Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:05 pm
yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3688

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3689-1

» Name: Yui
» Titles: Tomerarenai soro no chikara.
» Age: 18
» Gender: female

» Appearance Description: she has red eyes and pink hair, she wears her hair in a pony tail, her hair goes down to her knees in , she wore a high school girls sailor fuku: black with dark red stripes, and a red ribbon, and a grey skirt with black stripes, her clothes looked worn, and even starting to fall apart as there were alot of stitching coming undone, indicating she'd been in many fights large fights, she also carries a jet black field hockey stick, with the words "unstoppable, solo force" on both sides, in dark red. her eyes seemed to shine under light more than usual, as if she wears contact lenses...

or if you want a picture :


yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3691-1

» Personality: she is a psycho, she has fought many gangs, and won, and even gained the nickname as the infamous unstoppable solo force. she acts like the leader of a gang, even though she isn't actually in one... once she has her mind set on something, it cannot be changed, if someone gets in her way, she'll force them out of her way, no matter who it is.

she is a fair person, if she's in a battle she knows she's gonna win, she'll offer the opponent the chance to escape, if they don't back off, she will defeat them with no hesitation.
she see's a "gang" as a challenge and will most likely fight them to prove her self, given the chance... she'll also stop at nothing to win a battle in progress, even if it means tearing a limb off...

she's impatient, she wont wait for long periods of time... and if she does wait for long periods of time she'll probably be enraged afterwards...
when she isnt fighting, she's generally a good person, she's still impatient, and slightly psycho, but she's also more girly, and cute...
plus she's a less alert when she isnt fighting...
when shes fighting gangs, she doesnt usually get angry... if anything she's insanely happy when fighting gangs...

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3690-1


» Chi Powers: basic air pressure control, she can fire blasts of air pressure at you, at most even create a rasengan- like wind attack around her weapon, but she wont be able to hold it for long.
» Awakened Appearance: no different than normal.
» Awakened Powers: she has an advanced control of air pressure, she can make the air you breathe thinner or thicker, in awakened abilities she can create small vacuums in front of her for a couple of seconds acting as a shield to most attacks, constant attacks like lasers are not affected much by this as they will continue to fire after the vacuum has disappeared....


yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3693-1

» Background: yui lived with her little sister, raising her. after the recent hollow attack, her sister became a shinigami and left the area. it left yui on her own and to compensate for losing her sister, she began fighting more and more in a shorter space of time and as this was before she gained her powers, she had her old hockey stick, which was dark red, with black decals, she also had a hockey mask, but both were damaged, and almost broken at this point, and she was taking on atleast three gangs a day... needless to say she was in trouble...

a day until her birthday, she went up against a gang which named themselves "Zan'nin'na chikara" or "the brutal force" which was easy for her to beat, until the leader showed his face... he looked weak, but something wasnt right about him... she began to fight him, she charged toward him, jumping up, swinging her hockey stick down, hitting him in the face, but to her surprise, he hadn't moved at all from this hit, he jumped back, pulling a blade from his pocket, at first glance the blade looked normal, it then enlarged to a full sized katana, "little boys, shouldn't carry big swords" said mockingly by yui, "hardly" he said in a defensive tone. he drew his blade, and simultaneously his attire changed to that of a shinigami, he shunpo'ed towards yui slicing her mask at a diagonal angle making a shallow cut into her face, yui was frozen with fear, as she could barely see what he just did, he stepped forward swinging his sword at a horizontal angle toward her face... yui could only close her eyes in fear, as she could tell that strike would kill her...

*sounds of metal clashing at high speeds...* she opened her eyes to see her sister juri blocking his attack with one hand, using the other she puts electrical current into his lower body, whilst simultaneously grabbing his blade in her other hand. she knocks him over and puts the blade up to his neck, " small boys shouldn't play with knives, as they might get hurt" she said mockingly. juri came back a day early to celebrate yui's birthday, it was still a day away though. yui looked at her hockey stick, it was cleanly sliced in diagonally in half... her mask and weapon were broken beyond repair...

on her birthday yui got many things, but two things made her the happiest she's ever been... she got a new hockey stick and mask.

she went to yesterday's gang, she didnt exactly know why she went, considering what happened the day before, but she went...
with her fake hollow mask on, and her jet black field hockey stick, she started to fight them again.

after beating them all down the leader came again, only he was already in his shinigami spirit form, he shunpoed toward yui, swinging his sword horizontally toward her chest, she jumped back dodging the attack, he shunpoed again, but faster and faster than before slicing her chest and body until she was almost covered in shallow cuts....

