Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:46 pm
His eyes shut slowly, his face was made of rubber and was rather stretchy but it wasn't enough to annoy him. He brought his hands up grabbing the female's wrists softly, not showing any real signs of irritation about it. She'd been about like a child would be at such a discovery, though he was used to it. It wasn't on his top 10 favorite things of all time to put up with, hell sometimes he wished he never had to be born this way. But people were different and he was of no exception, he fought the urge just to let the younger boy out and let him deal with the rest.

"Ah..just like others.." He said simply as though remembering a memory from so long ago, but either way soon a new face appeared one glowing a spirit of a man who seemed to come from the silver balls on his waist. The male didn't smile but he turned and acknowledged Jiraiya.

"This is my Zanpakutō..if you can see him anyways..Jiraiya behave.." He gave the sword a warning glance as it looked like he was considering playing with the females boobs as though they were awesome fun house toys, they were squishy and epically awesome. "Your no fun, least the kid lets me get away with being me." Jiraiya said crossing his arms and puffing up slightly before just smiling somewhat.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:57 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari removed her hands from his face. She felt sort of guilty when he said that she was no different than the others. Hearing him say that made her automatically assume that it wasn't a good thing either. She lowered her head and was about to apologize, but a strange man appeared. The man's eyes went to one area of her body, causing Kaminari to raise her arms in front of her chest and take a step back. She looked at the man with a look of disgust, her left eye twitching in irritation. Once she heard him say that it was his Zanpakutō, Kaminari eyed him suspiciously. "A Zanpakutō is similar to it's wielder, so that only makes me wonder what exactly is going on in your head." Her left eye continued to twitch and then finally stopped. She narrowed her eyes at the old Zanpakutō pervert and then turned her attention back towards this man.

"What is your name?" she asked him in a kind voice, still keeping her distance from him just in case of his perverted Zanpakutō. "And don't you dare touch me." she shot another glare towards the smiling perverted man and sort of moved herself behind his wielder. Kaminari kept glancing back and forth between the two of them, obviously on edge. She didn't know what to make of the calm one, but his Zanpakutō freaked her out.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:13 pm
"Let me think, I believe these days I am called Kazuma.." He said the words softly without much feeling to them, his gaze fell to the other people for a moment, they'd begun collecting the children, he gave his head a gentle shake left to right as though he understood they desired to get away from him a tad faster than able. But his gaze fell to the Shinigami Woman, Jiraiya walked back trying to get away from the others. It seemed as though this was an interesting place after all, he and Jiraiya normally were in the inner world holding a discussion together.

To consider him anymore than what he had, this world was rather amusing to say the least, awakening to find a woman and some kids struggling with hollows. Truthfully he came out simply to attend to the damages being caused by the people and hollows. Crusher Kazuma was a name the people had given the boy form he often took.

This was Makoto the Menace of the Black District. Considered a being who didn't truly have a soul or a meaning in this world, Makoto simply lingered awaiting a reason to exist. Jiraiya walked over and sat down next to Kaminari as to speak to her.

"My master's name that stands before you is known as Makoto D Dracul, his name was changed more by me..I've put on many different things for his youthful form..My master lost his drive and just doesn't feel the need to exist in this world where you and I walk.."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:59 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari tilted her head tot he side, listening to the man as he called himself Kazuma. People around seemed to be scurrying about, taking the children and trying to get away as fast as possible. Kaminari didn't understand this. She thought he was an okay guy, so why run? Kaminari's attention was caught by his Zanpakutō, Jiraiya. She looked down to him as he sat next to her and blinked a few times. She felt an immediate rush of sympathy for Makoto. She understood now. This form was Makoto, the other she had just barely seen him shift from was called Kazuma. Kaminari looked up to Makoto with a softened look on her face. It was obvious she was saddened by what Jiraiya had told her.

