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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
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Age : 28
Location : Where all sinners congregate

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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:50 pm

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Basic

Name: Seras Victoria Iramasha


  • "Police Girl" -Alucard Iramasha
  • "Sahqon Dinok (Crimson Death)" -Nickname given to her by an Arabic village after she destroyed their city in blood rage.
  • "Draculina" -Technical alias for a female vampire.

Age: Somewhere around 590 years old.

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

D.O.B: January 22nd, 1822

Blood Type: AB Negative.

Cup Size: 38DD

Zodiac: Aquarius

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: None.

Spouse: None.

Children: None.


~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Seras_Victoria_by_MaryAnime

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] VictoriaSeras1

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Seras-victoria-hurt

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 146 lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue (Though, when under the effects of blood-thirst, this turns into a dark and sinister red)

Reiatsu Color: A dull gold that turns blood-red if she's under the effects of blood-thirst.

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Personality


Seras is a strong willed woman. Even since childhood, she's been mostly independent, and relies on herself before anyone else. Always, in any situation, one can see her almost totally alone, nothing but her willpower getting her through. One can describe the willpower of Seras to be.. almost invincible. Breaking her? Good luck. No matter what you do to her brain, or her body, she'll keep fighting until she literally PHYSICALLY can't anymore. Even then she'll spit insults and taunts until the bitter end. Could her willpower be compared to zin's? No. But it's still nothing to take lightly.

Some may consider her a "tomboy". She doesn't really take part in the activities or mental processes that most women do. She doesn't wear "female" clothing, she doesn't do makeup or nails, etc. In fact, it'd be an easier time listing days that she *wasn't* in her combat gear. Despite her well-developed figure, she doesn't acknowledge it. Some have speculated that she doesn't even realize she has it. Though some woman would use it to their advantage, "distracting" enemies in combat, Seras relies on herself and her fighting ability for this much. She wrestles, she swears, and she isn't afraid to get down and dirty, if need be.

Seras has an overwhelming devotion to her moral code, and her integrity, over all. Despite her horrid and tragic past, she still leans on the side of morally good, and stays away from anything that could be considered evil, as far as her actions go. She's vowed to never give into the temptation to stray from her path. She hates those who've hurt others for their own gain. She can't stand those who've used the ones they love as tools to climb higher on their own ladders. It all sickens her. She's a firm believer in the path she walks.

Because of her moral integrity, she is a fiercely loyal companion or partner to have. She is trustworthy until the very end and she keeps her friends close and protected. She will obey any order given by a superior, unless it conflicts directly with her moral fiber. However, the majority of her loyalty is directed at Alucard Iramasha, whom she has a respect for that transcends anyone she's ever respected. She can't explain it, really, but it's there. She only knows him from certain assignments, and from her time working under him, but she still harbors a deep admiration of him and the power that he holds.

Because of her upbringing, and the tragedies she went through as a child, Seras possesses a sort of worldly maturity and superficial intelligence that her family always lacked. Beyond this, she also has a bit of a "nature winning against nurture" mentality, as the world made her the person she is today, not any care or concern for her well-being. Circumstance and necessity shaped her, not her family.

Seras does, however, have a darker side to her. A more.. sadistic side. When using her first form, there's a hidden beast that roams her mind. A vicious creature that comes out at the first strong sniff of blood that Seras gets. This creature is called her blood-thirst. When under the effect of blood-thirst, all of Seras' previous morals go out the window. She becomes a killing machine, effectively disregarding her limits and fighting at the very edge of what her body's capable of. Anything she can do to violently rip the enemy(s) into so much confetti on the floor, she will. She's not afraid of murder, of moral evil, or of anything.

Relationship wise, Seras has always been skeptical of dating, and a hard catch at that. She has almost completely convinced herself that she doesn't need or want anyone else in her life, after her former lover's brutal murder. She's a tough egg to crack on this, but not impossible for one who could entrance her and break her perception of what she *actually* needs..

