Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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[Aivee] Filth [Open!] Empty [Aivee] Filth [Open!]

Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:07 am
    ''So.. urg.. why.. dirty.. driving.'' muttered the male, pacing up and down a good long street in Karakura. Many were starting to look at him weird, as a few muttered into each other's ears. He had been at it for about two hours now : certainly in good shape physically, but his mental state clearly left something to be desired, as the almost manic pacing man kept muttering to himself. His arms and hands were waving all over, as there was a woman trying to talk to him to soothe him down. ''Come on now, Ryan, don't lose it over this : they already said they were sorry.'' she spoke soothingly, trying to appease the male. But still, it didn't seem to work, until a young girl, a teen, charged right up to him, her big eyes sparkling.

    ''You're Ryan, right? The famous American Idol? You broke the industry over night!'' she said, all excited, those big eyes staring at the male, that seemed to have stopped. She handed him a page and a pen, and with a quick scribble, he signed her an autograph. The girl bounced away happily,, and within minutes, Japan was working like it was expected to. Screaming fangirls, and flying tackle glomps : Ryan dodged and weaved, and ran off in the alleys, speeding like a bullet from a barrel. The male found himself a nice hidey hole, stayed there about ten minutes, before slinking back into the street unnoticed.

    At least, for the most part, as he bumped into someone, sending both to the ground, as the male promptly got up, and dusted his clothing. ''Sorry about that.'' he said, extending his hand to the person that had fallen.

Last edited by Aivee on Sat May 12, 2012 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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[Aivee] Filth [Open!] Empty Re: [Aivee] Filth [Open!]

Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:43 pm
    Of course, he could not expect what he had bumped into. A blonde haired girl, with hair almost like his in color, and a soft face : she was almost strange to him, and immediately, he felt a sort of power off her. Now he wasn't dumb to say the least : he understood that there were other beings then humans out there, as it was definitely made aware of in this city. But to meet one : and those wings. They were so beautiful of course, and he was a bit surprised when she kissed him on the cheek, after he helped her get up. He had knocked her to the ground, and he had felt bad about that, a flash of pain in his eyes. She was so pretty : what was she doing in such a desolate corner? Of course, normally the idol himself would not be located in such an area, but this town was a bit dirty and it made his OCD go a bit while : she, on the other hand, seemed to naturally be soothing of that disorder, which he was thankful for. Ryan, remembered the fangirl that had chased him, and with a sudden paranoia, looked over his shoulder. Seeing no one, he relaxed, and offered the girl a warm smile.

    She started to speak, but it seemed off : the male frowned, and then his eyes widened. That language! He hadn't heard it in such a long time! That was greek, ancient if he recalled right. The male remembered his father and mother teaching him a bit of the language : studying by himself was a difficult task, but his manager had been pleased and got some stuff to get him started. He was just a bit rusty : he had practiced Japanese very hard for when he would come here. The blonde male seemed to hold his hands out, as he thought his words over carefully. ''Σκουριασμένο Είμαι λίγο.''[1a] he spoke : it was a bit haltingly, as he seemed to pause some, but smiled again. Although it was harder for him to speak, understanding was fine. The male gathered his wits again, and nodded softly. ''Αγγλικά κατανοητή?''[2b] he said, as he was limited in his vocabulary : but he didn't mind it much, as he could understand the girl before him. That was what was more important.

    Noticing her tears, he dug in his pockets and found a tissue, and offered it to her : maybe she didn't understand quite, but he was sure it was a kind gesture, even to her. After all, a tissue was something personal : he wasn't sure how she would take it, but this strange girl seemed to render Ryan's focus like a magnifying glass. Her presence was soothing : that was something strange, but he didn't mind it. The idol figured it was because of her wings, and the angel-like appearance : or maybe it was the similarities : which ever it was, it made him more comfortable.. and that was something warm in itself.

    [1a] -- Rusty, I am a bit.
    [2b] -- English understandable?

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[Aivee] Filth [Open!] Empty Re: [Aivee] Filth [Open!]

Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:13 am
    Well, the girl was definitely surprised : the male was okay with that, he was more concerned with her. She looked.. angelic for the lack of a better adjective : her wings, her very look were unique. She seemed confused the most : maybe his accent was really that thick. He needed to quickly get things in order : the male blinked, remembering her voice, the way she had pronounced the words. He took his handkerchief back, noting she did not seem to know that it was for wiping her eyes. Alright, this definitely set her older then courtly times : from her Greek tongue, he would assume perhaps roman empire, from her manners. His inattention caused an accident : he couldn't save her as she yelped in pain, sudden alertness in him, as he looked for the source of her pain. Within seconds, he understand, as she seemed to cradle her arm : she had fallen and hurt it. But how? Did she have brittle bones?

    His mind couldn't formulate anymore questions and answers, as he seemed to realize something. Those were glass shards : they had flown all over the place, and as he watched, she reformed them into her own skin. Her own flesh and bone : it was then he realized that her hand was missing. The male couldn't even think : his brain was addled with the information he had just received. However, before he could understand the meaning of her softly spoken words, screams interrupted him. The fangirls! The male didn't have to think twice : his body moved gracefully, each movement like a ballroom dancer, picking the girl up. ''Συγνώμη για την επιλογή σας επάνω, αλλά πρέπει να φύγουμε.''[1a] he said, with a much better accent this time. Her sweet voice and pronunciation still ran in his head.

    With the girl in his arms, the male turned, using Geppo : he had called upon his Chi abilities to escape, soundless. The fangirls would be confused, he was sure : but that step brought him to the room of the hotel he was staying in. Softly putting her down, he bowed. ''Ελπίζω ότι δεν κρατάτε κακία. Αυτές οι γυναίκες είναι φαύλο. Έχω ξεχάσει αν σας έχω πει: είμαι Ryan. Τι μπορώ να κάνω για να σας κάνουν να χαμογελάσετε?''[2a] he asked, his voice much better, but still a bit thick on the accent. At least he was understandable now. He just waited for her response, still bowing before her.

    [1a] -- Sorry for picking you up, but we have to leave.
    [2a] -- I hope you hold no ill will. Those women are vicious. I have forgotten if I have told you : I am Ryan. What can I do to make you smile?

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[Aivee] Filth [Open!] Empty Re: [Aivee] Filth [Open!]

Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:21 pm
    The male felt protective over this girl. She seemed to be very unstable : but did it matter? She was fascinating in her own way, as the male let his body take her away. And once they were safe, he kept his touch lingering for a few moments, before he respectfully stopped. He had never been close to such a person before, even as he watched her, he couldn't help but chuckle. Her attempt at a mix of English and Japanese was adorable, even as he seemed to be thinking heavily. She wants him to find her brother. From the back and forth between forms, and the ability she displayed by absorbing the glass, he could only assume she was not human. But that still didn't give him much to go on. And then she seemed to be like a child : but he understood that her name was Anna.

    The male kept his thinking format, until he realized he hadn't spoken in a bit. ''I'm sorry Anna, I wasn't paying attention.'' he said in English, before sheepishly realizing she maybe didn't understand that. Repeating those words in Greek, he seemed to be thinking more. ''Τι σας αγώνα; Αν μου επιτρέπετε να ρωτήσω: αυτό θα μπορούσε να με βοηθήσει στην προσπάθεια να βρει τον αδελφό σου''[1a] he said, giving a soft smile. He would be soft and gentle, as long as it took to get this girl to relax, and maybe make her happy. However, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something less confusing he could speak to.

    [1a] -- What's your race? If I may ask : that might help me in helping to find your brother

[Aivee] Filth [Open!] Empty Re: [Aivee] Filth [Open!]

Sat May 12, 2012 8:19 am
[Aivee] Filth [Open!] 2227eeae635f6a8447003bdc315e3f01e8f7eddb

I'm archiving this, since I'm the creator! <3
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