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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Empty Re: The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall

Wed May 16, 2012 1:31 am

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"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

This battle was superb. Amazing beyond all belief. The ultimate offense against the ultimate defense; a true duel for the ages. Whenever the great king carried out an attack, the defender countered with prodigal skill and quick thinking. Any one of Gilgamesh's attack's could have taken his life, and yet the man failed to see the wall falter. If Gilgamesh was the ax of destruction capable of mowing down all in his path with his supreme weapon, then Dai was the mighty bulwark, an impregnable shield whose defenses could withstand even the mightiest of damage from his weapons. Judging from what his warrior's instinct was telling him, the King of Heroes was well aware that nearly none of his attacks did substantial damage. Indeed, once he perceived the light banishing the darkness of Xero away, he could see with full clarity that the red haired warrior was once again, right on the offensive. Gilgamesh grinned. The blood inside Gilgamesh's body was burning with the anticipation of a counter strike. Where would the defender attack? He wondered. In the next moment, his mental question was answered. Loosing a set of powerful punches towards him, the defender unleashed a barrage of strikes in order to hit Gilgamesh. A sound plan.

At this point, Gilgamesh could probably confirm that the man was starting to realize one of his weaknesses; close-ranged combat. His skills in the form of hand to hand combat had all but deteriorated in his later years. While he did possess some semblance of skill, any expert could easily leave him at disadvantage if they were able to close the distance and get towards him without suffering a mortal blow from 'Gate of Babylon'. As luck would have it, it is such an opponent who the King of Heroes finds himself facing at this pivotal moment of truth. Using his own nimble speed to effortlessly dodge each and every punch Gilgamesh leaped back to the range of ten paces. Before he could execute an attack, however, Daigoro used his new found maneuverability to perform an agile somersault taking him into the air. His swinging leg ready to perform an ax-kick was indeed unlikely to hit.

In fact, at the moment the warrior's foot comes within his vision, he executes his counter attack. He deftly loaded a cartridge of lightning inside Golden Eater and swung the ax upward, releasing a powerful lightning bolt that comes streaking towards Dai from below. Since he is still in the middle of his attack, Gilgamesh knew wholeheartedly that there wasn't many options for Dai to utilize. It would take godlike skill to dodge an attack while he is still in the middle of his own strike. Even with that in mind, The King of Heroes did not let up his assault. Once again, Gate of Bablyon opened and a flock of golden circles appeared in mid-air. Each one housing a primeval treasure ready to attack at the snap of a finger.

This time instead of a meager number--the golden knight fired off a barrage of 47 weapons. 11 Axes swing toward him like axes, while a polearm is fired directly towards his chest. The next 20 become airborne before descending towards the wall from an aerial standpoint. 14 soar towards him from the right, closing off all possible means of escape. The speed of each attack was daunting. Dodging them would be far from easy...but the King of Heroes surmised that like he had been doing so many times during this battle, he would counter and come up with a recovery plan. In fact, that is what this golden king wanted. He would not allow him to walk from this battle without releasing his full power, without showing him the extents of his abilities as a warrior. If he were powerful enough, there was a possibility that would allow Gilgamesh to finally use his most favored toy. Would he, perhaps, be a worthy opponent capable of enough of facing its indomitable power?

The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Image6111[image]

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:53 am; edited 1 time in total
'Dat Bishie
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Wed May 16, 2012 2:07 am


As expected, the King of Heroes was no easy foe. Although Daigoro did not know his name, he did have to wonder why he did not. As it appeared right now, all that this man was... was a great denizen of power. A being with an amazing amount of strength--but he seemed to have one fatal weakness. From all appearances, the man before him had no skill in hand-to-hand combat. With an amused look on his face, the redhead realized this the moment that Gilgamesh attempted to back away from his barrage of attacks. Anybody that was somewhat proficient in fighting others in close-range, hand-to-hand combat would be able to fight Daigoro off, so that would insinuate exactly that Gilgamesh was, by proxy, not good at it. An unfortunate thing to discover when your opponent was highly skilled in the arts of fighting with your hands. The barrage of attacks dodged, Daigoro attempted a somersault into mid-air, looking down at Gilgamesh with somewhat-hungry eyes in a preparation to attack from above. A crushing ax kick would swing down through the air and towards Gilgamesh himself, though only to be met with nothing. Utterly nothing. Instead of colliding with the body or shield of the great King, Dai instead felt something hit him in the back. Without warning, he felt a sudden shock enter his system--electricity. The shock itself was enough to knock the red-haired Ziamichi backwards, so when his eyes finally managed to get some form of bearing and look upon Gilgamesh once more, he found himself starting to wonder if, after all, this was not such a good idea. And then he remembered it. He was in Nise Kokubo.

First, came the eleven axes and polearm towards his chest. Although he could still see them, the fact that he was in mid-air meant that he would not be able to dodge so easily. As soon as they were about to strike, his eyes looked up and noticed the rest of the attack, more weapons streaming down towards him. As well as this, he heard the whistling of weapons streaming up towards him from below. Without realizing it, his mouth had opened slightly. "Shit." Closing his eyes tightly, the man prepared his body for war--the weapons streaked towards him at a speed that would scare most living creatures out of their flesh... and then it hit. Unlike the original barrage, which had not been primed for direct battle; this set of attacks was aimed to specifically hit Dai. For this reason, almost every one of them collided directly against his body; his hardening matrix barely able to keep up. Attack after attack continued to collide against his body, until the last one hit and he dropped ten feet to the concreted ground, landing on his back with fallen weapons around him. Groaning softly, the man managed to sit up and rub his forehead, before taking a look at Gilgamesh. If this were any other opponent, they would most likely be in a mangled mess. As it were; Daigoro would've only taken the damage of about 24 weapons. Half the damage any other person would have taken. Chuckling quietly, the man (now slightly covered in his own blood) climbed to his feet, slowly clambering up and staring at Gilgamesh with a soft smile. Feeling the push of the slots in the back of his head, he felt three line up. Alright... As the pain finally began to fade, Daigoro spoke.

"Slots locked. Begin transfer." The metallic sounds of slots clicking into place started to fill his ears; something he was starting to grow used to. Stepping forwards once, the air behind him began to shimmer and glow with the appearance of spatial manipulation. The air was golden, but red-and-white lightning crackled forth over the face of it--something that Gilgamesh would be put off by seeing. "Memory taken. Activate creation." The golden-colored hue in the air behind him distorted further, with slightly-glowing projectiles sliding out of the gate itself. Chuckling softly, Daigoro looked at Gilgamesh through blood-soaked eyes. He was a mess--his body was now covered in steadily-drying blood of his own. Where was the beast that one would normally see... and why had he been replaced by this man? "Understanding gained... show truth." And with that, a sudden burst of power came forth, as the Gate... simply disappeared back into nothing--Daigoro did not look behind him, instead watching Gilgamesh with a soft smile crossing his lips. The smile widened slightly, as Dai's lips parted into a grin, and then soft speech.

