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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis

Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:27 am

/\/\\\-MR. CAVEMAN-///\/\
In the glorious palace of Eden and Vohlis's old stronghold, Malcolm reexamines his attire and his recently gifted flesh. It was not of hollow origin, yet it seems human to him. He can feel his heart beating endlessly. When he looks at the empty throne, he contemplates that without Hanako to rule, who will take on the burden of controlling the Children of Vohlis? Why would he care about the hellspawns? Hanako is just a hellspawn to him if he thinks that way. Yes, all Children of Vohlis are nothing more than hellspawns and Hanako was no exception, even if she killed him and by honor he will still have to take up vengeance. The time is now that Caveman abandons the Children of Vohlis and hunt them down. Even Hanako herself. Upon remembering her as the victorious brat over him. Given all chances, I hesitated to try and kill that bitch. She has children of her own, she helped my allies, yet she is just a fucking hellspawn compared to me. I am a demon slayer, a traditional warrior dated back to the recent time after the fall of the Roman Empire. My vow is to die fighting. However... Caveman rethinks the moment that he became a hollow; how he became a gillian and his thirst for vengeance allowed him to control the thousands upon thousands of souls. He became a Vasto Lorde for having that amount of control over himself while still fighting to be free.

When he entered Eden and noticed his change, Caveman felt Malcolm fighting for sanity as the boy who once had a family, but Caveman slaughtered them for Vohlis. Memories of his dealings and ordeals null silently into the absence when he viewed upon the silvery flooring and pillars. Yet he feels that if he leaves Eden, he will be back to being Caveman, the monstrosity that was killed by Hanako and seeks vengeance. A name suddenly pops into his head, "Solas." The person known to be the killer of Vohlis, Caveman's master. Caveman wanted to kill Vohlis himself, but that chance is stolen and it leaves Caveman without a goal other than to kill Hanako. Caveman looks at the doorway that he can use to arrive anywhere without any resistance because Eden has one truth. "Caveman. You know you will die before you can reach her." A dominating voice echoes through Eden Palace's corridor. Caveman looks at the corridor to see a man dressed as a holy knight. "If I can choose to kill you, I will. Leave the women out of this." Caveman growled at the holy knight. "Hanako, Tina, Reimu, and now you have sentimental feelings for Solas? You're destined to falter for your sentimentality." The holy knight retorts. Caveman knew that holy knight can read minds because of him being one of the Elite Riders, Deus of the First Cohort. "I'm abandoning this dream because I know I cannot get my flesh back." Caveman states. "Then the shadow will be your downfall, Caveman." Deus remarks. Ignoring Deus's claim, Caveman walks to the gateway and opens it with his mental command, Sukai Karakura: The Vanguards.

In front of the Vanguard's headquarters, a silvery gateway appears and opens up, revealing a tall man with long dark hair and beard untamed and eyes as gray as the mist. His attire consists of a black tunic with a black cape hanging over his left shoulder, bearing the emblem of Vohlis's army. His pants are merely black denim out of preference over a baggy pantaloons while his boots are black with steel greaves tied to his shin. His forearm was protected by the first layer of leather and a pair of half-bracers protecting his outer forearms and the back of his hands. Held in his hand was a black sword that was his height and overbearing, yet he can hold it without a problem. The face was familiar anywhere as the world renowned terrorist, Mr. Caveman. In the end, when he walks out of the gateway, the flesh and clothes decay and fade away as if Mr. Caveman is slowly disappearing, but gradually, it reveals the truth. The truth is that Mr. Caveman was dead and became a Hollow as he turns out to be a Vasto Lorde with faceless mask with only a pair of eye sockets and three spikes pointing forward at all three points of an upside down triangle. His build was slender as six large spike protrude from his back and the back of his shoulders. The two spikes are behind his Achilles' Heels while there are blades for his toes. Two more spikes are short as they came from his kneecaps. Perceptively, he seems nothing but hollow bones, but the hollow bones are his armor as the flesh are inside them. Without paying attention to everything around him as the gateway disappears, Caveman looks at his talons that consists of six fingers with a claw on each end while three and three fingers are on opposing sides of his talon each. He then spins the talons a full round without any resistance.

