Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:35 pm
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» Name:Kinu shūchaku =鬼怒執着
鬼怒 are derived from Kinugawa River
執着 is from fixated
» Titles:
» Age:
» Gender:
» Affiliation/Rank:

» Shifter Appearance Written:
»Heterochromia: One eye being red but the other being yellow

»Hair: Kinu hair collor is a long dark lustrous black that she keeps in twintails.

»Favorite outfit: A Gothic Lolita style dress with detached sleeves,it almost looks like royalty with its crimson and black color scheme with matching collar on her neck.

»Body type: Hourglass

»Skin complexion: Pale white

{Body Measurements}
Bust 36 80cm/Tot 85.Waist 24.Hip34.105Lbs.

» Shifter Appearance Picture:

» True Appearance Written:
a almost armor like skin purple in color but with red rune like marks all over it that flow down her extremities. the red marks on her hands make them almost claw like.there is also several parts of her body with blade like feature sticking out from them. tho they are Extremely hard to the touch that also seem to bend with her movements. most notably they are on her arms and all the way down her side.

» True Appearance Picture:


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» Personality:

She in her own mind is sweet kind and loveing and see's her own affection as "true affection". An affection that is much stronger than any others. that wont stop and that she wont allow any one to belittle or get in the way of.

She can be moe at times acting cute and innocent.keeping a smiling face and a happy energy about her wile talking to people in a play-full way. but IF any one els pulls attentions of the item of her affection away from her, jealousy is soon to follow and she will attempt to retake that attentions at any cost.

She doesn't really care if the affection is one sided.It matters very little in fact as her love is enough for both of them and HER LOVE is absolutely to die for.

ITS ONLY NORMAL TO WANT TO BE NEAR THE ONE YOU LOVE RIGHT !?! She some times walks home with the one she loves with out them knowing... and watches them thru the window.. just until she installs cameras in there home. after that she stays nearby and watches thru a small hand held device, or her laptop. some may call this stalking but she sees it as the ultimate bond of love. She also likes to hide tracking and GPS things on her fixation.. by puting it on there clothing, in there cell or even implanting it in their body given the chance. JUST AS A precaution of cors

at times when she does not have a target Kinu tents to be unattached to the world. It is at times to the point that she can't seem to relate to other people or events going on around her. This comes off as a lack of interest and lack of caring, but is more on the side of emotional detachment. Without a target for her feelings Kinu has strong trouble accessing or experiencing them. she holds them in side and does not express them much out of fear that it could scare off her potential target before she latches on to them her self. This would mean waste efforts on her part. what she seeks most is to be attached to someone deeply. Failing to attach to some one that she directed her feelings IS the worst pain she can feel from her own point of view as it means she has let some one get a closer connection to her that was not some one who she targeted to spend all eternity as part of her.

» Likes: feeling love, being in love, attention of the one she loves. being near the one she loves. knowing all about the one she loves.THE ONE SHE LOVES DIEING BY HER.

» Dislikes:ANY one other than the one she loves. any thing getting in her way. Other talking to the one she loves. others being alone with the one she loves.


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» History:
Kinu remembers darkness. A unending darkness that she was in. she was all alone with thoughts dancing in her head of how one day she fall in love and be with that person tell the end. she could not realy move or maybe she did not have a body yet, the memory is a bit clouded but she remembers feeling trapped and all alone.

from time to time she hear voices in her head of other people." IF he was my boyfriend id never let him go." " I would do any thing to make her mine." the voices alone was one thing but thay allways come with images and feelings attached."HOW could he cheat on me WASN'T I enough for him!" "I Caught her with another man and i just snapped..I... I killed them both." lots of voices and feelings from untold number of people. her own consciousness feeding off their longing for others and mostly the negative thought on how to keep or get the one they wanted. soon other thoughts from people started entering her to. ones that were crazy by nature. The thoughts of lonely people who fantasize of having a partner that would do any thing for them, that would die for them, that would kill for them.

At first there was just the odd thoughts of mainly males that were out of touch with reality. this group has ideas that were twisted my media such and games and visual novels. With out knowing it Kinu started to enjoy there fantasizing and even placing her self in them with the other person. But as time went on and demons be come known a new rush happen. People wished for a demon partner. one that was cute and crazy at the same time. one that would take care of them and there troubles even if that meant being violent. infact a lot of them really got in to detail with the violent things they have her do. butchering Ex's likelive stock. ripping bullys limb from limb and bathing in the blood than acting lovey dovey with them. Attacking anyone who tried to come between them tell they were nothing more than a lump of cut-up meat laying in a ditch on the side of the rode.

One day her eyes opened... she never knew they were shut.. maybe she did not have them before, but now she could see! she could move! she could FEEL! not from the thoughts of others but for her self, by her self. looking around all she could see was a dimly light room with little furnishings to speak of. where she was laying there was crude symbols marked on the floor and even more on the walls, and a sweet smell.. so lovely it made her mouth water.

looking around, scanning the room with her eyes to find the source of this smell she seen him. a boy bleeding out onto the floor. this young lad had tried to summon a demon... no that's not right he did not try as he was successful. but the spell had recoiled on him and ripped his abdomen wide open and was now dieing. her body was still very week from its formation and she could barely managed to crawl over to him. the boys eyes were fading in and out. as he spoke to her. "haha ... i did it. I finally was able to make you real..." Boy coughing up some blood that just lightly flowed down from his lips. "But I guess it does not matter much now.. I am going to die alone like i always thought I would.." She move in and lay on top of his body staring him in the eyes. "silly don't say that. I am here ant I?" she place her index finger over his lips. "you should not waste what little energy you have left ok? We should spend it enjoying each other's company right? yes you're going to die... but you are not alone.. and you will never be alone again."

once the boy's life faded from him and his body and soul were separated the now plus was standing by her crying."Why do you cry for? yes you're dead now but didn't i say we would be together forever?" the boy looking at her would smile. " you mean you are ok with me being a ghost? you will stay with me even like this?" with a giggling smile Kinu replayed. " MY love is without end or limits. when i say forever i mean it. you and i will never be apart." the plus begins to laugh as he hugged on to her. "Yes from now tell the end of time w-" Kinu intruded him. "We will always BE ONE." as she bit into him. her arms tho still not at full strength were more than capable of restraining the boy's soul as she devoured it. the screams of pain from his ghostly body getting eaten going unheard by the other normal humans in the apartment complex. After eating the soul she turns on the body. not leaving a scrap on the floor and licking up most the blood.


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» Natural Demon Traits:

Za Koa Skill: Za Koa skill is how much skill your character possess to manipulate the energy from the core. Typically, this should be your strongest asset when it comes to the skill sheet. The higher your mastery of this ability, the more techniques you are able to create, use and share. However, this has many more uses then that.

Za Koa's Influence: For example, an advanced Za Koa Skill user at two tier is capable of spreading this technique across an average battlefield in order to taint the surrounding vicinity around them in order to gain the upper hand in combat. These advantages include that all of their stats are typically doubled if the influence is not sealed away or fought with magic. So, going back to our two tier demon, he would be able to obtain a doubled increased in his abilities, powers, speed, endurance, reaction time, mental thinking, knowledge and so on and so forth. Users whom are Master in this skill can usually get triple benefits, and Grand Masters quadruple.

Knowledge Of Environment: Another trait gained from spreading Za Koa's influence throughout any given area is that typically most demon's are given knowledge of their surrounding vicinity. For example, if our two tier demon had performed this within Karakura Central, it would be able to detect various hidden sources in the immediate fighting area such as hidden barriers, seals , spirit beings within the area and things of this nature. On a master level, this would allow some demon's to even detect various elements within in a being. This can be from a persons Zanpukto Spirit, to scanning JUST how much energy they have in total left in them, searching for any unusual traits about their body such as abnormal defense or offense and things of this nature that CAN be detected. This knowledge ability, however, only gives you the knowledge to beat something. Actually beating it, however, is another story.

Kage Chōkyō-shi: Kage Chōkyō-shi is the ability for most demons with adept Za Koa users to travel through different dimensions, travel throughout the battlefield or even use it for defense. By channeling Za Koa's energy in addition to the various seals throughout their body in addition to their Shadow Movement, they are able to create many different dimensional holes in the area's around them; each of them being able to range from a small vicinity such as a few inches, to the size of a city block depending on their Za Koa skill. These can lead to other realms; while there is also the possibility it can be used to shield against attacks if they are not more powerful than the demon and be used on the offensive by attempting to slash the opponents attack in half by creating one of those opening in the center of their assault.

Akuma Kyodo: Thanks to the full body seal most demon's have on their bodies from birth, Akuma Kyodo gives most Demon's a layer of defensive skin that is similar to an Arrancar's Hierro. This will be general defense, though if have a high Za Koa Skill, you can temporarily double your defense. Masters can do it for ten post, Advanced for seven, adept for four and beginners for two. All come with a three post cooldown. But that's where the similarities end, and the differences begin. What makes a demon's Akuma Kyodo: so different? Well, for instance, this layer of skin is not just applied physically like Arrancar's are or any other races natural defense. What makes a demon's defense stands out is that it applies to magic, spiritual attacks, their environments, how resistant they are to poisons or toxins and even how much their mental state improves.

Shadow Movement: This is what some MIGHT call the Demon's Answer to flash step: Shadow Movement. It allows them to move at quick burst of speeds on most occasions to allow them to travel very far distances in short amount of times, that is for certain. Though, this is where some similarities come to an end. Unlike most other races, Demon's get many nifty benefits then just Super Speed. Take this for example: from the seals on a demon's legs and feet that generate insane amounts of energy from all of the sources of power they collect; it will be able to give yourself temporary boost of intense speed called "Shadow Burst". Shadow Burst is a period of time where your demon will double their speed on average if they are at least adept. It will transition into how fast their attacks are created or launched, the demon's reaction time to increase the odds of evading, countering or noticing a person, object or anything else within a vicinity that has a prense in order to do something about it, it increases their mental awareness to more alert levels and it even goes into their natural powers.

Affinity For Hell: If a Demon ever gets the chance to foot into hell or has the skill level and power to summon it's presence on the battlefield, they can potentially increase their power by five times just by having it around them. In some instances, in fact, Demon's can even rise one tier level if enough consumes them for the duration of the thread they are in. This is due to the fact that there is a large amount of hellish energy within that place for Demon's to thrive on and it's filled with many hidden elements that were designed to overcharge a Demon in times of crisis. But, in addition to that, the presence of hell augments not only their power abilities but the inherent and magical abilities of said demon; giving improved versions of their abilities or completely new ones altogether.