Seras' favorite drink is cherry pepsi, while Blood-Thirst Seras prefers blood. Seras' favorite food is Mac and Cheese. As far as music tastes go, Seras listens to the heavier music, not really caring for anything light and poppy. Fuck Marianas Trench, she'll take Black Sabbath any-day. Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite movie is "Bram Stoker's Dracula", and her favorite video game is "Prototype".

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] SeishinBuki

Seishin Buki Name: Seras' Seishin Buki is known best simply as "Harkonnen", but the name changes between her forms.

Seishin Buki Abilities:

Seras has, technically, three different Seishin Bukis at her disposal. Each of which can be summoned and unsummoned at will, used when Seras needs them.

The base level is BAERLKS. The BAERLKS is a rifle that fires 13.7mm rounds at a bolt-action speed. These rounds are meant specifically to pierce spiritual beings, and are coated with an alloy that creates a burning effect on the inside of any being her bullets pierce.

In her first form, the BAERLKS gets an upgrade. Instead of a normal rifle, it now becomes the Harkonnen I. Weighing 120 lb. (approx. 60 kg) unloaded, the 30 mm breech loader cannon uses various types of shells, all of which are equipped to pierce spiritual beings, including depleted uranium with silver for piercing armored targets and incendiary napalm rounds for destroying large groups of opponents both on land and in the air. Carrying this weapon, Seras serves perfectly as long-range fire support. Her immense strength also allows her to use the weapon while moving; She wields it with an extraordinary ease, even firing over her shoulder. The uranium bullets have a sort of "buzz-saw" effect. The chemical balance is finely tuned to detect the exact presence of the amount of oxygen that human blood contains. Whenever the bullet touches an opponent's blood, the top, bottom, and sides, all become razor sharp, and spin rapidly. This is to make sure each hit causes as much damage as possible, as a hit means some shredded insides. The napalm rounds burn at about 100,000 degrees C, as the fire is spiritually enhanced. The explosion that occurs upon impact also releases spiritual shrapnel in all directions, intending to shred or pierce opponents. She can fire about 50 of these grenades, however her regular ammo is near infinite.

In Seras' second form, her Seishin Buki gets yet another upgrade, becoming the Harkonnen II. It haa a gross weight of 345kg and sports a pair of 30mm auto cannons belt-fed from two large ammunition boxes carried on her back, each feeding off of the reishi and reiatsu in the air to create a near-infinite supply of ammo. Its maximum range is 18000 feet. The 30mm rounds have the same piercing and shredding ability as with the Harkonnen I, but they're a lot stronger. Apart from this, if they exit the human body, they explode backwards, firing shrapnel towards whatever direction they came from. This shrapnel has the same shredding, "buzz-saw" effect as the rounds do, adding on to the ridiculous damage these things can dish out. For additional firepower, the pair of cannons can double as a grenade launcher, launching two explosive incendiary grenades. The incendiary explosion has a radius of about 50 yards, and burns at about 1,000,000 degrees C. The shrapnel released from this explosion still has the shrapnel effect that the regular rounds do, as well. However, she has a limited amount of these grenades. She can only fire about 40.

Seishin Buki Appearance:



Harkonnen II:

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] NA

(Note: In all forms, Seras has the ability to change the shape of her teeth, making them all as sharp and long as canines. This is to better pierce the flesh of potential victims)

Combat Specialist: As a former Police Officer and Martial Artist, Seras is proficient in hand-to-hand and weapon combat. She knows a lot of different fighting styles, has memorized every pressure point on the body, and knows a myriad of different holds

Superhuman Strength:

Seras, in all forms, has an almost rediculous amount of strength. At base level, she can lift up to ten tons, normally. As her forms progress, this only amplifies. Her physical attacks reflect this, as she's been shown crushing skulls one-handed with little to no effort. A direct punch from her can be absolutely devastating, given the form and the durability of the opponent.

