Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2012-06-11
Posts : 38

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Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5]

Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:35 am
Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3688

Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3689-1

» Name: Lilith Chain
» Titles: BubbleGum Princess
» Age: 17
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: None

» Appearance Description:

Lilith is of mixed American and Japanese descent, her mother being American and her father Japanese. This heritage makes her skin tone a smooth light caramel color as well as giving her some interesting characteristics. One of these is that Lilith has a bright blue eyes that are a dirty glacier blue color. Despite her rather beautiful eyes, only one of them is visible, the other one being covered by an eye patch do to unfortunate circumstances. The most striking attribute of Lilith's appearance is her bubblegum ink hair which she dyed in rebellion to her Uncle's strict rules. Lilith's entire wardrobe consists of one outfit repeated and infinite amount of time and that is her signature bright yellow sundress and matching heels. Believe it or not, she has 15 of the exact same dress and 4 pairs of the exact same shoes.

» Appearance Picture: Lilith Chain


Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3691-1

» Personality:

I will kick your face in.
Violence, the antithesis of civilization or the roots of us all. Lilith doesnft really care, all she knows is that she is good at it. Over the years Lilith has developed her own fighting style that seems to maximize bone breakage and blood loss turning her into a violent machine. She hardly ever uses weapons because she believes that your body can be the perfect weapon. When conflict arises before her she prefers to use violence to ruthlessly crush it and if that doesnft work she uses her brains.

Yes you may call me Princess.
While Lilith is one hardcore bitch she enjoys being a princess and loves nothing more than when people shower her with gifts and praise. Whether theyfre intentions are pure matters nothing to her so long as you pay homage to her ego. This is perhaps her largest weakness, as a well placed complement or gift can distract her long enough for you to get away. She is also a terribly vain girl spending hours getting ready each morning and spending hundreds on manicures and pedicures.

Check Mate
While Lilith is a vain and violent girl she is by no means stupid. She has always been an intelligent girl she just hasnft shown it very often. Lilith has the ability to score in top five percent of her classes ever since she started school, but in the beginning sabotaged herself to remain in the shadows. Now she purposefully scores high on exams so that the Administration and her teachers will leave her alone. Lilith also is a sly and cunning creature, often using her looks to manipulate those around her. While she prefers to settle things with her fistsc.or feet, when these fail her she turns to manipulation and deceit to achieve her goals.

Despotism and Tyranny
If you could pick one word to sum up Lilith it would be Tyrant. She rules those below her with fear and terror. She has mastered the art of instilling fear into those around her so that no one questions her orders. When dealing with her there is always the threat that she will plunge you into a nightmare world from which there is no awakening, and she will laugh while doing it. Power is the only thing that Lilith loves more than herself and will do anything to obtain it, even if it means killing. The few people that have dared to stand up to her have been ruthlessly crushed so as to be made an example of.

» Likes:
  • Sweets
  • Action Flicks
  • Fighting
  • Spicy Foods
  • Shonen Manga
  • The color Yellow
  • The color Pink

» Dislikes:
  • Quite
  • The morning
  • Her Uncle
  • Hard Work
  • Sweating
  • Romance Novels
  • Weaklings


Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3692-1

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: TBA

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities: TBA

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: TBA

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: TBA

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: TBA

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: TBA


Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3690-1


» Chi Powers: TBA

» Awakened Appearance: TBA
» Awakened Powers: TBA

» Fully Awakened Appearance: TBA
» Fully Awakened Powers: TBA


Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3693-1

» Background:

Birth to Age 5:
Lilith was born in Augusta , Maine to Shintaro Chain and Hellana Chain. Her mother was the head of public relations for a pharmaceutical company and her father worked as a teacher at his family's dojo. They met and fell in love when Lilith's mother traveled to Japan for a business trip. When Hellana returned to the states they continued a long distance relationship for a year, after which she moved to Japan to be with Shintaro. They got married that summer and settled down. Roughly two years later Hellana received a job offer to return to the states with a promotion and a raise. She decided to accept and in the end Shintaro decided that he would follow his wife to the states; leaving behind Japan. At this time Hellana was eight months pregnant, and so a month later Lilith Belladona Chain was born. However, there was a complication. While running routine tests it was discovered that Lilith had a tumor on her cornea and it was inoperable. The doctors presented her parents with a choice, remove the eye entirely or lose your child. In the end it was decided to remove the eye to protect Lilith.