From there on, he waits for the woman who killed Vohlis, his prey.
'Dat Bishie
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The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Left_bar_bleue10/100The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty Re: The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis

Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:40 am

"Haaah!" Without fail, the fist pushed itself forwards and knocked into the chest of the black-clothed Shinigami, sending him flying backwards and into the nearest wall. The sound of crumbling brick caused her to cringe slightly, before returning her gaze to the man stuck in the wall. A sigh came out of the short-of-stature woman as she slowly traipsed to his side, holding out a hand and smiling brightly. As he took it and she pulled him up, she found herself musing. There seemed to be no loss of strength in this new body: she was just as physically powerful as she was with her old physical form. What did that mean, by the way? "New Form." Well, if we were to put it simply enough, then we would need to understand that Solas Foiche did not look like she used to. Before her fight with the damnable TelcinVohlis, Solas had looked rather beautiful, at least according to most of those who spoke to her. From her bright blue eyes, to the long locks of bright violet hair that had fallen down her back, Solas had certainly looked interesting. But now... but... but now... Sure, a bit of maturity gained always helped, but she looked so much older! She didn't know if she liked looking like this (no offense to her Zanpakutō spirit, of course). And... THE EARS. THOSE DAMN POINTY EARS! A hand went up instinctively and poked the tip. Seriously, HOW?!

She remembered it, occasionally. The pain that wrought itself through her body like wildfire after the destruction of Vohlis. Just before his destruction, the creature had produced a sigil, of some sort. She wasn't completely sure of its purpose, but the sigil itself may have done something to her body--for all she knew, the man may have invaded her cells, trying to rip her apart from within. It might not have been him, though: t'was simply an idea. However, just after finishing the fight, she had collapsed onto the ground and stopped breathing. She awoke, three days later, looking completely different. The story that she'd been told by most medical officials was that she was, by all rights, completely 'dead'. Something had started to eat away at the very make up of her soul, ripping her apart from within and causing her to slowly degrade. Almost completely giving up hope, the medics had prepared to pronounce the end, when something of unimaginable scope had occurred. A light shone, and an energy then erupted out of Solas' body. When the light faded, a different look was given. Solas woke up, looked at the mirror that she was handed, calmly stated that it was her Zanpakutō spirit and asked why they showed her a picture of her. When they'd explained it to her, well... she kinda freaked.

And then we got to today. About a month later, with Solas still undergoing rehabilitation. She had only just been given permission to test out her physical capabilities, so she had done it in style. A proper brawl, of sorts. She had fought against about eight Shinigami opponents at once, and managed to take them all down in order of speed. The fast bastards were her weakness, unfortunately. So the last one had been evading her for quite some time, before getting to a point where she couldn't keep up. However, she kept on it, managing to just get a hit in before finishing the fight on that note. Chuckling to herself, the woman started to approach the barracks in her long clothing, when she was headed off by a panting member of the guard. "Reagent General... There is a stranger at the gates... You're the closest of any considerable strength... please take a look, ma'am. He seems to be of Hollow-make, strength equivalent to a Vasto Lorde." Solas' eyes opened somewhat wider. Vasto... V-Vasto Lorde?! Growling now, her body rippling with worry, she started to head straight for the main entrance of the Vanguard HQ, passing by confused-looking Shinigami, Humans and the occasional Arrancar as they came in the opposite direction.

As she passed through the gate outside, she stared at the being that stood there, glaring at him quietly. He was covered in blade and bone, with a blank mask that would send even the most mentally-stable Shinigami into a state of worry. The mere presence of this being worried her, and the musculature of the other caused her to wonder just how strong this being truly was. Sighing softly, the woman placed her hands on her hips and looked up at him (from her height of 5'2, of course), speaking loudly and powerfully, as a woman of her position should.

"Solas Foiche; Reagent General of the Vanguard speaking as an Ambassador of its will and presence. I ask of you: who are you, and what is your reasoning for being within this place at this current time..." One of her eyes glinted slightly in the light as she looked at the man with a grin. "...Hollow?"

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The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty Re: The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis

Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:45 am

/\/\\\-MR. CAVEMAN-///\/\
Caveman stood outside the base, knowing he is spotted and stands ready to fight if it all goes down. An honorable demon slayer such as Caveman merely wishes to see the woman who killed his ancestral father and prey. The woman walks out of the base and as the woman can see, Caveman officially is a Vasto Lorde and a big one at that when he stands at eight feet in approximated height. The glow in his red eyes flickers like candle-lights in the deep void of Hueco Mundo's night sky. He sees her as a short person, shorter than the prey. Her long clothes and the way she carries herself entails to Caveman that she is still recovering from her ordeal. TelcinVohlis must still be strong, yet even to Caveman, the former minion of the demon lord since his childhood, Caveman does not know whether TelcinVohlis is weaker than before or stronger than before. Judging by the dark aura that the woman has, her true body is weak, but her spirit is strong enough that either her Zanpakutō spirit was slowly taking over or worse, she is slowly becoming a hellspawn like Shadin or Hanako.