her hockey stick was dropped and consequently unharmed, and he didnt aim for her face, but yui was wounded, it was the worst wounds she had ever gotten from a one on one fight... she fell to the floor, unable to move, she was as good as dead, she was waiting to die, luckily he walked away laughing, opening his eyes he saw juri in front of him, he shunpoed backwards before getting into battle stance. she ran trying to hit him with her gauntlets, but he was faster, more agile than before, yesterday he was arrogant and underestimated his opponent, today he wasnt gonna give her a chance, he shunpoed up close and swung his blade down, striking her shoulder, he shunpoed around behind her slicing her back, and sides, "ha, you talk big, but i guess your bark is bigger than your bite...HAHAHA... such a nice body, it would be regrettable to waste this opportunity...if you know what i mean...." *riping sounds* he started to rip her clothes off, juri was frozen with fear as this was happening, yui felt helpless, to lay there watching that pervert, try and have his way with her sister...

"stop it... Get off my sister.... GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER!!!!" yui said as she slowly managed to stand up, picking up her hockey stick... on the last part she said, she let off a powerful riatsu...

her aura colour was a dark red.

she ran at him, he shunpoed out of the way grabbing his sword, he then continued to shunpo toward her swinging his sword, she disappeared...

He felt nothing but pain as he saw her hockey stick digging down into his left shoulder, on a second look he saw that there was a tiny gap between his flesh and her hockey stick... meaning the air had been forcefully smashed into his shoulder...
he slowly dropped to the ground, as he felt another blow to the left sided of his neck...
that guy never fully recovered from that blow... she mashed up his spinal chord so much that the damage was irreversible...

after yui struck the boss, she turned around at her sister, she saw a glimpse of a guy standing in the distant, spectating the event, he then disappeared when she spotted him... the most defining feature she could pick out from a distant glimpse, was that he had blonde hair and had a sword on his back.

-after it was all over-
they got home, yui took care of her sisters wounds... she went into the other room, reaching for a spare first aid box, she suddenly realised she was still wounded badly herself, as she felt tremendous pain, she managed to grasp the first aid kit before almost passing out from the pain.

she managed to balance herself, before feeling lightheaded again, her leg muscles relaxed, as she started to fall she lost her sight, she lost consciousness...

*sounds of a plastic box hitting the ground*
she immediately woke as she heard the box hit the ground, she felt warm.. "hehehe... dont strain your self too much, you're pretty badly injured..." she looked up to see she had been caught by a guy, he had blonde hair, a nice face, and a sword on his back... she slipped out of conscientiousness again...

she awoke again in her bed, all of her wounds were dressed... she looked at her table to see juri and the stranger sitting drinking tea... "you're finally awake, huh?"
the stranger said in a soft tone...

later that day, yui had been informed of many things... the strange man was one of Juri's friends, his name was Light narakumi, he was also a shinigami... he was here to check up on Juri and noticed yui was about to pass out onto the tiled floor, so he caught her, brought her to her bed and dressed her wounds...
he was observing the fight in case the two of them werent enough to take care of that rogue shinigami...

Yui "you dressed my wounds..." -she starts blushing, and puts on an embarrassed look- "that would mean... you saw..." "ummhmm... i saw your beautiful body, from head to toe.."

light then endured twenty minutes of being hit continuously by yui, with a surprisingly hard cushion...

a few days later Juri left again...

and a few weeks later yui left with light, to hunt hollows and rogue shinigami...


Last edited by ADemonSlayer on Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:25 pm; edited 5 times in total

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Empty Re: yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3]

Sun May 13, 2012 10:42 am
yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] 18451841jpeg_preview_large

Going.. loco.. hahaha... pm me when you've want to work on it..
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Empty Re: yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3]

Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:52 pm
Moving this to unchecked because it's a finished app, yo...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Empty Re: yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3]

Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:35 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: N/A
Tier: 4-3

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] WVMWLOu
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yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Empty Re: yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3]

Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:05 am
yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Image3879-1
Alright, I'm moving Loki Arjan into inactive character as I haven't seen Loki come on the site in ages. Thus, he shall be archived for now.

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] WVMWLOu

yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Empty Re: yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3]

Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:29 pm
yui Kazehana [APPROVED 4-3] Tumblr_mji8wvcspY1rshzuyo1_500_zps2d7b00ae
A'ight! This is has been in here long enough!
Moving from Innactive to Archived! Post Here if you return or pick up this character again!
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