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Joined : 2012-07-08
Posts : 23
Age : 28
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Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue0/0Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Fri 13 Jul 2012, 03:27
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4362

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4363-1

» Name: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen
» Titles: blind Hermit
» Age: 36
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: unaffiliated

» Appearance Description: Etisukit "sky" is at a slightly above average height of 5'11'', as well as he usually walks around with an iron cane, which he holds with his left hand. He has near blood red hair, stretching down to about his lower ears. Most of the time his hair is covering his eyes so they are usually unknown as to color, but under his hair they are forest leaf green. He usually walks with his head bowed slightly which even more hides his eyes as well as most of his face. As well it would be impossible to see his eyes anyways as when he is around other humans he wears bandages over his eyes and pretends to be blind.

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen as well wears a long cloak that is pure white, until about his knees, which then it fades into grey and then white at about his lower shins. Along his left sleeve is an odd, but notable pattern of a tree stretching from his neck down to his wrist, with the leaves at his wrist. The tree trunk is a dark brown, but the leaves are blood red, much like his hair, both of which can draw strange attention. Along his right sleeve is a symbol of a circle with an arrow pointing towards his hand, the arrow being an ocean blue, and the circle black as night. On his right hand he always wears a bandage covering his entire hand, even though it is evident that he hasn't suffered any injuries with his hand, and even uses it on rare occasions.

» Appearance Picture: N/A


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4365-1

» Personality: Etisukit has many personalities, depending on his company and where he is. Such as if he is with friends, or at least people he considers friends he usually is in a happy mood, but not really excited. As well when he is around strangers, he has a bit of a cold face towards them, as if judging them from an underlying sight, although that is unlikely as he always wears bandages over his eyes when around anyone. When around people that he dislikes, or mistrusts, he remains calm, and talks very confidently, but not cocky. If there is a mix of the three or just two, he usually prefers to remain silent, as it seems impolite of him to talk unless he is the direct attention.

When he is alone, he is usually training what skills he has, as well as honing his hearing abilites and touche as well. as whenever he is in company of normal humans he prefers they think him blind. Although he prefers people to think this of him, he does dislike hiding the fact, but he views it as his own way to protect anyone around him. On top of his dislike for pretending to be blind, he doesn't have to much as he usually is alone because he lives out in the countryside, only to come to town to get supplies for whatever it is he may need, or to help people who are sick or injured in the nearby towns.

» Likes: Etisukit likes to be called Etis, to him it just seems easier, and makes him not have to deal with people more than they would like to be bothered. He also enjoys helping people or attempt to keep them safe, as he is very aware of hollows and other such beings that the average person is unaware of. Above all, he likes helping people with any and all of his abilities, as tiring as they may sometimes get, he enjoys helping those around them, even though they are from a 'mutation' of the increase in spiritual activity int he living world.

» Dislikes: Etis above all, dislikes people threatening others. If somone he knows or even just met is threatened by somone else, it just plain pisses him off, and he puts whatever he needs on the line to save that person, wether friend or foe, of course he does specify 'person' above all else. When confronted with a choice, Etis finds it very difficult to make up his mind, if it involves life and death, his choice is very obvious, but if it involves his life or somone elses death, then he finds it difficult, simply because he knows people don't always hold true to their word.


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4367-1

» Background: Etis as far as he could remember had some sort of ability or another. When he was a little boy, of nearly 11 years, he remembered being able to heal tiny marks and scratches, he never knew why, but he always find such extraordinary glee in it. Whenever he got the chance he would use his little abilities as far as they would stretch, sometimes even going to great lengths to help others that it nearly causes him to pass out, exhausted. He could tell that each time he would use his abilities, he could feel them getting alittle bit stronger the next time. It eventually got to the point that he was able to heal major cuts, ones that could cause somone to bleed out. He also learned how to repair breaks and fractures in bones, which he learned from reading about how they repair themselves in biology books. He was getting quite skilled in his powers, even going so far to be better than the occaisional modern medicine.

Although, that all changed when he discovered he could do a couple other things. Things he would prefer he weren't able to do, as he learned not that much longer after he started to repair bones, that he could also cause things to age and decay at an accelerated rate. This though he kept to himself and only ever used on weeds or grass to despise the fact that he could do it, although he eventually realized that his healing abilities had to have an opposite. But it also made him realize, not all people would enjoy his powers, as some people were the causes for those injuries, and might not have wanted them to be healed. It turned out that he was right at the age of 23.