"You're even more dumb then I am if that is what you believe." Kaminari couldn't help but speak that rudely. It was an insult. It sort of just slipped out of her mouth without her thinking. At first she went to immediately apologize, but then shook off that thought. She meant what she said at that moment. "Every single soul in this world and in the next has a reason for being. Some people have to find it, some it comes to them in time. To feel that you have no reason to live or to exist is just idiotic. There are many people in this world that have gone through hell, been treated horrible, outcast, tortured, and suffered through life... and they still find meaning. You can too. If it's not for someone else, it's for yourself. The fact that you have two sides of you should prove what I have just said. Obviously one side of you has realized he wants to live and has a reason for it, so why can't you? Why would you give up on yourself."

Her eyes narrowed in slight anger at this man as she spoke so bluntly to him. She herself had gone through horrible things. People she now loved and cared about have gone through hell, yet they still move. She does as well. To find someone that gave up, she hated that. A sense of passion and determination lit Kaminari's eyes. She wasn't going to allow him to stay in such a depressing state of mind. She would do her best to help him find someone or something that he cared about and made him want to continue living on and existing in this world.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:49 pm
Kazuma merely shook his head and put a hand up to prevent his Zanpakutō frame arguing with the female, he didn't desire any of it nor did it matter. She stated an opinion that was the simple truth behind it all. Kazuma and Makoto weren't one because Makoto didn't feel like acknowledging a life worth living. She wouldn't understand but he stood up slowly. Giving a slight wave to Jiraiya who had gotten up quickly as though wanting to catch Makoto before he faded. The pressure soon began building crimson hair became black. Reiatsu surged out the small boyish form had gained a normal black optic now, a scar under the child's left optic. Grinning widely as he cracked his knuckles having relaxed now for a bit.

"Pervert-kun what was that all about, Maki-kun doesn't come out for nothing anymore..Aww here come the peepoles.." He had an almost illiterate way of speaking. But the boy was strong this much was sure, his reiatsu was out of control a bit and well. Those who were came under the chances of finding the boy angry or upset, were well crushed. A mob was forming, well because of the damage he did.

Kazuma looked at Jiraiya who'd yelled about him not calling him pervert..But had gone silence at the name of Makoto. He looked back and took in the features of the group coming, it seemed their time was done here. He played with the straw hat on his head softly, pulling it down to get ready to defend himself, truth be told Kazuma was a good fist fighter.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:02 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was completely dumbfounded at the sudden change within the male that stood before her. He turned from what she considered a tall, handsome man into a... idiotic looking boy? Well this wasn't something you would see every day. At all. If Ever. It seemed that he downgraded. Kaminari had a confused look on her face. "So... This is what he meant?" Kaminari thought to herself. Kaminari could sense the people behind her clustering up and moving in. Not knowing their intentions, Kaminari only looked back towards the group, watching their movements. She noticed the looks on their faces and the fact that a few of them held long sticks and other things for weapons. Kaminari only raised an eyebrow, "I suggest you all turn away and get to rebuilding your homes. I can't say that I am in the mood to deal with some illogical mob wanting to beat some kid. Back off and leave, or you'll deal with me, got it?" She was completely serious in what she was saying. After hearing Makoto's reason for allowing some kid to take over the 'wheel', she was rather irritated. Giving up on life was not something she approved of at all. In her opinion, it only meant he was weak, and being weak was another thing she didn't like.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:15 pm
Kazuma heard someone talking, he blinked a couple times looking at the person. Bringing his hand up he poked the person chest, it felt a tad squishy like his skin. So it was a girl, he crossed his arms nodding almost like he understood a new fact of life. The child grinned still removing his finger, not really caring for that feeling that it brought. Odd when something squishy touches something squishy.

"So you're a girl, I was wondering never really saw many of ..Pervert-san said this is the only way to be sure."

Kazuma wasn't really sure why they were yelling at the woman now, they'd gotten a little too violent, plus he'd not really shown them an real worry, it was sort of animal thing. He didn't care because they couldn't harm him if they tried.

