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Munitalp Straeh
Munitalp Straeh
Starter Member
Joined : 2012-04-06
Posts : 10

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Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Empty Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete

Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:24 pm
Human Template

General Information

Name: Juugo Straeh
Age: 18
Gender: Male


Overall Character Information

Personality: Jugo has a very strange personality over all. He has two main personalities that switch without his choice. One one side, he has a calm, kind personality that does not like death and would rather give up his life to save a friend. This personality attracts people and friends and is the one he normally likes to show. If people see this then they get a good impression of Jugo and this is what he likes. In this form, Jugo uses his Chi abilities to fight. This personality likes helping others and kinder people. He also likes people that help him and people that are kind. He dislikes death, people that enjoy death, people that brag about death, and overall irritating people.

On the other hand, Jugo has another personality. This one is by far more evil and angry. It is like a hollow, as Jugo sometimes calls it, because of its lack of mercy or care about who dies. This personality just kills, it is evil. The embodiment of evil. Usually, before it takes over, Jugo gets a warning that it is breaking out of its cage. When this happens, if he is with someone, he tells them to run away and then runs away himself so no one can be killed. This form has its own powers, his Soul State Evolution. When this happens, Jugo can not change back to his kinder self until his enemy is dead. The worst thing about this form, however, is that it is not just all kill and hatred. This personality is also smart which makes it far more dangerous. This form is almost completely the opposite in terms of likes and dislikes. While Jugo likes kind people and kindness, his evil side likes to kill and destroy. He is the destroyer. Where Jugo dislikes death, his hollow relishes in it. His hollow dislikes kindness and people helping one another. He is always trying to take over. It appears as a voice inside Jugo's head whenever they converse, which is very rarely because of the lack of similarities. If his hollow had the chance to either save himself or his comrade, he would, not just save himself but, kill the comrade as well. He is truly evil.

Jugo's main fears are to die and letting his evil side take over his entire body and being killed. Then again, if faced with a situation where he can either die or unleash his evil side, he will survive no matter what. In this regard, he respects the power of his evil form. The way it can kill without thought or mercy intrigues him since he himself cannot stand death. Even though the evil form is strong the small amount of respect is the only positive feeling he has for it. The rest of his feelings for it are that he hates it and that it is evil. If anyone asks about his form, he will usually stay quiet. However, if it is someone that has witnessed this form then he will call it his "inner hollow". He does not compare his power to that of a Vizard because his "hollow" does not give him power. It takes over like a Vizard that lost to his hollow. He always tries to keep it in check but sometimes this is impossible which is when he loses it.


Jugo is a very tall boy, one of the tallest, if not THE tallest, of his age group. His height reaches around 202.1cm or 2.021m. This can also be known as around 6ft 8 inches (6.631 ft and 79.567 inches). He does not have much fat in his body, it is mainly muscle and his weight is around 167lb or around 76kg. The exact numbers are 75.8kg and 167.11lb. He knows he is not fat and does not care what people say about it. He is muscular and strong, that is why he weighs a lot. It is mostly muscle. This is why he can create shockwaves with his fists. It is because of the training he spent when he was alone and in solitude. He punched the walls around his solitary confinement cell to train. The walls were very thick and, from that, he got very strong muscles. He is at his physical best as he is and always trains.

Jugo has red eyes, when not using any of his powers, and spiky orange hair that goes up past his head and only goes down towards his neck. It stops there because, in his mind, if it goes to far then it might obstruct his view which could end up being the reason he died. He has two spikes that come down from his hair that stop above his eyebrows. His eyebrows are slim. He used to wear shorts and a T-shirt when he was locked up but, now that he is free, he wears proper clothing. He is usually wearing a black cloak with the inside being red over a purple turtle neck that he can pull up to hide his mouth. Under the turtle neck he has a white T shirt with rips on it that he wore when he was imprisoned. His cloak has a hod so that, when his turtle neck and hood are pulled up, all that is visible are his blood red eyes. This is usually how he avoids battles, by scaring people away. On his legs are a pair of dark blue trousers and, underneath them, are the shorts he wore when he was in confinement. He wears normal shoes, black boots that no one usually looks at. They are, most probably, the only ordinary thing about him.