"Gate of..." The golden shimmer appeared once more, and weapons of all sorts (though only the ones that Gilgamesh had fired at him) slid out of the shimmering circles of light. "Babylon." Holding his hand down to his side, the redhead chuckled and clicked his fingers. In the silence that had ensued, it was the only thing that resounded--the noise echoed throughout the small area without any warning, and Daigoro began his assault. While Gilgamesh would have only fired off 47 weapons, Dai needed more attacking potential, and that was why he sent off eighty. Eighty projectiles flew towards Gilgamesh, though all of them were aimed directly for him. The moment the eighty were fired, Dai released his grip on the Gate itself, freeing up two slots in his mind. As soon as the last weapon collided, the last slot would be unlocked also. Without warning, he sprinted towards Gilgamesh, using Shunpo to move from side to side, slowly creating images of himself with his speed. He was only just fast enough to create one or two images--barely crossing Mach 1 at full speed--but those images would be more than enough. As soon as he got anywhere near Gilgamesh's range, he disappeared and reappeared once more, to Gilgamesh's right.. and then disappeared once more, appearing to Gilgamesh's left, front, behind... where it stopped, nobody would know. Using a quick motion to appear in front of Gilgamesh, Dai left a singular image of himself (it would fade in a second or so) and appeared over the Golden King once more. However, he didn't leave himself open to attack like before. Instead, he would land behind Gilgamesh silently and bring his fist up, aiming to take on any weak points in the armor itself before trying to knock the King down.

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Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:45 am

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"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

How long was it since this hero king's blood had boiled with such fanaticism? How long had he been deprived of a great battle, of the passion of a fight fought with everything he could muster? The defender and the offender fought each other blow for blow, leaving nothing before the other. When one attacked, the other defended, countered, and came back with his own bag of tricks. This really was a "battle". Time and time again, the King of Heroes had always fought opponents who, while possessing some merit of skill, fell before his 'Gate of Babylon' without even so much as a proper rebuttal. Yet this man, this Daigoro Ito - he countered everything the Golden King sent towards him. With such a defense, the man had certainly earned his respect as a warrior. Not many warriors would've survived for this long, much less survive a barrage of divine weapons capable of sinking an entire metropolis. As expected, Gilgamesh's counterattack with Lightning Eater and his barrage of primeval phantasm's, proved a successful counter as the great wall fell haplessly to the ground. Although this would've signaled the end in a normal battle, against the general opponent, Dai was not so frail as to be defeated by this attack. His body was covered in his own blood, and yet, he remained stalwart. Ah, stalwart wouldn't be the most appropriate term. The man brushed it off casually, as one would with a simple mosquito bite. He truly was astonishing, nothing short of an anomaly. Most warriors would be crying out, with a body racked with pain and swords and spears skewering every part of their body. What else could you call it but that? Gilgamesh smirked as he saw the man rise upwards, standing up once again. He thought idly about what the man's next move would be. Would he attack him at close range? Come in with a speedy barrage of strikes, or prepare a proper defense? All of these were sound plans - yet at the moment he noticed Daigoro open his lips, three words most synonymous with this haughty king's entire battle repertoire left his mouth. Naturally, one could have wrote it off as a sign of mocking the other warrior, but that seemed highly unlikely with this man's personality which at the outset and now, seemed quite humble. For what reason would he have to utter the name of this man's own treasury————


For the first time since this battle began, the King of Heroes experienced surprise. Except that this time, it was not the surprise of happiness he felt facing an opponent who could actually keep up with him in a duel. No, for the first time he actually felt fear. It wasn't fear of his life, he was far braver than that. He was no stranger to the battlefield, no coward to the tricks and game changing strategies that could arise within the midst of mortal combat. This fear, this terror came from something completely alien. Highly familiar, yet unfathomable at the same time. Golden shimmering circles were appearing not behind this Hero king, but behind him. Him. Glittering, sparkling, ethereal treasure swords, spears, and axes were not forming in the empty space behind Gilgamesh - as they should have been - but behind Daigoro Ito. Daigoro Ito. What sort of Legerdemain was taking place before him? An illusion? Was he of the sort that Gilgamesh deemed "Fakers?" These conjectures would've served to have some truth to them, however————the weapons appearing out of empty space and the treasury were undoubtedly real. As hard as he tried, he could not write any one of them off as a fake, because the energy, the shine, all of it and more possessed not a single ounce of falsity to them. If given more time, he would've spat out how much he was repulsed and angered by this sight. However, the only expression on his face was confusion, as his mind did its best to swim through the chaotic inferno of lava. It wasn't hard to tell that he had a hard time accepting this reality. As eighty of the weapons were fired, Gilgamesh did his best to leap backwards, but the explosive blast that erupted from the landing of the first ethereal treasure sent him flying backwards, 11 meters away to put it into exact numbers. And then, the barrage continued. Before he could even regain proper footing, the weapons came at him mercilessly, unrelentingly. Some of the primeval treasures deviated from their target, others fiercely attacked his armor, threatening to cut through and draw the king's first blood. The final barrage successfully succeeded in that goal, piercing his shoulder, legs, and midsection. Although anyone of them could have spelled about his untimely end, his durable golden armor at least assured that the weapons would not hit vital parts of his body - yet the pain he felt was unimaginable. Not because it was from his weapons, but that Dai had drawn blood, using his own ultimate weapon against him. This was an inexcusable disdain. Somehow, someway, he would pay this disrespectful whelp back.

