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The Transmutation Empty The Transmutation

Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:34 pm
The age of Alchemy has begun. With the change in lifestyles and whatnot, certain Quincy's have contracted a disease. This disease takes the form of an absolute change in their genetic structure. They still look the same, and have most of the same functions and properties. Unlike regular people (be they quincy, arrancar, shinigami, hollow, vaizard, etc) the Alchemist's have a special gland located on the tips of their fingers. From this gland they secrete a substance that is similar to Reiatsu in liquid form. This liquid is still known as Reiatsu, it merely provides a different function. By activating it using certain other chemicals or substances, such as Chalk, leaves, water, fire, etc, one can provide certain attributes or properties to other materials, similar to copy and paste on a computer. It has been discovered that now, all Quincy (be they born after or before the disease does not matter) have the ability to become a Null. They can perform a ritual with any Null and gain the ability to use their techniques at any time.

Also, these Alchemist's can enchant things, such as a sword to become engulfed in flame, etc. These enchantments can come in just about any form, however the more powerful or permanent ones require much more control of this special Reiatsu, and level or purity. That's another thing. The liquid can come in three forms. Crude, which is what most produce when they are first learning. Crude is roughly 1/6th the power of the highest form. The second form is Moderate, which comes at 1/3rd the power. Moderate is what most use. Than there is Pure. Pure is the highest it can get, and you only need a fraction what you would normally need. The Purest Reiatsu-juice burns on contact with physical flesh.

The disease, dubbed "The Transmutation" has spread over the remaining quincy's, changing them. Most have rejected the disease, and retained their originality. They fought it with every fiber of their being and won. They remain normal. The changed, the Transmuted, on the other hand, are rising. They can infect others, as well. The others can only be humans, though. If a Transmuted Quincy, or Null decides it, they can take a Human in as an apprentice Alchemist, and train them. The Null live free, and none have an organization. They join whatever organization they feel like, and are free agents. Perhaps one day they will band together, but not one day soon (hopefully). The Null do have one similarity with the original quincy, however. Like the Quincy, they have a spiritual weapon or tool they can form using their Reiatsu. This tool takes anyform they wish, and a few upgrades can be done to it using their Alchemy.

These tools or weapons must have a physical base, however. Like the quincy bow's, the physical base can be a necklace, however, it could also be a short piece of wood, the clothes being worn, a headband, etc. The Moon and Sun alchemic symbols must be on it somewhere to allow for the Reiatsu-juice to be used through it correctly. If not, it will explode and kill the user. Once branded with these symbols, however, they are permanent.

Like Quincy's, the Null can take Reiatsu from the atmosphere around them and conver it into their Reiatsu juice. The time it takes differs between the Null, but it is usually instant or near-instant. Also, every tool a regular quincy uses can be used by a Null. The Null also have their own set of unique spells and seals they can use quickly if need be. Some of these are transmutation, while others are enhancements and explosives.

The disease was different. Unlike shortening the lifespans of the infected, it actually causes immortality. By regulating the reiatsu that a quincy takes in normally, small bits are taken from it and are used to regenerate cells at a level unlike anything before. It is very similar to how an arrancar uses increased regeneration. They can still die, of course, but they retain the same physical image (at least, until they learn to control it and can allow themselves to age slightly) and live "forever".

Last edited by Urufu on Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Transmutation Empty Re: The Transmutation

Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:43 pm
The Practices of Alchemy

While the Null race are very unique and mostly alone operating individuals, they all use a basic line of abilities as a basic. Costum alchemic talents are all based on these. Also a note: These are the basics ALL Null CAN learn, but don't have to learn to learn other techniques of the same disciplines. You don't have to be able to enchant something with fire to learn your custom enchantment that creates wind-cuts.

Brennender Stahl: A basic enchantment, the luqidified Reiatsu is used on a weapon made out of metal, or even bullets in a magazine by skilled users. Scorching hot flames engful the weapon, and a unskilled user can even burn himself. Though if used with care, the Null can withstand his own flames without taking damage.

Härtende Schicht: The first technique that is able to be used in permanent enchantments, this hardens the weapon up to a new level. Swords become sharper and harder to break, Quincy Weapons can withstand more energy before breaking, same to the weapons of a Null themselves. Without completely Pure class Reiatsu, however, the technique will run out eventually.

Instabile Ladung: A rather mean skill, this is the basic of all bomb-techniques. The used Reiatsu is made unstable, and will collapse after a time set by the Null. It can be used on all physical objects - better to throw away the black Kimono for a Shinigami than to be blown into pieces if it is used on them. The higher the class of the Null, the better he can set the timer and the explosion force is increased.

Zitteraal-Schicht: This coating of Reiatsu gives the weapon or object a shocking surprise. Giving of a constant current of electricity, this can be quite nasty, since it can cause numbness or even nerval damage in living things. This technique requires more control and is very difficult to be used to enchant something permanently.