Sacrificing Incantation: Sacrifices are something that are very unique to demons as there are thousands upon thousands of them that have many different effects, methods and steps. For instance, a small scale Sacrifice would be something like a demon spilling human blood in order to get a slight increase in his power for a short time. While on the other hand, if a demon were able to slaughter a mass population center, they would be able to gain more power such as in KQM Mana's case. Though, Sacrifices are NOT just for power. They can be used to increase intelligence, increase will, unlock hidden talents, give untold riches to the demon and so on and so forth. (There will be a list of available sacrifices as a demon can do very soon to accommodate this new power.)

Body Manipulation: This is a natural ability that all demon's possess if they wish to activate it or perform it. Most Demon's have full control over every aspect of his physical make-up, able to stretch themselves to obtain insane heights such as being thirty foot tall, being able to change their skin color, having the ability to shape-shift into different people that they are able to remember and, on much more powerful levels, being able to even detach, generate or fuse body parts together in order to increase odds of surviving. Though, this does not occur until at least one tier, and even then it's weak compared to the 0 tier version.

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» Origin 1 Name: Obsession

» Origin Power: Eternal Bond

to keep all the people she had held deer to her, with her forever she binds there souls to her's along with the Nidhana. so even if the soul is kill or destroyed it will come back to her. the soul will not go to the ss or hell upon death as like the demon her self if killed it flows back to the Nidhana. This only happens to tho's she kills. so is limited to the people and NCP that died as a result of her own actions.

» Origin Abilities:

This ability only react with stimulus out side of her self that involves the target of her affection. when something comes between her and her target or effect there relationship it can also effect her. normally like a buff. the effect of it vary depending on what the trigger was. As well the longer this skill is active the stronger the buff gets and the more unstable her mental state gets. it is thought that this taps not only in to the souls she has bond to her's energy but Za Koa's and her own as well. As well this is one ability she can not control her self at all or use at will.

one possibility is a slight annoyance. such as her target paying a little too much attention to someone else in a social setting . In this case something along the lines of a dark aura could manifest around her and suck the life out of plants and things around her and adding a disturbing feeling to the air. there us no real harm done and no real amp to her skills or Abilities at all. as well this is easy to get read of as all it takes is some attention from the target.

on a nother note what if one was to try to get too close to her target in a social setting? Such as horseplay. The level of closeness between her target and the other person could activate this ability and have a bit of a stronger starting effect. such as a light speed boost or strengths. her mental state would also change more to the aggressive side And try to put a stop to this as soon as possible.

{A WORST CASE SCENARIO} What if Someone else tried to make her target fall in love with them and cast her out of the picture completely and the target seem to be complying with them. This would most likely cause an extremely violent effect. dark clouds taking over the sky, dead silence that would only be broken by an almost manic laughter, an inability to maintain her shifter appearance or restrict her Inhuman Presence. A fully psychotic mental state,tire class increase along with skills. Soul focus On killing both of them so that she would have the target's soul bound to her.

But even in worst case it is always possible to calm her down if given the right incentives. with the example above. say she went berserk and tried to kill them both. the now terrified for there life target could out of fear say that they love her and did not really want the other person. That they was just playing around .. and talk her down. this pledge of love and loyalty and showing her that she is who he wants would make this deactivate. but could make her more reactive for any other events to come if not handled well as she would not have as much trust in him.

Personal Space invasion: IF Kinu at any time can get her bodily fluids like saliva into some ones body by kiss or other ways she makes a demon seal in side them that other demons can see marking them as hers. this also allows her to track where they are at any given time and there health. but does not let her know what is happening per-say. she can not see there surroundings OR here what is said. but this seal does allow one way communication to be sent from them to her mentally. and if the one with the seal is also her target she can some times hear there thought's (with other persons approval) but this is uncontrolled and happens randomly. thru this seal she can also open a gate way and travel to or near the them... so that she can aide them... or keep an eye on them (aka stalk them).

Desire's edge:this ability can come in lots of forms as it is her using her desire to fuel an offensive action this is allways in more of a physical manor. like forming a black knife in to her hand on the low-end. But can also be used for other things with her imagination being the limit. Such as spikes shooting up from the ground or even making a hand gun to hold. they are always black in color and fade away after use. there is a 30 meter casting radius area of use with her being the center. projectiles can go further if it's something reasonable like a sniper rifle.

Pleasant deception: This ability is so that she can stay near her target with out setting off alarms and is mixed with her Body Manipulation Trait and her Origin 1 of Obsession. It changes her body's out-ward flowing energy to that natural to another race along with her physical body appearance. This is used to deceive some one in to thinking she is of another race and less of a risk. mostly to appear human to others. this does not apply to the way any of her Abilities energy feels at all or allow her to use the other races energy's in any other manor. also limits the feel of her tire to 5-3

» Origin 2 Name:caring
» Origin Power:
emotional floodgate: By coming into contact with some one she can poor her own feelings in to them. not replacing their own but letting them know just how she is feeling at the time. her Intense feeling flowing over them like a ocean wave. it only last as long as they are touching and can only show them her true and FULL feelings. it is not uncommon for one to cry after her doing this due to empathy and/or sympathy. it does not force any effect or change to them or there mental state at all, but only lets them know her feelings. But knowing how someone else feels can have an effect and even make them change their actions of there own free will.
» Origin Abilities:

black rose shield: This is normally invisible field that surrounding her target's body will she is alive and in the same thread as them.the field absorbs 20% of all damage that would have been dealt to the her target and recoils it back at the offender in the form small black energy needles that shoot out words from all sides of the targets body. with added energy for her to amp the power. but as the needles are sent out from all sides the power is drastically spread out. the force that her own power adds is up to her at the cost of how much of her energy she allows it to use. the max needles sent from one side is 5, there for only 1% if the damage they sent at the target is in each needed + how much she put in them. but the force in each needles has the same down side she has to put equal force in them all. and that means that most of it will be wasted going off in a direction away from the aggressive, but ideal for group combat.... at-lest to her as she does not care if other friendly get hit by it as long as its not her target. the real power of this ability come from its power storage. when damage is taken the 20% is absorbed yes, but it does not need to be used instantly. its triggered by her or the target ( tho she can stop the target from doing this with her will alone). this allows it to build up force by taking it from more than one hit. so lets say the aggressor punched the target 20 times. that is 20% of each punch = 4 whole punchs worth of force absorbed. but than split up on each side means only one per side. than by 5 needles that shoot from that side means each needles is only 1/5 of one punch with out her own added energy. by this math it would take a lot of energy to make this do any real damage yes. but it is not truly a offensive skill but a shield. witch is where it pays off. of the 20 times target he was punched only be hurt like 16 hit him. needless to say this ability is limited to ONLY the target of her love. it can be seen when the needles shoot out by the eye. it looks to be black rose vines wrapped around the target.

Florence Nightingale: THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE. this is a medical ability. it is used to reattach flesh and bone and is extremely painful. its uses her demonic powers to amp cellular regeneration of any cells to the speed of rapid healing, but does not replenish energy lost. she must also be physically touching them as well. that being said it can take one to two post to fully heal depending on how bad there hurt. it is worth noted that she CAN take the pain on her self instead of the one getting healed but only normally does this for her target.

Lovers link: this is a link to another persons soul it self. when this link is made with some one thru out the thread they can call on her Traits and Abilities to use of there own will so long as she keeps the link active. This link can also allow her to let them use her energy and share their thoughts. by doing so she and the other can work together as one person in completely synchronized way without a word being said out loud. but this means that they are in her head and will here all her thoughts even the less sane ones and vice versa. Witch could back fire on them if they have the wrong thought and set her off on them.
the link is made by the joining of hands and interlocking fingers. Both people than open up their soul to each other to forge the link. in addition they can also share the pain or even damage for the other making it so both get 50% of it. but one can also take the full 100% for the other if they want to. such as strike one with a sword and does no hurt them but the other will get a cut as deep as the one you would have dealt appear in the same spot. by this the damage is calculated by the one hit not the one that gets hurt. there durability vs the attack strengths. this bypassing the one hurts durability and hurting them the same even if the one that was to get hurt had a stronger level.

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» Conceptual World: A once dark lonely abyss that now holds the souls of those bound to her in it.

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» Atma Vatou Name:

be mine forever within my Atma Vatou

» Atma Vatou Appearance:

» Atma Vatou Abilities:

Note: To prevent people from being overloaded who make Multi-Origin Danava, we allow them to qualify for certain forms if they a Atma Vatou for each Origin Power.


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» Note: THIS PART OF THE DANAVA REQUIRES YOU LOOK AT THEIR RELEASE FORMS IN THEIR RACIAL THREAD! Therefore, if you have a Danava that has a Saca Atmā (Constant Release)? Then simply remove all of the below and state their Saca Atma or leave a note. Also, remove this note upon completion of the app.

» Aliṅgana State Appearance:

» Aliṅgana State Powers:

» Aliṅgana State Abilities:

» Unnata Release Appearance: (

» Unnata Release Powers:

» Unnata Release Abilities:

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» Phyuja Rājya Appearance:

» Phyuja Rājya Powers:

» Phyuja Rājya Abilities:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Appearance:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Powers:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Abilities:


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To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Demon Magic: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Shadow Movement: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


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» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)

Last edited by zetsurin on Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 29

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zets testing - Page 4 Empty Re: zets testing

Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:32 am

Danava Information

» Name:Kinu shūchaku =鬼怒執着
鬼怒 are derived from Kinugawa River
執着 is from fixated
» Titles:
» Age:
» Gender:
» Affiliation/Rank:

» Shifter Appearance Written:
»Heterochromia: One eye being red but the other being yellow

»Hair: Kinu hair collor is a long dark lustrous black that she keeps in twintails.

»Favorite outfit: A Gothic Lolita style dress with detached sleeves,it almost looks like royalty with its crimson and black color scheme with matching collar on her neck.

»Body type: Hourglass

»Skin complexion: Pale white

{Body Measurements}
Bust 36 80cm/Tot 85.Waist 24.Hip34.105Lbs.

» True Appearance Written:
a almost armor like skin purple in color but with red rune like marks all over it that flow down her extremities. the red marks on her hands make them almost claw like.there is also several parts of her body with blade like feature sticking out from them. tho they are Extremely hard to the touch that also seem to bend with her movements. most notably they are on her arms and all the way down her side.

» True Appearance Picture:

She in her own mind is sweet kind and loveing and see's her own affection as "true affection". An affection that is much stronger than any others. that wont stop and that she wont allow any one to belittle or get in the way of.

She can be moe at times acting cute and innocent.keeping a smiling face and a happy energy about her wile talking to people in a play-full way. but IF any one els pulls attentions of the item of her affection away from her, jealousy is soon to follow and she will attempt to retake that attentions at any cost.