Superhuman Speed/Reflexes:

Seras has been a speed demon in all forms of the term since she can remember. Her enhancements through her blood thirst amplify this immensely. At base level, Seras can move faster than any bullet. Her reflexes are such that she can do a full back-bend, parallel to the ground, in the time it'd take for a normal person to step forward.

Superhuman Senses:

Seras can smell, hear, see, and taste at a level that is way above normal. A good example of this is that she could actually hear someone fire an arrow from a bow from the "twang" the bowstring made when it was fired. This was, mind you, 2 miles away from her. These senses are invaluable to her survival, in all forms.

Expert Marksmanship:

Seras' improved eyesight, balance, speed, strength, training, and focus all allow her to be an extraordinary shot with nearly any weapon. She can score a direct headshot with a high-powered rifle at 9000 feet. This is, however, only in blood-thirst form. Her range is halved in her base state.

Insane Reiatsu:

Seras' base reiatsu output stays at a staggering height. Sure she can hide it, but if using its full pressure, she could potentially crush buildings. However, Seras, normally, is too afraid of hurting someone to try and use her maximum on her own.


This ability is generally not capable of being used in combat. This natural power allows Seras to travel through solid objects, such things as walking through walls and coming up from the ground, through the floor and standing on a human level, etc.

Pain Tolerance:

Seras' pain tolerance is shown to reach unholy levels. She completely disregards most attacks as they hit her. Oh sure, she can feel it, but apart from *maybe* a scream or something, she won't show it. It won't kill her momentum. Only the most devastating of attacks can stop her stride.


Seras cannot be killed by normal means. Attacks that would normally be lethal would just be disregarded. Attempting to slice her head off normally and the blade would stop against her throat as if it hit a wall, etc. And can be recovered from in a more terrifying manner in her second form. However, there is a way to kill her. If someone simultaneously cut her head off and bisected her at the waist, it would kill her off for good.

Chaos Moves:


~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Forms

~Blood-Thirst Form: Vampiric Initiation~

In this form, her power is no different than in base-level, normally.. However... The very first sniff of blood she gets in the air, that very first cut on either body.. And shit hits the fan. Her power rises drastically, all aspects of her improve, and her mind goes feral. Her moral code drops, and instead, she becomes a lethal weapon in the flesh. Her eyes turn a blood red, and her actions after that reflect a ruthless murderer, more than the semi-innocent girl she is normally. The only way for her to exit blood-thirst is to either be defeated, defeat the opponent, or somehow convince her feral side to let go.

Powers Retained from Previous Form:


New Powers Gained:

Immunity to Projectiles:

Any projectile attacks fired at Seras' body will have absolutely no effect. Her body will shape around said projectiles, leaving holes in her body that automatically re-fill. You're definitely going to want to fight close range, if you want a chance.

~Final Form: The Vampric Embrace~

This is the true epitome of Seras' power. While in this form, her blood-thirst is always activated. There is no stopping her lust for combat, her love of the scent of blood, and her desperate struggle to draw it from the opponent. She will never hold back, never pull a punch, and never stop fighting until she's dead, knocked out, or somehow gets shocked out of this form. In this form, her outfit also changes rather drastically. Whatever she's wearing explodes in a burst of shadow before reforming on her body as a black combat suit. This suit makes up for her main weakness in ALL her forms, being that, while she can ignore most pain and endure through most/all injury, her skin is almost too easy to pierce. (Unless the blow would otherwise be lethal). This combat suit has the toughness of Adamantium with a Steel Weave, and is flexible/light enough to wear she doesn't suffer any downgrades to her agility or speed.

(minus the helmet)

To enter this form, Seras glows a deep, blood red. At this point, all the blood on the surrounding battlefield turns into a more.. shadow-like substance, while maintaining the appearance and contents of blood. This blood whirls into the air, spinning into Seras' body from all directions as her mind overrides into a feral rage. Her left arm disintegrates and gains a shadowy replacement (described below). Her skin becomes a more vampiric gray, and her hair grows slightly at the back, giving her a far more feral appearance. In this state, her teeth are permanently in their pointed, vampiric, feeding form.