For the majority of her early childhood Lilith was left under the care of her father due to the incessant demand of her motherfs work. Because of this she learned how to speak both Japanese and English fluently and was taught the traditions and rituals of her fatherfs homeland. She was never enrolled in daycare or preschool as they lived about ten miles outside of Augusta, so the majority of her childhood was filled with adults. Due to this she developed a more adult view of the world and became a disparager. She taught herself how to read and write English from watching her mother work and when she turned five her father took it upon himself to teach her how to read and write Japanese.

The first year of school was extremely difficult for her because she had never been around children before. She didnft know how to interact with them having spent her entire life in the company of adults. Her Teacher tried to help ingratiate Lilith into the rest of the class but that ended up hurting her instead of helping. The children turned on Lilith and began to torment her in little ways when the Teacher wasnft looking. The torments slowly escalated until one day the children took Lilithfs eye patch away. When they saw nothing underneath it a few of them screamed and ran away while other started tormenting her and calling her names. Lilith flew into a blind rage and attacked the other students. Before the Teacher was able to stop it, Lilith had broken the arms of two boys and the leg of a little girl. Needless to say Lilith was expelled and had to transfer to a different school.

Age 6 to 10:
After transferring to a different school Lilith became a loner. She was alienated from her class mates by her eye patch and their inability to see past it. Because of this Lilith had no social life and spent the majority of her free time studying or reading. In truth she was roughly three grade levels above the rest of the students but in order to avoid attention she purposely scored lower on her tests. In all things she tried to be average and blend in. However, while things at school we manageable and, for the most part good, things at home began taking a downward turn.

Due to the increased pressure by her job Lilithfs mother was unable to spend much time with her family. This caused a rift to form in the relationship between herself and her husband then her child. While they never openly fought in front of Lilith she could sometimes here their fights at night when she lay in bed. There would be times when her parents would go days without saying anything to each other. It finally came to ahead the year Lilith turned seven. Her father asked her mother to release her job and take another one that was less time consuming. She refused to think about it for even a moment so the next day he filed for divorce. It was a long and messy affair that spanned two years before it was finalized. In the end Lilithfs mother kept the house and car but her father got a large sum of money out of it. Lilith was sent into joint custody spending two weeks at her motherfs and her fatherfs each month. While this was going on Lilith fell into a deep clinical depression that no drugs or therapy were able to completely cure. It was after the third psychiatrist that her father introduced her to Taekwondo.

When Lilith stayed with her father they would have lessons every Monday and practice for the rest of the week. Feeling that her world was falling apart around her, Lilith was a bit tentative about learning it at first. As time progressed, however, she discovered that when she practiced she didnft feel quite so alone, Lilith even came to enjoy it and look forward to her lessons. She threw herself into the martial arts and discovered that she was a natural. Through taekwondo she was able to deal with her parents divorce and not succumb to the darkness.

Age 11 to 16:

While the earlier chapters in her life had been filled with sadness and pain the later ones became filled with power and violence. The first year of middle school was normal for Lilith. She began to branch out of her solitude and make friends, though not many. She stopped sabotaging herself in school and quickly became the top of her class. Her parents were overjoyed at the fact that she was finally making friends and behaving like a normal girl, that was until the Incident. It happened in the Seventh Grade about halfway through the year. Lilith knew that while she had friends now she was still looked upon with disdain by the majority of her classmates. It was during lunchtime, and in an effort to help the students relax, the Administration let the students eat outside at picnic tables. One of the more preppy girls who had often shown hostility towards Lilith came over to her and began talking. Lilith, doing what she normally did, ignored her. The girl babbles on and on, talking about the most trivial things and letting it wash over her until Lilith heard the words, gI guess thatfs why your mother doesnft love you.h It was as if a something snapped in her. Lilith stood up and punched the girl in the face before she began kicking the girl repeatedly in the stomach. As the girl laid there writhing in pain Lilith picked up the girls arm and stepped on the elbow breaking it inwards. The girlfs screams echoed across the courtyard and brought the teachers running. Lilith was arrested and the other girlfs parents pressed charges. Lilith ended up winning by claiming that she was provoked and assaulted. Of course Lilith was expelled once again.

