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'Dat Bishie
Joined : 2010-11-07
Posts : 1550
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Left_bar_bleue10/100Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:19 am
Human Template

Basic Information

- Name: Seiko Krauss
- Titles: Chief!
- Age: 25
- Gender: Female: Reverse Trap
- Affiliation/Rank: Current Chief of the Karakura City Police

- Appearance Picture:




"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work."

Easily bored, Seiko seeks a mental challenge in everything that she does. Because of her intelligence, the moment anything slows down she can be inundated with unnecessary thought and a lot of mental stress that simply pushes her into a corner. For this reason, she is almost always looking for trouble in order to give her mind something to do.

"There are snakes. I don't like snakes."

Seiko doesn't like snakes. She isn't afraid of them, per se, she just wouldn't want to spend more than fifteen seconds within five feet of them. She slowly gets nervous, before turning into a somewhat weaker individual due to the process.

"Don't touch, everything is in its proper place. As usual."

Though not usually OCD, Seiko has a very specific area where she works, and she likes to know where everything is in this office. For this reason, she dislikes others meddling in the room and would rather that she be the one to move things around within, in case someone were to place something somewhere that she doesn't know and confuse her completely and totally.

"I see everything. That is my curse."

Unfortunately for Seiko, she is gifted with an unusual curse. Unable to ignore or forget anything, even the smallest details are lodged within her "perfect memory". However, with the inclusion of cybernetics, a lot of her brain's space has had to be cleared for the needed processing power of the cybernetics themselves. For this reason, she has no memories of anything up until her tenth birthday exactly.


Distorting Gravitational Energies

Although completely and totally uncontrolled in every single way, it is at least good to somewhat explain the defect that occurred within Seiko's body from birth (and what it's truly capable of). Although it didn't show until she was about 6 years old, she had always had it latently within her.

Basically, Seiko constantly emits a large and powerful field of gravitational energy. The severity of this field cannot be controlled, nor can the true bounds of it be really spoken of, though it's assumed that with enough mental skill, Seiko would be able to command objects from over 200 meters away. This gravitational energy cannot be truly cancelled, nor can it be extinguished unless Saeko herself is to die--unconsciousness does nothing to the effects. It can only be held back internally by her cybernetics.

However, there are times when cybernetics may fail. At these times, the full majesty of Seiko's power unfolds. Any being without resistance to gravity is unable to approach within five feet of her person, and the only ones who can get any closer are the ones who can completely ignore the increased effects of gravity. As well as this, most projectiles will be pushed away by the effect, unless they are made to ignore gravity itself. The only real way of returning her to normal (WITHOUT KILLING HER) is by restarting her cybernetics. Electricity-users are best for this, though they're also the best at disabling them too.


Cybernetic Implants

(These are what her cybernetics are capable of, while holding back the field.)

Yuudeshi Link: As Chief of the Karakura Police Force, Seiko constantly has a link into the Yuudeshi Network, feeding her information when she needs it. She's unable to write information to the Network, though she is able to use it to piggyback her communications and send messages further than the outskirts of Karakura City if need be. The information is transmitted into her glasses and flipped onto the GUI.

Self-Diagnostics: Her body is able to register and understand its current state through the cybernetics themselves, sending constant updates into her brain that can be read upon the GUI within her glasses.

Innate Reparations: Although incapable of actually regenerating the cells and fixing Seiko's wounds at a higher rate of speed, she has been granted what is effectively a 'secondary skeleton'. If any of her limbs are broken at any point in time, her cybernetics will immediately be able to take control of that limb and allow it to be used once more. If broken again, it's useless. This allows for every single bone in Seiko's body to be broken twice before she's rendered useless. Dislocations can be instantly repaired.

Machinist Control: Although she can't really use her cybernetics to totally hack into machines, she is able to temporarily take control of them in order to send small amounts of data--such as map directions and the like. By touching them with her hands, she can send out these packets of data through endings in her fingers.

(These are what her abilities are capable of when augmented and controlled by the cybernetics--she retains her other uses of the cybernetics at the same time)

In order to fully release her cybernetics, Seiko must take a small revolver from a shoulder holster that she carries with her and raise it up to her temple. The weapon has no bullets in it, but in order to fully release her cybernetics, Seiko must feel like her body's about to die. For that reason, she's also capable of fully releasing her cybernetics if she truly believes that death is upon her. Due to their nature, she must either have a perimeter set up by her fellow officers or be in a secluded/abandoned area of Karakura to allow herself to use them. Shutting down the cybernetics is as simple as fixing it in the back of her mind. Consider it akin to a single-sided lock--you can lock the door from the inside and step out, but once you do you're required to use the key to open it again.