Powers Retained from Previous Form:


New Powers Gained:


Seras, in this form, cannot be maimed or violated in any way, really. Anything you could possibly do to her body, she will recover from, besides outright killing her with the one blow that would be lethal to her. (Her death condition). In this form, any serious injuries she's taken will heal, any limbs lopped off will replace themselves. Even her normal resistance to lethal blows lessens, her head being able to be severed now, as well as herself being able to be cut in half, without the other having to happen. This being meant as a scare tactic for when she re-forms one or the other. (Again, she can't re-form both, as severing both at the same time would legitimately kill her.) However, the reforming of said part of her wouldn't look... normal. Instead of just re-appearing, the severed part dissolves into shadow, swirling and twisting in impossible ways from its location to her body, reforming on it in a cracking, bleeding mess of limb. This has no effect on Seras, pain wise, but can sometimes shock or scare an opponent. This process can take anywhere from a sentence, to a paragraph, to a whole post to complete, depending on the severity of the original injury(ies). However, a decapitation or bisection actually takes a whole post *round* to recover from. Example: Say that Haseo, Xaver, Seras, and Alucard were all in a thread. The post order being Seras, Alucard, Haseo, Xaver. If Xaver managed to decapitate Seras, then ONE post would be dedicated to the effects of the decapitation. After that, the next post will be skipped, so it'd go like this. Seras, Alucard, Haseo, Xaver, Alucard, Haseo, Xaver, Seras. On this last post, she comes back in, regenerated.


Even if you manage to truly kill Seras, she has a few lives you'll have to go through before she is 100% dead. 5 in total, (10 in events). This is attributed to the powers her master handed to her upon her conversion into the Iramasha, although hers aren't nearly as strong as his.


Seras is capable of moving things with her mind and her mind alone, with no visible gesture from her hands. The maximum weight she can lift with this is 9 tons.

"Third Eye":

A sort of inner sixth sense, Seras is completely immune to being effected by illusions of any kind, whether they're supposed to work on her, the opponent, or the environment. Along with this, she can sense a person's "aura", like a pesquisa, being able to gauge their shown power, their race, and even their mood if the person is weak enough. This, along with her improved senses, allow her to "zoom in" her vision, able to see up to 18000 feet, which is what makes her an excellent shot, even without a scope.


Seras has the ability to turn her body into pure shadow, moving around in ways impossible for a Human to do. She can only stay in this state for two posts (one to enter and use for a bit, then another to use for a bit and then exit the form). She can use this form to either escape a fight, or even use it for combat, as she can dart forward with the strength of her normal attacks, bouncing off of walls, floors, the ceiling, etc. On her way to the opponent. While in this form, Seras' shadow is black with a red outline. She can use this shadow to meld into other shadows, avoiding harm for a very brief time, if only to strategize. However, she will rarely, if ever, use this method, as her feral mindset will fight against hiding.

Unstoppable Will/Feral Rage:

The state of her mind makes her impossible to stop. Plain and simple. Break her arm, slice something off, snap her fingers one by one. No matter what you do to her, her willpower and the pure animalistic rage in her every attack keep her fighting, despite the pain, which she'll ignore, or just not feel at all, sometimes even using broken limbs for combat until they heal.

Shadow Arm:

The true combat capability of her second form comes not from her guns, not from her strength, or her speed, but from this arm. The shadowy replacement for her disintegrated left arm. This arm serves several purposes. On one hand, it looks, basically, like a hooked arm with a claw at the end, where the arm meets her shoulder, it has a centered red glow, and there's an outer red glow along the entirely of the arm. However, it can form into basically a large set of bat wings, larger than her body, allowing her to fly at enormous speeds. She can also change it into a normal-looking arm, identical to the one she had lost before. She uses this only to wield the second cannon of her upgraded Seishin Buki. This arm is made of pure shadow-matter. The true combat capability of this arm is much greater then one might think.