This time Lilith had to attend a reformatory school as no one else would accept her. It was there in the bowels of that hell-hole that woman know as Miss Chain was formed. By this time in her life she had reached a red belt in taekwondo but had always used it as a tool and not a weapon. In there that changed. She became a demon, a monster not afraid to turn her abilities on anyone who stood in her way. As such she developed a gang, or more precisely a group of people that feared her to their cores. Lilith was in paradise, people jumped at her every word and request, here she was queen. However, like all good things, it came to an end.

When Lilith graduated from middle school her parents decided to try and enroll her at a private high school. She also started practicing Taekwondo again with her father. After about six months he took Lilith to get graded and she was awarded a 1st Dan Black Belt. The school accepted but made her parents pay twice as much as the other students for gSecurity Reasons.h It didnft take long for Lilith to establish herself as the bitch on wheels to the rest of the students. After getting into a few brawls with the local queen bees she once again had established a little gang, after all power attracts weakness. She still maintained her grades and appeared to be the perfect student to her teachers for she had developed a sense of finesse in dealing with the underbelly of the school. After a year she had set up an underworld at the school and had a hand in everything from drug dealing to blackmail. Everything was going swimmingly for her until someone squealed. The Administration cracked down hard on her and caught her red handed but not before she sent all the people who close enough to give them what they needed to the hospital.

She was once again expelled and the only reason why she wasnft arrested was her mother had shelled out large sums of money to the school to keep quite. At a loss of what to do with their daughter the Chains kept her home from school and attempted to home school here with mixed results. Finally it seemed a miracle happened. During the summer of her freshmen year Lilithfs uncle came to visit. While her father had left Japan to be with her mother, Lilithfs uncle stayed home and ended up taking over the family dojo when her grandfather died. He only stayed for a week, during this time plans where made. Lilith was to go and spend four years in Japan under the care of her uncle who would attempt to teacher her discipline and respect. So a month later she was shipped off to Japan, where she now resides in the family dojo and is forced to work there.


Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Image3694-1

» Roleplay Sample:
It was HERE!!!!! The day had finally arrived, after weeks and weeks of working in the clinic and slaving away on patrols in the human world it had come. The moment that Mazra had been waiting for . . . his . . . day . . .OFF!!!! As the sun burst through the paper screen the covered the only window in Mazra’s small cluttered apartment, the young Shinigami rolled out of bed and was forced to do a delicate dance around the towers of books, old and new, that had been accumulating in his apartment for decades. After writhing and bending and preforming feats of contortionism that would make even a carny jealous, Mazra finally managed to get across the room and to the small trunk that kept his uniform and personal belongings. Donning the traditional black shihakusho and hakama of the Shinigami, Mazra quickly slid his kiseru and donned the small taboos pouch before grabbing his glasses. Once fully clothed he turned to survey his small city of books and sighed before doing the intricate dance across the room again to get to the door where his Zanpaktou rested against the door frame. Once properly clothed and armed he did a final check of his belongings before striding out of the barracks and out into the bright sunlight.

Rejuvenated by a good night’s sleep Mazra was ready to take full advantage of his first day off in months and most likely his only day in the whole year. His rampant book addiction forced Mazra to spend untold hours within the Squad 4 clinic as well as running countless patrols in the human world to hunt for hollows and to ferry the dead to their next life. Of course, all this running around and working meant there was very little time that Mazra could take for himself and so when he did get a day off he used it to the fullest. On today’s agenda was a visit to his favorite restaurant for breakfast, then a trip to a book store in the 1st District of the Rukongai, after his shopping Mazra intended to go to one of his favorite food stands in of the lower districts before then taking a quick stop at the apartment to drop off his purchases before spending the rest of his day in the library. With this plan in mind Mazra headed to the first restaurant of the day!

