Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed May 16, 2012 5:19 pm
Hisao Nakai

It had been a long time since the fateful day of Hisao Nakai's life changing heart attack. Months had passed, nearly slipping into the feelings of years for the the person. The amount of time he spent in hopistal after that made him feel competely out the loop of day to day life. Even now, he felt it was way too damn hard to even bother turning up to school again. But sadly, he had no choice in the matter, he still had a year of school to go through before he was done with it. He tried keeping up with his education in the hopistal, so he wasn't competely out of it, but this was going to be really hard for Hisao for his first week or so of school. He just really couldn't be bothered going through with this, but sadly because of the depressing incident, he had little choice in the matter. Arriving at the gate after a brief walk (He didn't live very far away from here), he sighed to himself one more time..

"I really don't want to do this.." he sliently monologued. Hisao had a tendancy to just monologue everything he thought to himself, like he was narrating in his head what was going on around him. He walked through the gates, heading into the main building. It was early in the morning so classes hadn't of started yet, but Hisao already felt a feeling of unfamiliarity with the whole thing, it made him feel rather uncomfortable. Already, he could see many people he had never known before. He knew what class he had to go to. He entered the building, people began to eye him up as he disregarded it and simply tried to head for the class he was assigned to so he could just get this pointless day out the way. Eventually ending up in one of the corridors of this unfamiliar place, he was nearly at his class but quite soon, as he slowly walked down there, something that was going to change quite a lot on his life was going to happen, or at least be the beginning of a life changing event for the heartcrippled Hisao.


Act 1 (Private) Empty Re: Act 1 (Private)

Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:46 am






The steady sound never stopped : anyone that heard it knew who was just there. And it kept going : the sounds were like a wave that never stopped, a beat that always kept going on even to an invisible music. It was like the very sound supported the movements.

Because if you listened, you'd see something amazing.

Her pink pigtails flicked in the light, as the sound of metal against concerete echoed, as breath hissed in and out, her body twitching. Her lips were parted, breaths hissing in and out of her chest : it rose and fell with each gasp of air. The shirt clung to her, as she continued her seemingly mad race. She moved as if hounds of hell were chasing her, coming from behind : and she was moving with such a speed. And yet, the sound of metal against concrete continued : tiles began to ring as that sound transfered. A simple gaze told it all : a slender, slim girl, and the sight of metal prongs starting from her knees. They kind of looked like skis, and yet not : the very surprise that a girl with no legs was running in the halls was stunning.

Never mind those enrapturing green eyes, that winning smile and even more so, that firey will written all over her face. But her focus was too great on something : without warning something was in her path, and still. ''Ack, watch out!'' she yelled out, careening : but it was too late, as she bumped into the figure, her body falling backwards onto her bum. The girl let out a hiss, as she rubbed the back of her thighs, and looked up at the person she had bumped into. ''I'm sorry!'' she said, getting herself back up, and offering a hand to them.

The sounds had stopped, but instead left a girl with a will of fire so brilliant that it shone in her eyes and smile.

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Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:17 pm
[i]Hisao Nakai

Hisao didn't notice the beat like sound getting louder and louder towards him, as he was quite depressed still. The atmosphere around him just felt like a massive dark cloud was above you if you were anywhere close to him. It really was quite depressing. The sound got closer and closer, at a really fast speed too. When the noise got so close he would notice it was right behind him, as he slowly turned around, but it was much too late as the girl on no legs collided in him, making him stumble and eventually fall. His eyes closed as a reaction. AS he breathed, before he even got a chance to open in his eyes, he suddenly heard his heart. The collision was now causing him to suffer from a heart palpitation. He felt quite a fair bit of pain in his chest, as his face obviously would look rather pained, concerning many people if they saw how he was right now. He tried to take deep breaths, telling himself in his head to remain calm.. after moments of this, it stopped. He was alive thankfully. He took a few more deep breaths after that experience.