Die Kunst der Transmutation: The ability most think of when hearing alchemy, this is the easiest to learn and hardest to master. A beginner in this discipline will be able to turn one atomic element into another one - for example, Oxygen into Copper, Copper into Iron, Iron into Helium. Even gold can be created this way, though it's hard to perform that task.
However, this is only the most basic transmutation. The spells for these are always: [german name for an element] werde [german name for an element]. To get the german names, use google translator. It's good enough for that.

Gestalt umwandeln: The second ability every transmuter can learn, this is the ability to reshape the crafted objects while they are still infused by the spirit particles used by the Null. With this, a iron plate becomes a dagger, or a copper piece a screw - the possibilities end where the imagination ends. However, complex reshapings take much energy, so use with caution.

Die hohe Kunst der Transmutation: The high transmutation is the ability to transform multiple elements at once. Once a Null grasps the basics of transmutation, this becomes easier to perform, but complex tasks can be very taxing on the body and soul. You won't be able to create or use anything, though.
Living matter can neither be used to craft something else, nor can it be crafted. If a Null uses the power to make Ground into Wood, the wood would be dead. Same goes to leather, or bones. They can be used to craft and can be crafted, but not be made alive. Transmutation cannot create life from scratch.
In practice, this technique functions like this: A normal transmutation could transform oxygen into iron, though this would take quite a big amount of energy (oxygen is hard to transmute). A high transmuter would now create the other elements needed, and would say: Sauerstoff werde Schwert! To create not only a chunk of metal in the form of a sword, but rather, a steel longsword with a leather handle, crossguard out of copper and a nice small crest from himself on the beginning of the blade. He uses Oxygen to first craft Iron, and then crafts the iron into all the other elements he needs, to finally create such a weapon. A complex transmutation requires more time and energy, of course. Still, transmutation is a rather fast skill.
Some uses would be: Create weapons out of the wall or ground, create magazines full of bullets for a gun, create even guns (complex constructions need more energy, remember that), battlestaffs - the possibilities are limited only by the Reiatsu. And the fact that nothing living can be transmuted.
Again, the spell is: [German Word] werde [German Word]. Use the google translator - or ask me if you just can't find the word. I'm german, after all.

How to add transmutation to your Application: As you can see, adding all the different transmutations you can loose can be quite tedious. If you feel like you can't be bothered to add them all... then, bad for you. You HAVE to write down every single transmutation your Null can perform.
However, you are allowed to make something like: Ground/Air/Wall/Stone becomes Sword. You don't have to list every single element you can transform into something specific in seperate points of your app. This is also for the thing that comes out of the transmutation, as long as it's the same 'general group' of objects.
Water becomes Sword/Staff would NOT be okay. Water becomes Longsword/Dagger/Claymore would be okay, since all are bladed weapons. Similliar, Water becomes Battlestaff/Spear would also be okay, though a spear has a sharp tip, it's not a bladed weapon.
Most Null don't have the energy to create more than one weapon at a time. The most useful transmutations are outside of battles, in normal everyday life.
Be creative, though. The first one to be seen with a staff like Edward of FMA and a metal blade on the arm will be DESTROYED. Thanks.

Die Kunst des Tränkebrauens: The last of the big Null disciplines, this is the one thing that comes the closest to the alchemists of the middle ages. Combining both transmutation and enchantment, a Null can create healing lotions, explosive liquids or even poisons. This is achieved through enchanting the things used in the potion with raw liquid Reiatsu, and using other normal indrigents.
Also, there is always a chance to fail horribly at potion brewing, creating explosions, poisonous gas and other nastly stuff. Potion Making is the hardest to master skill of them all, and even a master can fail at easy potions if he slacks around. There will be no given potion recipes here, experiment and create your own skills in this department. You can also do training in Potion Brewing with other Null players and stuff to get new skills in this area. You CAN'T get new potions simply by advancing in the Power Tier!
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The Transmutation Empty Re: The Transmutation

Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:34 pm
Null Tools and Weapons

The Null have special tools to them that come in a similar form as a Quincy bow. By holding it in their appropriate hand and charging it with Reiatsu, a blade or special surface will appear, to be used according to it's purpose. These tools can come in any shape and form, from battlehammer to flashlight,and have many purposes.

The Null can use Seele Shneider's, as well as Silver Tubes to perfom magic. Likewise, they have their own special gear. This includes (but is not limited to):

Black Hearts
Special necklaces in the shape of a heart (colored black) that the Null can create. These necklaces have the ability to detonate on command, and have a blast radius of three meters squared. The fire is a pitch black, and can burn for decades if not put out.

A flat board (comes in any color) that is roughly half a meter by half a meter. This board can be charged with reiatsu and float. Most Null have these, considering their reiatsu cannot be shaped naturally to form platforms and whatnot.

Special ceremonial knives or daggers used by Alchemists to cut up herbs and things. No magic on their own, merely specially created for that purpose.

Flask / Canteen
Every Null carries around a flask or canteen which is used to store certain liquids or gases to be transmutated or whatnot later.

More items and tools are found or created every day. Be sure to check back every now and then when you level up to find out what you can and cannot use.

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The Transmutation Empty Re: The Transmutation

Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:28 am
Surprised it hasn't been touched till now.

Smiley face
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