She doesn't really care if the affection is one sided.It matters very little in fact as her love is enough for both of them and HER LOVE is absolutely to die for.

ITS ONLY NORMAL TO WANT TO BE NEAR THE ONE YOU LOVE RIGHT !?! She some times walks home with the one she loves with out them knowing... and watches them thru the window.. just until she installs cameras in there home. after that she stays nearby and watches thru a small hand held device, or her laptop. some may call this stalking but she sees it as the ultimate bond of love. She also likes to hide tracking and GPS things on her fixation.. by puting it on there clothing, in there cell or even implanting it in their body given the chance. JUST AS A precaution of cors

at times when she does not have a target Kinu tents to be unattached to the world. It is at times to the point that she can't seem to relate to other people or events going on around her. This comes off as a lack of interest and lack of caring, but is more on the side of emotional detachment. Without a target for her feelings Kinu has strong trouble accessing or experiencing them. she holds them in side and does not express them much out of fear that it could scare off her potential target before she latches on to them her self. This would mean waste efforts on her part. what she seeks most is to be attached to someone deeply. Failing to attach to some one that she directed her feelings IS the worst pain she can feel from her own point of view as it means she has let some one get a closer connection to her that was not some one who she targeted to spend all eternity as part of her.

» Likes: feeling love, being in love, attention of the one she loves. being near the one she loves. knowing all about the one she loves.THE ONE SHE LOVES DIEING BY HER.

» Dislikes:ANY one other than the one she loves. any thing getting in her way. Other talking to the one she loves. others being alone with the one she loves.



Kinu remembers darkness. A unending darkness that she was in. she was all alone with thoughts dancing in her head of how one day she fall in love and be with that person tell the end. she could not realy move or maybe she did not have a body yet, the memory is a bit clouded but she remembers feeling trapped and all alone.

from time to time she hear voices in her head of other people." IF he was my boyfriend id never let him go." " I would do any thing to make her mine." the voices alone was one thing but thay allways come with images and feelings attached."HOW could he cheat on me WASN'T I enough for him!" "I Caught her with another man and i just snapped..I... I killed them both." lots of voices and feelings from untold number of people. her own consciousness feeding off their longing for others and mostly the negative thought on how to keep or get the one they wanted. soon other thoughts from people started entering her to. ones that were crazy by nature. The thoughts of lonely people who fantasize of having a partner that would do any thing for them, that would die for them, that would kill for them.

At first there was just the odd thoughts of mainly males that were out of touch with reality. this group has ideas that were twisted my media such and games and visual novels. With out knowing it Kinu started to enjoy there fantasizing and even placing her self in them with the other person. But as time went on and demons be come known a new rush happen. People wished for a demon partner. one that was cute and crazy at the same time. one that would take care of them and there troubles even if that meant being violent. infact a lot of them really got in to detail with the violent things they have her do. butchering Ex's likelive stock. ripping bullys limb from limb and bathing in the blood than acting lovey dovey with them. Attacking anyone who tried to come between them tell they were nothing more than a lump of cut-up meat laying in a ditch on the side of the rode.

One day her eyes opened... she never knew they were shut.. maybe she did not have them before, but now she could see! she could move! she could FEEL! not from the thoughts of others but for her self, by her self. looking around all she could see was a dimly light room with little furnishings to speak of. where she was laying there was crude symbols marked on the floor and even more on the walls, and a sweet smell.. so lovely it made her mouth water.

looking around, scanning the room with her eyes to find the source of this smell she seen him. a boy bleeding out onto the floor. this young lad had tried to summon a demon... no that's not right he did not try as he was successful. but the spell had recoiled on him and ripped his abdomen wide open and was now dieing. her body was still very week from its formation and she could barely managed to crawl over to him. the boys eyes were fading in and out. as he spoke to her. "haha ... i did it. I finally was able to make you real..." Boy coughing up some blood that just lightly flowed down from his lips. "But I guess it does not matter much now.. I am going to die alone like i always thought I would.." She move in and lay on top of his body staring him in the eyes. "silly don't say that. I am here ant I?" she place her index finger over his lips. "you should not waste what little energy you have left ok? We should spend it enjoying each other's company right? yes you're going to die... but you are not alone.. and you will never be alone again."

once the boy's life faded from him and his body and soul were separated the now plus was standing by her crying."Why do you cry for? yes you're dead now but didn't i say we would be together forever?" the boy looking at her would smile. " you mean you are ok with me being a ghost? you will stay with me even like this?" with a giggling smile Kinu replayed. " MY love is without end or limits. when i say forever i mean it. you and i will never be apart." the plus begins to laugh as he hugged on to her. "Yes from now tell the end of time w-" Kinu intruded him. "We will always BE ONE." as she bit into him. her arms tho still not at full strength were more than capable of restraining the boy's soul as she devoured it. the screams of pain from his ghostly body getting eaten going unheard by the other normal humans in the apartment complex. After eating the soul she turns on the body. not leaving a scrap on the floor and licking up most the blood.

Natural Demon Traits

Za Koa Skill: Za Koa skill is how much skill your character possess to manipulate the energy from the core. Typically, this should be your strongest asset when it comes to the skill sheet. The higher your mastery of this ability, the more techniques you are able to create, use and share. However, this has many more uses then that.

Za Koa's Influence: For example, an advanced Za Koa Skill user at two tier is capable of spreading this technique across an average battlefield in order to taint the surrounding vicinity around them in order to gain the upper hand in combat. These advantages include that all of their stats are typically doubled if the influence is not sealed away or fought with magic. So, going back to our two tier demon, he would be able to obtain a doubled increased in his abilities, powers, speed, endurance, reaction time, mental thinking, knowledge and so on and so forth. Users whom are Master in this skill can usually get triple benefits, and Grand Masters quadruple.

Knowledge Of Environment: Another trait gained from spreading Za Koa's influence throughout any given area is that typically most demon's are given knowledge of their surrounding vicinity. For example, if our two tier demon had performed this within Karakura Central, it would be able to detect various hidden sources in the immediate fighting area such as hidden barriers, seals , spirit beings within the area and things of this nature. On a master level, this would allow some demon's to even detect various elements within in a being. This can be from a persons Zanpukto Spirit, to scanning JUST how much energy they have in total left in them, searching for any unusual traits about their body such as abnormal defense or offense and things of this nature that CAN be detected. This knowledge ability, however, only gives you the knowledge to beat something. Actually beating it, however, is another story.

Kage Chōkyō-shi: Kage Chōkyō-shi is the ability for most demons with adept Za Koa users to travel through different dimensions, travel throughout the battlefield or even use it for defense. By channeling Za Koa's energy in addition to the various seals throughout their body in addition to their Shadow Movement, they are able to create many different dimensional holes in the area's around them; each of them being able to range from a small vicinity such as a few inches, to the size of a city block depending on their Za Koa skill. These can lead to other realms; while there is also the possibility it can be used to shield against attacks if they are not more powerful than the demon and be used on the offensive by attempting to slash the opponents attack in half by creating one of those opening in the center of their assault.

Akuma Kyodo: Thanks to the full body seal most demon's have on their bodies from birth, Akuma Kyodo gives most Demon's a layer of defensive skin that is similar to an Arrancar's Hierro. This will be general defense, though if have a high Za Koa Skill, you can temporarily double your defense. Masters can do it for ten post, Advanced for seven, adept for four and beginners for two. All come with a three post cooldown. But that's where the similarities end, and the differences begin. What makes a demon's Akuma Kyodo: so different? Well, for instance, this layer of skin is not just applied physically like Arrancar's are or any other races natural defense. What makes a demon's defense stands out is that it applies to magic, spiritual attacks, their environments, how resistant they are to poisons or toxins and even how much their mental state improves.

Shadow Movement: This is what some MIGHT call the Demon's Answer to flash step: Shadow Movement. It allows them to move at quick burst of speeds on most occasions to allow them to travel very far distances in short amount of times, that is for certain. Though, this is where some similarities come to an end. Unlike most other races, Demon's get many nifty benefits then just Super Speed. Take this for example: from the seals on a demon's legs and feet that generate insane amounts of energy from all of the sources of power they collect; it will be able to give yourself temporary boost of intense speed called "Shadow Burst". Shadow Burst is a period of time where your demon will double their speed on average if they are at least adept. It will transition into how fast their attacks are created or launched, the demon's reaction time to increase the odds of evading, countering or noticing a person, object or anything else within a vicinity that has a prense in order to do something about it, it increases their mental awareness to more alert levels and it even goes into their natural powers.

Affinity For Hell: If a Demon ever gets the chance to foot into hell or has the skill level and power to summon it's presence on the battlefield, they can potentially increase their power by five times just by having it around them. In some instances, in fact, Demon's can even rise one tier level if enough consumes them for the duration of the thread they are in. This is due to the fact that there is a large amount of hellish energy within that place for Demon's to thrive on and it's filled with many hidden elements that were designed to overcharge a Demon in times of crisis. But, in addition to that, the presence of hell augments not only their power abilities but the inherent and magical abilities of said demon; giving improved versions of their abilities or completely new ones altogether.

Sacrificing Incantation: Sacrifices are something that are very unique to demons as there are thousands upon thousands of them that have many different effects, methods and steps. For instance, a small scale Sacrifice would be something like a demon spilling human blood in order to get a slight increase in his power for a short time. While on the other hand, if a demon were able to slaughter a mass population center, they would be able to gain more power such as in KQM Mana's case. Though, Sacrifices are NOT just for power. They can be used to increase intelligence, increase will, unlock hidden talents, give untold riches to the demon and so on and so forth. (There will be a list of available sacrifices as a demon can do very soon to accommodate this new power.)

Body Manipulation: This is a natural ability that all demon's possess if they wish to activate it or perform it. Most Demon's have full control over every aspect of his physical make-up, able to stretch themselves to obtain insane heights such as being thirty foot tall, being able to change their skin color, having the ability to shape-shift into different people that they are able to remember and, on much more powerful levels, being able to even detach, generate or fuse body parts together in order to increase odds of surviving. Though, this does not occur until at least one tier, and even then it's weak compared to the 0 tier version.


» Origin 1 Name: Obsession

» Origin Power: Eternal Bond

to keep all the people she had held deer to her, with her forever she binds there souls to her's along with the Nidhana. so even if the soul is kill or destroyed it will come back to her. the soul will not go to the ss or hell upon death as like the demon her self if killed it flows back to the Nidhana. This only happens to tho's she kills. so is limited to the people and NCP that died as a result of her own actions.