However, Dai's assault was not over. The defensive warrior came barreling in with all the intensity of a monster truck, at the speed of mach 1. Though Gilgamesh knew of a Shinigami's shunpo, he was finding it quite difficult to properly defend against him not only due to him being unable to recover from the first attack, but because of the speed - and though he would rather die than admit it - his inability to fight an opponent in close quarter combat. Needless to say, he could not catch the afterimages nor defend against the attack from behind. His armor, while not possessing any particular weak points except continued attacks, felt the impact and caused Gilgamesh to greet his teeth, kicking off with his right foot as he landed 30 meters away from the platinum wall. He growled menacingly, with enough malicious intent to send even a terrible god running in fear. His handsome features were now distorted, as an angry scowl took its place. The respect he possessed before, had now all but disappeared, leaving behind only the contempt of a man hellbent on revenge. A flock of golden shimmering circles - his circles - appeared within the air once more, revealing two mighty weapons this time. The first being Caladbolg - and the second Gungrir. Caladbolg was a legendary drill sword owned by the famous Fergus Mac roich. Gungrir by the illustrious Norse god, Odin. Caladbolg's purpose is to completely obliterate the opponent, by creating a twisting distortion in space. It makes most defenses useless simply because of the aftereffect of the attack and the flames caused by this destructive weapon are enough to rival those caused by Expoisa, a technique used by the Rinryuraru's leader, Zefonse Kaizme. Gungrir possesses the ability or rather, concept of "thrust", meaning that as long as nothing deters its path, it will follow the opponent no matter what, aiming for the heart. Along with an array of 1250 new primeval weapons appearing beside the two, GIlgamesh fired off his own attack, his only intention, to completely obliterate Dai. He would settle for nothing more than to destroy this man for making a fool of him.

The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Image6111[image]

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:39 am; edited 1 time in total
'Dat Bishie
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The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Empty Re: The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall

Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:17 am


He couldn't believe it! Despite all of the odds, his sudden attack had worked! Landing on the ground as Gilgamesh stood at a distance, a low smile crossed the lips of the male, who had an obvious psychological advantage--that was something he would cherish on the battlefield. Shaking his head and tutting softly, he watched the scowl on the man's face grow further and further into the look of complete rage and hatred that he would expect. Yes, to use someone's prized abilities against them--that was the meaning of Daigoro's sword. A man who could nigh but defend and take attacks, Daigoro had slowly learned to take what he knew of a man's blade from the touch against his flesh and turn it against them. A purely psychological advantage--it had its uses in turning the tide of the battle either way. Not only was his Bankai designed to take on such attacks and turn them against those who originally wielded them, it even gave him the advantage of being able to take some of the most powerful attacks that his enemies had head-on, in order to use them to his advantage. Unlike most fighters, who existed only to destroy their enemies' bodies; Daigoro Ito existed to destroy his enemy's mind and force their submission with their own attacks. Strength-wise, Daigoro had little damage potential unless he slung himself forwards with shunpo, but even that was weak against the more powerful opponents. No, Daigoro Ito was never intended to destroy his opponents with overwhelming physical strength. Instead, he would make sure that they never landed a scratch on his body!

The look on Gilgamesh's face, that scowl, it gave Daigoro the chance to hold a somewhat confident grin. The fact that he'd beaten through that armor meant that there was a weakness to it--as long as he ravished the integrity with numerous attacks, it would fall. And wouldn't you know it? He'd been given the tool to do such a thing! The grin on his lips would quickly drop to a more serious expression, however, as the golden-armored King pulled forth his Gate once more. A short use of the Gate had given him a little knowledge as to its history--however, those weapons almost completely confirmed his suspicions. Neither of them should belong to this mysterious man--both of them had completely different owners! Therefore, they must not be from their respective times. They'd be... the originals. The originals, huh? A low smirk crossed the man's lips as he suddenly took up a more defensive stance--the Ketsu no Temono, or 'Iron Beast' stance. His feet planted at either side of his body and his centre of gravity lowered as much as possible, Daigoro Ito held out two arms and prepared himself. A quick count of the weapons showed as many as a thousand--so he would need all of his concentration to come up against this assault. Closing his eyes, the man drew in a long and deep breath, stilling himself completely. "Entrust myself... to the Iron Beast's control..."


The nanosecond that his eyes opened up and revealed determined red orbs, the assault of the Golden King would begin. Raising his arms up, Dai waited for the first weapon to collide with his body, making sure that he was completely anchored down when he did so. From this spot, he would not move a single inch. He would take and parry every single attack that the King threw at him! Suddenly, the first attack collided with overwhelming force--a halberd with a long tail. Metallic sounds clanged in his ears and he reached forth and pulled another one out of the air! Throwing forth the weapon in a swing with all of his might, three or four weapons were pushed out of the way--the ensuing domino effect knocking a few more. The next one collided, this time a Chinese dadao sword of seemingly no worth. There was no time to speak--he could only react and activate, before doing it again. With the halberd gone, the dadao was swung once more, again parrying a multitude of the weapons. Normally, Daigoro's strength would give him no pass over these weapons. However, the speed at which they were travelling gave them an overwhelming amount of kinetic energy to work with--the moment the weapons were forged, he carried them at the same speed as Gilgamesh had flung them, meaning that he could put their momentum to use as a defensive maneuver. However, this didn't always mean he was successful. Multiple weapons pierced his flesh, causing him to scream out in pain as his vision occasionally broke into white for a half-millisecond. However, the pain would throb away after a moment and return to adrenaline, giving the already-energetic warrior further cause to attack. However, he wouldn't last much longer at this rate. For every five weapons that he smashed out of his way, another five took their place. If Gilgamesh wasn't just flinging them forwards, he would be at a loss.

Nine hundred weapons had passed him by, Dai having a good thirty or forty entrapped within his form. They reached the final amount, and it was then that Dai finally dropped his defensive stance--knowing that all there was left was Gilgamesh. Three slots were filled--the Gate of Babylon was his to use once more--there were those that were still stuck in his body, the final sacrifice. Sighing softly, the man got to his feet and began to pull the weapons out one at a time, gritting his teeth with each clang of a weapon hitting asphalt. Blood spilled outwards and Dai felt himself getting somewhat light-headed. He had plenty of energy left, that was for sure. However, if Gilgamesh were to hit him with another barrage like that? It was unlikely that he'd be standing for much longer. It wasn't the amount of weapons, but the amount of energy he had to expend deflecting as many as he did. Had he not done that, however, he would have been completely dominated and destroyed by the numerous weapons that were equal to that of a ferocious bombing attack. Looking around at the destroyed ground, the man could only make a soft sigh--the blood, hair and eyes all matching in their deep red hues. "I admit it. You're good. Though I've worked a few things out, having used your ability and seeing exactly what it is you're capable of. See, I used to be told stories," The man took a single step forwards, "Stories about a being that had all the original treasures of the world. And each of them were locked away for his own personal use. Not just gold and jewels, but weapons. Weapons lined the very corners of the Treasury. I see it now, and I finally know your identity. My only real reason for fighting you was to find out who you were, but I see now that you won't end this peacefully, Gilgame--" One more step was taken forwards, but that was when it hit him. Literally.