When Jugo unleashes his first Soul Evolution form unto the world, he is seen wearing the shorts and T shirt he wore in confinement, he rips off his other clothes. When this happens, his left side is covered in a grey disease like skin. If anyone sees this, they would normally think he has a disease which is sort of the truth. In this form, his evil side takes over his body and he kills anything in sight. When this happens, Jugo's left eye become black with a yellow pupil, similar to that of a Vizard's eye when hollowfied, but this is nothing like it. The grey disease covers Jugo's left leg and arm and allow his to change his arm or leg into axes or other such weapons. The only thing that stays the same on his left side is his spiky orange hair. Throughout all his many transformations, Jugo's hair remains orange as if a way to show who he truly is inside.

When he reaches his Soul State Evolution level two, Jugo's hair grows longer and changes in shade to create a lighter orange all over the top of his head and his hair goes down past his neck and ends just above his waist. It is unknown why his form changes to this since, in his other Soul State Evolution forms his hair is short and his skin is grey. In this form, however, Jugo's skin turns from the normal grey you usually see to a red and brown colour. His eyes stay the same more or less but, instead of a yellow pupil, the outside is black, the inner circle is yellow and then the pupil is a black dot in the centre. Around this red body are a number of bulges that just appear with the body. Jugo does not know what they help with, whether they even help at all, or whether they are just there. It is unknown to him at this stage so he assumes they are just there for looks, but they aren't very pleasant to look at.

When Jugo achieves and activates his final Soul State Evolution, the final stage three, his body changes drastically. With his other bodies he still looked human but now that is gone. His skin changes back to the grey fro before but his eyes stay the same. Jugo's entire body is bathed in the grey skin this time and his hair changes back to the darker shade it normally is. He has his turtle neck on at this point but it quickly gets ruined. Jugo's arms grow bigger and so rip the arm areas and, on his arms are spikes which look a bit like gauntlets to someone that views them. Protruding from his back are six, three on each side, funnel like creations that suck in the reishi around him to cause massive destruction. Mostly, though, it is his face which has changed the most. His hair is the same as always but that is all. His teeth grow into fangs to rip things apart with his teeth and he has a black streak beginning at the start of his forehead and working its way down to the end of his nose. On either side of the black streak are two spikes which could be his eyebrows and, from there, two spikes going down which could resemble side burns. No one is sure what is what in this form, it is almost impossible to compare the body parts. In fact, if it was not for his short orange hair, nobody would recognise it as him.

When Jugo activates the first stage of his Awakened form, he shrinks a little bit (2 inches), for he is already very tall, to reach a grand total of 6ft 6 inches tall. His clothing changes so that now he wears a green top on his bottom layer with a darker green top on top of that. At the neck and elbows, where it ends for it is a short-ish sleeved top. On the lower half of his body, Jugo has a pair of green trousers on which go down towards his ankles but stops abruptly. Keeping his trousers suspended is a black belt with a silver buckle in the centre and on either sides of the buckle are silver patches. On his hands are a pair of black gloves that have blue around the wrist area which Jugo wears so as not to break any of his own bones when he punches because, for all his strength is worth, he is still a human. His shoes are more boots than anything else, black boots with brown toes, a blue circle above the ankle, at the "wrist" of his foot, and a beige strap to keep them secure. He wears black socks under these shoes with orange at the top of them. The most noticeable feature of his transformation is the fact that orange, cat like, ears sprout out of his head to increase his hearing capabilities.

When Jugo achieves and activates his Fully Awakened form his body changes even more compared with his normal Awakened form. His body changes to the grey that is ever present on his evil forms and his arms and head look the same as that on his final level Soul State Evolution, two spikes for eyebrows, two for side burns, and a long streak beginning at the start of his forehead and running down to the end of his nose. Three spikes appear on either side of his back and, on his arms, are the same gauntlets that appear on his final evolution. This Fully Awakened Form is more or less the exact same as his other form except, in this form, Jugo retains his human looks so he does not look like a monster. His teeth do not become fangs and his eyes do not look menacing and blood thirsty. This gives him the same powers as the other form but it is a form he can access without worry of his evil side breaking into his mind. Both powers end the same way, the person controlling the forms is the things that change. Jugo can still be his kind self when in this form but, if he does enter this form, killing no longer annoys him until he reverts, then they sometimes haunt his dreams.


Soul State Evolutionary Powers

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance:

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:
Body Transformation - Jugo can change his body parts on his left side (the transformed side) into whatever weapons he desires at the time, be it axes, blades, or just a stronger arm for punching.