He then opened his eyes to see the blonde twintailed girl on her backside, on no legs but rather prongs that would allow her to run and walk. It was quite a unusual sight. Judging by what she was wearing, Hisao deducted she was rather athletic. His curiosity was sparked by this girl already, as it was rather out of the ordinary. Suddenly, Hisao was struck again by the sounds of his chest beating irregulary as he looked rather pained. This time, it didn't last quite long, but with him making eye contact, it may of been obvious.

Act 1 (Private) Empty Re: Act 1 (Private)

Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:20 pm


The pink haired girl felt her face turn into a more worried expression, noticing the pain on his face. She was about to ask, her mouth open, as he looked at her : and the girl was surprised. The light bags under his eyes made the male's face look older : there was a sort of depression that seemed to be deep set in his eyes, as they were dead looking. Glass eyed, and fish orbs, she wanted to shiver. But something stronger grew : she wanted to help him feel better, and she wanted him to smile. Those two desires fired up inside the willful girl, as she noted a spark : and she knew she had lift off. ''Hey, you okay? I didn't bump into you that hard, did I?'' she said, her tone worried, her hand still outstretched : she wouldn't take it back unless he told her to. And even then, she might just grab his hand and pull him up.

Emi was a bit worried about his condition, as her careful gaze kept watching him, awfully attentive, as if reading every single movement of his. She wanted to make sure that he was okay. ''Do you need to go to the nurse?'' she asked, her tone clearly worried as she kept her kind, and yet fiery, green eyes on him. She knew that she was smiling again : the girl with no legs could only do so by instinct, and always so. After all, she had to work with this disability for the rest of her life : and she would not give up on it. Never.
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TOTM November 2011
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Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:53 am
Hisao Nakai

He began to breathe deeply to recover from that terrifying experience. For a moment he felt like he was going to nearly die. It was a abloustely awful experience to compliment how he felt in general. After a few moments breathing, he accepted Emi's hand and got back up onto his feet, his face still giving that he still looked rather.. dulled and that would only be amplifyed by that sudden attack caused by the collision of these two. He was just going to shrug this off as a accident and just move on with what he was doing, where he was confronted with a question from the twin tailed girl. 'Hey, you okay? I didn't bump into you that hard, did I?'' Before he could think of a reasonable answer to say, another question was thrown at him. ''Do you need to go to the nurse?'' taking this in, he decided no to cause too much concern and bother so he gave a straight forward reply to and remove all fear's of him not being okay, which he really wasn't.

"No, i'm fine. I won't go to see the nurse because I got bumped down, thanks for your concern though." He smiled assuringly trying to give the false impression everything was okay. It was kinda obvious this was probably being put on though. He was gloomy before he even got bumped into which Emi might of been able to catch onto, and besides he looked like he was in quite a bit of pain aswell. He just didn't want to cause any concern or bother because it was unnesccary trouble he couldn't be bothered going through. He was bored of everyone checking up on him to see if he was okay. He got this at the hopistal and his daily medicine was just a painful reminder of all of it. He was just sick of it all.. and it made him feel so bad about his life.


Act 1 (Private) Empty Re: Act 1 (Private)

Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:44 pm


His face was really weird, as she frowned just a little bit, but smiled when he took her hand. She felt better, and with a small noise, helped him get up. He was a bit heavier then she thought, but hey, it worked! The guy had dark hair and a pretty plain like face. But she didn't care about looks really : although, she couldn't get the sight of his pain out of her head. He seemed to be a bit off guard at her questions, but gave her an answer. A corner in her mind scoffed, knowing a bullshit lie when she saw it. After all, she was the master of lying wasn't she? The girl just stared at him, and tilted her head. ''You sure? Maybe you should check with the nurse : just in case. Oh yeah! I'm Emi! Pleased to meet you!'' she said, a bright smile on her lips. For once, no one was there to scold her for running : that made her happy. But she didn't show a frown, as she just smiled at him.

Maybe she could help him? It'd surely be nice if she could. That would make her very, very happy.

[Kinda short, but didn't have much lol.]


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Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:53 am
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