"Wh-what..." Sticking out of his chest, directly where his heart should be... was a long, spear-like weapon. The shaft sat out approximately five feet from his chest--a normal spear's length, sure. But it wasn't the length that intrigued him. The blueness of the handle, the long string hanging from the blade, the tri-bladed tip... that was... it could... "Gung..." Coughing slightly, Daigoro fell to one knee. The blade... it had pierced his chest, almost reaching his heart. From the looks of things, that had been its target all along, though Daigoro had not seen it coming. No, he could not have seen it coming. He would have never seen something coming that had never come straight for him in the first place. Slots changed and moved, and he was given that singular option. Sighing once more, he grit his teeth at the pain and reached both hands onto the deeply-driven spear, gripping the shaft as tightly as he possibly could in the position that he was in. Slowly pulling outwards, he started the long trek through his flesh, crying out with each passing millisecond of pain. Normally he would be able to resist such a wound, but the consistency of the pain was getting to be too much for the male. However, it finally gave way, dropping onto the ground while Dai stood up himself, breathing out and letting his constricted chest return to normal. "F-fu..." Slowly twisting his neck around to loosen it up, he took another look over at Gilgamesh--the man he expected to be in quite the shocked state right now. "Gungnir, right? The primeval spear that directs itself straight for the heart? I'm impressed." Suddenly turning his foot into a new position, both arms were raised out to Dai's sides. The metallic noises clanged and crashed in his ears, and a spear materialized itself in his right hand. However, in his left hand? As a bright light shone forth, Daigoro pulled his right arm back and threw the spear with his fullest strength, guiding it straight for the heart of his opponent. He knew that there would be a counter for that. He just needed the time to prepare this.

The light that shone in his left hand quickly materialized into the shape of a sword, with silver and blue as its colors. The long sword emanated something completely new and alien, however; the feeling of the world, flowing and changing around Daigoro, was all too familiar. "Summoned. Excalibur Gallatine. I present to you one of the very few weapons that I truly own." Grinning softly, the man suddenly rushed forwards, going behind the wake of Gungnir at a speed of his own--it was almost dangerous to travel like this, however he would be able to endure a lot more until he finally fell--one more powerful attack from him, though, and Nise Kokubo may possibly fade away. That was alright, though. He was almost ready to end this fight on a good note--even if he lost, it would be ending on a good note. The world would finally be rid of a beast. Pushing off of the ground, the man would rush straight towards Gilgamesh with a beast-like look in his eyes. His first attack would be a swipe at the man's chest. If that were to be blocked, he would turn around and swipe for the legs--however if it were to hit, he would leap up and over, going for an attack from the rear. Whatever he could do now, he needed to take that armor down as much as possible. "Come at me, King of Heroes! Let's see just how many tricks you have at your disposal!"

Last edited by Dai on Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:42 am

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"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

The ancient king who had always asserted dominion over his opponents, forcing them to see the folly of their errors and foolish attempts to face him, that primeval man was being pushed against the ropes. To look upon such a sight, one would probably deem this as a joke, a farce created to humor a cruel god. However, this situation was unmistakably real. The King of Heroes, who was once so confident at the outset of this battle, had now begun to grow tired of this insolent foo. How dare he shame him so! Leave nothing left! Destroy his body and make that cocksure smirk disappear from his face!

These were three of many thoughts going through the Mad King’s head as he attempted desperately to bring this impregnable wall down. He was no normal opponent. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call him a monster. After all, no human opponent would’ve been able to survive assaults that could leave an entire city in debris. The ultimate defense was now asserting dominance over the ultimate offense, and the mystical King could hardly wrap his mind around the phenomenon that is occurring before him. The battle had amused him earlier, solely because he knew that while he was a mighty opponent, he certainly didn’t possess the power to defeat the almighty King of Heroes, a god of war that could end a war in a single day. So, how? How was it that this powerful King of Kings was the one against the ropes? No one could say for sure. On another note, it was lucid to perceive that this king would take no further insult to his ego.

No matter what, he would make this fool pay with his blood. And yet, once again his attacks did not cause the fatal damage that he had intended. Caladbolg and his flock of weapons had been deflected, while his divine treasures didn’t hit their target as he had so intended. What was worse, the legendary spear of the norse god Odin that he surmised would’ve spelt about end did not even kill the man. That was impossible! Indeed, it was. After all, what opponent could successfully brush off a spear to the heart and talk with as much confidence as this Daigoro ito? Shock grew in tandem with rage, and the mighty king could barely keep himself from screaming out in anger. However, he couldn’t allow himself to be completely lost within rage. Even if the battle defies your expectations, you must never allow yourself to get muddled within despair. The platinum wall may have stolen the initiative, but Gilgamesh would secure victory.

Erecting a defensive shield made of titanium to deflect gungrir, the powerful spear was deflected, hitting the ground with a powerful explosive blast. And there, he saw once again the mighty wall trying to bring him down. Drawing a sword from ‘Gate of Babyon’ he prepared himself to meet the warrior head on. Much like the sword in Daigoro’s hand, Gilgamesh also possessed a holy sword within his possession, the prototype of Caliburn, Gram. The sword shined with a beautiful light, and Gilgamesh met the Iron wall’s sword with his, successfully countering each blow he attempted to bear against him. Yes, Gilgamesh was definitely not a swordsman. However, he wasn’t a complete novice. He possessed an adept knowledge of how to swing, cut, and even fatally injure an opponent with a blade. Thankfully, his opponent was not a master swordsman or he wouldn’t have been so successful in this maneuver. Even so, how would he wrest victory from the hands of this wall…?

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Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:23 am


The King of Heroes was no easy foe; he had proven that time and time again. In fact, it was becoming severely obvious that Daigoro may not be able to win this after all--sure, he had the man on the ropes. Unfortunately, he was fighting heavily against someone with powers that he had little-to-no understanding of, who could pull something new out of the bag soon enough. Sure, he was an amazingly powerful defense, but it still didn't mean anything if this man had something to fight back with. The spear was blocked, and Gilgamesh drew his own weapon from the Gate--another holy-looking sword. Not knowing the identity of that obviously old and powerful weapon, the man pressed forwards, aiming to take down Gilgamesh no matter what. Upon performing his attacks, Dai was a little surprised--the King of Heroes was a half-decent swordsman. In fact, he felt that they were on par in terms of swordsmanship; almost perfect equals in technique. Both of them were somewhat trained, and although Daigoro was used to shorter-bladed weapons such as his Zanpakutō, the two-handed longsword that was Excalibur Gallatine was something that he had trained with, time and time again.