"Solas Foiche; Reagent General of the Vanguard speaking as an Ambassador of its will and presence. I ask of you: who are you, and what is your reasoning for being within this place at this current time...Hollow?" The woman introduces herself with a grin. The grin implies that she confidently has the upper-hand in the situation. Caveman cannot lie that he is facing impossible odds the moment he steps out of the gateway. "Over twenty-six weeks have passed and I became this through the sheer will to defy the laws of Hueco Mundo and of Earth. I am once called, Mr. Caveman, the World Class Terrorist. You can choose to call me by my birth name, Malcolm Stone of Atlanta, Georgia in the United States." Caveman introduces himself in kind to Solas. The voice Caveman releases was deep and dominating, a typical trait for a hollow of his caliber. But the name alone would imply his reputation of being able to survive hundreds of conflicts against the military forces from many nations, and still chose to fight hollows, Arrancar, and demons alike. One myth said that Caveman was capable of slicing a tank in half with his large, black demon sword, The Hollow Blade.

A mist leaks off to the sides of his mask as the sound of him sniffing was evident. "I can smell his blood on your flesh and his essence in your pores and his wrath in your scars. So you have indeed slew my prey, the Demon Lord. Yet you carried a dark aura that I can feel." Caveman speaks to Solas without straying too far from the mark in his analysis, a trait any demon slayer would have. Caveman seems to keep a sturdy stance as he speaks, showing a degree of power that would rival a veteran captain without revealing his aura. With that, it was natural that no one else other than that shinigami would detect him by sight alone.

The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
'Dat Bishie
Joined : 2010-11-07
Posts : 1550
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The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Left_bar_bleue10/100The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis Empty Re: The Demon Slayer meets the Slayer of Vohlis

Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:30 am

"Over twenty-six weeks have passed and I became this through the sheer will to defy the laws of Hueco Mundo and of Earth. I am once called, Mr. Caveman, the World Class Terrorist. You can choose to call me by my birth name, Malcolm Stone of Atlanta, Georgia in the United States." Aha. That was a name that she had heard through the news wire, but had never expected to come face-to-face with. A chuckle escaped from the lips of the short and elf-like woman, who folded her arms. Okay, so he was a terrorist--former human, now hollowfied. That was enough to make anyone worry, but Solas was somewhat confident with her expression. Why? One would have to wonder exactly why she was acting in the way that she was--why would one be so confident when faced with such a complete threat? There were enough Vanguard around, sure, but that didn't completely ensure her safety. If he was able to kill her--she, who was still somewhat weak from her ordeal--then the others would likely be child's play to him. Sure, Genpaku would be able to come out and kill him in time, but that would still mean her death. So, why was Solas Foice grinning with such a confident aura? Was it a bluff? A visage? Who knew?

A few of the members that stood nearby started to whisper quietly to one another, wondering what was about to happen. Would Solas, who had her Zanpakutō on her back, be ready to turn around and fight? What if these two were friends--lovers, even? Even those who knew Solas' sexuality had to wonder about that, though if only to put more and more stories into their own heads. "I can smell his blood on your flesh and his essence in your pores and his wrath in your scars." She heard him sniffing. Ew. Just... ew. "So you have indeed slew my prey, the Demon Lord. Yet you carried a dark aura that I can feel." Tch. Sighing softly, Solas turned away slightly and shook her head slowly. "That's not something I like to bring up... Mr. Caveman." It was true, she didn't. It had already been a month since she was pronounced 'dead'. She didn't need to be reminded of such things. "Sure, I killed Vohlis. I doubt that I would've if Arishima-dono hadn't been there," She'd always use such formal language around those who didn't know Genpaku well enough, "Why do you care, anyway? You say that he was your 'prey', yet you let an amateur like myself kill him first." Turning towards him, she sighed and folded her arms once more.

Despite her short stature, Solas had a rather stern and matronly look to her that went along with her appearance change, one that would serve her well in commanding soldiers. "Look. All I can tell you is that he pulled some sigil on me. That 'dark aura' you speak of is something that's completely unknown to me--though I can tell you that this was never what I normally looked like. For some reason, my body has done a complete merge with my Zanpakutō spirit. Whatever happened after that battle put me out of commission. It broke my body down completely. I was dead, damnit! And yet this happened, and I don't even know anymore." She shook her head and sighed softly, turning away again with her back facing him. "I wouldn't normally say this to a Hollow, but I doubt that you're going to attack me--this place is bad for a conversation, especially if it's going to get as serious as I feel that it is. Come. Follow." Walking off, Solas started to head into the main barracks of the Vanguard, leading Caveman through halls until she finally reached her own office, cleaner than it usually was--she'd had plenty of time to get through paperwork in the past month. Once they were both in the room, she would close the door behind him. The size difference was staggering--Solas was glad that the room had a high ceiling, though it made her feel really small.

"So, what do you have to say to me?"

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