There was a night that Etis had come back from helping another of his patients, back to his clinic that he always loved to see the sight of, but this night was not one of those nights. Ss he had become so well known that many of the people he helped pitched in and either built or helped buy materials to make him a clinic so people would know where to go when they really needed help. To this he was incredibly grateful, he hadn't wanted any of his patients to pay him back, he was just using his powers as kindly as he could. The clinic was built as a sort of birthday present when he had turned 20, which at the timed seemed like the best present he could have ever recieved. Although, about halfway through his 23rd year of life, his birthday present was burned to the ground, and when he arrived at it, was still very much ablaze. He was completely appaled that somone would want to do such a thing, as he had helped so many people.

As he watched later that night as the ashes of his clinic finally started to burn out, he realized it was now cold that the heat of the fire was gone. So he decided he would walk, he had no destination, he just felt like walking. After the despair that had been left to him, he never saw a reason to stop, so he ended up walking outside of town a ways, until he discovered a shack on the side of an old dirt road, which was almost overgrown with weeds. He decided he should take shelter for the night, and figured nobody lived here as how unkempt it was on the outside. As he got closer to it, he actually started to hear voices of men. When he walked even closer to the door to hear what they were saying, the boards under his feet creaked loudly, and instantly the voices stopped. Shocked by his reckless attempt to sneak closer, he hadn't even realized where he was stepping, and as soon as he realized this, the door burst open with intense strength.

Bursting out the door were three men armed with heavy swords, all of which looking deadlier than the last to Etis. attempting to get up from the ground just a few feet away, Etis realized he was now in grave danger. As soon as Etis was almost at his feet, the hardest blow he had ever felt in his life landed solidly against his side, instantly causing blood to sputter out of his mouth. Back on the ground he was, again attempting to get up, and again another hard solid kick to his side. He had never felt pain that much before, everyone he ever met was always so gentle to him, as was he to them, and it made him wonder, why was he being attacked now? had he not helped somone he should have, or were these the people that burned his clinic to the ground for no reason?

As it turned out after a few more kicks to the side and more blood being sputtered, the latter of the two possiblities was correct, but it wasn't for no reason. As with each kick, the assailant was explaining something. Etis had helped somone he didn't want helped. Which made the man pissed off, so him and his little thugs burned his clinic down, all in the attempt to kill him. What's best, is he had come right to them, so they could just slice and dice him right here, right now, and nobody would be any the wiser. After many more kicks, Etis was on his back, staring up at the night sky, which soon started to rain lightly. As he felt the droplets on his face, he was thinking to himself, he was going to die here wasn't he? He was sure of it, he knew there wasn't a thing that would make sense that could save him. But of course, that thought surprised him the most, how had he been able to help all those people before? were they just helped from sheer force of willpower? No that couldn't be, he looked back at all the times he helped everyone, and realised there was some sort of... Energy, what exactly it was he wasn't entirely sure. Of course what he WAS sure of, is that everytime he healed something, he could feel the energy pushing out of him, and it made him think what if he reversed the energy? could this actually help him escape his death?

He had to try, in that instant of realization he knew that he needed to give it his all to get up and fight back, he had no physical weapons, but he realized that when he was younger, he had one he could use now. Spreading his hand out across the ground, he focused himself as much as he could to pull all the energy from the ground around him. He noticed it was raining more, and this time it felt invigorating each time a droplet hit him, as if he was being kissed by life itself. He loved the feel, and he wondered if others felt like this whenever he helped them, and to his surprise, he felt much stronger than every, as he looked around him, all the plants nearby were dead. All that was left of each one was a shrunken brown husk of what once was life all around him. As he got back to his feet, his assailants in awe at how he could even stand up at all. All he could do was laugh, from his perspective, he was alive and well, he had just suffered a near death experience, and he was not going to suffer a full one. His assailants, horrified by this man who was just bleeding and on the verdge of death, looking lik he just woke up from a nap, but it would not stop them, to them, he needed to die. Both of the firsts henchmen charged, swords pointed forward, ready to impale Etis on the spot. But to Etis's surprise, they seemed to be running slow, almost as if they were walking towards him.

With a simple sidestep, Etis was able to dodge by the swords, leading the chargers running on by, still seemingly slow to Etis though, at this, the leader started to swing, trying to hit every possible place that would make blood flow freely. But again, he seemed slow to Etis, it was almost to him like they were toying with him. but that couldn't be so, they were so ready to finish their little exchange. As soon as Etis was close enough, he just placed his hand across the leaders face, and tried the same thing he had just done with the plants. He closed his eyes as the large amount of energy from the assailant started to rush into Etis, as he seemed to love the feel of the energy pouring into himself. Soon he felt the energy flow come to a stop, the mans body grew cold. All he heard then was a dull thud on the ground, and Etis extracted the sword from his body, preparing for the other two who were now charging again. Once more with a sidestep he dodged by their attack, but this time he slashed at the closest ones chest, causing him to stop mid-charge, his eyes slowly grew dark, as his blood spilled to the ground from across the blades width.

