hadn't found what that gap was yet. Due to that tough mofos Hierro, Poliro accidently broke a toe. He felt the pain go through him instantly, but he didn't really care about it, he was old enough to have a high pain threshold anyway. Poliro managed to pick up right away the arrancar used Sonido due to the sound and the obvious disappearance of him from where he was standing. He swiftly turned around to face Nnorita and his ugly ass mug. Poliro wasn't looking to kill this guy , well he would if he had to but still, he had a lot of work to do cause this guy was a former espada after all, and there was no doubt he had grew stronger over the past 400 years. Poliro wasn't going to underestimate him..

The flames began to spread for further and futher distances, at this rate it was just going to become a insane forest fire that would need some intervention , but Poliro cared more about defeating this ugly mug arrancar than being a tree hugger, obviously. Nnoritas attack was simply too easy to dodge, it may of been long, but it wasn't wide for one thing. Poliro easily sidestepped his huge swing. He resisted the force of the winds coming at him and simply smirked. "Is that all you have!?" But his breath was swiftly taken away as he avoided the large horizontal sweep by jumping up and then made swift movements left and right to avoid his multiple attacks. However, he wasn't stupid enough not to notice he was charging a cero during all this. Poliro didn't fully avoid his attacks though, as he noted he had a few cuts to his arms, but he didn't really care, a few cuts wasn't enough to stop a captain from fighting, so he'd have to try a bit harder. Poliro finally then decided he'd stop his little test of him and actally make some stronger attacks.

He used Shunpo to competely get out of the way of the Cero, by going behinds him. No way he'd get hit by one of those, or this would be over in a instant, so he was going to to remain one step ahead of him. "You think you can kill me that easily?" He said confidently. "Someones cocky..." He suddenly then put his fingertips to his back. "Bakudo 61, Rikujōkōrō." 6 beams of light would then lock down on Nnorita, rendering him incapable of moving he they all sttruck him. "Your forgetting one thing. I'm a captain, and captains are not so easy to kill." A massive genodical grin appeared on Poliros face as he began to use another kido that was unheard of.. "The flames of hell now send you to your grave...FLAME COFFIN!"

Suddenly, a powerful flaming box appeared around Nnorita, and then around 3 seconds after that, from every direction in this box, flaming spears would be launched at him, a omnidirectional attack. If the spears hit him, it could cause some lacerations aswell as burn him moderately, and if there was any open wounds, it could sear his inside. This kido was a enhanced version of Hado 90, so the power of this spell was not to be underestimated. Poliro smirked as he stood from outside the box, knowing Nnorita probably didn't have many options as he was most likely pinned by the Bakudo. He was prepared for a counter attack though, so he stood on guard awaiting.

Satan's Spawn
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Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:47 pm
Archived due to inactivity.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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