Unlike Gram, which shined with a powerful and holy light--one would almost call it a glow that surpassed the sun itself--Excalibur Gallatine was far different. The glow was the same, branching from the sword's origins of sunlight, but instead it glowed as if it where shining a light from the moon. With each clash, the mixture of golden and white lights sprayed out from between the two, Daigoro's attacks getting further and further aggressive as he continued forwards, aiming to push the King of Heroes back with overwhelming force. "Haaaaah!" Suddenly, the man swung it downwards in an overhead swing, letting loose a large blast of heat and light energy that completely missed its intended target, streaming past and colliding with a nearby building. The cement-work crumbled and fell, the building itself collapsing. Although not nearly as powerful as its originator--a sword that Daigoro was yet to find or understand (in due time, things happen)--the concept of "flow" that existed within the weapon made it very powerful for quick build-up in hand-to-hand combat. Unfortunately, because he was unable to let up his attacks against Gilgamesh, the man could not actually stop and aim the energy attack properly. So, instead, he would rely on knocking Gilgamesh backwards until he truly got him to his knees--though this was certainly not his strong point, he would do his best.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard!" Each swing would push the King back, the beast-like expression in Daigoro's eyes belying his usual calm. However, the final strike that connected would suddenly be caught, and both Daigoro and Gilgamesh would suddenly find themselves locked up in a weapon-lock, the two swords sparking with the push. If Daigoro stepped back to escape this lock, then Gilgamesh would be able to take an attack of opportunity, quite possibly being able to send Dai packing back into the defensive--he would lose his own advantage and momentum, and likely then be sent into the final stages of his fight as a loser. Although his opposition's face did not fully show it, there appeared to be nothing but great anger in those eyes. That sort of anger could only be remedied by total destruction--Dai needed to make sure that he didn't let that happen. "I won't..." Suddenly, his mind stopped. Gilgamesh's face froze in front of him, and Dai was pushed into the recesses of his own thoughts, images flashing before him in less than a second, even though they took far longer to visualize.

Images of people he had loved, people he had cared about. People from the lives he had once lived. People who'd died because of him. People he'd betrayed. Wasn't that why he fought Gilgamesh? It was simple enough to run away from someone who obviously had such strength to him, but there was something else. It was as if, from the outset, Daigoro Ito knew that he would have no chance against this man. His mind had told him that, and so he went into battle in order to sacrifice his own life. He would die in the glory of fire and flames, and nothing would come to save him. Daigoro Ito would be no more. A story, lost to the winds. Nobody would care. The Gotei would no longer have to care. The Kokuryuteshi would no longer have to care. A simple Rogue, vanquished, disappearing, just like that. But then, he started to get stronger. He started to overpower Gilgamesh, to the best of his ability. Why should he fall over and die now? Why not... just have more power? No, that wasn't right. He already had all the power he needed, right here. Why couldn't he just use it?! Maybe it's because he's scared. The FeralMind. It could take over. That was right. So why not just...

And suddenly, the man's eyes turned a deep golden-jewel color, the pupils dilating and changing into something too beautiful to simply be called 'eyes'. No, these weren't eyes. They were precious gems, stuck into the sockets of an ancient statue. For some reason, his eyes completely reformed--changing into something that he himself didn't quite understand. They were eyes, sure. However, they were also something else. Totally condensed energy. Pure and crystallized... energy. The swords locked, and Daigoro stared at Gilgamesh, a smile lining his lips. Their eyes met--and that was it. Suddenly, Daigoro Ito locked into Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. Their swords continued to push against each others' own weapon, yet nothing was happening. It was as if an unstoppable force had met an immovable object. They just stopped. Nothing was happening. Yet something else was. Although it was slow, Gilgamesh would start to feel his body increase in weight, nor would he be able to look away from those immensely beautiful things known as "eyes". A smirk lined Dai's lips. This was new.

"Mystic Eyes of Petrification; Cybele. Active."

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Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:33 am

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"Fool. The only hero in Heaven and Earth who is a real king is me. The rest are a collection of mongrels."

Taken aback, Gilgamesh weathered the assault of Daigoro with all the skill he could produce. Though it is a fact that has already been set in stone, this man was not adept in the way of the blade. Most swordsmen of true talent would’ve easily deflected Dai’s relentless, yet uncontrolled barrage. Each wild strike would’ve been an exploit for them to attack vitals, completely destroying the crimson haired defender’s attacks. Gilgamesh could barely contain the power emitting from this warrior right now. His pride was continuously being ground out into dust by this pathetic warrior who should’ve died by now. The emotions boiling within his heart are starting to erupt into a flow of blazing magma. He could no longer book this disdain upon his honor, upon his superlative ego. Unexpectedly and most likely – unintentionally, Daigoro ito had pushed the Hero King to the point of no return. He was past the breaking point, a critical signal that only a bloodbath would satisfy the mad king. Both Gallatine and Gram finally crossed paths, their tips locked within a blade lock. The swords did not move as each tried to push against the other in order to gain supremacy over the opposing enemy. Indeed, Gilgamesh wanted nothing more than to decapitate this man and keep his head as a prize. And once again, this unusual defender sprung an effective trap. He stared into the burning eyes of crimson, holding his gaze with a benevolent expression, one unfitting of an opponent fighting for his life. However, as the crimson haired fighter continued to pour this gaze into the golden warrior, the effects of that beautiful stare were becoming more prominent as time continued to flow.

Gilgamesh’s body started to feel heavy, as though an entire boulder had been placed upon his back, as though gravity was betraying him through some unforeseen manner. The King of Heroes eyes shot open in sudden clarity. Once, it is told, there was a legend that existed in Greek mythology. There was a woman of surpassing beauty who had existed in the age of gods, one who entranced even the gods themselves. This fair maiden received the curse of a jealous goddess who turned her into a monstrosity. From thereon, any person who dared to take a glance upon her face would be turned to stone in an instant. That woman’s name was Medusa.He had assumed that such a tale was only mere myth, yet he could not deny the reality staring him straight in the face. Even faced with such a gaze, the King successfully found enough willpower to carry his body forward to head-butt Dai directly on his noggin, breaking free from the ever enchanting control as he leaped back to a distance of 100 meters, far away from Dai to touch him. His faces, kept in that same terrorizing scowl, were still filled with enough anger to destroy a planet in one fell swoop. “You’ve angered me long enough, you dirty animal. I will no longer allow you to dirty me with your unskillful, wretched ways of combat. Though it shames me to use my ultimate weapon…. Allow me to show you the truth of creation. The way it existed before Heaven and earth became distinct worlds.”