The last one saw this, and horrified, dropped his sword and began to run, Etis noticed quite easily, and ran after him. He quickly caught up to the man, gripped him by the nape of his neck, and shoved him face first to the nearest tree, and he quickly started to sap his lifeforce from the man, making Etis feel even better, as the man dropped to the ground, he started to feel alittle strange. He could not describe it perfectly, but to him it felt like all this energy was building up, like a vaccum building up inside a bottle, as it grew more and more, Etis began to feel sick, he fell to the ground, weak, as if the overflow of energy was too much for him to handle, he soon started to cough up blood, which he quickly tried to heal himself, to his surprise it actually seemed to make the build up calm down alittle. He sat back against the base of a tree, trying to calm himself, as he closed his eyes to relax, he saw something odd looking, it seemed to be a white gem, he couldn't figure out what it was, to him it just looked like some ordinary diamond or other sort of gem. He breathed deeply, again seeing the gem but much more clearly, he saw that it shone with a bright light, but was starting to dim very slowly.

He had no idea what this thing was, but he decided he aught to test something out, he reached down to the ground, again sapping the grass of energy, and saw the gem in his minds eye slowly grow ever so slightly brighter, with this, he grinned, it would seem to him that this gem was somehow harnessing the energy he took. With this realization, he tried again to heal himself again, and the gem grew darker. As he took mental note of all this, he thought of the people he had just killed. Their energies were thrown into this gem as well, to him it seemed.. Wrong. At this, he sighed, he shouldn't do something like this.. protecting himself is one thing, but at the same time it felt.. good, he couldn't quite get a feel like it, nor could he explain precisely how it felt, but it just felt good. But it was still wrong, he knew that it was, but what was he to do now? there was three dead bodies in the middle of the forest, although they looked like theyve been there for weeks. He needed to go into hiding, the way those bodies appear, there could still be a connection to him, he needed to go into hiding, or just flee the area entirely, after all what did he have left?

He was 33 now, his mind barely remembered the events of that night, but the moral of it still rang in his mind. He now lived in a house far in the outskirts of any city, it was a middle point almost between three of them, and he realized if he was out here, he wouldn't feel the need to steal somones energy like that, but people knew he was here, and they occaisionally come to him to heal them or to come to town to help people. This made him happy, it allowed him to help others, it felt like he was repenting for his crimes, he figured he would do this, it would keep him appeased. But he didn't want anyone to recognize him, so whenever anyone was around, or he went anywhere, he would wear a bandage over his eyes, they were very distinguishing features of himself. Etis lived like this for three years now, it was a nice life, calm, but people didn't need his help all the time, they sometimes wouldn't come for weeks, and his hunger would start come back, absorbing the energy of grass wasn't much, but it helped sate him for short times.

This is how he lived for quite some time, helping anyone who needed his help, controlling his hunger for energy as best he can. Of course with the company of people every once in a while it was always a nice way for him to relax and think back on all the people he has helped in the past. Although he lives a good life this way, he has noticed that as of more recent times, more people seem to get hurt. He fears that this is a look to the times ahead, as things could get bad very fast, they always can.


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4370-1

» Natural Attributes: More intune with his spirit energy, able to control it a bit more than normal, as well as lightly enhanced limit.

» Racial Powers: Has higher limit anima stone strength, which he uses to heal more major injuries as well as absorb more with his Decay. Soul sorcery is above average but only allows him to use Healing powers, as well as Decay.

» Evolution Powers: Enchanced Healing: Etis is able to heal major and near fatal injuries with ease, which he mainly uses to heal others, but can be used on himself.

Decay: Etis prefers not to use this ability, but has aquired a taste from it once before, it allows him to absorb the targets energy, while decaying it at the same time (incredibly fast aging process on living things, complete loss of nutrients in plantlife) The Decay itself's power varies on the strength of the person themself, as most average people who aren't awakened in any way, have a very short span of resistance, as it saps spiritual energy, and they have little to none, so there isn't much to take. Most awakened people, have a much higher chance of escaping it, to them it is a much slower process, and would only be able to sap them for all they have, if they literally sat there and waited for about half an hour or so, mainly cause Etis can't absorb too much or else it would kill him from the energy overload. Anything above a humans spiritual energy, shinigami, vizard, etc. would take an extraordinary amount of time in order to even feel the effects, but it would still take effect at a much slower rate to that of humans.

