Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 11
Age : 29

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Left_bar_bleue0/0Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3]

Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:03 am
Name: Crystal Narain
Age: 10
Gender: Female

Overall Character Information

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] 70fce2315acdd1254e94



Crystal is above all else, bi-polar. Her changes in attitude, affection, and mood can all change very suddenly with little to no warning. Something that set off her bi-polar attitude is when people start touching her. She is a very sensitive person to touch and does not like it when people who aren't very close to her touch her. She also changes when something she holds dear to her being taken away. She isn't the most social person at times, so when she's not she puts her love into physical objects that she holds closer to her than most anything else. Something as simple as having what she thinks to be an odd look on their face could change her as well. How you look at a person can change how they think you think of them, that's no different with Crystal and she takes it seriously.

Crystal can be a very friendly and bubbly girl. In her best of moods she will make friends in any way she can think of. Making friends is important to her, opening up to her is important when wanting her to be your friend as well. When she's happy with a person she will talk to that person with a smile on her face throughout the conversation or most of it unless her mood changes. When you're really close to her she will share some of her favorite things with others. Crystal sharing something that she holds dear to her is not something she will commonly do. Taking her kindness for granted is not something someone would want to do to her.

Crystal isn't the nicest of people when her mood changes. She is very solitary when not in the best of moods. Due to trauma in her life when she's alone she tends to be apathetic about what's going on around her, not showing much emotion at all. Crystal can be very violent and ill-mannered when insulted. She starts lashing out at those that upset her and at times even those that haven't. She becomes solitary when scorned by someone she likes. This includes when her friends scorn her or even her teacher. She also is very devious when in a bad mood. She will stop at nothing other than her mood changing to humiliate, eliminate, or otherwise to those she has a true vendetta to.

Soul State Evolutionary Powers
For Crystal to call her gloves to her she must fist bump herself in front of her chest. This will make a black energy form around the knuckles of her left hand and a purple energy forming at the knuckles of her right. The energies will move up her arms changing colors as the gloves form. This energy crawling up her arms will stop at nothing until they are done, even after her fists leave each other they will continue to form. Keeping her fists together only hastens the gloves forming after being called.
Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance
Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Arm-Warmers-04

Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:

-Improved Strength-
While Crystal's gloves are on her strength improves ten fold making her a power-house. Her punches will deal heavy blunt damage strong enough to break walls, floors, and even streets. This does next to nothing for the speed of her attacks which is no help to actually making contact with her opponents. However, once hit with a single blow her opponent will most likely go flying off in the direction of her fist pushing them.

-Improved Durability-
While Crystal has her gloves her arms are less vulnerable to damage. This gives her skin a protective coat of energy that is unable to be seen that makes her arms almost unable to be pierced by any means of stab or slash. This does not soften the attack, although it nearly doesn't hurt it still deals damage that is more blunt than sharp. This allows her to block hits from swords, knives, and other weapons that would otherwise cause her bleeding or other severe damage.


-At Birth-
From the start of her life Crystal was a very disturbed girl. When she was a baby she always had sudden changes in personality. Every time her parents left her alone she had no care so long as she had her stuffed bunny, and every time it was gone she freaked out. She had it with her throughout her being a baby and toddler. It gave her a sense of well-being that nothing else could. It kept her happy, and her parents, loving her smile, let her keep her bunny for everything she did.

-Early Childhood-

The older Crystal got, the less things seemed to change. She still carried around her stuffed bunny and still freaked out when people tried to take it from her. She later got sick of people trying to take her bunny that she started freaking out even when people just touched her without her consent. The slightest bump would cause her to lash out at the person in anger. This got to a point where she didn't even let her parents hug her in fear they were trying to get close to her precious bunny to try and take it from her.

-Life Changing Event-

Near the age of nine Crystal's parents died in a car crash. Crystal left her self out of all society. She started living in her own world of happiness with her bunny. Later as she was taken to an orphanage she was bullied by the other kids for always holding onto her bunny. At one point when she was reading with her bunny, a kid larger than her stole her bunny from the table and ripped its head off, the stuffing was then dumped onto her head and torso as her tears ran down her cheeks and onto the book. She was previously told not to break any furniture after breaking several tables, so in her anger she punched her fists together, this triggering her gloves to form around her fists in switching black and purple lights. As she stood up to the boy that had ripped her bunny's head off she delivered an uppercut to his lower jaw, both breaking his jaw and his lower teeth as he flew up into the air for a brief moment as he landing on his back unconscious and bloodied from the punch. After that moment Crystal had been kept in her own room at the orphanage, all alone with not a single person there with her, not even her bunny that she held so close to her through her life and her parents' death.

Role-play Sample
The young girl sighed as she sat on her bed in her solitary room, her sadened by her own loneliness yet happy to be away from others. She looked around her room looking for something to do or to play with as she noticed her window was open letting in a cool breeze past her white drapes. She stood up slowly from her position on her bed as she walked over to her window, bringing her hands to the bottom rim of the window lifting it up to open as a strong breeze blew into her room pushing her drapes back, then calming as her drapes once again settled in a small motion from the breeze. She sat herself on the window sill with her back to the wall and her legs together in her room as she looked down from her room to where all the other orphaned children play. She looked over to a group of five boys picking on a younger boy as she looked back into her empty room not wanting to see what they were to do to him. Unable to keep curious eyes away, she turned her head back to them, noticing a larger boy standing in front of the group with his arms and legs spread out defending the younger boy. This brought a smile to her face when the group left the two boys alone, herself jumping off her window sill back into her room. shutting her window slowly as she went back to her bed, laying down on her pillow, the smile slowly fading as her eyes shut slowly falling into sleep.


General Skills

  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner
Racial Skills

  • Spirituality: Beginner
  • Valor: Adept
  • Perception: Beginner
  • Motivation: Beginner

Last edited by Satsugaisha on Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty Re: Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3]

Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:13 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Hrng. I claim giving you a bunny. Giving you room to grow with your tier <3 Approved~
Tier: 4-3

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner
Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19297
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty Re: Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3]

Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:58 am
Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Image3879-1
Going to be moving this ol' character into inactive as I haven't seen it's creator on the site, post in activity check or anything. If you want it unarchived, just leave a message.

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] WVMWLOu

Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Empty Re: Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3]

Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:28 pm
Crystal Narain [Human] [APPROVED || 4-3] Tumblr_mji8wvcspY1rshzuyo1_500_zps2d7b00ae
A'ight! This is has been in here long enough!
Moving from Innactive to Archived! Post Here if you return or pick up this character again!
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