» Origin Abilities:

This ability only react with stimulus out side of her self that involves the target of her affection. when something comes between her and her target or effect there relationship it can also effect her. normally like a buff. the effect of it vary depending on what the trigger was. As well the longer this skill is active the stronger the buff gets and the more unstable her mental state gets. it is thought that this taps not only in to the souls she has bond to her's energy but Za Koa's and her own as well. As well this is one ability she can not control her self at all or use at will.

one possibility is a slight annoyance. such as her target paying a little too much attention to someone else in a social setting . In this case something along the lines of a dark aura could manifest around her and suck the life out of plants and things around her and adding a disturbing feeling to the air. there us no real harm done and no real amp to her skills or Abilities at all. as well this is easy to get read of as all it takes is some attention from the target.

on a nother note what if one was to try to get too close to her target in a social setting? Such as horseplay. The level of closeness between her target and the other person could activate this ability and have a bit of a stronger starting effect. such as a light speed boost or strengths. her mental state would also change more to the aggressive side And try to put a stop to this as soon as possible.

{A WORST CASE SCENARIO} What if Someone else tried to make her target fall in love with them and cast her out of the picture completely and the target seem to be complying with them. This would most likely cause an extremely violent effect. dark clouds taking over the sky, dead silence that would only be broken by an almost manic laughter, an inability to maintain her shifter appearance or restrict her Inhuman Presence. A fully psychotic mental state,tire class increase along with skills. Soul focus On killing both of them so that she would have the target's soul bound to her.

But even in worst case it is always possible to calm her down if given the right incentives. with the example above. say she went berserk and tried to kill them both. the now terrified for there life target could out of fear say that they love her and did not really want the other person. That they was just playing around .. and talk her down. this pledge of love and loyalty and showing her that she is who he wants would make this deactivate. but could make her more reactive for any other events to come if not handled well as she would not have as much trust in him.

Personal Space invasion: IF Kinu at any time can get her bodily fluids like saliva into some ones body by kiss or other ways she makes a demon seal in side them that other demons can see marking them as hers. this also allows her to track where they are at any given time and there health. but does not let her know what is happening per-say. she can not see there surroundings OR here what is said. but this seal does allow one way communication to be sent from them to her mentally. and if the one with the seal is also her target she can some times hear there thought's (with other persons approval) but this is uncontrolled and happens randomly. thru this seal she can also open a gate way and travel to or near the them... so that she can aide them... or keep an eye on them (aka stalk them).

Desire's edge:this ability can come in lots of forms as it is her using her desire to fuel an offensive action this is allways in more of a physical manor. like forming a black knife in to her hand on the low-end. But can also be used for other things with her imagination being the limit. Such as spikes shooting up from the ground or even making a hand gun to hold. they are always black in color and fade away after use. there is a 30 meter casting radius area of use with her being the center. projectiles can go further if it's something reasonable like a sniper rifle.

Pleasant deception: This ability is so that she can stay near her target with out setting off alarms and is mixed with her Body Manipulation Trait and her Origin 1 of Obsession. It changes her body's out-ward flowing energy to that natural to another race along with her physical body appearance. This is used to deceive some one in to thinking she is of another race and less of a risk. mostly to appear human to others. this does not apply to the way any of her Abilities energy feels at all or allow her to use the other races energy's in any other manor. also limits the feel of her tire to 5-3

» Origin 2 Name:caring
» Origin Power:
emotional floodgate: By coming into contact with some one she can poor her own feelings in to them. not replacing their own but letting them know just how she is feeling at the time. her Intense feeling flowing over them like a ocean wave. it only last as long as they are touching and can only show them her true and FULL feelings. it is not uncommon for one to cry after her doing this due to empathy and/or sympathy. it does not force any effect or change to them or there mental state at all, but only lets them know her feelings. But knowing how someone else feels can have an effect and even make them change their actions of there own free will.
» Origin Abilities:

black rose shield: This is normally invisible field that surrounding her target's body will she is alive and in the same thread as them.the field absorbs 20% of all damage that would have been dealt to the her target and recoils it back at the offender in the form small black energy needles that shoot out words from all sides of the targets body. with added energy for her to amp the power. but as the needles are sent out from all sides the power is drastically spread out. the force that her own power adds is up to her at the cost of how much of her energy she allows it to use. the max needles sent from one side is 5, there for only 1% if the damage they sent at the target is in each needed + how much she put in them. but the force in each needles has the same down side she has to put equal force in them all. and that means that most of it will be wasted going off in a direction away from the aggressive, but ideal for group combat.... at-lest to her as she does not care if other friendly get hit by it as long as its not her target. the real power of this ability come from its power storage. when damage is taken the 20% is absorbed yes, but it does not need to be used instantly. its triggered by her or the target ( tho she can stop the target from doing this with her will alone). this allows it to build up force by taking it from more than one hit. so lets say the aggressor punched the target 20 times. that is 20% of each punch = 4 whole punchs worth of force absorbed. but than split up on each side means only one per side. than by 5 needles that shoot from that side means each needles is only 1/5 of one punch with out her own added energy. by this math it would take a lot of energy to make this do any real damage yes. but it is not truly a offensive skill but a shield. witch is where it pays off. of the 20 times target he was punched only be hurt like 16 hit him. needless to say this ability is limited to ONLY the target of her love. it can be seen when the needles shoot out by the eye. it looks to be black rose vines wrapped around the target.

Florence Nightingale: THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE. this is a medical ability. it is used to reattach flesh and bone and is extremely painful. its uses her demonic powers to amp cellular regeneration of any cells to the speed of rapid healing, but does not replenish energy lost. she must also be physically touching them as well. that being said it can take one to two post to fully heal depending on how bad there hurt. it is worth noted that she CAN take the pain on her self instead of the one getting healed but only normally does this for her target.

Lovers link: this is a link to another persons soul it self. when this link is made with some one thru out the thread they can call on her Traits and Abilities to use of there own will so long as she keeps the link active. This link can also allow her to let them use her energy and share their thoughts. by doing so she and the other can work together as one person in completely synchronized way without a word being said out loud. but this means that they are in her head and will here all her thoughts even the less sane ones and vice versa. Witch could back fire on them if they have the wrong thought and set her off on them.
the link is made by the joining of hands and interlocking fingers. Both people than open up their soul to each other to forge the link. in addition they can also share the pain or even damage for the other making it so both get 50% of it. but one can also take the full 100% for the other if they want to. such as strike one with a sword and does no hurt them but the other will get a cut as deep as the one you would have dealt appear in the same spot. by this the damage is calculated by the one hit not the one that gets hurt. there durability vs the attack strengths. this bypassing the one hurts durability and hurting them the same even if the one that was to get hurt had a stronger level.

» Conceptual World: A once dark lonely abyss that now holds the souls of those bound to her in it.

Atma Vatou
» Atma Vatou Name:

be mine forever within my Atma Vatou

» Atma Vatou Appearance:

» Atma Vatou Abilities:

Note: To prevent people from being overloaded who make Multi-Origin Danava, we allow them to qualify for certain forms if they a Atma Vatou for each Origin Power.


» Aliṅgana State Appearance:

» Aliṅgana State Powers:

» Aliṅgana State Abilities:

» Unnata Release Appearance: (

» Unnata Release Powers:

» Unnata Release Abilities:

Phyuja Rājya

» Phyuja Rājya Appearance:

» Phyuja Rājya Powers:

» Phyuja Rājya Abilities:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Appearance:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Powers:

» Caṛhā Saṅgalita Abilities:


Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Demon Magic: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Shadow Movement: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

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Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:18 pm


you will make a good ice sculpture
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Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:46 pm

» Name: Shizuko (静子): Japanese name meaning "quiet child."
» Titles: 7 (ナナ) nana
» Age: » Gender: female
» Affiliation/Rank: rouge

» Appearance Description:

her hair is normally short and is reactive to light. this is to say that at different levels of light the pigment in her hair changes colors. most the time its is dark closer to black. but with more light the color can be a dark blue to even purple at times.

her build is heavenly to the eyes as though she is an angel. one that if looked upon can make others minds become the devil in its thoughts. becoming intoxicated in her luscious curves.

Her light skin done only adds to the purity of her looks. appearance smooth to the touch as it she bathed in milk all her live. almost beckoning to others to see if her skin is as soft as it looks only to be trapped by the comforting warmth it gives off.

her one eye that can be seen is like a golden sunset that never fades away. holding all darkness at bay with just a glance.


» Personality:

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7 is very seductive by her very nature. She tends to flirt with people when she wants something and is not above pulling up her skirt or top to show some skin if she things it will help her what she wants. she knows how applying her form in to the eyes and knowing this is a weapon in her hands. As well she like to use several poses to amp up her cuteness levels. but in the end this is little more than a trick as she is unlikely to ever take it all the way.

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7 loves shy guys/girls and the way they react to her teasing. seeing that bashful side of them squirming as a mire gusher fills her with energy. but if caught off guard she her self is embarrasses easily in the subjects of romantic and intimacy. Comments on why she looks or physical touch or even glancing at her too deeply usually produces a crimson flush over her. witch can spark a flight or fight response out of panic.

7 has a love for cute things. plushies.charms. animals and clothing.7 loves them all and is known to lash out at thing she sees a cute and cuddly. she dose not take well to other pointing out how girly obsession is. being vlogger a normal response to this as she sees her self as " one of the guys." she can hang out with them as a bro. rather that means drinking fighting and riding all kinds of hell. an example of this is when she seen a stuffed kitten doll in a maid outfit. some of the guy started laughing at her and saying stuff like. " aww isn't she so adorable ." in a joking manner. 7 quickly replayed " Hey Fuck you sir. you know it looks good. you just don't have the balls to admit it." Over all 7 is a normal rebellious girl that loves to have fun and is loyal to her friends.

» Likes: exercise, food, blades. bright coolers. odd shapes,guns,

» Dislikes: water drains, being hungry, dark-places, being told to stand still. Paine.

» Background:
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she had a normal life for the most part, a only child whose parents worked most the time and spend little of there free time with her. so they never really was a close family. but she was well taken care of. there was always food in the house and she was a hearty independent child learning to cook and fend for her self. it was only natural she became rebellious as she got older to authority figures as she was always the one doing things for her self. she never really cared for laws . at 12 years old she started coming home late at night if at all. some times with cuts and scrapes on her that she would do her beast to keep hidden. not that she cared that her mom and dad did not want her getting into fights, but her simply not wanting to listen to them argue with her.