Seras can use this arm as if it were a blade, sharpening it to the cutting power of a Vizard's Zanpakutō in a ressureccion state. This blade-like shadow can move and meld in any direction, shape, or twist in any way she desires. It can extend to up to 20 feet from her body, and moves at rediculous speeds. Along with this, it can be melded into the floor and move it along the walls, floors, and ceiling like regular shadows. The range on this usage is 40 feet. Seras can turn these shadows into spikes at a moment's notice for deadly, impaling attacks. These spikes can be anywhere between five inches and five feet long.

Another usage of the arm, is that Seras, while in shadow form, can meld with it. This is how she attacks in shadow form, literally rocketing down hallways and ricocheting off surfaces, ending in one, deadly, stabbing attack towards the opponent, straight for the heart. It does not mean she'll hit, however.

This arm is her main attack force, as she prefers to fight at close range, but alternating with this and her other arm, the whole one, make her deadly at hand-to-hand.



~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Class

Class Title: The Sanguinus Devil

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Background

Background: As a kid in the human world, Seras didn't have many friends. The main reasoning for this, and a good one as far as she was concerned, was how widely mocked she was by the other children. Why? She spent ALL her time with her parents. Her mom, a stay-at-home mom, was her world. Seeing her dad, a cop at the time, was also an event that filled her heart with joy, when he wasn't out on assignment. They had a pretty tightly-knit family, and it seemed as if nothing in the world could stop Seras from feeling like these were the happiest days of her life.. and they would never end.

Oh how wrong she was. No one knew the "official" story, but apparently while her father was undercover, he got in too deep. The group he had infiltrated, one of the most powerful gangs in the city, traced him back to their house and brutally murdered him. Her mother hid Seras in a closet with whispers of "It'll be okay" and "I'll be right back". She then confronted the criminals, who immediately killed her as well. It was then, some said, that Seras snapped in a way that none ever thought she would. She ran from the closet in a rage, blood-thirst dripping from every ounce of her as she attacked one of the men, jabbing a fork into his eye violently before being shot in the gut. The last thing she saw before she passed out was glimpses of the men raping her mother's corpse..

When she awoke, she was in a hospital. The doctor there told her that a nearby orphanage was paying for her treatment, and that he was going to give her a sedative. When she awoke, she'd be at her new home. She could only weakly nod before the doctor put her under.

When she awoke, she was in the most uncomfortable cot she had ever slept in. A woman who looked more nun than mother told her that she'd be staying here from now on. Her age was not appropriate for her to own the house she had been left yet, so until such a time, she would be kept there. The orphanage was a living hell. The "mothers" were bitter and cold, and the other kids were all assholes. Whether it was cautiousness, lack of mental stability, or her parents' horrific murder, Seras reacted violently to bullies and other children. She would come close to tearing some people apart if they so much as touched her. None of the teachers took kindly to her and discussed removing her from the orphanage if she continued to cause more trouble. Despite this, she somehow managed to get through the years she spent there, finally leaving at eighteen. When the counselor asked her what she was going to do with her life, she answered simply that she was going to follow what he had done before her. She was going to become a cop.

Years later, after combat training and basic procedures, she gained her wish. She was named an officer of the law immediately.

Her first mission was to go into the small village of Cheddar with a squad. There had been reports of a rouge member of a small organization there who had murdered the villagers, slaughtering everyone. Upon arrival, Seras quickly became the last remaining member of her squad as her teammates were picked off one by one, before the assailant, a priest, finally caught Seras. He held her with an un-natural strength, threatening to murder and rape her. Before he could, however, a man showed up. Without a second thought, he shot Seras through the lung, also killing the priest as the bullet pierced his heart as he stood behind her. Alucard confronted the dying Seras with a choice. She could join him as a nightwalker, sharing his power and developing her own as a member of what he called the Iramasha. Or she could die there. She chose to live, and Alucard converted her, granting her some of his abilities, along with the power to develop her own..