Jet Booster Jump - Jugo, while in his Soul Evolution state, creates many jet-like appendages on his back to create a powerful blast. He then jumps, giving him power to manoeuvre in the air quicker5 than most others. This move can be used almost instantly and so is helpful to get out of the way of an attack.

Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance:

Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities:


Piston Fist - While using the Cursed Seal, Jūgo can alter his arm into a piston to increase his attack power.

Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance:

Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities:


Body Absorption - While in partial transformation, Jūgo extends a needle-like part from his body, places it into a target while proceeding to sucking out their reiatsu, along with organs and/or flesh which he uses to restore his own reiatsu and body.


Reiatsu Blast - While in his third Soul Evolution state, Jūgo grows more of his jet booster like appendages, extends them, and then uses them to gather reiatsu and form a huge powerful chakra blast.


Jet Booster Fist - Jūgo uses his Soul Evolution to grow jet booster-like arms that increases his attacking and throwing power. This is a more powerful version of Piston Fist, with the combination of the Jet Booster Jump.

Gaping Hole Slam - Jugo form a chop with his hand and then chops the ground. This creates a large fissure in the ground that if someone falls down they will burn from the Earth's core.

Earthen Walk - Since there is a chance Jugo could fall into his own fissure, he has been able to merge with the ground and become one with it, making it easy to move around underground as well as above it.

Note: Soul Evolution State are powers that have been awakened in humans over the many centuries of spiritually enhanced being fighting throughout Earth. Due to their constant destruction, clashes and presence on Earth, this has caused a genetic mutation in the human DNA to allow for the creation and evolution of super natural based powers. This means that some humans can even fight on par with other Shinigami based character should their tiers keep enchanting. Along with that, even the most basic level of this Soul Evolution Stage allows for humans to see spirits, levitate, run at speeds faster then the average human and things of this nature. On a more higher end, near 0 and 1 tier, some humans even have the ability their wounds, limbs, burns and even organs if given enough time to heal; fight against Espada level creatures, create their own variations of flash step, superhuman strength to demolish villages, enhanced durability and large scale energy attacks.


Chi Abilities


Chi Powers: Earthquake Punch - Because of his immense physical strength, Jugo can punch the ground. With his power, the ground shakes, knocking anyone other than him down.

Enhanced Fists - Jugo has learned to use his Chi to increase the size of his fist. The increase is invisible since it is made out of chi but it will make a glancing blow a full force blow. It also means that if someone dodges just to the left or right in an attempt to counter-attack, the Chi fists will hit them.

Awakened Appearance:
Awakened Powers: Ground Stomp - With this move, Jugo will stomp on the ground and cause the ground to shudder at his strength, knocking down any enemies. This is stronger than the Earthquake Punch and it uses his feet, leaving his arms to use another attack or fight in close combat.

Geyser Tap - Jugo can punch the ground in front of him and then channel his reiatsu into the ground. He can then direct his reiatsu around and then make it pop up in a big cylinder of energy. (Think Tsukishiro but of power and not Ice).

Enhanced Hearing - Since his Awakened powers gives him cat ears, Jugo's hearing is increased by 10% so he can hear things most people cannot.

Fully Awakened Appearance:
Fully Awakened Powers:


Body Absorption - While in partial transformation, Jūgo extends a needle-like part from his body, places it into a target while proceeding to sucking out their reiatsu, along with organs and/or flesh which he uses to restore his own reiatsu and body.


Reiatsu Blast - While in his third Soul Evolution state, Jūgo grows more of his jet booster like appendages, extends them, and then uses them to gather reiatsu and form a huge powerful chakra blast.


Jet Booster Fist - Jūgo uses his Soul Evolution to grow jet booster-like arms that increases his attacking and throwing power. This is a more powerful version of Piston Fist, with the combination of the Jet Booster Jump.

Gaping Hole Slam - Jugo form a chop with his hand and then chops the ground. This creates a large fissure in the ground that if someone falls down they will burn from the Earth's core.

Earthen Walk - Since there is a chance Jugo could fall into his own fissure, he has been able to merge with the ground and become one with it, making it easy to move around underground as well as above it.