With those ominous words, a keys word appeared within his left hand. If Dai’s intention was to charge towards him, then the distance he would have to close would be perilous. With that being said, was it even possible to reach him? Raising the key sword into the air, he unlocked the vault from thin air. However, ‘Gate of Babylon’ was not what he had deployed. Rather, what came from this vault was a single sword. Could it really be called a sword? The weapon was far too abnormal a shape to be called a sword. How could something crafted by the hands of a god that existed before a sword, possibly be considered such? Yes, this was no longer a sword. It was the harbinger of destruction, the sword of beginning that split heaven and earth. Its name was….Ea. It was the actualization of a god’s work, a weapon crafted with materials not of this world. The alien existence of this weapon was on an entirely different level beyond measurement. In fact, even the area itself seemed to tremble at the sight of this god sword. With a small grin, almost sadistic, on Gilgamesh’s face, he directed the sword towards his opponent.

In that moment, in which all flows seemed to come to a halt, the three quern-like cylinders, acting in concert with the movement of the Heavens, revolved as each creaked with a weight and power equivalent to tectonic movement. The enormous amount of seething and overflowing Reaitsu was beyond measurement. The sword of dislocation roared with tempestuous winds, with each wave crashing against the already run-down buildings. The powerful wind surge alone started turning all around them into nothing more than mere rubble. Each segment continued to rotate, gaining speed, and consuming the wind around them. The wind was swallowed, compressed, and wind pressure was accelerated until a crimson amalgamation of light, storm, and wind appeared around the King of Heroes most treasured sword. This crushing torrent of storm and light became an artificial space-time dislocation capable of destroying all opposition. Armies? Empires? Such things were but mere trivialities before the tumult of genesis. “Now look up to, Enuma…Elish!” With one swing of his arm over his head, the torrent of absolute doom was released, coming towards Dai in a flash. The most appropriate way to deal with such an object of destruction would be to dodge, no? However, even if that was his plan….what this sword cut down could not simply be contained to the enemy. If the King of Heroes was truly serious, even the entire planet earth would be swallowed up within the star of destruction….

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Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:16 am

Daigoro Ito
Mood: Excited
Song: あかいくつ偽
Artist: Umineko OST

The battle lingered on, the pair holding sword against sword as they stood, locked together in this deadly dance. However, Daigoro felt that his entire body was taking the advantage of this fight; the male trying his hardest to bring this haughty and arrogant bastard of a king down to his knees. Their stares lingered on for a long while, Dai knowing that he was starting to take control. However, this moment was shattered when he felt Gilgamesh's head collide with his. How... how had he destroyed the control? In the brief seconds of knowing exactly what his eyes were, he had started to understand. Those years ago, in the Age of Gods, there had been a being which held the same eyes--eyes that had the ability to turn others to Stone. Of course, they weren't the exact same eyes, but the principle was in there. However, he had been headbutted. Normally, this wouldn't affect someone like Daigoro Ito--a mere headbutt was nothing in the great scale of things. However, he had been concentrating so hard on Gilgamesh's eyes, that this had taken him by shock and surprise, staggering backwards as their swords parted and Daigoro's eyes faded back to their usual red. He quickly brought his weapon out to his side, dissipating it into thin air and slowly letting himself breathe out. And, as quickly has he had gained an advantage, he had lost it. How many times was that now? In every attack he had made, Gilgamesh had found some way to recover--this was one of many. He felt his breathing get heavier, so he closed his eyes and lowered his head in order to calm himself further.

"You’ve angered me long enough, you dirty animal." Nice comparison there. Not too far off, either. Raising his face up to watch Gilgamesh at the distance that stood between them, the man saw how far away he was. Why so far? What was the point of being at that distance away? Various scenarios began to run throughout the foggy thoughts of his mind. "I will no longer allow you to dirty me with your unskillful, wretched ways of combat. Though it shames me to use my ultimate weapon…" That explained it quite well. Watching Gilgamesh now, Dai understood exactly what was about to happen. The reason he had taken back up such a distance. This attack, this impending feeling of doom... "Allow me to show you the truth of creation. The way it existed before Heaven and earth became distinct worlds."

His entire body stiffened. A key was produced in Gilgamesh's hand, though Dai knew that it would not be the end of this. A door was opened into another realm, and at that point it was materialized. An ominous aura fell over the entire battlefield that spread out between them. A feeling that, despite Dai's own absolute nature, would cause him to shrink back slightly. Although he had felt scared throughout this entire battle, this was the first time he had felt truly frightened. Lost. It was as if everything he knew was about to come collapsing in on him. That weapon meant death, to whomever fell before it. The weapon itself was strangely shaped, as if it were cylindrical--close to conical--there was no way that it could even consider possibly cutting things. The colors and lines upon it were strange, to say the least, all of them seeming completely foreign to someone such as Daigoro Ito. It was foreign to him, because it was never a part of his "world". In fact, it was, in no way, anything to do with his "world". It came from a different "world", one that humans or anything stemming from them could consider comprehending. Would it have a name in a tongue that he could pronounce? Should his eyes even be allowed to gaze upon such an artifact? He almost wanted to close his eyes, let death wash over him... But instead, he would not. He would stand. He would do as he always did, remaining in the most absolute of positions and forever defying death's touch!

And then, everything would stop. The cylinders on the weapon began to spin, Daigoro intently watching with an eagle-like expression. From here on, it would be all or nothing. Standing stock-still and holding up one hand, the male exhaled a long breath, before dropping the hand back down. He had not expected anything to come of that, save for a finalized calming of his mind. He breathed in and out once more, whispering quiet words to himself. "Anchor." Long tendrils of reishi spread themselves down and throughout the earth itself, holding him in place. Tempestuous winds spread outwards and at a distance, each wind crashing against Daigoro's body and pushing him back slightly, yet he would not move from his standing position. As the winds and power began to grow, he closed his eyes, opened his mouth and spoke internalized words that nobody but he would be able to hear. "My name is Daigoro Ito. I am a being who has caused conflict, hatred and bloodshed; all for the sake of my morals. I have caused people to hate me, and I no longer have anyone who loves me," A loud burst of energy roaring interrupted his thoughts for half a second, though he continued onwards. "This is where my path has led me, and I have no regrets any longer."

"Now look up to, Enuma…Elish!"

His eyes whipped open and his hand was instantly raised into the air.

"I will survive, no matter what it takes!"