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] EA

Branch/Position: Demon Family

Race: Demon/Vampire



General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Advanced
  • Chaos Warp: Advanced
  • Seishin Buki Level: Master
  • Race Control: Advanced


Last edited by Helion on Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:18 am; edited 4 times in total

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:27 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Comments/Notes: Nioce
Tier: 0-5+

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] WVMWLOu
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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:39 pm
Sadly, this is being archived.

Tsubine's Character List
Ye Olde Guarde
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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue7380/100~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:27 pm
A silenced gunshot...

"Guard Charlie is incapacitated. Alpha is still inside the gate house, no field of fire." A male voice, stoic and official whispered in the blonde girl's ear.

"Roger." She kept calm. She knew how important her next few shots would be. She knew that it was a life-or-death situation. The rifle reloaded automatically. The scope was a few inches away from her right eye. The grass beneath her swayed with the wind. Through the scope, she could make out the drab grey guard house and matching walls.

"Bravo team is about to make their side entrance. We need to relocate to higher ground." His voice reeked of urgency. And so, she didn't respond. She nodded, grabbing the black rifle. Her all-black uniform traced every inch of her breasts, as if it defied the laws of physics. The two did not run up the hill to the side of them. It was a slow jog, as they could not afford to waste time or to attract attention. They eventually found a clearing near the top of the hill.

She set the rifle down again, its bipod digging into the grass. Still no FoF on the guard, but she could see over the wall completely now. A few guards near the back were now visible, so it was up to her to take them out before the breach. The man beside her read off the wind reading, elevation, and distance. Turning the knobs on the side of her scope, she adjusted accordingly. She re-adjusted the rifle to match the scope's new positions. Her breathing steadied. Her eyes focused in. A squeeze.


Another shot. It hit its target. The guard at the back fell down. To the left, she could see a group of men armed with what looked to be assault rifles climbing over the wall. They advanced straight towards the house after the last man was safely on the ground. And then... bullets erupted from their left, from behind the building. Their sniper had made a good position, but it was up to the ground team to secure the perimeter.

"Okay, the field test evaluation is over." A harsh, Cockney accent broke through the silence after the gunfire with a megaphone. The guards who were laying down stood back up, paint staining their protective facemasks. The soldiers who were shot by the surprise attack from behind the building took off their helmets. Grunts of "Fuck" and "Dammit" filled the air. Back on the hill, the blonde girl sighed. She had done her part as a sniper, but her allies had failed her. She stood up, the custom-made paintball rifle still on the ground. Her spotter grabbed her shoulder, patting it slightly. "Fine shooting with that wind, Seras." She was slightly surprised, her senior had appraised her.

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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:15 pm
Wonderful rp sample. Approved! <3

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:14 am
~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Tumblr_me7sdwpJbO1qcsnnso1_500

This has been moved to archives!
So don't worry! Just post Here to regain your file! X3

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:03 am
~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Tumblr_mplvb72wKO1qa94xto1_500
Aivee Duty Go!
This was saved from the archives! Enjoy your character again and such 8D
Joined : 2011-02-25
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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue0/0~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:41 pm
~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Tumblr_mthv6t4Oqf1rxzudco2_500
This is going into archives
All right, you haven't been active for some time so I'm going to move you into archived character apps. If you want it back, post HERE

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Ap8OoJO

Bearer Of Hell
Joined : 2010-06-19
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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue15/100~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (15/100)

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:49 am

There ya go mate
The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

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~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL] Empty Re: ~Seras Victoria Iramasha~ [APPROVED, 0-5+, DEVIL]

Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:38 am

Empty, blank space.
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