Decay effects: When Decay is affecting a person it essentially saps their energy from them, starting with the areas that the decay is attached to, but it only is affected if Etis is actively sapping from that part of it. As well when the Decay is not active, it slowly dissapates if not connected to Etis or other decay that is connected to him. If he is not sapping from the person or thing, then it will regenerate itself in no time, as the Decay process is more of energy traveling through the person at a hyper rate, rather than just them spending it to him. A.K.A. The aged look of flesh can easily recover itself, if not being sapped, but while it is, what is being affected is much weaker, depending on how long the Decay has been active.


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4364-1

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: Etis doesn't change much by this, but the symbols on his cloack get much darker, near black. Other than that nothing else changes other than his eyes which become near black.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities: Etis Decay ability becomes much stronger, as well as he can create a slow moving stream of decay which he saps all the life that it passes across. In this his target healing abilites become weaker. Essentially, the decay allowed in this state can kill a human of just above average spiritual energy. As well the farther his decay stream goes, the longer it takes to decay what it is touching. Approx. 50 feet away the Decay has a noticable decrease in Decay speed, which can take much longer to kill living creatures.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: Etis's cloak is reverted that of his stage one appearance. (form undiscovered.)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: Etis's Healing abilities increase massively, at the cost of a much weaker Decay power. Etis's Healing increases to the point that he can heal a broken bone nearly instantaneously, but the faster he tries to heal anything, the more energy it requires. Etis Decay is decreased to the point that it is much harder to Decay, as it requires direct touch, and its Decay rate is much slower, so the victim can escape much easier without working to hard to get away, and recover much easier. As for his healing, he can't use it too often, at least not quickly, At his average energy for his Anima stone, he could heal about his entire body from most injury at least once. and still be fine enough to continue what he was doing. Thus able to save himself from death.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: (Optional. This will be at least 1 to 0 tier level characters, however. You may fill this out, but the app will ultimately be up to the staff member who reviews it)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4368-1

See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Soul Sorcery: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Soul Dash: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Soul Detection: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Chi Skills
  • Geppo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Vindeca: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Tekkai: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Yang Surge: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Image4368-1

» Roleplay Sample: (accepted character already, Tesu ikatodaishi)

Last edited by Zetsway on Wed 08 Aug 2012, 03:35; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Editted Decay in evo powers. Although the limits were placed on his anima strengths capacity before.)

Love, like life, is a dream lost in an ember covered in ash. It is there, but finding it is near impossible unless you find the faint glow, before it goes out.
God of Wind
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 662
Age : 32
Location : Hilliard, Ohio

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue5/0Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/0)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Re: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Mon 16 Jul 2012, 11:09
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Comments/Notes: Because of the fact that decay is much like a poison, you will need a lot more description then this, how fast it decays, what the decay does. It cannot be a instant kill, they have to be able to get rid of it somehow or someway. Healing is fine, I do not mind that at all, but the decay power is the thing that I am going to have to deny until further notice.

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] 20u4p06
Starter Member
Joined : 2012-07-08
Posts : 23
Age : 28
Location : The Abyss

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Platinum Points:
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue0/0Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Re: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Mon 16 Jul 2012, 14:27
Has been editted, although limits had already been placed before.

Love, like life, is a dream lost in an ember covered in ash. It is there, but finding it is near impossible unless you find the faint glow, before it goes out.
God of Wind
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 662
Age : 32
Location : Hilliard, Ohio

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue5/0Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/0)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Re: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Wed 18 Jul 2012, 19:03
What I mean with the decay powers is that, when you die, does it disappear? When you are standing there using the stream of decay are you defenseless, it's stuff like this that you have to make sure you note in there, because right now. If you were to use that against someone even if they were running away, they would still decay, because you don't have a limit to when the decay goes away from them. You say it weakens but you don't have a way to get rid of it. Basically you just need to describe the power more, what does the decay do when it touches you? Does it just kill you slowly, does it deteriorate your body? What exactly does it do, how do you know the effects are on you? Things like this, if you are going to use something like decay, which is basically a poison, need to be addressed.

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] 20u4p06
Starter Member
Joined : 2012-07-08
Posts : 23
Age : 28
Location : The Abyss

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Platinum Points:
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue0/0Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Re: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Sun 29 Jul 2012, 15:47
has been editted again quite a while ago >.> as decay is an active thing, its not a 'hit once constant effect', its only while it is still touching from Etis and the target, otherwise it fades rather quickly.

Love, like life, is a dream lost in an ember covered in ash. It is there, but finding it is near impossible unless you find the faint glow, before it goes out.
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] Empty Re: Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-]

Fri 03 Aug 2012, 17:02
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: I see no problem.
Tier: 2-3-

Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] FXpoQxJ
Etisukit "sky" Karikeritisen (Human, CB: Zetsway) [APPROVED, 2-3-] 2Y9rqGk


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