She was not like other kids her age she was strong and knew it. feeling energy and seeing ghost was not abnormal for humans these days. but she had something more her energy was larger than most adults she meat. she could out run them easy and packed quite a punch for a girl her size. She wanted to get batter at using her own body and the natural attributes she was born with. she was a chi user and proud of her strengths and did not care how much her parents dislike her picking fights when she could. it was the only way she had to be come better at using that power. by fighting lowly hollow and demons she hunted for in the night.

her parents did not approve of her attitude to them or an adult really, or of her actions. she was absent from school a lot and some days she did take the notion to go she leave half way thru. this started all kinds of roomers about her of the distasteful kind. most of which were untrue but not all as her parents know for having to pick her up at the police department for shoplifting.after trying all they could to control her , they was tired of it and just stopped even caring all to gather.

a few months back her parents died at the hands of a bank robber. Shizuko didn't even go ceremony, why should she after all its not like they mattered to her.Shizuko and took garden-ship but could not have Shizuko being a bad influence on her own children so sent her off to live on her own in a different city using the parent's life insurance to pay for her living. that is how she come to live in Karakura.

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» Natural Attributes:
cellular regeneration: 7's body heals at height speed due to rapid mitosis.small cuts and scrapes seem to heal instantly. bigger gashes and wounds take longer. healing half to one full post depending on how deep it is. arms. legs and boned ban heal in 1 post if only damaged.but take 2 post of they have been completely cut off. organs take 2 most to heal from minor damage and 4 post for severe damage. this can put her in to a state where she by all accounts appears dead when dealt a mortal wound. she she cant move and body goes cold and lifeless. her body seems to have no energy in as none is flowing out from her its all being focused on healing her wiles in a comatose state. if in a coma state she can be brought out of it quicker by being given energy from outside herself making her healing properties kick in to over drive. her full body can heal it self but energy is needed. if at any time she uses up all her's she can not heal at all and is as good as dead. that being said if one piece of her is left and her soul has the energy needed she will restore it and come back to life. this takes a lot of energy however and in the past she has come back with a child's body to conserve how much it took to regrow. and she will remain in the child like body tell she feels she has the energy to spare to regenerate fully. while in the child body her tire is halved and all skill dropped down by one. this time is used for recovery and must be stayed in for 2 threads. she can not return to her normal self tell 10 post total in on the 2 thread.

» Racial Powers:

Geppo: Being that there powers somewhat evolve around the Yin and Yang, moon step would be their form of flash step, high speed movement where in the case of tier you will be able to keep up with the Shinigami's flash step. Yuèqiú bù thought does have one thing that is different from the Shinigami's flash step because it makes no noise.

Tekkai "Iron Mass": Training themselves as much as possible along with the Chi in their own bodies they have formed a almost 'perfect' body where their muscles are so close together that they have higher endurance then the normal human, also with using this they are able to form Chi on their own skin, this is constantly active, and is a lot like the Arrancar's own Hierro.

restoration Stone: 7's Anima Stone is within her body and is why she has her healing ability that is used subconsciously. consciously she can use the stone for healing and repairing things easy at the cost of energy ether her own or energy with in the things she is using it on.providing her with a skill to quickly heal and fix damages to things other than her self. the stone however cannot rest story spirit energy. it can restore life force or physical energy making it capable of saving lives. but any she saves will not have the reishi back.

» Evolution Powers:
Anima Stone full compatibility: 7 synchronize with any anime stone she comes in contact with allowing her utilization of its capabilities. this is her main form of Self-defense and can vary on its effects depending on what stones she is drawing from. her can even take stones into her body concealing them in her.

jewel thief: 7 hands can almost seem to call out to stones beckoning them to come to her. if her hands are places on some thing with a stone inside of it 7 can draw it out of the thing and attempt to talk it for her self. however a backslash is not uncommon. some times the anima releases energy when she tries to pull it out. this can be pain full and tends to happen with stronger stones. the energy can hurt anyone around her when she does this and her self. one can make it harder for her to steel from them by having a higher Anima Stone Strength skill than her's. one skill level higher than her makes the backlash cut in to her more and the stone not want to come out. the difficult it is still possible to pull it it out thru the expense of energy and will power. but leaves her feeling drained. 2 skill levels over hers tho is impossible. the stone won't listen to her calling it as its matter is seen as fully superior to her and the backlash would cut in to her deeply. the pain of trying to take it would be far to much for her. its almost like the backlash is a challenge the Anima Stone gives her and there old user to see how is fit to own it, who can take the pain longer. who is worth of owning it. who ever can hold on and with stand the pain longer getting to clame the owner ship.

Plane phase:7 can travel between the different dimension planes. this is her main form of getting place to place and allows her to not only go the the living world but anywhere she likes as long as she has been on that plane before. By crossing over different planes of existence she stops her own existence in one space and time and restarts it in another. so there is little to no travel time.though she can travel without a point of destination that she has never been to this is dangerous as there is no telling where she will end up. there is no telling what the world would be like or even if she can live in its environment. it is for this reason she sticks to worlds she knows and has been too. mostly the demon world. hueco mundo and the living world.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers )

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: (Optional. This will be at least 1 to 0 tier level characters, however. You may fill this out, but the app will ultimately be up to the staff member who reviews it)

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)


» Chi Powers: (In this section please put what type of powers they can do in this state and what type of Chi abilities they have)

» Awakened Appearance: (Please Describe how your character looks when they are in their awakened state)
» Awakened Powers: (Describe what type of powers your character gets from awakening.)

» Fully Awakened Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when Fully Awakened)
» Fully Awakened Powers: (Describe what powers your human gets in this state)

See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills

Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Human Skill Sheet

Anima Stone Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Soul Sorcery: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Soul Dash: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Soul Detection: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Chi Skills

Geppo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Vindeca: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Tekkai: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Yang Surge: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:38 pm



Shino Academy

Hohō teachers report:

Day 1 hoho training. the child started off slow and had some difficulty performing even a basic Shunpo. one thing is for sure she has a lot of drive and spirit. I have no worries that she will fail to learn the arts of hoho, but she may over work her self at this rate if she keeps pushing this hard. In the sparring match's we can't put her up against any other student. even without hoho her physical speed is far too great. any tIme her partner moves in to attack the match is over for them. Not only that but her strength is a lot like her reiatsu almost monstrous. I am rather happy this girl is not a dim witted warmonger. she has a good head and puts thought behind her actions. in my opinion we don't need another zaraki.

Day 3 hoho training. It's almost scary. yesterday she shucked us by doing an intermediate level Shunpo. I have never seen some one who learns so fast. she is turning out to be even more promising of a Shinigami than we first anticipated. It wouldn't surprise me if this girl becomes a captain one day.

Day 7 hoho training. there is nothing more i can teach her. Isae has quite literally past even my level of hoho. in our sparring match to day isae let me attack her. it was only for a moment but i thought i had cut in to her shoulder. by the time i notice it was utsusemi, she done had her blade's dull side pressed to my neck.

Hakuda teachers report:

Hakuda: from my knowledge isae grew up in only if the more dangerous regions of the rukongai. This shows as she is extremely skilled at hand to hand combat. she is also a quick study of the different techniques. she has the skill and only need light refine meant to learn how to utilize it to the fullest. She is more than advanced enough to be pass out of this class.

Kidō teachers report:
Kidō. she shown trouble learning how to use her reiatsu to form kido spells. lucky Isae has large amount of it and can practice it for hours on end without deleting it. .. normally if some one was this bad at casting they would give up on using kido and focus on the other fighting styles. but no matter how many times Hadō #1. Shō blows up in her face she gets up and tries again. I don't know if i can say she is batter at Bakudō or not as she managed to cast # 1. Sai , but it some how back lashed and failed to luck her arms.instead it was binding her legs down in a kneeling position. I think she may need some one on one training is in order. by talking with the other instructors I found out she has great skills in all other aspects. The girl works hard and wont call it personally working with her after class may prove to be beneficial for her. it has been a long time since i seen a student this eager to learn. to say her determination got my blood pumping would be an understatement.

the first 4 days we did nothing but go over the text guides in great detail and myself showing examples. She seemed to be developing a under understanding on the arts. On the 5-8 day we started practicing. she learned well and was able to cast low level kido's without complication and even without incantation near the end of the last day.

9-14th day. isae understands how to utilize kido now. she really has made a full 180 degree turn around. With her spiritual energy and knowledge she has gained its not even a challenge for her any more. just yesterday she preformed a Dankū without incantation and it almost made me cry seeing her hard work paying off. This is why i teach. For the kids that won't give up, the kids that work hard for their futures as they are the future of Gotei 13.

Its been two week since i started tutoring her and she is showing great improvement. Isae Is more than a skilled at the arts now. I cannot express how proud i am of this girl. We should expect wonderful things from her.

Zanjutsu teachers report:

Isae... is a odd one. its not offen that a student all ready has Shikai already. she makes good use of her blade. I take on her sparring match's most the time as its overwhelming for the other kids in the class. she fighting style is primarily defensive, understandable seeing as she uses a Tantō. but when she does go aggressive she focuses on speed and not power right up untell preforming a strike. she using the blade to it her advantage. I think she would make a great addition to Division 2. using her as a Assassinations would fit her styal of sword play well. not to mention he lacks he hesitation in combat.knowing where she grew up at she probably has seen death before and knows to hesitate can cost you dearly.

To day i put on a show for the other students and ask isae to do a mock battle. I ask her to go all out and fight me as if it was real. I thought it would be a good thing for the other kids to see. how to mix all the fighting styles to gather and use them in combat,needless to say it got all their moral going . the students spirits were blazing with excitement. but I was not the star of the show. Isae not one basted me in the match but use Bankai. her rew power is fearsome on it one, but in Bankai her blade become more offensive. the fluid motions of her body was like that of an expert. the battle lasted around 20 minutes but in retrospect i think if it was real fight she could have taken me out at any time. Any Division would should be happy to have her join there ranks. As well i strongly recommend her for a high ranking position.

13 Court Guard Squads

Right after leaving Shino Academy isea was accepted into Division 12 as its Captain. she shown a great love for knowledge and science. a love that is only comparable to her skills in the fields of study. for a short time she speted down as Captain to take on the title of Shino Academy Principal.passing on her knowledge to the ones still in training and helping them develop. after some time the one that took over of Division 12's Captain position stepped down. Isae like working with the kids a lot. she really did but with enamy forces attacking the soul society it would almost be negligent to leave 12 without leadership. information is power and with what happened in the attack it shows just how much power we were lacking. isea has taking back the Captain position of 12 and working on making it stronger than before.

application to be approved for the Kasumiōji clan to adopt isae in to their family. showing her merits and why a noble household would want her. with being a Captain straight out of the Academy and now also a ex head master of it having her in the clans ranks would bring them notoriety. bringing back some of the clans lost honor.

she is also extremely strong in her own right with out the titles her spirit energy being overwhelming for most making her need to suppress it most the tome as to not hinder others.