Information: If you need any help understanding Chi, please click this thread and read all the information. It is fully optional rather or not you want your character to use Chi. So if you choose not to have it, simply cross it out or remove it. Fully Awakened Humans have to be approved by [THEFROST] as they are extremely rare.[/size]




Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete 356px-J%C5%ABgo_turned_into_a_child
Act I : Out Of Control : Death Of The Parents, Birth Of The Monster

When Jugo was a child, he could not control his powers. He had a loving caring family and was brought up nice and kind but, because of his maniacal fits of rage, his parents found it hard to keep him under control. That is why they hired strong humans to keep an eye on Jugo in case he ever lost his mind and ended up hurting someone. Their fears proved true when Jugo was still just young, only eight years old. He was just playing around with another his age with pretend sword made of wood. They were pretending to be Shinigami when Jugo's blood lust took over. The boy, having never seen this form of Jugo, took it to be he was being an Arrancar and that he was to vanquish the evil. So the boy ran up to Jugo, sword ready to attack him with a big grin on his face. The evil side of Jugo took his own wooden sword and, when the boy thrust forward to stab Jugo in the heart, Jugo caught the blade with one hand. The boy smiled as he thought this was amazing but Jugo was not yet finished. Jugo took his own sword and stabbed the boy in the heart. Since Jugo's evil side had a great amount of power, it was able to thrust the wooden blade through the boys skin to kill him. The boy didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.He died instantly with the smile still on his face. Jugo smiled too because he loved the rush he got from killing the boy. This was when his father and mother stepped in.

They only wanted to stop Jugo before he killed another but Jugo just wanted to kill them. His mother and father, known as Sakura and Jugo, did not want to have to kill their only son and so only wanted him to stop. That proved to be their downfall. Since Jugo was their son, they refused to actually harm him and so just tried to reason with him. Jugo, being smart, acted like his evil personality had vanished and walked over to his parents, arms outstretched to hug their son. Then Jugo smiled since they had let down their guard and so he uses his power to punch his father and break his neck. His mother was appalled and shocked but she tried to run. Jugo used his Jump Booster to get over to her and then he broke her neck. She died instantly. Since there was no one else to kill, the evil side of Jugo left and so he regained his senses. When he saw what he had done, he burst into tears at the corpses of his parents. He was now and orphan. The people that his parents had gotten to watch over him moved in at that point and comforted him. They told him that they had a place for him to stay and so took him to a cell where he was to live for the next few years.

Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Jugo-naruto-shippuuden-17729006-1280-720
Act II : Locked Away : The Boy That Loves His Prison

For the next five years, Jugo stayed in the prison he had been placed in. The bars of the prison were too strong to break, even with his enhanced strength, and the walls too thick to break. There Jugo learned the other method of power he has, the ability to use the surrounding natural energies known as Chi to his advantage. He was able to gain great power from this and increased his strength more than it was already. In his free time he fought with himself, since the prison was made just for him so nobody else other than guards were there, and the guards were too afraid of his dark side to face him. For his fights he punched the walls around his cell to gain even more power. Sometimes his evil side took over but the bars proved too strong to be broken and the walls were too thick to punch through. So even his evil side punched the wall to become stronger in the hope of breaking his way out. His chance came one year later when Jugo became sixteen.

Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Jugo
Act III : Jailbreak : No Monster Stays Locked Down, It Always Finds A Way Out

When Jugo was sixteen his power was very great. So great that it would not be very difficult to break free of his prison, the only reason that Jugo had stayed was because he feared that going outside and releasing the demon unto the world would be chaotic and disastrous. So he remained to save the world. By staying, a lot of people would not have to die. His evil side always came out but it was always when Jugo had gotten back into his cell. He hardened his face and got rid of his happiness to focus on his "inner hollow" as the guards had sometimes called it. He found it fitting because his evil side could take over whenever it wanted to and loved to kill. In that regard, it was a hollow. However, Jugo's evil personality had something most weak hollows lacked: intelligence. That was what made it so dangerous. The hollow was very smart and so Jugo knew it was only a matter of time before it broke them both out of the jail. When he was seventeen, he freed himself, but not willingly.

During the times that Jugo and his inner hollow had trained, they had both gotten much stronger and so what happened was bound to happen eventually. One day, while training, Jugo punched the wall and a crack appeared. Seeing the crack, Jugo moved on to another wall but the crack made him worry, and he was right to worry. Once the hollow had taken over, Jugo walked over to the cracked wall and punched it once. The wall split and broke, revealing a way out. Jugo followed the passage until he came to the barracks. He easily killed the guards using the skills he had learned from them. They were powerless against him and he easily killed them all and escaped. Jugo destroyed his prison so they could no longer use it for anything, be it re creations or upgrades. Jugo was free and, with him, so was the demon inside.

Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Jugo
Act IV : Freedom : The Monster Is Suppressed But It Shall Never Stay Down

Now Jugo wanders, never staying in the same place for more than a week and never entering the big cities. He knows that, if he goes somewhere with high spiritual pressure then his hollow will break loose and cause destruction. His hollow would kill everything until he himself was killed and he doesn't want that. His hollow may survive and win if he fights stronger people with its great brains but it would put many deaths on Jugo's shoulders which he hopes to avoid completely. He will usually be found up a tree or around a mile away from a city because he has to get food and drink to live. He will only go into the cities for those reason or other life or death situations because he does not like them. If he lives on the outskirts and he kills someone, they will suspect him. SO he just wanders, honing his Chi skills and letting his hollow perfect his own skills as long as it stays away from cities which is sometimes unavoidable.


Roleplay Sample: Former Post from another site
Kegawa Inuzuka and Burakku were training in the forest located in the outskirts of the once great Hoshigakure No Sato. Burakku was practising his speed while Kegawa was trying to upgrade his accuracy with his crossbow and trying to practise how quickly he could draw it in case he had only a second to pull it out and fire. If he didn't do it fast enough he would die in battles. He pulled it out but it got stuck and he died, at least, he would have died if he was in a fight but he was only training. He tried it again and managed to get it out but it took 2.3 seconds. He had to be faster than that. He had to be as fast as Burakku but he knew that was impossible.

He looked at Burakku and thought about fighting with him: close up ripping people to shreds. Kegawa would've loved to fight like that but his wasn't skilled in Taijutsu or close combat fighting. He was skilled with weapons but it was starting to show that in fact he wasn't that skilled. He had to pick another form of fighting and his close combat skills were as good as his weapon skills so in other words: his weapon skills were bad. He would do anything to learn the art of Taijutsu but for that he would need a strong ninja to teach him and to teach Burakku. He just hoped one would find him.

The weather was calm this day like Mother Nature had forgotten all about the destruction that had occurred earlier this month and the pain and deaths of so many ninjas and innocent normal civilians. The fact that he had missed the destruction of his own village angered him so much and so when he looked at his crossbow and grenades once more, he saw their incompetence. He saw their weakness compared to the likes of Burakku and so he threw them hard on the ground and before the toxic gases of the poison grenades came out, Kegawa used Dragon Fire jutsu to burn them and the gases exploded and were lost to the air. Kegawa smiled at the irony. The grenades had been slow, not him. The weapons were bad. Not him. He was strong. He had Burakku. And he and Burakku would from now on fight together. But first he needed to get stronger with Taijutsu and so he fought with Burakku.

It was a tough and tiring battle but eventually Burakku came out the victor. Kegawa had battled well but he had no chance against a beast of close up fighting. He had many scratches and bruises but he had learned something from his fight with his dog. Burakku was stronger than Kegawa and Kegawa would need to catch up with Burakku's ever growing power. Kegawa would learn to fight like Burakku, with Burakku. He would embrace the the clans ability: their bond with their canine brother or sister. Kegawa saw that now and was he happy that he had Burakku to train and to train with.

Word Count: 517

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Spirituality: Advanced
  • Valor: Adept
  • Perception: Advanced
  • Motivation: Beginner

Last edited by Munitalp Straeh on Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:53 am; edited 9 times in total

Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Empty Re: Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete

Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:09 pm
Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete 161ff32448679dc7b80fe28600d8bf56

SORRY! There's a wip section : move this app there <3
Veteran Member
November COTM 2011 :
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Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Empty Re: Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete

Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:55 am
enter]Application Checklist[/center]
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[0]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Comments/Notes:Pretty good app for starting out, therefore,
Tier:Approved, 1-3.

Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Empty Re: Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete

Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:35 am
Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete 3f92d68ded2d294b8472d1deee0a8e736accaaae

Ah! Shiinii you forgot will skills! I did them for you though so no worries <3

[b][center][u]Will Skills[/u][/b][/center]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Adept
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Adept
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Advanced
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Advanced
Ye Olde Guarde
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Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete Empty Re: Jugo Straeh [Human] Complete

Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:43 am
Moved to inactive because of inactivity!

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