Enjoying the empty streets of the Rukongai, Mazra dawdled; enjoying the beauty of the buildings and art that was displayed at every corner. The few people who he met upon the street greeted him cheerfully and promptly. Enjoying the cool morning air and the way the sky looked with the sun rising Mazra fully enjoyed his stroll to the restaurant. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Upon his arrival Mazra was met with a rather . . . telling portent of the day, the restaurant had a large read sign tacked to the front door that read “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS”. Sighing in disappointment Mazra quickly readjusted his schedule and decided that he might as well head into the 1st District to visit the book shop he frequented when he had the time and money. Of course, in an almost predictable fashion the bookshop had failed and been shut down. Starting to get shaken by this turn of rather bad events, Mazra instantly turned from the building and headed to the little pork stand in the hopes that maybe it would be open. Once again, fate pulled a cruel trick on Mazra and the little stand had moved and none of the locals seemed to know where it had gone. Beginning to truly panic now Mazra gave a little shout of dismay and sprinted back to the Soul Society and right back to the barracks.

Once arriving back at the barracks Mazra quickly realized it was only 7 in the morning and the library wouldn’t open till 9. “Bah, figures . . . I spend weeks planning this whole day and everything is shot to ruin in the first hour I’m awake . . . “ Mazra wandered into the courtyard in front of the barracks that were often used by the Shinigami as a sparring ground and crouched down in the middle of the courtyard, “I wonder how much worse it can get?” As he crouched down his eyes took on a faraway look as Mazra became wrapped in his thought and his eyes subconsciously scanned the ground, not really fixing on any particular thing when all of sudden they saw an abnormally shaped rock. Knocked out of his reverie by the interesting little rock; Mazra, still crouching, hopped his way over to look at it. Roughly the size of a baby’s fist the stone was at once both jagged and smooth. It looked as if someone had taken a big old jagged rock and drawn on it with a smoothing thingy in a swirly pattern. “Well aren’t you just quite unique,” Mazra reached down and picked up the little rock, “My name is Mazra. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” For a moment the young Shinigami merely stared at the rock before bringing it close enough to his face it could touch the tip of his nose, “Well Mr. Rock it’s nice to meet you! How are you today?” Once again Mazra lapsed into silence and began to nod his head towards the rock, “Yes I quite understand, today was supposed to be an amazing day for me but it seems that the universe had other plans . . . “ lapsing into silence once again Mazra smiled at the rock, “Oh, no there is nothing you could do, but thank you so much for asking. Perhaps there is something I could do for you?” Entering into another part of the silent conversation with the inanimate rock, the smile on Mazra’s face slowly fell and the look in his eyes became more and more serious, “I suppose I could do that, but are you sure? Everything you know would be gone.” Pausing for only a moment Mazra nodded his head firmly at the rock and stood, “Very well! I shall help you.” With those words Mazra took the stone in his hand and hauled backwards before beginning to run towards the wall of the courtyard. As he approached the wall he slung the stone forward and it flew into the air, the stone soared over the wall and out of site, “GOOD LUCK MR. STONE!!!” Mazra hopped up and down waving at the rock even though it had long since stopped being able to see him.

NOTE: This app was originally posted on Night's Ascent by Mazra, who I was on that site. If anyone doubt this, feel free to create an account there and PM me about it and I shall respond proving I am the same individual.

Last edited by GentleBreeze on Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:51 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined : 2012-06-11
Posts : 38

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Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty Re: Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5]

Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:36 am
NOTE: I have intentionally left the power section part of the profile blank. I intend for Lilith to rp the evolution and attainment of her powers as she evolves as a human and then into a hollow.

Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] B4g9zo
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Age : 27
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Platinum Points:
Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty Re: Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5]

Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:41 am

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [J]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: Approved!
Tier: 5-5

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Empty Re: Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5]

Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:14 am
Lilith Chain - Human [APPROVED, 5-5] Tumblr_mb6y32uql51qbot5oo1_500

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