App link isae

General Skills

Durability: Master
General Speed: Master
Strength: Master
Weapon Skill: Advanced

•Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Advanced
Mental Deduction: Master
Pain Endurance: Master
Focus: Master

Hoho: Master
Kidō: Advanced
Hierro: Master
Hakuda: Advanced

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:36 pm
hexag prism: this is a hard spell to use as it works with transdimensional energy to encapsulate all matter with in its casting area and seal it with in. normal dimensional space is made of key components that make up what most see as space.width, depth, height are some examples of this. this spell does initially fall under this type of space. it can be used like a protective barrier. the spell uses honey cone shaped panels connected to make up its surface area. the panels connecting in conformity to the casters will allowing it a somewhat flexible shape, be it a wall of the hexag panels to act as a shiled or hexahedron around some thing. but it is when the panels are all conected in to a hexahedron that it truly be comes transdimensiona.

onece the it has encapsulate something in side of its space, all with it is is no longer connected to this key components that make up space. that is to say depth,width or the other key's that one would consider conventional space exist. its is both small and bige at the same. at this time the out side surface area that still exist in normal dimensional space compressis it self down to a small hexahedron that one could hold easly in the hand.

the spell defencive power however is always iffy. it absorbs energy that comes in contact with it and store that energy with in its own space. this can render things like energy attacks useless as ther abzorbed as it hits. but the surface area is extremly week to phycal force. so much so even a aprintes in strength can break it with one hit. as well against bigger energy attacks its almost useless as the surface takes time to form. it the attack is larger than the surface it can only take in that witch hits it, the rest of the attack would flow past it freely. but if done a head of time or given time to complete it all the energy based attacks damage, such as if done as a it unharmed it would be unharmed.

the honey cone shaped panels are not abel to be seen by the eye if it is in a hibernation state. such as over a place to provide protection but not currently under attack.

the kido for this is level 90 as it's quite difficult to cast and requires a large amount of focus in it's formashion. Willpower/Mental Deductio must be advanced to cast" no exapshions". any that try would have the spell rebound releasing all the force it build up back at them at a speed near that of light. this could be quite deadly for the caster with is why its level is so high to spite being physically weak. as well kido skill must be so they can use a level 90 but that should go with out saying. the rate that the surface area grows is also limated and slow.

kido Adept. max 1 foot long and wide panel on cast and can grow at the rate of 10% total mass per second.

kido advanced. max 2 foot long and wide panel on cast and can grow at the rate of 30% total mass per second.

kido Master 3 foot long and wide panel on cast and can grow at the rate of 50% total mass per second.

What this means is to start out it's rather small and grows slow. even at master level it is only 3 feet to start and can't even cover a the whole body of the average human. after the first second it is only 4.5 feet. still not that big and cant block even a normal cero. but the therd second it is 6.75. as you can see it takes time, but as time goes by it's starts to spread quickly. in addition if the incantation is not used the grow at the rate of % is halved. With the incantation a nother can aide the caster in growing it by focusing there energy in to them. this adds some to the % baced off there kido level.

kido biggner +5%

kido Adept. +10%

kido advanced +20%

kido Master. +30%
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Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:44 pm
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{Name }:咲希 = Saki= 咲 (sa) "blossom" and 希 (ki) "hope".
{Character True Age}[/b: 813 Years Old
[b]{Character Appearance Age}
: 14
{Character Gender}: Female
{Orientation}: One of many skills and Organizations .
{Race}: demon.

» Affiliation/Rank: rouge?

» Shifter Appearance Written: Saki's Shifter appearance is not Simply changing her looks. its a seal that is placed on her body by suzu. In her original form Saki is a bit of a hand full. she has a lot more energy and active yes... but also a lot less dependable. she may be a little lazy in a child's body, but that is preferable to constantly having to worry about where she is and what she is doing. to return to her true self authorization by suzu is needed from a telepathic link. and Suzu expects a good excuse not just she is to short to reach the top cabinet to get a snack. Suzu believes one should Hold their self responsible for a higher standard. Saki fell blow suzu's in her demeanor. so she took control tell she matures some. when in Shifter witch is most the time she is bound to a child's body with mental and hormonal limiters in place

eyes of red and blue and hair of pure white witch are to be expected from a fragment of suzu. her ears are like that of a bunny and with her physical size she can look to be really sweet and innocent. Saki also has a pair of bat wings that seem to spring froth from her hips.

» Shifter Appearance Picture:

» True Appearance Written: saki's true self more violent disobedient and lustful. it has almost no respect for any authority not even suzu. if one had to put a age to it she be early to mid 20 and her resemblance grows a bit stronger. the hair that was once snow white now more like a sliver.her eye not changed in color but the look behind them devious in its nature. her ears that was once cute and fluffy like a bunny no more. but long and pointed like a elf. her bat wings become white as well as much larger. if one could not tell she was a demon in her Shifter there will be no denying it in this form. she clear has horn sprouting out of her head and a forked tail. she still likes cute things and on her outfit one can see a lot of heart shapes, but it would be worth noting she also thinks its a good idea to rip yours out.

» True Appearance Picture: (If you have an image, feel free to post it here. If not, remove this)

{Power Sets1}: Durability. Although durability is not a full defence on its own its a good thing to have on your side. if your not fast enough to dodge a hit at least know how to take one.

{Power Sets 2}:Demon Magic. Magic is ones own will and energy twisting the fabric of reality to call forth any number of thing. this can be some thing small like a cup to drink from, a told of lighting to strike down our enemies or even summoning something to do your dirty work for you.

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• General Personality
Saki is happy-go-lucky most the time and does not really worry about any thing. she can also be really childish and throw a temper tantrum if she done not get her way. her playful side tends to get the beast of her as she is always willing to play and puts fun as her top priority,its is for this resion she is never given impotent task as if it needs to be done right away and she has a chance to play. saki will pick to play "12" times out of 10. I say 12 as she will add in at lest 2 times on her own.

Saki is ruthless when it come to killing as she does not see any value to others life. they are just good as a toy to her and like all her toys they break.but that is part of the fun for her seeing how much stress she can put on a toy tell it gets to the snapping point.

•Favorite Color: Black. darkness makes her feel safe like it was home. she likes a lot of collard even bright ones, but black has a special place in her heart

•Favorite food: Human. the meat of man is rather chewy and sweet. not only that but its easy to get ahold of with just how high the human population is

•Favorite flower: Black rose. would a rose by any other color smell as sweet. yes but it would not be her Favorite.

• Habits: A little night stalker she loves hunting from the cover of shadows

•Likes: killing, sleeping. eating. goofing off. blood

•Dislikes: sunlight it makes her feel weak and sleepy

•Fears: sliver. touching it tends to burn her skin lightly.

•Loyalty: Loyal to her self and friends.
•Flaws: acts a lot before thinking things thru.

•Friendly: to the ones she seen as a friend she is sweet and will even offer them some of her food. any one els is food.

•Flirt: a seductress. she loves to try and lure people in with charm. but fails a lot due to her undeveloped body.

•Sexuality: Bi and hungry. Saki knows suzu is marred but fails to agnolage him as her husband.she likes to think of herself as a individual.

•Hates: being hungry or having to do work.


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» History

saki as in her self is rather new to the world as she was derived from just part of someone else but is that short time she made a couple complications for maker. as soon as she was split off for the first time she chalanges and insulted suzu, normally Suzu would not think much of something like this. just a minor flaw that needed fixed. suzu took the fight jockingly for a time, but than saki made a fatal mistake of insulting her work. once this was done it was as if some one fliped a switch. saki's eye could not even keep up with suzu's speed but she felt each bone brake as she was struck. it felt like one blow but saki knows that it had to be sevreal as each bone that was a cleen brake. clavicle,sternum,ribs, humerus, radius ,ulna, femur, fibula, tibia. with in a blink of a eye all of them were snaped. saki now laying on the ground immobilized bleeding out from pieces of her skeletal structure protruding from within her. this was not the end of it as wile laying there her small bits of her were cut off one by one tell suzu felt that saki had learned her lessen. Saki is scared of her now and this is probly why she lessens part of the time. along with suzu's modifications to sealing away her true form.

saki was in the labe for days after this healing slowly. Suzu even put forth the effect of using a spirit suppressant to prevent fast healing. it was at this time suzu did placed limiters on her so she could not use her true self any more. Saki could tell she did not have all the energy she normally did but something els was different to, her mind was not so unstable. she was also a lot smaller. Saki did not mind her small size at first but quickly she come to hate it. all the snaks were up hight and she hade to fly up each time she wanted one. this quickly got old. now saki hates how short she is to the point on wineing constently.

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» Natural Abilities:

Reaitsu Drain: This ability goes hand and hand with Za Koa's Influence. With this technique, our two tier can constrain the flow of reishi and reiatsu within an area in order to make opponents somewhat weaker as reiatsu is energy in use, this can also lead to canceling out attack on some levels, overpowering attacks if there is a major gap in power and for advanced users and up being able to control the reiatsu they constrain. However, please note, reaitsu drain does NOT mean you will simply go around consuming energy until you level up.

Black Inferno Blast: Black Inferno is a massive burst of destructive energy a demon can unleash if they have Adept or higher on Za Koa. It starts by gathering energy from Za Koa along with the Demon's Blood and any type of darkness. From there, it will form into a ball of darkness that can be used to unleash serious damage upon anything it hits; resulting in a black explosion that is similar to a cero in destruction and can be broken down like a bala as well. Though, unlike a cero or bala, The Black Inferno Blast does alot more then just simply explode. When it explodes, if trapped within the blast, the opponent will begin to feel extreme amounts of heat generating from their skin; so hot, in fact, some believe they are actually on fire from the strain on a person's will. However, this does more then that. That's simply the sign of a dangerous demon parasite entering a person's body. If a direct contact is made or even partial contact, there will be a strong rush of parasites, demon magic and Za Koa's force entering a person's body. From that point, over the course of five post if there was a direct hit or three for a indirect, this will begin to heavily tax an opponent. It will force them to drain extreme amounts of energy until they are somewhat weakened, slowed or damaged if they are unable to extract it from there bodies.

Kage Chōkyō-shi: Kage Chōkyō-shi is the ability for most demons with adept Za Koa users to travel through different dimensions, travel throughout the battlefield or even use it for defense. By channeling Za Koa's energy in addition to the various seals throughout their body in addition to their Shadow Movement, they are able to create many different dimensional holes in the area's around them; each of them being able to range from a small vicinity such as a few inches, to the size of a city block depending on their Za Koa skill. These can lead to other realms; while there is also the possibility it can be used to shield against attacks if they are not more powerful than the demon and be used on the offensive by attempting to slash the opponents attack in half by creating one of those opening in the center of their assault.