The release is powered by the amount of energy her body has, and the cybernetics consume two things to power itself - first, her spiritual energy stocks. Due to having had no real contact with spiritual beings, Seiko's energy stocks are surprisingly low, having only built themselves up over the past 10 years. Due to having no other powers to use before release, Seiko is able to generally start from full strength--her reserves allow her to use her cybernetics for 50 posts (including the posts of others, so if it's a 2 person thread, 25 rounds, so on, so forth) before exhausting her spiritual reserves. However, if she needs to continue on, she can use up her physical reserves--aka her glycogen stocks--however as this is what's also required to keep herself sealed, it's a bad idea. If she chooses to use these stocks, then she'll need to seal herself within 3 of her own posts before her powers go out of control. Because of the use of her extra glycogen, Seiko has a voracious appetite and can easily clean out a small restaurant on her own.

Flight: The simplest use of the power that Seiko has at her disposal; by manipulating the gravitational field beneath her body, she's able to levitate in the air and fly at rather high amounts of speed. She is quite easily capable of breaking the sound barrier in flight, a feat which is performed by shaping the main gravitational field into what is effectively a solidified bullet around her body.

Defensive Measures: Let's get this straight. While her cybernetics are completely and totally released, Seiko is effectively invincible to attacks. The gravitational field acts as a nigh-impenetrable second skin around her body, completely shielding her from the force of anything that hits her. As well as this, it serves to also increase the hardness of her hands and legs, making physical attacks from her more painful and solid.

However, there is always a weakness--if an attack is unable to be affected by the pull of gravity, or her enemy has resistance to gravitational modifications (aka environmental change), then it will be able to continue on its path unabated.

Extension of Control: By sending out a large, controlled pulse of gravitational energies, Seiko is able to suddenly exert a large amount of control over the general gravitational pull of an area approximately 100 meters around her. Increasing the gravitational weight to 10x that of Earth's usual gravity, she is able to move around as normal; as are opponents that are unaffected by large amounts of gravity. This gravitational anomaly lasts for about five posts of Seiko's before fading away completely and back into her body. It will then require five posts to cool down before re-use.

Increased Force of Attack: With each of her punches and kicks, Seiko is able to fire off a small pulse of gravitational energy upon collision. This pulse is intended to further increase damage and knock back the enemy. Can only be done once per attack.


Background History

- Background: With every story, there is always a beginning. A conception. A pregnancy. A birth. Childhood. Up until she was six years old, the life of Miss Seiko Krauss was perfectly normal. Borne to a German Father and a Japanese Mother, she lived quite happily with them in the midst of Karakura City. Even though crime lurked all around, she felt completely safe in their arms. Of course, that was until she turned six.

When she turned six, she heard her mother crying downstairs. Quietly getting up and out of her bed, she creeped out and down the stairs herself, only to be met with the angry eyes of her father across the room. He shouted words that she didn't quite understand completely, though when he told her to go back to her room and stay in there, she complied. She couldn't hear anything of their ensuing conversation that resulted in shouts, but she thought she must have done something wrong.

Unknown to Seiko, her mother had earlier attempted to enter her room, only to be met with an unbreakable force that she just couldn't get through. Completely confused as to why this was, she tried again and again, but just couldn't get farther than the door. She called her husband to try and help, but he had no way of doing it either. So they went downstairs in order to discuss it.

With great difficulty, a cybernetics expert managed to get to Seiko and inspect her body, deciding that she would be in need of cybernetic parts in order to be able to even consider surviving. He weighed up the cost, and it was something that caused both of her parents' eyes to almost escape their skulls. Her father vehemently tried to deny that, saying that there was no way he'd be able to afford that much, even if it were for his daughter. Her mother was trying to reason with him, telling him that this was for her utter survival. She would go into her own funds and pull them out; forgoing anything else she could possibly have in the future. Despite the arguments, Seiko received her cybernetics, and spent four years in recovery. Upon her tenth birthday, her memories were wiped completely.

From then on, she began to learn how to control these cybernetics. Her parents were still a factor in her life, but she didn't know them as she had used to. She was colder, harsher and less pleasant to be around. She dressed in masculine clothing and started to disguise herself as male, putting herself into the Karakura City Police by the time she was 16. She worked up through the ranks, proving her power time and time again. When she reached what would supposedly be the most she could get, she experienced the Chief being struck down by a creature that was deemed to be far too powerful for them to deal with. All of the Police Officers stepped back, yet Seiko would step forwards and go ahead to fight the beast, slaying it and proving that she was indeed more powerful than the rest of the officers. With that understanding, she was immediately promoted to Chief. From then on, it's been a hell of a time.


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by Dai on Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:40 am; edited 9 times in total
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Re: Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:24 pm
Two Weeks, Old Wip.

Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] FXpoQxJ
Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] 2Y9rqGk

'Dat Bishie
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Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Re: Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:41 am
Ready for checking.
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Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Re: Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:20 am

Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
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  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
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Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Re: Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:20 am
Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Master

'Dat Bishie
Joined : 2010-11-07
Posts : 1550
Age : 30
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Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+] Empty Re: Seiko Krauss [APPROVED, 1-1+]

Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:22 am
Moved to Inactive.

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Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:17 pm
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The creator has left the site. :/
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