Kazuma was young and well his Zanpakutō had been his father figure, poor kid. But the crowd was a tad shocked by his lack of acknowledgment for them. Some of them had begun to run, Kazuma smiled and a white air formed around him, putting out his crushing pressure. Some simply fell over passing out, he'd knocked them through a loop. It's more their bodies couldn't hold up against the amount of crushing pressure put out without any resistance to it.

Jiraiya had a nose bleed and was grinning from ear to ear, it wasn't cute or any such thing. Jiraiya had the grin of a pervert who'd had a grand success. Kazuma didn't get it at all. Putting his straw hat back on his head, he grinned from ear to ear enjoying whatever was going on.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:49 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari suddenly felt something press against her breast. Her body froze, having her tense up as she slowly turned her head towards Kazuma. She looked down to her chest and then back up to him with a dropped jaw and eyes widened. Before he had a chance to pull his hand away, she brought her own up and smacked it like she would a kid. "Yes, I am a girl and how dare you touch a girl that way. Do not EVER do that again!" she narrowed her eyes angrily at him, pointing at him as if he were a child. That was how she saw this side of him anyway. In her mind, he had reverted back to a kid. Kaminari looked to his Zanpakutō, her left eye beginning to twitch as she saw him laying there with a bloody nose. "What a freak..." she thought to herself as she shook her head in shame.

Hearing some of the people behind her beginning to yell, she turned towards them. She saw that a few of them had begun to run, but were suddenly forced to the ground by the same spiritual pressure from before. "HEY!" Kaminari turned back towards Kazuma and forced him to look right at her, "STOP THAT NOW! LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR SPIRITUAL PRESSURE OR YOU'RE GOING TO END UP KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE!" She spoke as if she was mothering him, not yelling at an equal. It was obvious to Kaminari that this child had no control, either that or he didn't care about anyone besides himself.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:56 pm
Kazuma blinked not truly understanding what a mother was, well the concept was interesting truthfully. But he didn't grasp it, he didn't realize he released energy as he looked down, kicking stones on the ground, Jiraiya sighed and cleaned himself off, walking to a stand on a small bit behind Kazuma, he spoke calmly the serious tone Jiraiya gave was odd, the zanapktuo didn't take things too seriously and well how could he.

"Kazuma doesn't understand his power and Makoto's lack of interest after her death, Makoto's depression has gone on for a while..and one's been able to snap him out of it, he comes out to protect people from Kazuma and his power. Kazuma isn't completely stupid it's just..he's a kid..and forgets his strength."

Kazuma blinked trying to understand what Jiraiya was talking about, it seemed to be about him and controlling his strength. He thought he was doing a good job, he looked down and tried focusing to push his power down. He'd not been holding back like Jiraiya had told him too. So perhaps he would get a scolding later.

"You see Miss Shinigami-chan, Kazuma has me in constant shikai..he's not able to revert his sword, because of his spiritual pressure being too huge..or just a lack of experience..Makoto couldn't contain it it's up to you to decide."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Lost in Paradise -Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost in Paradise -Closed

Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:23 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari stood there shaking her head as she listened to everything that was being said. She just shook her head over and over again. Everything that was being said was something that she had the slight ability to relate to. In other words, Kazuma had something inside of him that he was unable to control because of how powerful it was. This was no different than how she used to be. There was a time when she couldn't control her own power, and still there are times that she can't control it. "No, No, No." she said as she finally stopped shaking her head, "Look.. I know what this ability could do to him and to other people. He needs to train, fight, learn, and train some more. If he doesn't, one of these days he is going to hurt someone he cares about. One of these days he's going to hurt A LOT of people and then there will be NO redeeming him. He will be considered a thread by everyone. Whether it takes a year to one hundred years. You should be helping him practice and become stronger to control this ability of his. Can you even imagine the stuff he could do? or the people he could help once this power of his is mastered? Stop treating him like a kid..." She then looked to Kazuma and stared seriously at him, placing her hand under his chin and making him look at her, "It's time to grow up."

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
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