The Art Of Demon Magic: What exactly IS the Arts of Demon Magic? In a sense, you COULD call it the Demon's Kidō, but you'd be wrong as well. Why? Well, Demon Magic actually works like real MAGIC is suppose to. Of course, Kidō like spells, summons and barriers can be created with Demon Magic. That's a given. However, it can be taken MUCH further then that application. For instance, an advanced user in Demon Magic could use this in order to gain Telekinesis on a more light level. Even combat standards, if he were to look at an attack and see it coming, the Telekinesis would kick in and attempt to change it course if enough was generated from The Demon to negate it. Other example would be gaining Gyrokinesis in some cases in order to actual make it seem like they are toying with gravity itself; which in fact they are. Within a contained area, this demon could remove the gravity of some things, make it heavier in other places or even apply it to more focused objects like their attacks to cause more impact force.

Shadow Movement: This is what some MIGHT call the Demon's Answer to flash step: Shadow Movement. It allows them to move at quick burst of speeds on most occasions to allow them to travel very far distances in short amount of times, that is for certain. Though, this is where some similarities come to an end. Unlike most other races, Demon's get many nifty benefits then just Super Speed. Take this for example: from the seals on a demon's legs and feet that generate insane amounts of energy from all of the sources of power they collect; it will be able to give yourself temporary boost of intense speed called "Shadow Burst". Shadow Burst is a period of time where your demon will double their speed on average if they are at least adept. It will transition into how fast their attacks are created or launched, the demon's reaction time to increase the odds of evading, countering or noticing a person, object or anything else within a vicinity that has a prense in order to do something about it, it increases their mental awareness to more alert levels and it even goes into their natural powers.

Affinity For Hell: If a Demon ever gets the chance to foot into hell or has the skill level and power to summon it's presence on the battlefield, they can potentially increase their power by five times just by having it around them. In some instances, in fact, Demon's can even rise one tier level if enough consumes them for the duration of the thread they are in. This is due to the fact that there is a large amount of hellish energy within that place for Demon's to thrive on and it's filled with many hidden elements that were designed to overcharge a Demon in times of crisis. But, in addition to that, the presence of hell augments not only their power abilities but the inherent and magical abilities of said demon; giving improved versions of their abilities or completely new ones altogether.

Sacrificing Incantation: Sacrifices are something that are very unique to demons as there are thousands upon thousands of them that have many different effects, methods and steps. For instance, a small scale Sacrifice would be something like a demon spilling human blood in order to get a slight increase in his power for a short time. While on the other hand, if a demon were able to slaughter a mass population center, they would be able to gain more power such as in KQM Mana's case. Though, Sacrifices are NOT just for power. They can be used to increase intelligence, increase will, unlock hidden talents, give untold riches to the demon and so on and so forth. (There will be a list of available sacrifices as a demon can do very soon to accommodate this new power.)

Curse Effect: Curses are a natural to a demon and work somewhat like a decaying system. For instance, when a demon uses their Curse ability they can inflict sickness on any type of living or spiritual being which in turn can bring about illnesses within them, gradually drain them of their power and ultimately make it very hard for fighting due to the fact that this Curse Effect can eventually begin to heavily weaken the persons Reiygoku, Reaitsu and Physical body to the point where it would be well advised to seek medical attention before too long. However, that is not the only use of Curses. It can also be inflicted on a mental level depending on the persons Will Power Skill Sheet and can eventually begin to inflict insanity, madness, distracting thoughts and some succubus class skills.

Not only that, but curses can also be applied to the area around them. This is usually done by using this curse to containment the flow of reaitsu within an area to make it very unstable to use for non-demon races; causing their bodies to react violently by spewing out blood, causing malfunctions in their powers or their bodies outright rejecting this flow of additional power and sometimes even canceling out attacks. Or, another example of this on a less spiritual level would be a demon using their Curse Effect in order to taint the air around them to make it very toxic to most races apart from demon to breath in order to make them sick from the inside unless they figure out a way to cure themselves or overpower it in some means.

Examples such as these are usually how curses work with demons. Despite that, this cursing skill varies from level to level, though. The more advanced your tier is, the more powerful your Curses can become. So a four tier cannot perform the same type of heavily effecting curses as a 0 tier could possibly do with theirs. Therefore, it requires a bit of common sense to use curses. Your curses will not always be auto-hits or successful, but they can do pretty amazing things.

» Unique Abilities: [i] demonic imperium sorcerer: Saki seems to be intune to the arcane arts. this alows her to use the approved list of demon spells that anyone has access to, but more than that is she has seen some one proform a difrent spell in fround of her most times she can brake how its used down in her mind and reproduce it if her body is capeble. some spells maybe to stron for her body to take the stress of casting. other than that she use the essence of magick it self. realty in conformity to will. this does not meen she can do just any thing, more so she can do lots of spells with out speking at all sempley leting them be come realty without any chant or prayer. and is a bace from wich some of her other powers can be rooted back two.

Flying. Saki can fly, but not just in one way. hers is a pure magick and can be done in many ways. most commonly it is by wind using to give her the lift that is needed. but its not limited to this as she can also use a gravity spell also bless her with flight. this is how she flies even is placid without wind or air like space.

Sueki-Vampirism: Saki's Vampirism is different in the way it reacts with the body. it is not heavenly intoxicating as it is for suzu. the healing and energy effect are the same as hers. but she is not limated on how offen she can use it.( will only work on feeding form npc's once in any fight. any other feeding must be on a player.) after eating Saki seems to be happy and full of life. And if she is in her true form... promiscuously aggressive/frustrated that she cant really fully act on the felling.


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[i]» Note: Feel free to change "Adjustable State Appearance" to any title you'd like for your Demon's Stages.

» Adjustable State Appearance: (What do they look like if there is any kind of stage? If they have stages, feel free to repeat as necessary.)

» Adjustable State Benefits: (Do they get any nifty powers, abilities and things of this nature? Put all of that here in seperate sections and feel free to repeat as necessary for other forms.)

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To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Demon Magic: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Shadow Movement: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


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» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)
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Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:57 pm
• Name: Iolya
• Age: 15
• Gender: female
• Affiliation/Rank: rouge
{Power Sets1}: intelligence. It is one thing to know something and how it works. lolya goes a bit farther than others as she likes to grasp intrinsic and extrinsic values from eavry thing that she sees. this helps her to understand its posable applacashions, witch she can than flip and utlise for her self.

• Appearance Description: (Please Put 1-2 Paragraph's on your character appearance.)

• Appearance Picture: (If you have one, link a picture of your character.)



• Personality: witch a outgoing attitude she jumps head first ant task she can. to most she is like any other yung girl. love hanging out with friends and living a mundane life/ if you can overlook the murdering aspect. she loves all liveing beings and and is joy full. she also loves to see what the insides of thos beings looks like. one thing that is a little off about her is that nothing seems to bother her. allways with a happy almost inviteing look on her face. this can be unnerving at times like if she is shown disturbing images that would make most girls freak out. or how she can go in to grotest detail with certain things.

as far a "love" goes she likes the idea of it and agnolages hebi fully. if he is around her she tents to watch her mannerisms to portray herself as a sweet girl. as a frigment she sees him as her partner as well. she can be really shy around him and embarrassed easy.


Natural Attributes & Supernatural Powers

• Natural Attributes:
Soul Dash: Instead of focusing on quick burst of speed like most other races, humans prefer to have a constant rate in which they react, perceive, move and adapt at superhuman speeds. By harnessing their Soul Force, most humans can activate this ability and begin to utilize this evolutionary trait. An example of how this is used is that when a powerful enough human is able to direct Soul Energy into their feet, they can adjust themselves to where their legs are moving at speeds that can easily keep up with most types of shunpo or Sonido based moves at a constant rate of speed for a variable period. Another instance of how Soul Dash is used is by directing all their Soul Force into their overall body in order to obtain that state of superhuman reflexes, vision and speed in order to keep an opponent constantly on their feet. However, Some human's can only keep this up for a few moments, while others can sustain themselves for longer periods of time when they advance more in this skill.

Soul Detection: For the most part, this is similar to the Arrancar's own persquira or the Shinigami's ability to sense different types energy signatures. So, even on the lowest level, this is often used in order to make human's aware of their overall surroundings. Thus, Evolution-Type powers help in a human often in sensing spiritual beings at a significant distance or tell in what direction they are in, allowing them to see different types of hollow's and be more aware of different types of souls in the area. On it's highest level's, it can even allow human's to look into divine level's of spirituality such as Heaven itself, The Realm of Death and other similar places. Though these types of human's are far and in between. For the most part, though, Soul Detection is often used determine another opponents overall energy.

• Powers:
weapon materialization: Iolya can form veareus things out of matter and in combat she useis this to arm her self. things like swords, knifes, or just blades are easy to make. one mite not see this as a really strong abilaty tell she applys her knolage to it. such as if she is fighting a ice user making the blades out of a burning energy insted of metal.

• Pure Abilities: Psychokinesis: it only applys to things she has made but her weapon's can move without them touching them. some exampels of this is like how she adds force to protectials, but she can also use it as a good trap. letting her sword be knocked out of her hand just to later on pull it back to her while her un knowing opponent is not looking.


Sacred Release

• Sacred Release Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Shikai.)

• Sacred Release Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)


Ascended Sacred State

•Ascended Sacred State Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Bankai.)

• Ascended Sacred State Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)

Background History

• Background: Iolya is the fragment of suzu's humanity and has thus inherited the memories of her life. she loves thinking back on the days gone by. of a time when she use to walk the streets of the city as a servant of a noble family. it was so long ago but she can still pitchur the dress stor she use to windo shop. its gouns rich and luxzurius she use to go there offen to look, but rearly buy one. at lest get to go in and buy it her self. she was not sapost be a servent after all so she had to keep up the apperence. she could pick one out and send some one els to buy it no dout, but that was naver the same as walking in and picking out what eaver you want. even more so being abel to where it home and in public.

the towns peopel all loved Iolya. she was alleays such a sweethart and humbel to them. there was a lot of the yunger men that even had a eye for her. it was a long time ago and normaly girls of her age here elagabel for marrage. she was seen by most to be the pirfict potenchel wife. she was a servent to a noble house so cooking and cleening were things she was use to. she was well knone for being nice for eavry one expashley children. taking time out each of her trips to the down to play with them. she did not seem to care if the kids here from a legitimate family or even orfen basterds. she was nice to them all.

when it come to the time of her death there were a lot of the towns peopel trying to free her of all the charges. they argued that there was no way such a sweet girl was part of the hell her master did. but the people of the courts cared not for the pleas of the peasants and only wanted to put all that nightmaer behind them. A survivor stated that Iolya may have taken part in the horrific torture, that she had heard Iolya voice almost the screams of others but did not get hurt by her personally. that was proof enough for them. the fact of Iolya's noble blood was unknown to them, thus she was put to death. Iolyawalked with pride to the chopping block keeping the dignity intact even as the blade shaves her head from the body.