There. At that point in time, he felt it collide with his body, and everything stopped. Everything ate away at him, trying to pull away his flesh and blood, to bring it back into the nothingness of the world and destroy him completely. This pain he felt was the pain of destruction, yet he also felt a warmth of creation existing at the same time. The power that split the heaven and earth was ravaging his body, trying to pull it into itself. 'It's okay. Allow yourself to die.' Nothing could be heard through the tumult of energies trying to rip at his body, yet his eyes would remain open, fixed upon the being known as Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. He had begun this fight simply to find out his name and his purpose. He would finish this fight to prove his dominance. He would show him that he was not just some peasant! He had a purpose to fulfill! He was not just some being that stood on the sidelines and died when he was told to! No, he was someone with a life to live! As the energies tried to rip away at him, his mind filled itself with thoughts that continued to bolster him as he stood. My name is Daigoro Ito.

"And I am ABSOLUTE!" It disappeared. Finally ending, the attack spread itself away from Daigoro's body, the male standing there with smoke rising up from his figure. The attack from Gilgamesh had, without his knowledge, sent him sliding back about thirty metres. His eyes that were open, were now closed. He remained in his standing position, hand out to the front, powerful and strong. The clothing on his back hand been ripped to shreds from the waist up, the large seal on his chest from where he had taken in the being that made up his Sin prevalent. He could be dead. It seemed that way. For several seconds, Daigoro Ito didn't move, blood streaming down his body. If he was dead, he would fall. He would drop. However, that's not what happened. Breathing that was previously soft was now increasing in rate, his chest rising and falling. His heart pumped blood through his body, and he felt pain. Pain of which he'd never felt before. All of these signs... Daigoro Ito was alive. He had survived. And then, the knowledge hit him.

"Slots locked."

No. No. No. No. No. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. The metallic sounds in his head began to stream outwards through his ears, but it was as if his entire body was groaning and moving in protest. "Begin Transfer." He shuddered slightly, but felt the energy flowing throughout, moving into his right hand as if nothing was wrong. However, something was. --This is not of this world. Forget it. Put it away. Something in his mind was telling him that this was wrong, but Daigoro Ito threw those worries into a world where he would not have to deal with them. He already knew that this was not of this world. Taking a single step forwards, he knew exactly what was going to happen, exactly what he was going to be able to do. "Memory taken." Reciting the chant as if it were something he had--No. Wrong. Bad.--known all of his life, he continued to let the foreign energies flow throughout his body. There was something off about this power, but he would let it continue nevertheless. "Activate creation." In his right hand an energy glowed, and he suddenly pushed outwards into a run. It was lightly that Gilgamesh was still in shock that he had survived such an attack. Die. You will Die. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE. He shook off those thoughts. He had survived it. He had the right to wield it, no matter what his body thought. "Understanding gained. SHOW TRUTH!"

THIS IS IT. NOTHING LEFT. DEATH AWAITS. DIE DIE DIE. J̣̪͈̤̥̩̼̩͐̂͋ͯ̿ͣͅU͊͌͏͍̭̰̩ͅS̢͉͙̖̞̣ͧ̋̿̃́͞T̸͖̯̙͚ͦ̏̈́̇̋̅̎͝ ̢̥̊̽ͯͮ͢͠D̼͙̰ͭͧͧ̏̓̾ͬ͢͞Ḭ̤̯̩̣͇̃̿̚͜E̛͙̯̅̑ͦ̌̅͞ ̧͖̰̣̙̖͖͈̉ͭͫͧͥA͛̋͏̮͈̹̀L̶̵͖̦͇̜ͫ͆̌̃̽ͮŖ̟͕̬̤̙̤͔̋ͬ̉͋͒͛ͨͫ̾E̙͇̳̱ͭ́̔̋̉Ą͖͍̲̭̣̮̝ͤͨ̏ͫ̇͌̋ͅḐ͓̯̑̅͢Y̵͚̬͓̳̳͎ͣ͊ͫ͢.͎̗̺͎̮̪̮̺̔̑̒ͣ

No. He would not. Suddenly, it materialized in his right hand, and he was filled with the knowledge that it imparted upon him. In moments like this, Daigoro Ito came to understand a lot more about himself than he had ever done over the years. His ability... it was like this for a reason. When he was attacked, when he survived, he didn't just copy the attack. For a short time, a displacement was made in the world where Daigoro Ito owned the weapon that he was attacked with. This gave him knowledge and understanding beyond just that of a mimicker. It was at this time that his previous fears about the weapon in his hand disappeared. Just its presence caused the shirtless being to stare for a second or so at its majesty. It was crafted of materials that didn't belong in his plane of existence, yet it also seemed to have the ability to exist in this world at the same time. Stopping at about seventy-five metres away from Gilgamesh, the man raised his arm up into the air and closed his eyes for a brief second, letting air enter his lungs. "Spin." At the moment of speaking that singular word, the tumult was created, Daigoro raising his gaze up to meet with that of Gilgamesh. This would be putting the fear of God into him right now, he was sure. The very essence of this aura: Dai wondered if it weren't something suited to scaring the enemy into accepting death. His lips twisted into a soft smirk.

"What is it you said? 'Truth of Creation'? I wonder how it feels, being split apart and recreated into something completely new." Suddenly, his entire body lunged forwards, the right arm holding the weapon pointing out in front of him with a push. "Enuma... Elish!" Speaking those words, the man could only feel power, dominance. Was this... what it was like? A charge of energy spread forwards, this power only looking to destroy and recreate. Having both used and experienced it, Dai had to wonder if he now knew more about it than Gilgamesh. He was certain he didn't, but it was interesting to think upon. The blast continued onwards for a few more seconds, before the weapon dissipated and the sudden thoughts entered his mind again. Bad. Bad. Gone. End... Falling quickly to his knees, Dai's entire body spasmed, the contents of his stomach emptied onto the ground in a beige mess from his mouth. "Haah... haah..." He felt his energies dissipate, his Zanpakutō reforming on his hip. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, slowly waiting for enough energy to get to his feet...

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Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:36 am

Song: Mass Rapture - Artist: Diablo Swing Orchestra - Word Count: 4027]

Reality… Truly was a cruel god in disguise. As it has been written before by the poets and trailblazers of days past, fate does not conform to the expectations of men. Riddled with surprises and mystery at every corner, the world that we know can be crushed by a cause so unlikely that the reality standing before us individuals seems like a terrible joke. Perhaps everything happened by coincidence, causes that could be brushed aside as bad luck. Perhaps one could deem that such coincidences were a sign of a bad omen, signaling a dangerous time in their life. Each demise, each calamity brought about by fate…. When you write it off as a falsity among a pool of lies, reality is easy to deny. As human beings, it is in our nature to create a false world to hide from the pain and horror of the real world.

However, for the King of Heroes, such a privilege could not be granted to him. No matter how hard he tried to deny HIS reality, the surging tornado charging towards him at extreme velocity felt undeniably real. Of course, this begged the question – how? How was it that his ultimate attack of sure kill failed to eradicate Daigoro Ito? How was it that he was able to replicate a weapon beyond the ken of mortal man? How could it be that now—now he was on the end of his own Enuma Elish? However hard he tried to wrap his head around it, this reality was simply too laughable to believe. The King of Heroes, slayer of the mighty, ruler of all in creation, was being consumed by the tumult of genesis that he himself created moments ago. “Ha…ha…ha…” And so he laughed. “Hahahahahahahahaha…. “Nothing more came from his lips but a laugh of complete irony.

And then, it happened. He was consumed by his own calamitous tempest of destruction. Ah… so this was how it felt to be struck by his ultimate strike? As the tumult tore his armor asunder, Gilgamesh idly wondered if this was where he was to meet his death. However, that was one reality he was going to deny, for if he did not, then the embrace of death would be welcoming him ever so soon. Fortunately, against all odds, he survived his blast as Dai did but only through a stroke of luck that the cruel deity known as fate felt the need to bless him with. As the tempest dissipated, Gilgamesh stepped through the smoke, revealing his damaged form. Though his armor had not been shattered completely, the center where the abdomen should be is riddled with cracks.

The pauldrons mounted upon his shoulders looked as though they had been cut through by searing flames. His face, though still handsome, had a small cut across his right cheek. His hair, wet with his own blood, was no longer spiky but sodden, hanging low around his ears and dripping red. Comparatively speaking, Gilgamesh’s wounds were not as Dire as Dai’s – who had took the full brunt of Enuma Elish. His body, though greatly damaged, was still standing and with the snap of a finger, he could release another barrage of his divine treasures, however…. The King of Heroes simply withdrew Ea, placing the weapon back within his vast treasury. His anger, which had grown to something even the most domineering man would run away in fear of, had all but disappeared.

Guided by more honor than anger, Gilgamesh walked towards Dai, the red haired warrior still strong in spirit despite his exhaustion and pristine wounds. With his right hand, he grabbed Dai’s arm and pulled the man upwards from his knees, so he could stand face to face with the Hero King. Crimson eyes locked with crimson eyes, and the king decided to speak to break the silence. “Never in my wildest imagination would I have imagined that any warrior could wound me this much. Stand tall, Daigoro. For a man who was able to damage the great king to such an extent, I will not allow you to lay prostrate before me. Though I felt you were unworthy of knowing my name at the outset, you have earned the right to know my true identity. I am Gilgamesh, the ancient demigod who ruled over Uruk in ancient Mesopotamian times.” Gilgamesh had revealed his identity, and was undoubtedly curious to see what his former foe’s reaction would be to the revelation.

The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Goo


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The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall - Page 2 Empty Re: The King of Heroes vs The Platinum Wall

Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:51 am

Slowly, as the light began to stream through the passing smoke, would Daigoro Ito's eyes open, gazing down upon the broken and smashed earth. The red orbs took in their meagre surroundings, though he did not raise his head from that position. The time had come--he would most likely lose his life here. A single drop of liquid that had come from the deepest recesses of his eye--a tear, as they would call it--dropped to the ground, creating the only quiet noise in the silence of the long-dead battleground. One could never truly understand the whims of Gods and Men, never truly seeing what existed right before their eyes--if they were to try, what would occur? Would they fail in their task; simply allowing for death to bring them to eternal sleep? Or would they resist, fight for their life... steal victory from the grasp of defeat...? Swallowing back the bile that lingered in his throat, the man's thoughts began to go back--many years, in fact.

"...Kan...zaki?" Why now, he had to wonder. The youth stepped through the streets, looking around for the soft features of the woman. It had been not too long since those beasts had brushed him aside quickly. He noticed Moui-sensei, quickly moving up to him and asking if he'd seen Kanzaki at any point. Directed to the centre of town, Daigoro wandered through the streets until he came out into an opening... to see something he had never expected, nor wanted to ever see. Locked in silent argument with a man on the back of a horse, he noticed his love standing there, anger in her eyes. He didn't know what she was talking about--he could've easily approached and tried to see. However, he didn't--his hair and eyes would be likely to get him attacked by the Bandit--superstitious lot, they were. He should've done something differently, but he simply watched as she was picked up, carried away...

A hand on his shoulder shook him out of his reminiscent stupor, and he was pulled up to his feet by something that had no business touching him right now. Red carefully met red, defiant as they still were. Despite the nature of his injuries, Daigoro's eyes would still speak droves--"I will not let you defeat me. I will stand strong."--but the Hero King didn't try to attack. A soft wind casually brushed Dai's hair with its cool fingers, and Dai recognized the expression on Gilgamesh's face--it was not anger. "Never in my wildest imagination would I have imagined that any warrior could wound me this much." He did not speak in reply. It was not his time to do so. "Stand tall, Daigoro. For a man who was able to damage the great king to such an extent, I will not allow you to lay prostrate before me." He growled--Daigoro wasn't growling for the sake of Gilgamesh's words, but for the sake of his own pain--it was far more than he had ever had, and it was taking a lot just to ignore it, "Though I felt you were unworthy of knowing my name at the outset, you have earned the right to know my true identity. I am Gilgamesh, the ancient demigod who ruled over Uruk in ancient Mesopotamian times."

Even through his hazy pains, a sarcastic 'knew it' flickered in his mind, though barely for a second. Although he had not been able to confirm it, the greatest clue that he had been given was Gilgamesh's weapon, Ea. A weapon like that couldn't be wielded by mere men--his existence had almost rejected itself with that singular use. The stories retold themselves to him, over and over again. Moving himself out of the King's grip, Dai stumbled backwards and grunted, shaking his head as if to reject the pain itself. "Tch. Call it... a draw?" Even though Daigoro had caused the injuries that he had done to Gilgamesh, he could never call it a true victory. Looking at his body, he noticed the sheer amount of cuts, scrapes and blood covering his form. This would take a while to heal, undoubtedly. Breathing out (though it hurt to do so), the Platinum wall finally stood straight up, feigning calmness, "I... hrng... I see. A true Demigod. Never thought... I'd be fighting one so soon." He laughed softly, as if it were amusing to him. "Sorry... if I don't seem to be as excited as you'd hope." A soft chuckle, and Dai turned away, "I do hope we can meet again soon... on... how do I put it... better terms?" His laugh continued as he placed his hand out in front of him, making a few touches in midair, before a gate opened itself up in front of him. "Thanks for the fight, Gilgamesh... you certainly gave me the feeling of wanting to live once more..." Disappearing into the breach, the gate would close behind the Red Wall of Platinum....


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