See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills

Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Human Reiatsu Sheet

Power Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Energy Usage/Regeneration: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Energy Resistance/Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Physical Augmentation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Human Reiatsu Sheet
Power Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Energy Usage/Regeneration: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Energy Resistance/Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Physical Augmentation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
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Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:46 pm
- Name: Morgana
- Titles:
- Gender:female
- Appearance Age: 26
- Age:
- Affiliation/Rank: rouge

- Appearance Description: though she is really shy in the inside her dressing are more intimidating. with a mix if red and black lather it gives her an almost biker look. along with the gaps in her garment revealing certain parts of her flesh to help give off the impression. for her its is "dress to what you want to be not how you are." she feel some empowerment in doing this, like she is one step closer to overcoming her shy self that she keeps hiding on the inside.

- Appearance Picture: (If you have one, link a picture of your character.)

- Personality: Morgana has two sides the part that shows and the true self she hides.exturnaly she puts on a hard armor to protect her feelings. she is gole orented constently working to achive her wishis. its almost like a mask around other pwopel she seems strong, faceing any chalange head on happly. but on the inside she is veary shy and fearfull. she hated conflict and most the time just wants to run and hide but knowing that she cant makes her want to cry. Morgana is frendly to peopel but does not really see any one as her friend. friends are peopel that are cloce. she cant afford that as if any one got to know her, the real her thay would see her weekness. the constent fight in her head to not let that part show some times makes her act ilrashonal, or jump the gun.she is allways nurvus around other peopel. not knowing what they really want from her and wanting to just get away from them asap. if Morgana hade it her way she would just stay by her self. lonlyness if her only friend. if she is alone there is no one to juge her. no one to have to hide her self from.
- Likes: solatude

- Dislikes: socalixing

- History: Morgana haveing the memmyrys of the soulsoiaty also knows it was not her doing thos things. she feels inadquit as there was no way she would be capable of going thrue the accadmey. it was fare to inter active with others. she feels if she tryed to do that the only rezult would be a brake down. she does not know how she is so diffrent from the other fragmts. there all so strong willed yet she is so week.

Morgana has a deep disher to change to be as strong as the other. to beabel to do any thing she wants with out any worrying of what will happen. To do this she started forcing her self to do things. she comlely would walks around the soulsoiaty. to help build up tarerence to peopel. On her first walk along she ran in to she kids playing in the streets. seeing her sword thay thught her to be some super cool soulreaper. but Morgana being her shy self found it hard to talk with them with out sturtering .the kids quickly started callking her out on this and picking on her. one of the kids going as far to take her sword away and playing a game of monky in the midle with it. Morgana who was fare to unstable could not deal with this and started crying as she chaced the kids trying to get her sword back. Morgana went home emty handed as she could not recover it.

In the end it was saki how got it back for her. saki making the deal not to tell suzu about her loosing her sword or any of the ordeal if she got to eat the kids. Morgana was ok with any thing as long as she got it back. saki was more than happy to follow her to the kids home and rip them limb from limd .


- Reiatsu Color: black

- Zanpakutô Spirit Name: FallenAgony Akasha

- Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: NA as it does not have a name yet

- Inner World: NA

- Sealed Zanpakutô Apperance : (What does the sword look like when its not released?)

- Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities: (Over the years, Shinigami have evovled to the point where they now have special powers even when sealed. As such, does your character have special ability or power when not released? Try not to go overboard. If you do not have one, just erase this section)

- Release: (What you have to say in order to release into Shikai. Try to be original please!)

- Shikai Description: (Your character or your sword's new appearance. The appearance is totally up to you.)

- Shikai Abilities: (What are the abilities your Shikai has? Do not overpower your shikai.)

- Bankai Description: (You may fill out your Bankai Description, but unless you get staff permission, you may not use your Bankai right off the bat. There are expectations, however.)

- Bankai Abilities: (You may fill out your Bankai Powers, but unless you get staff permission, you may not use your Bankai right off the bat. There are expectations, however.)


General Skills

Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills

Hoho: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Kidō: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Zanjutsu: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Hakuda: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by zetsurin on Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:32 pm
- Name: Efah ( Darkness, gloom.) Gerushah ( Exiled, sent away. )
- Titles:
- Gender: female
- Appearance Age:18
- Age: 800
- Affiliation/Rank: rouge

- Appearance Description: Short hair for that is easier to keep out of her eyes. her dressings looks to be mostly cloth armor as her skin is the primary defense, to the only part that is really has any reinforcement from the garment is her chest area. her boots are a nice leather tightly strapped on to her for stability. Other than that she has the basik resemblance to the others. One thing stands out as her hand shows her self as a hollow. On the same hand where Suzu's hole use to he there is a larg skull like claw.

- Appearance Picture: (If you have one, link a picture of your character.)


- Personality: methodical and conscientiousness: Efah can almost seem OCD at times with her own things. She knows all to well with out organization there is only discord. her thoughts tend to be more systematic. as the looks at each shiuashion quickly determines the best way to deel with it and that the prossess needed to compleat her goal. but it would not be good to confuse her for OCD as she does not need order to every things around her. it is just a standard she keeps for her self.

tactician: it gows alone with methodical. when Efah does any thing its for a resion. no matter how off it is or silly it may be there is allways a goal in mind and she will do her up most to completit. she commenly like to watch people's movement patterns and once she has them down planting traps is a lot easier.

Emotional detachment: To say she is cold hearted would be a lie, its more like she wont let her emotions get in her way. she can achley be quite chear full and kind. but when it comes down to her work she will not let her personal feelings get in the way, no matter what may happen. If a loved one or a good friend tryed to stop her form completing a task Efah would not heasatate to kill them. she would cry for them once the job is done and has the time, but that is all she can really do.

- Likes: organization

- Dislikes: short sighted people, laziness,


- Hollow type: Vasto Lorde
- Hollow Power:
•Cero: powerful spiritual light fired by Menos Grande and Arrancar

•Boom bala: A bala is hardened spiritual pressure. Efah can use them in the conventional way and in a nonconventional way. the nonconventional being like a boom, or more so like a grenade. the hard outer coating of her containing a strong explosive blast inside that can be detonated at will. the applications for this varies but works well for planting traps as one would thin the bala missed yet it would simpley piears the ground lying in white tell the enamy passis over it.

•Enhanced Bala machine gun: her ability to fire Rapid consecutive Bala blasts at the enemy with high energy concentration. capable of firing 150 bala's per second.

•Grand ray cero: Is a Cero that only Espada are capable of using. It is performed by mixing an Espada's own blood with the Cero. The result is a Cero with a much greater attack power and speed as well as a change of color unique to the Espada. It is also many times more powerful than a normal Cero, capable of disturbing the fabric of space, it also seems to spin like a razor upon release as it compresses and decompresses due to the sheer speed and raw power.

•Descorrer: a technique used by Espada-level Arrancar and sometimes others, to open a Garganta between the living world and Hueco Mundo

•Body control:This is just in regard to her appearance and physical form. she controls her body shape and can adjust it to get her environment. one exampel of this is as if she was righting under water she can change the way she breaths. By changing herself to be more fish like gaining gills and fins .

• Arrancar assimilation: She is a fragment of Suzu's hollow self. a large amount of that time was spent as a arrancar and thus tho she is more one she has lost some hollow trats and gaind some of ther Arrancar. Namely Sonido and Hierro but lossed Acid and Garganta asprimary skill.

- Weapons:

•Ernesta ( Resolute,) : Ernesta is in a sence her blood and a Weapon at the same time. from her claw hans she can let her blood flow out.this blood react to her will and takes on the shape she wishes. normaly a scythe but it can mimik any shape she likes. no matter the shape of it the properties don't change. the bloods coagulation make it extremely hard when outside of her body, more so than her own armor skin. that is partly out of need as the only way to get the blood back in to her is to stab part of it in to her. Once this is done she can re liquify it and return it to her bloodstream refining all impurities from it wile doing so. This Weapon is part of her and as such can fire bala's ceros and even grand rey if needed.

•Ossein reaver: this is Efah claw hand. use both as a offensively and defensively. offensively it is very basic in its funshion. useed to strick or slash at her targer. but defensively it can warp she space around it. this bend in space is used to retirect in comming attacts. the warp is not vizable to the eye and thus gives the apperence that the attack mearly bounced off it and is only usable agenst energy that passis thrue the area not phycal matter.

- Background: as the hollow fragment she knows nothing of her human life. for her it all starts as a hollow wolfroaming the lands attacking any in her path. the constant fight to survive and evolve. as a Vasto Lorde playing weak is what made sosuke aizen and all his hollow followers never take an interest in her. For she only showed her true self or power when she found something she wanted that was beneficial to eat. But it was at this time that she learned of another kind of hollow the Arrancar. For her becomeing an arrancar right now would have been an unwise choice. So she stayed a Vasto lorde. But that is not to say she left the arrancar alone. O no that would be passing up an opportunity that her hunger for knowledge simply would not allow her to miss. By showing some skills in manipulation she would convince weaker arrancar to follow her to there demise. Rather she told them that another arrancar wanted to have a one on one fight to see who is stronger or things a bit more lecherous. whatever was needed to get them alone. After that the element of surprise was on her side as they all seen her only as a lesser hollow. The first kill was difficult if it was not for her running him thru the chest before he become aware of her intentions there was no chance she would have wone. By adjusting her energy to react properly to his normal Hierro she cut thru it goodenough. Even after dealing him such a wound the fight lasted over 15 minets tell she emerged victorious. But the power that she gained from eating just one was substantial. It was not a fast prosses as there was a lot of waiting and planning to get an arrancar all alone, but with each passing one it become a lot easyer too kill. When a hollow becomes an arrancar they no longer need to eat souls, they also lose the ability of gaining power by eating souls and other hollows for the most part. But Efah was not an Arrancar and still had this ability, Each of the weak Arrancar she fed on adding to her power greatly and helping her refine herself even further. Tell the point she had the stranth of a normal arrancar... but after that she could not feel her self geting any stronger from eating. after that the memories get fuzzy as she was no longer puer hollow


General Skills

• Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
• General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
• Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
•Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills

•Sonido: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
•Hierro : Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
•Cero/Bala: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
•Regeneration: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
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